Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 765: Silver Emperor Sky Sculpture

Chapter 765: Silver Emperor Sky Sculpture
After Mo Changge accepted the town's cheers, his bright eyes looked at the ancient city of Agung in the sky. With a sneer, he jumped off the tower and walked straight to the pre-booked hotel, completely ignoring the cheers and screams that filled the city.

This place has been surrounded and guarded by the border guards who arrived in advance to block the boiling crowd around.

"How are you getting ready?" A young girl in Tsing Yi walked into the guest room, with a petite figure, delicate features, crystal clear body, and vivid and deep eyes.

She is very beautiful, and has a rare spirituality, a delicate purity.

Mo Changge showed a rare smile: "Sister Feiyu, don't worry, I am completely sure to defeat the bone and make him admit that the arbitration kingdom is not the old man's world."

The girl in Tsing Yi had a calm expression, like a snow lotus flower that won't bloom: "It's good that you have confidence, but Venerable Bone is not someone else, and he also made it clear that your glory will stop here."

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle returned to the size of a hunting falcon, and said: "The Venerable Bone is the strongest in the northern border, and he claims to be able to attack the semi-sacred within a hundred years. He has been in the battlefield all year round, has rich combat experience, and is best at defeating the strong with the weak. What do you think?" To defeat him, you need to be careful everywhere."

The girl in Tsing Yi said: "I just got a message from the Heavenly Secret Pavilion. They will pay close attention to this battle and record all the details. If you perform perfectly, the Heavenly Secret Pavilion will officially accept you, and you don't need to challenge other areas .

Once your reputation is known and your strength is recognized by all parties, there is no need to show it too much. If this continues, it will add a lot of danger.The earlier you enter the Tianji Pavilion, the better you can receive the training. "

"Will Tianji Pavilion send elders over to watch the battle?" Mo Changge was refreshed, his eyes sparkling brightly.

"I carry a memory crystal ball with me. It will record the entire battle and send it back to the Heavenly Secret Pavilion afterwards. You must perform well this time. Whether you can enter the Heavenly Secret Pavilion depends on your performance in this battle."

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle looked at the girl in Tsing Yi and said: "This should be the result of the communication between the royal family and the Tianji Pavilion. This tour challenge has attracted widespread attention. There are not a few forces trying to destroy it. Ending it as soon as possible will avoid danger."

"Sister Feiyu, who is the elder in Tianji Pavilion who is in charge of guiding me?"

"It's my mentor, the first deputy pavilion master, Qingyun sage."

"Doesn't that mean that we will be brothers and sisters in the future? According to our seniority, shouldn't I be called Senior Sister?" Mo Changge did not hide his infatuated look at all, and was confident that his talent and appearance could win this Tianji Pavilion The favor of the descendants of the 'seven geniuses'.

But at this moment, the entire hotel and even the ancient town vibrated violently, the walls were covered with cracks, dust swished down, and the noisy crowd outside was in an uproar, and there were screams, this time it was not cheering, is clearly terrified.

A dark black wooden coffin stands like a tombstone at the main entrance of the hotel. It is seven or eight meters high and two or three meters wide. Most of the broken stone slabs are inserted into the ground. It is dark and without any color, and it looks gloomy , On the top of the black coffin, a man in black squatted on it, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, staring coldly at the guest room on the top floor. "Mo Changge, I have a gift for you, do you dare to take it?"

"You bastard, how dare you send the coffin, you're tired of work!!" The three venerables guarding in the dark felt very unlucky, roared proudly, and soared into the sky. The momentum of the shore rushed down in anger.

In all directions, dozens of generals appeared.Clang clang clang, sword in hand, bang bang bang, the ground shattered, like wolves rising violently, they all charged towards the top of the black coffin, their killing momentum soaring into the sky.

The action in an instant aroused a shocking momentum, causing the surrounding crowd to retreat in shock.

"Mo Changge, today only you can take over the black coffin. If others come forward, there is only one end...Death!!" Tang Yan let out a cold cry, raised his palm and slammed on the top of the black coffin.

hum! !A wave of cyan ripples swept across the black coffin. In an instant, the pitch-black coffin boomed and exploded until it reached a height of 30 meters. The Venerable and dozens of Martial King warriors slammed to the ground with horrific screams as if struck by lightning.

That scene was like being hit by an invisible heavy hammer in the air, hitting all the attackers, bang bang bang, they hit the ground firmly, turning the falling area into a deep pit, and the scarlet Blood and glaring bones.

All were torn apart and died on the spot, even their souls were blasted to death.

Almost at the same time, within a range of hundreds of meters around the black coffin, all the buildings collapsed, the ground sank suddenly, and hideous cracks spread rapidly.

The strange thing is that because of the gravity, there is no dust and mist flying up, no gravel splashing up, just like an invisible hand of God blasting down in the air.

Regardless of the building or the crowd, all collapsed, tragically.

The crowd in the distance was horrified, their pupils dilated, their mouths opened wide, and they completely stayed in place. A chill ran from their heels to their foreheads, and their backs were chilly. Even Victoria, who was watching the battle with a smile in the distance, stood up in horror.

Is this a gravity field?How terrifying gravity is needed to kill the Venerable in an instant, ten thousand catties?One hundred thousand catties?Hundreds of thousands of catties?

"Presumptuous!! Arrogant junior, die!" The sharp chirping of the carvings sent out ear-piercing sound waves, and a gigantic monster shattered into the ruins, resisting the powerful suppression and blasting into the sky.

It is the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle, fighting at high altitude, roaring at night, illuminated by colorful rays of light, with extended wings, ten meters tall, sharp claws, amazing killing power, vigorous body, bright rays of light, inherent majesty, cold eyes Ling Lie, entrenched in the sky, is like a supreme overlord, overlooking his subjects, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

There was a deafening whistling, and colorful rays of light swept across the sky like a vast ocean, and patches of clouds rumbled and accumulated, thick and dense, and countless thunder and lightning converged, interweaving into a giant thunder group as thick as a giant cylinder.

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle was extremely domineering, with a murderous intent, and with a roar, it shot down from a high altitude, with a terrifyingly fast speed, and infinite terror was stirred up in its splendor.

The high-altitude thunder group suddenly lost control, and with its critical strike, it slashed down from the high altitude, and there was a gust of wind that swept across. This is Tianshi, this is Tianwei.

There was a thunderous bang, and the whole town trembled, causing hundreds of thousands of people to tremble.

The speed of the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle was comparable to that of Lei Qun, and it crashed down at the same speed, directly hitting Tang Yan on the black coffin.The colorful mist and intertwined thunder clusters are violent and shocking, and the scene is like a dazzling meteorite.

The sound was terrifying.

Tang Yan's eyes were bright, he clasped the black coffin, his throat rolled, his tongue screamed, his black hair fluttered, and he proudly shot into the air against the terrifying Silver Emperor Sky Eagle and Thunder Group.

Just as the two sides were violently attacking, Tang Yan's figure suddenly turned around, and the black coffin was slammed towards the sky by the wheel. The action was extremely wild, and the scene was very terrifying.

boom! !

The coffin hit the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle head-on, and the black mist collided with the colorful mist. Immediately afterwards, raging thunderstorms tilted, like two giant waves colliding, or like a high-speed train colliding head-on.

Terrible shock waves swept across both sides, and the sky trembled wildly. The tragic coercion caused cracks in all the buildings in the town, and many statues collapsed on the spot. Countless people screamed to the end, and some passed out directly.

Intertwined for a short period of time, a shocking energy storm exploded at high altitude, completely obscuring the sight of the whole city, making the dark night full of light, and the violent collision shock wave centered on the town, sweeping in all directions.

In the distant ancient city of Agung, the old master suddenly opened his eyes and stared in the direction of Chi'en Town. The Venerable Bone who was in seclusion also woke up at the same time.

In just a short moment, the turbulent glow passed here, and then there was a violent collision sound wave, which alarmed more powerful warriors.

Victoria stood in the restaurant full of cracks, her golden curly hair was blown by the gust of wind, hitting the golden barrier around her body, the willow eyebrows under the mask were slightly frowned, a strange solemnity flashed in her eyes, and a big question mark flashed In my mind, who is this person? !

"What happened?" The scattered warriors climbed up one after another, looking at the sky in horror, the area was almost distorted, and they couldn't see the situation clearly.

Recalling the previous scene, the thunderstorm group triggered by the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle was really terrifying and shocked the mind, but the scene of the man in black heading straight up was even more thrilling.

Compete with the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle for speed?Compete with the rioting thunder group?
Who the fuck is this?How dare you fight head-on with the third-order demon master?

"Mo Changge, I hear you clearly. Only you can take this coffin today. If others take it randomly, you will be killed without mercy!" The black mist suddenly drowned out the colorful rays of light, and a huge black coffin fell into the sky, shattering the ground Deeply inserted into the ground, the terrifying gravity field swept across all directions again, forcing the awakened people to roll and crawl back.

The people watching the battle from a distance were completely stunned, because on the top of the black coffin, the mysterious man in black was safe and sound, standing with his hands behind his back facing the strong wind, while the heroic and mighty Silver Emperor Eagle was lying dying in a pool of blood, apparently venting his anger. More intake and less intake.

(End of this chapter)

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