Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 770 Ashes

Chapter 770 Ashes (1)

"Go and see what's going on." Tang Yan motioned to the Yinhuang Tiandiao, and continued to investigate Li Yi's condition, carefully stimulating his mind, trying to wake it up.

"The sage Li Bing is about to return, and the Arbitration Kingdom is going to be in chaos again." The six-winged purple scale python's eyes were complicated. At this moment, he had already thought of the possibility that it didn't want to believe. The contract about to rise..." Tell me about the rebellion 3000 years ago, and the sage Lee disease."

"When Li Bing raised his flag to rebel, my mother was not even born, and my grandmother was only in the Demon King Realm. I don't know the details or comprehensively. I can only say what I know." While recuperating from his injuries, he began to introduce the events of the year to Tang Yan, focusing on the saint Li Bing.

Li Bing is gloomy, ambitious, ruthless and ruthless, and likes to take risks. As an individual, he is not perfect, but it is undeniable that his strength and dominance have led the entire ethnic group to unprecedented glory, making this special The group is infinitely close to the peak throne of the kingdom.

The rebellion that year caused disasters in the kingdom, with numerous casualties and more extensive entanglements. Even hundreds of thousands of monsters participated in the war because of the contract.

Li Bing can be said to be the sinner of the disaster, but in the original era, he was once the object of fanatical pursuit of the contracted family and even many families in the kingdom, and his influence and deterrence covered more than half of the kingdom.As a result, the name of the saint has not been extinguished for a thousand years after the rebellion.

He is not actually a saint, but he is honored as a saint.

He is not a saint, but he subdued and controlled the evil demon, the holy food dragon loach, and let him become a veritable guardian, fighting all over the kingdom.

Tang Yan had to admit that this was a heroic figure.But after some understanding, it can be roughly guessed that after 3000 years, it is impossible for Li Bing, who is not really a "sage" to be reborn, and what is left can only be blood. Inheritance is reappeared, and the spiritual brand is reappeared.

Mostly fusion, not replacement.

Tang Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and also made a decision - no matter what, keep Li Yi!

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle came back quickly, hovering high in the sky, and said urgently: "Something has happened, the army of Agong City is everywhere, at least a million people. In the north, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and the old master of the ancient city is in charge. In the south, there are 40 generals, led by Brooklyn, the commander of the Royal Guards. In the east, there are [-] generals, led by the old marshal Venerable Bone and many generals under his command. In the west, there are more than [-] soldiers, which is Tianji Pavilion. several elders.

They advanced very fast, had already killed all the monsters that blocked them, and were approaching this area, and it was estimated... that they would be able to form an encirclement within two sticks of incense. "

"Come fast enough!" Tang Yan stood up, his face darkened, and his eyes were full of fear.

The flags are flying, the drums are like thunder, and the soldiers are like a tide. In the east, more than [-] border troops spread out like a vast ocean, extending more than ten kilometers, striding forward with neat steps. The scene is magnificent and magnificent. The prestige of the iron-blooded army pervades the snow-capped mountains.

The group of monsters and beasts in the snow mountain all fled in panic, and even the wind and snow all over the sky seemed to be a little suppressed, and they were no longer so manic and fierce.

The moonlight falls on the mountains, and under the reflection of the snow, the whole mountains are like daytime.

The old marshal with a stern face, sitting on a mammoth, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, was full of murderous intent, and his bright and cold eyes swept the snow-whistling mountains, searching for any suspicious traces.

The fierce generals under his command were full of murderous intent, fully on guard, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

The news of Chi'en Town caused a very violent turmoil, which ignited a wave of discussion in Agung City overnight, and everyone sighed.Mo Changge's miracle ended here. A mysterious man made a strong move and swept the audience with unparalleled ferocity. He first defeated the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle, then Mo Changge, and finally beheaded the guardian of the royal family in front of the whole town.

It was simply unrivaled. The almost killing of three third-tier dignitaries caused indescribable shock. However, Mo Changge's glory in the past six months actually pushed the reputation of the mysterious man to its peak.

Perhaps the rumors may be a bit exaggerated, but the deaths and injuries of the three third-tier Martial Venerables are enough to arouse fear and suspicion in all parties.What's more, before this happened, this mysterious man once defeated the old master's shadow slave in Agung City.

However, they were not afraid. With 40 soldiers and nine powerful generals, even if they stood still and let him slaughter them, they would still be able to drain his spiritual power.

No matter how strong he is, he is still Wu Zun after all!

A sharp cry came from the distant sky where the wind and snow were whistling. The sound waves were sharp and harsh, with strong penetrating power, sweeping across the mountains, causing the snow on the mountains to blow up, and twisting and breaking the swirling wind. The world was suddenly covered by this endless snow tide.

"Here we come!! All the ministries are on alert!" All the generals shouted loudly, the accumulated spiritual power surged out, and all kinds of martial arts were fully displayed.

40 soldiers were neatly crossing their swords on guard, with murderous intent, thousands of martial kings were in the air, and all nine martial masters were filled with vigorous spiritual power.

Although the team was huge, it showed amazing efficiency and formed a wall-like defensive camp in a short period of time.

"Is it the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle?!" Venerable Bone stared coldly at Yuan Kong, under the wind and snow raging sky, a heroic giant eagle pierced through the air, with thousands of lightning wires wrapped around his body, making him look even more ferocious.That scene was like a group of thunder coming head-on.

"How did it come here? Didn't it mean that it was almost smashed to death?"

"It looks like it's... coming for us?"

Many generals frowned and clenched their war halberds and steel knives tightly. They felt a strong sense of oppression. The fierce reputation of the third-level demon master was like a stone on their hearts, and they couldn't breathe.

"Kill!!" Venerable Bone suddenly roared, and the eight great warriors who were ready to go all rose to the sky, fearless, brave and domineering, and swung their sabers in turn, setting off a surging energy storm, heading towards them The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle blasted away.

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle quickly surpassed the lightning, and broke into the encirclement of the Eight Great Martial Masters in an instant.But in the blink of an eye, it burst into the sky with an extremely smooth and gorgeous posture, completely disappearing from sight.

All the Martial Venerables were all thrown into the air, a sense of confusion and vigilance grew in their hearts, at this moment, a terrifying gravity suppressed the overwhelming envelope, like a vast ocean pouring down from the sky, sweeping thousands of meters away, covering everything The Eight Great Martial Lords.

In the sky where the wind and snow were whistling, a huge black shadow fell rapidly, and the oppressive force soared rapidly, directly soaring from ten thousand catties to one hundred thousand catties.

"Yeah!" The Eight Great Martial Lords resisted desperately, with bruised veins all over their bodies and protruding blood vessels all over their faces, and they clenched their front teeth, but... as the giant black shadow crashed down from in front of them, it crushed them with a force of [-] catties It's like high mountains, leading them to the ground abruptly.

Boom boom boom!
The giant dark iron black coffin fell on the snow mountain, causing violent tremors, cracks appeared in all the snow mountains in all directions, causing a full-scale avalanche, and the thick snow rushes down like a torrent, devouring the soldiers.

The eight Martial Venerables fell to the ground following the Xuantie Black Mountain. Except for the three second-rank Martial Venerables standing in front of them, the other five all lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

One hundred thousand catties of gravity is not an ordinary weight.

The eight venerables raised their heads in horror and stared at the top of the black coffin, but... a piercing sound came from the end of the sky, making their pupils condense like needles at this moment.

A giant sculpture entangled in lightning broke through the air, it was the Silver Emperor Heavenly Eagle!

"Escape!!" The eight hissed and shrieked, dodging and retreating desperately.However, the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle is coming fiercely, and its speed is even more astonishing, it can be called the most extreme speed under the half saint!

And at this moment, Tang Yan suddenly revoked the gravitational suppression of the black iron black coffin. The eight Martial Lords were caught off guard and lost control on the spot, rolling and thrown out. Circle, and rushed to the sky with the five venerables.

Click!The bird's beak was opened and closed, and the sharp claws were clenched tightly. The bodies of the five first-order venerables were all shattered, blood was scattered all over the sky, and the screams of evil ghosts resounded in the sky.

The audience gasped, their faces turned pale, and they looked at the handsome and cruel figure in horror, and took two steps back in unison.

"Honorable Bone, you and I have no grievances, get out of the way, and I will return your five generals, otherwise... I don't mind slaughtering these 40 soldiers, including you." Tang Yan stood on the top of the black iron coffin, three Jie Wuzun's aura spread out completely.

The remnants of five first-rank Martial Venerables fell to the top of the black coffin one after another. They were dying, and before they could struggle, they were all put into golden locks by Tang Yan, guarded by a seriously injured six-winged purple scale python.

"You came back from the depths of the snow-capped mountains. There are no people in the original address of Shicun. Half a month ago, someone persecuted the inspector in Shicun." Venerable Bone was expressionless. He was used to killing and was not affected by the cruel scene. Looking at Tang Yan coldly: "If there is no accident, the result of the combination of these three pieces of are the person from Shicun half a month ago! The people in Shicun are also hidden by you!"

"That's right, Shicun is on me. But you are not qualified to take it away from me, get out of the way, I don't want to be your sworn enemy." Venerable Bone remains unmoved: "The one you handed over Shicun Little baby, we can let the rest of the people in Shicun go, and we can also let you leave the Arbitration Kingdom."

"If you say that... there is no need to talk about it anymore. I think you were ready to die on the battlefield the day you joined the army. Today, I will fulfill your long-cherished wish for many years." Xuan Xuan under Tang Yan's feet The iron black coffin shrank sharply, becoming half the size of a human being, suspended in mid-air, and exerting strong gravity to suppress it.

"Kill!" Venerable Bone gave an order, and the three surviving Wu Zun fought towards the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle entrenched in the sky. The 40 soldiers quickly changed their formation, forming a posture similar to that of a crane spreading its wings.

The number of 40 soldiers is huge, and it will take some time to get all of them in place, but as the formation begins to spread, a vast ocean-like trend quietly gathers, just like countless rivers are converging towards an area. Into a vast ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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