Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 83 The Tang Family Butcher

Chapter 83 The Tang Family Butcher
"It's a great honor to be able to learn the Tang family's martial arts!" The four major martial arts sects of Lingwang's mansion made a concerted effort, brazenly attacking Tang Ba and Tang Hao.

Tang Ba immediately fell into a state of berserk. As the most ferocious of the five butchers, his madness was more violent than monsters. The huge flaming eagle shadow roared and impacted, the galloping magma shot up into the sky, and the flame knife slashed wantonly.

The three Tang Family Wujue blasted out without distinction, the violent momentum made many 'spectators' scalps go numb, and even the angry cursing subsided a lot.

Tang Hao used to be a notorious mercenary leader, and he was equally unscrupulous in what he did. Anyway, he has been expelled from the house, and Mr. Tang's intentions are obvious, so go crazy!Go completely crazy!Let this Giant Elephant City be as powerful as the Tang family's martial arts!
The huge wings took her to rush forward, and all along the way, the intense flames bombarded and burned the sky and the earth, and the sky and the earth were full of flames.

Many residents of Giant Elephant City wailed and begged, and some passed out directly.Our home, the butcher of the Tang family!

King Wu of the Four Great Palaces refused to give in. A middle-aged woman pushed out with a palm, which turned into a huge animal claw, and slammed at Tang Hao fiercely. An old man even turned into a huge seven-colored lightsaber, and slashed at Tang Hao in the air. eight.The other two Martial Kings sealed off the two sides, and thunderbolts smashed down the air like chains, and the sound of rolling demons sounded like shouts from hell.

The Four Great Martial Kings went crazy together, and their earth-shattering power almost buried the Giant Elephant City!
The audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were attracted by this rare collision of King Wu.

"Tang Qing, you old bald man, where did you die!" Tang Ba was quickly chopped hundreds of meters away by the colorful lightsaber, and the sky thunder and magic sound rolled over immediately, almost killing him.

Although Tang Ba and Tang Hao were brave, they couldn't resist the fury of the Four Great Martial Kings. What's more, this old man who turned into a colorful beam of light turned out to be a second-rank Martial King just like himself!
"Here we come! Haha, old man, I'm not being polite. The iron-sharpened heavy knife is a gift to appease me! Boys, take the knife from grandpa, and the flames will strike seven times!" The excited roar exploded in the depths of the Tang mansion. A huge shadow of the sword shot up into the sky, crushing a large number of mansions, extending for hundreds of meters, when the sword came out, the heavens and the earth were frightened, chopping straight down, and the wind and clouds rolled.

Containing seven times the power of superimposition, as a first-rank martial king, he erupted a terrorist attack that made the faces of the second-rank martial kings turn pale.

The sword light is huge and magnificent, but its speed is astonishing, and it arrives in an instant!

The old man who turned into a colorful lightsaber went forward, but he was spitting blood and flew backwards.

"Hiss!" Even Tang Qing was shocked by the effect of this knife. Grinding iron is grinding iron.

"Hehe, Xiaoqing's knife is not bad! Brother, come to my mother!" Tang Hao's fire wings fluttered, broke away from the woman's entanglement, disappeared in an instant, and appeared behind the old man who was chopped off, with a smirk on his beautiful face. Spread over face.

"Be careful!" The faces of the other three King Wu changed drastically.

"Be careful with yourselves, watch the knife!" Tang Ba and Tang Qing went crazy, comparable to the cooperation of two second-rank martial kings, and suppressed the three of them on the spot.

"Shadow Wings!" Tang Hao's cold and coquettish scream resounded through the sky, and the huge fire shadow surged up, but it condensed into a palm-sized hunting bird in an instant, and was compressed violently in an instant, what terrifying penetrating power it would contain

Pooh!The seven-colored lightsaber trembled violently, and was pierced by the fire bird. The brilliance was shattered abruptly, and the old man let out a miserable scream, his whole body was bloody.But before he could get mad, the disappearing Firebird suddenly turned back. At this moment, it exploded, like an explosion compressed to the extreme, and destructive power swept across the sky.The old man made defenses at the most dangerous moment, but he still couldn't withstand the terrible explosion, and was directly blasted into the sky, disappearing completely in the blink of an eye.

"My mother, this crazy woman is so cruel!"

"Which one of the butchers of the Tang family is a good stubble?"

Many aristocratic family priests grinned and inhaled, their faces trembling.

"Haha, there are three more, there are three more! Kill!" Tang Ba's spirit was lifted up, and the attack suddenly went berserk.

Tang Qing frantically danced the sharpened heavy knife, roaring excitedly: "Wow, it's so cool! I'm actually killing people in Lingwang's mansion, wow, it's better than being a fucking woman!"

"Come on old lady, straighten your head to welcome my sweet kiss, giggling!" Leaving behind a series of silver bell-like smiles, Tang Hao rushed to the battlefield at an astonishing speed, but the hideousness in the laughter made everyone's hair stand on end .

The three butchers teamed up, each with terrifying specialties, and instantly suppressed the three princes Wu Wang!
Chang Tianzhu's face was livid, and he was trembling with anger, these bastards of the Tang family are deceiving people too much!To kill is to kill. What does this vulgar curse mean?
Tang Yanshan was expressionless: "Don't look at me, they are not my Tang family, and they have nothing to do with me! They can kill whoever they like, and they can scold them however they like. none of my business!"


"Don't get excited, use a metaphor."

On the high platform in the distance, Zhou Linglu gritted her silver teeth and glared fiercely at Tang Ba and the others who were furious. No wonder a bastard like Tang Yan could be born. It turns out that the Tang family is all the same.

The envoy sent by Zhou Linglu arrived quietly at the place where the Yang family and the Li family gathered.

"The princess hopes that everyone can help."


"It's now, as long as Tang Bayi is dragged out."

"It's not that we don't help, it's because there is an agreement first, and the Tang family dares to make a move, they will intercept it. We are helpless in other aspects. Tang Ba and the others are no longer part of the Tang family, so we have no reason to make a move."

"But if Tang Yan escapes, I'm afraid you will be frightened too?"

"Hehe, there is no need to threaten, we will only act according to the agreement, unless"

"Unless what?"

"You can offer better conditions."

They are smarter than each other, far more thoughtful than a little girl like Zhou Linglu. The current situation seems violent, but it is actually subtle. Once their families make a move, it will definitely anger Tang Yanshan. At that time, the Tang family will have enough reasons to take action against them , the entire Giant Elephant City will be in chaos, and today's matter will be even more difficult to end.

As an outsider in your Lingwang Mansion, you don't have to bear any responsibilities after you're done, but this is our home!You have to bear the consequences yourself.

What's more, the Lingwang Mansion has lost its adults today, and it will definitely be impatient to seek help. Wouldn't it be reasonable if it could hit a tank at this time?And can make a lot of money?They believed that Zhou Linglu would think about it carefully.

"What? Conditions" Zhou Linglu was furious. This group of aristocratic moths dared to negotiate conditions with her.

"Princess, I think it's best for us to satisfy them for a while. At worst, we can find ways to earn back from other aspects. Today's incident has become so big. If Tang Yan is allowed to escape again, the Lingwang Mansion will lose face."

"Okay! Promise them that the Lingwang Palace can personally train a successor for them, and I will accompany them with all my strength." Before Zhou Linglu could finish speaking, the strong man beside her suddenly shouted anxiously: "Princess, let's go!"

"Zhou Linglu, I'm going to kill you today!" A roar suddenly came from downstairs, Tang Ya was covered in blood, and like a wolf, he grabbed the building and went straight up.

"Tang Yan? Why is he here?" Zhou Linglu was startled.

"Let's go!" Two strong men grabbed Zhou Linglu and rushed down from the five-story building.

"Tiger! Fascinated! Explosion! Nirvana! Go to hell!" Tang Yan rushed down, Tiger Seal, Fascinated Soul Seal, Explosion Art, and the Light of Nirvana blasted up continuously, on the spot Submerging Zhou Linglu and the three who fell, the violent explosion caused thick dust to roll.

"Take the princess away!" Accompanied by a roar, a bloody guard burst up suddenly, and violent rocks poured into the sky.


what about people
Obviously locked on the breath, why didn't there be any figure when he launched the attack?

His heart trembled violently, and the guard's face changed drastically. At this moment, there was a mournful wail from behind, as well as Zhou Linglu's terrified scream.

"Tang Yan, stop!" Zhou Linglu was terrified, her body trembling uncontrollably.

In front of her, the guard's throat was engulfed by the gray mist, his body was surrounded by intense blue flames, his abdomen was pierced by Tang Yan's black knife, and he was firmly nailed to the wall.

"Cuckoo" the guard was dying, and it was obvious that he was in pain, very painful, but his body was pinned, his throat was corroding, he couldn't make any sound except for spurting blood, he could only watch the green Fire destroys one's own body.

Tang Yan pulled out the ancient saber and walked towards Zhou Linglu with a ferocious face.

"What do you think you want to do?" Zhou Linglu felt cold all over her body, as if she was being stared at by some bloodthirsty beast, and she even forgot to resist or run away.

"What do you want to do? I want to sell you into a brothel, I want to ravage you to death, but now I want to kill you the most!" Tang Yan's right eye burst out with an evil gray beam of light, and the light of extinction was ready to go... …

"Tang Yan, how dare you!" The guard roared anxiously from behind, and ran towards here like crazy.

Tang Yan had already appeared behind Zhou Linglu, grabbed her neck, pierced her abdominal cavity with a knife, surging green fire burst out, Zhou Linglu screamed, her delicate face twisted, and she struggled violently.

The guard's face changed suddenly, and he stopped abruptly: "Tang Yan, calm down! We can discuss everything properly."

Tang Yan ignored it at all, grabbed Zhou Linglu roughly and rushed to a high place, and a roar resounded throughout the Giant Elephant City: "Listen to me, if you dare to move again, I will cut Zhou Linglu alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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