Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 764

Chapter 764
Chien Town, an ordinary town that can no longer be ordinary, has no special features worthy of praise except that it is close to war-torn border areas and occasionally becomes a post-war medical area.

But today in history is destined to be a memorable day in Chi'en Town, and it is also destined to be a very lively day.

Because the super genius 'Mo Changge' who is currently causing a sensation in the kingdom will pass by Chi'en Town, stay overnight, take a little rest, get up early the next morning, go to the ancient city of Agung [-] kilometers away, and challenge the Marshal Bone Zun By.

Although Venerable Bone has a fierce reputation and has been famous in the frontier for more than a thousand years, Mo Changge has set off a tour challenge half a year ago. With a perfect record, he became the brightest star in the country.

In the eyes of most people, no one can stop his glory of complete victory and ending, and no one can stop him from going north to the ancient country of Xingluo and becoming a prominent disciple of the closed door of Tianji Pavilion.

It is destined that he will be famous in the world one day, and even take over the important task of protecting the Kingdom of Arbitration after the priest passes away, becoming the new priest of the Kingdom.

Faced with such a super genius who is expected to stand on the top of the pyramid overlooking all beings, such a darling of God with countless halos of glory, how can they not worship wildly, maybe they can't see the day when he stands at the top, but they can follow in his footsteps, It is undoubtedly a great honor to witness the miracle of this tour invitation.

So three months ago, the number of "admirers" following Mo Changge's tour challenge had already reached [-], and now it has soared to [-].

Long before Mo Changge entered Chi'en Town, quite a few of the [-] admirers had already gathered here, occupying a large number of guest rooms.

Their emotions were very excited, the hustle and bustle was like the morning, and there were many discussions. They were eager to witness the last stop in the northeast region of Mo Changge, this crucial battle with turning point.As long as he can defeat Venerable Bone, Mo Changge is equivalent to defeating three-quarters of the top powerhouses in the empire, and entering the Tianji Pavilion is almost a foregone conclusion.

They want to witness the heroic demeanor of Mo Changge, and more importantly, appreciate the demeanor of the frontier Marshal Venerable Bone, and witness the passionate collision between the old and new generations.

Is it Mo Changge who continues to maintain the myth of complete victory, or is Venerable Bone smashing the myth and establishing his demeanor as an old marshal?

People are looking forward to, guessing, and setting up a game of 'joy in a hurry'.

But... Among the more than [-] followers, apart from a large number of admirers, there are also some special existences. For example, there are many people who don't want Mo Changge to create a myth all the way. There are also some countries in Xingluo Ancient Country who don't want Tianji Pavilion to continue to dominate.

All in all, among these [-] followers, there must be at least a few hundred hidden killers and dangerous people waiting for opportunities to destroy, and only a few more.

This is a lively grand ceremony, but also a perilous undercurrent.

In the evening, a crisp cry pierced the dark sky, trembling in all directions, making the atmosphere of the town suddenly hot, like a pot of cold water poured into a boiling oil pan, and in an instant...boiling , rioted.

Countless gazes turned to Yuankong, countless girls screamed excitedly, and countless teenagers waved their pens and cheered.

The momentum was extremely huge, almost like the heroes of the kingdom cheering for their return.

Sitting in the teahouse, Tang Yan was stunned and secretly amazed.Looking at the crowds outside, the excited faces, and the crowded crowd, I couldn't help but think of those star-chasers in the previous life.Whenever foreign superstars come to China, from the airport to the streets, the flow of people is almost full, just like a riot, each of them seems to be unable to control their emotions, and they can't wait to pounce on them and sacrifice themselves directly.

"... Mo Changge... If I kill you, will these people swallow me alive?" Tang Yan laughed silently and shook his head endlessly.

At first, I still admired this super genius in my heart, but looking at the scene in front of me, my evaluation has plummeted. This good tour challenge has completely turned into a 'concert tour'.

Being watched and sought after by thousands, this heavy honor is enough to make him full of vanity and fragile ability to bear. Once he encounters setbacks, he is likely to be depressed and become a mediocrity.

Under the eyes of everyone, under the dim night sky, a gorgeous figure tore through the space and flew towards it at an astonishing speed. Behind it, there were countless strange birds and ferocious birds rushing towards the small town carrying the master. Another batch of followers.

All of a sudden, the whole town was plunged into a boiling sea. The screams and cheers aroused an even more frenzied wave. All the boys and girls wanted to rush up, even those rich ladies sitting in restaurants and elegant rooms in hotels They are also a little dazzled, if not for their different identities, they really want to join the crowd to enjoy this feast of celebration.

call! !

The strong wind howled and the sound was piercing, and the heroic Silver Emperor Sky Eagle hovered and fell in a more magnificent posture. The sound of the eagle almost trembled the space, forming a terrifying sound wave storm, suppressing the cheers and screams of the town.

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle is a third-tier demon venerable, an extremely rare ferocious bird, not only has a ferocious temperament, but also has an indescribably luxurious and gorgeous appearance. At this moment, with its wings spread out, its head held high, its eyes are cold, and there is a sense of disdain for the world His dominance and ferocity are enough to make any venerable's heart skip a beat.

On its back, an equally handsome man stands proudly, his face is as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face is extremely handsome.The long hair is fluffy and uninhibited, but the sparkle in the indifferent eyes makes people dare not underestimate it, and the tight cheeks look rebellious and strong.

It's just that the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, which adds a contemptuous meaning to his strong and unruly posture, as if he has absolute confidence and can cope with all the difficulties in the world.

The handsome man and the celestial eagle of the god steed complement each other, not only making countless women fascinated and lost their minds, but even most men feel dejected and feel that their fate is unfair to them.

"He is Mo Changge, Mo Changge who is loved by thousands of people." Victoria sat opposite Tang Yan's tea table, looking at the figure standing proudly on the top of the tower: "Handsome, calm, temperamental, powerful, He has status and has a better future, such a man is rare in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is God's favorite."

"It's a pity that it's too insolent."

"He has the capital to be arrogant. He shattered everyone's doubts with his heyday record. Even in this confrontation with Venerable Bone, the outside casinos overwhelmingly supported him." Victoria glanced at Tang Yan and whispered: "You You should be able to see how extraordinary he is, are you still sure now?"

"Have you brought the information I want?"

"It's all here." Victoria pushed a delicate jade tablet in front of Tang Yan: "Inject spiritual power, the information will be imprinted into your consciousness, and this jade tablet will shatter on its own."

Tang Yan didn't verify it on the spot, so as to avoid any hidden tricks in it, and said half-jokingly but seriously: "Is this information really reliable? Are you planning to kill me afterwards, so you randomly found me a false information? "

Victoria smiled: "The Eye of the Sky can last thousands of years and be prosperous and immortal. It is undeniable that it has done some dark things, but the overall reputation is still worthy of trust. We do business with integrity. Besides, I don't know your identity. If you randomly pointed out a place that happened to be visited by you, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Tang Yan put it away casually: "How many guardians are there around him?"

"You said it, you don't need any help from us, everything is done by yourself."

Tang Yan looked at her with raised eyebrows, and repeated again: "How many guardians are there around him, I mean the guardians in the dark."

"Okay, okay, you are really not funny. This time the challenge is very important. The royal family has sent many strong people to guard secretly, and clean up possible hidden dangers by the way. Among them is the royal guard commander, semi-holy Strong - Brooklyn!"

Tang Yan felt the energy of heaven and earth around the town: "He hasn't arrived yet?"

"Of course we won't let him show up. We made some accidents on the way and deliberately attracted his attention. It's a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Brooklyn is currently leading the generals to track down false information. The location is about [-] kilometers away, half an hour Will you come over, you have enough time to deal with Mo Changge.

But don't be careless, Mo Changge is not easy to mess with, and the battle pet Silver Emperor Sky Eagle beside him is even more difficult to mess with, and the two third-tier Martial Venerables who are secretly guarding are difficult characters. "

"As long as you don't sneak up on me afterwards, I will leave alive." Tang Yan spoke unceremoniously, and left the tea table after drinking tea: "Prepare your 'final payment' and give it to me afterwards, don't play tricks on me, I If you get angry, you can do anything."

"I wish you success." With a smile on her face, Victoria raised her teacup as a signal, her eyes shifted, and she cast her eyes on Mo Changge who was in the sky, nodding slightly without a trace. All the shadow team members disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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