Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 769

Chapter 769
Tang Yan sits on the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle and skims over the snow-capped mountains at high speed. The speed is as fast as lightning that tears the clouds, and it is very smooth and stable. Abnormally handsome and heroic.

No wonder so many people want to own such a mount.

In the depths of the snow-capped mountain, in the winding valley where the six-winged purple-scaled python is entrenched, the bloodstains and corpses have been buried by layers of snow. Few parts are exposed on the snow surface.

The scene inside the cauldron has also returned to calm. It is different from the original ray of light, and also different from the initial blood rolling. Everything is so calm that it can no longer be calm. Frozen, at first glance, it looks like a pot of light red water frozen.

But starting from noon today, a crackling sound began to come out of the silent and frozen bloody water, which woke up the sleeping six-winged purple scale python.

From noon to evening, and now late at night, the fragmentation has become more frequent, has extended to the surface of the ice, and the dark cauldron.

The six-winged purple scale python forcibly smashed the cauldron, releasing Li Yi who was frozen inside.

As if reborn from a cocoon, she was completely naked, her skin was as white as jade, with a faint blush, and even her figure seemed to have shrunk a bit. At four or five years old, she seemed to have a body of only two or three years old.

He just lay curled up on the snow like a newborn baby.

The six-winged purple-scaled python couldn't detect Li Yi's reality, and didn't know if his mind had changed, so he took him back to the depths of the valley, curled up and guarded it.

In the middle of the night, Tang Yan came through the sky on the Yinhuang Tiandiao.

The sky eagle suddenly let out a clear whistle, like a clang of metal and stone, showing its murderous intent, the two-winged ice dragon, Biaoshe's body suddenly turned straight down, and its sharp steel claws slammed down on the scaled python in the valley.

Ow! !
"Silver Emperor Sky Eagle?!" The six-winged purple-scaled python was alarmed. In an instant, the wave of hissing sound shook the mountains, and the giant body rose up.

On the other hand, he shook his wings quickly and flew towards the distance.

Eagles and pythons are natural enemies!

As soon as they met each other, they couldn't help but aroused killing intent, glared at each other, and attacked angrily, wishing to tear each other apart and swallow their flesh and soul.

"Six-winged purple-scaled python, you are so tired! Tear it up!" Tang Yan who fell into the valley suddenly let out a roar, letting the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle kill the six-winged purple-scaled python.

Because under the gust of wind, all the snow rose to the sky, and he actually saw the stiff corpses all over the village, as well as shattered frozen blood clots.

"You're back?" The six-winged purple-scaled python was stunned, it was such a tiny gap, the Yinhuangtian carving came through the air, like an overturned cannonball, and slammed down fiercely, its sharp claws pinched on it precisely Behind him, the tough scale armor was pierced, almost piercing through.

Roaring, the scale python screamed, struggling wildly, its thick and huge body tightly wrapped around the body of the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle, its strength was terrifying, and it resisted crazily. build up.

Tang Yan fell to the ground, looking at the frozen corpses of Li Zige and others, a burst of anger shot straight into his head, and he glared at the six-winged scale python fiercely: "I asked you to protect Shicun, but you actually killed them all!! Really! I won't come back? Kill!!"

"I didn't..." Just as the six-winged scale python was about to explain, the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle tore its huge body and rushed to the sky. The martial arts displayed under the madness of the python.But... the Silver Emperor Heavenly Eagle is a third-tier demon venerable, completely suppressing it by a level, and it is also the nemesis of natural enemies.

The thunderstorm in the sky rioted, and the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle was domineering and ferocious, raging and attacking in the thunder group, screaming fiercely, constantly tearing the majestic body of the six-winged scale python, its wings were like steel blades, constantly waving, tearing The body of the python wrapped around the body.

The battle between eagles and pythons and natural enemies was brutal and bloody. The sounds of eagles and pythons were piercing and tragic.

Tang Yan searched for Li Yi's figure in the snowdrift.

As long as the little guy keeps his breath, he should have a chance to save his life.

According to Victoria's information, the person who accepts the saint's inheritance is likely to be Li Zige's little baby Li Yi, and the demon saint who eats the dragon loach will also reappear in the world!
This is what Tang Yan wants, it is the dragon-eating loach!
Even if you can't control it personally, you should try your best to make friends and become a powerful help in the future!
Dragon-eating loach, dragon-eating loach, you can imagine it just by its name, it is simply the nemesis of the dragon clan, and it can help you better stimulate the power of the candle dragon in the demon spirit veins!
"...Uncle..." An immature and weak call came from a twisted corner in the depths of the valley. Tang Yan followed the sound and saw a little doll curled up, trembling slightly, sitting on a snowdrift Here, he looked at himself steadily.

His eyes were empty, pale, and dull, and under the reflection of snow and moonlight, they looked a little strange and even more pitiful.

"Li Yi?" Tang Yan cheered up, and rushed over, calling for a cotton robe to wrap him tightly: "How are you?"

"...Uncle..." Li Yi was very weak and in a trance, just looking at him so firmly, with a dazed expression and a bit of pain looming.

"I didn't kill the villagers of Shicun!" A painful and urgent scream came from high above the sky, and there was a bit of panic. The six-winged purple scale python finally got a chance and roared hoarsely: "All the villagers in Shicun cut off their arteries by themselves. Li Yi was baptized with blood, all of them committed suicide, I was the one who guarded Li Yi all the time... ah..."

Accompanied by a scream, the anxious roar came to an abrupt end, and the huge body of the purple-scaled python fell from a high altitude, and with a loud bang, it fell into the valley, as if it had been devastated by hobs and thorns all over its body. For a while, no one survived from head to toe, all were bloody and bloody, exposing thick bones.

The blood stained the snow red, which was horrible.

The Yinhuang Tiandiao was ferocious in nature. When Chi Enzhen challenged Tang Yan, he was just unprepared and was directly knocked out by a coffin. At this moment, it was like venting his depression and pouring all his anger on the six-winged scale python.

With a scream, it flew down into the air, sucked fiercely, trying to swallow the half-conscious purple scale python into its abdominal cavity.

"Wait!" Tang Yan stopped the Yinhuang Tiandiao, and was about to ask Li Yi, but the little baby tilted his head and fainted in Tang Yan's arms.

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle hesitated for a moment, Tang Yan snorted coldly, his tongue burst into golden light, and the domineering Buddha's light turned into a roaring lion, pounced towards the sky, the sound of the lion's roar swept across the valley, and the thick snow All turned into snow powder and scattered in all directions.

"Today is just a lesson, don't disobey my orders again." Tang Yan's eyes were a little cold, warning the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle.

The Silver Emperor Heavenly Eagle screamed upwards, flipped and fought at high altitude, suppressing the anger in its body, but finally gave up on hunting the purple scale python with six wings.

The six-winged purple-scaled python fell not far from Tang Yan, dying, one eye was brutally torn off by the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle, and the other one eye was full of resentment and fear.

Tang Yan checked Li Yi's situation: "Tell me what happened."

The six-winged purple scale python said weakly: "On the second day after you left, this little boy collapsed and fell into a coma for ten days and ten nights. The villagers were helpless. On the 11th day, this little boy woke up , but his speech and behavior were a little weird, and he said something even weirder."

"What kind of words?"

"The extreme of death is life, and only destruction can give birth. He intends to sever the inheritance of the entire contracted family, and let the contracted family go to destruction. In this destruction, only one person survives, called the new life."

"What do you mean?" "He wants to baptize himself with the blood of the whole village, use the death of all the villagers to stimulate the dusty spiritual power, and urge the inheritance of the awakened saint."

Tang Yan looked at Li Yi who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, and slowly frowned.Victoria was right, the inheritance of the sage Li Bing had been awakened in this generation, and it was still in this little doll.

But... is it the inheritance or the remnant soul of the saint who is awakened? Is the current Li Yi Li Yi himself, or a body that has been occupied by Li Bing?

Tang Yan didn't feel any sadness for Shicun. The villagers have been ignorant for 3000 years, conservative and bullied for 3000 years, and endured humiliation for 3000 years. Using their own blood to promote the rebirth of their ancestors, they have no complaints.

On their level, this is the blood for the second rise of the ethnic group, which can be said to be a long-awaited and long-awaited one.

But Li Yi is just a four or five-year-old child, would he understand that?Will there be resentment?Will the temperament be distorted?
Tang Yan recruited some messy little spirit source liquid from the golden lock, and handed it to the weak six-winged purple scale python to restore it to its normal state.

At this moment, the strong wind howling and reverberating in the valley sent an erratic howling sound, like a fierce battle, which aroused Tang Yan's vigilance.Then, another direction also sent roaring sounds along with the strong wind, floating back and forth in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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