Chapter 84
With Tang Yan as the center, the silence spread rapidly until it affected the manic battlefield of King Wu in the distance.

"Princess?" Everyone's expressions turned ugly. Didn't Tang Yan run away?How could the princess be hijacked!

"This kid is shrewd enough to sneak to the princess while everyone is not paying attention."

"What does he want to do? Is it possible that he really wants to kill the princess?"

"Uh, that's unlikely."

"It's definitely not possible. It's just a means of intimidation. If he kills the princess, is there still room for him in this world?"

"A weak question, even if he doesn't kill him, is there still room in this world?"


"Look carefully, I want to know how today's farce will end."

"No matter what the outcome is, the Northern Wilderness may be in trouble for a while."

Everyone talked a lot, and the whole situation was completely reversed because of Tang Yan's move.

"Tang Yan, let go of the Princess, I'll only say it once!" Chang Tianzhu's face finally became gloomy.

"Old man, pay attention to your tone of voice!" Tang Yan snorted coldly, and the ancient saber inserted into Alinda's body was violently stirred, and the stomach and intestines were immediately ripped apart, and blood gushed out like a spring.

The faces of the children of the aristocratic family in the distance were pale when they saw the cruel means, it's too cruel!
Zhou Linglu trembled all over, and let out a sharp wail: "You bastard, let me go, I will let you die."

"You" Chang Tianzhu took a step forward, the ground within a radius of one kilometer trembled violently, a large number of houses were covered with cracks, as if they might collapse at any time, and the strong coercion could be clearly felt even kilometers away.

"Changtianzhu, why, do you want to do something?" Tang Yanshan snorted lukewarmly, and said, "Arranging for King Wu to make a move, we turn a blind eye and close our eyes, and now I need to trouble you to do it? A Wu Zun, aggressive Kill Wu Zong? Your Lingwang Mansion is so majestic, and Changtianzhu is so domineering! If this news gets out, there will be no one in this world who will laugh at others! Congratulations, Changtianzhu, you will forever be recorded in the annals of history!"

"Shut up!" Chang Tianzhu was furious.

"Who the hell are you arrogant with?" Tang Yanshan's face suddenly turned cold, and the fire cloud surging around him suddenly suppressed and condensed, abruptly condensing into a fist-sized fireball, which trembled violently, as if it might explode at any time. The surrounding space is somewhat distorted and fluctuating.

Although the fireball was small, the power it contained even made Dean Dong frown, and prepared without a trace.

Chang Tianzhu's face was ferocious: "Tang Yanshan, do you really think I dare not destroy your Tang family?"

"I really think so!" Tang Yanshan clenched his right hand, a vast energy surged out, and a sharp hiss resounded through the sky. A giant falcon Hokage with a length of [-] meters proudly formed, covering the sky and the sun, screaming After raging, they got together again, abruptly compressed into a palm-sized fire bird, trembling and floating above Tang Yanshan's head.

Exquisite and beautiful, but terrifying in power!
A fireball is in the front, and a hunting bird is in the air. If these two things lock on someone, they will have to peel off their skins if they don't die.

Before Chang Tianzhu could make preparations, Tang Yanshan stepped out again, and the entire Giant Elephant City shook violently, like a river rushing underground, but the faces of everyone inside and outside the Giant Elephant City were pale and colorless, and the magma was magma!Tang Yanshan is going to destroy the entire Giant Elephant City

Dean Dong's expression darkened: "Old Ghost Tang, enough is enough, I'll be the mediator today. Calm down your anger, don't be impulsive, Chang Tianzhu, calm down, and don't attack Tang Yan. Old Ghost Tang, for this giant elephant For the sake of the people of the city, if you destroy it, you are the enemy of these hundreds of thousands of people, and your Tang family should not even try to gain a foothold in the northern wilderness. Chang Tianzhu, for the sake of your face, I personally think that a military master It is not very honorable to attack the little Wu Zong, and you are an elder, he is just a baby, so it is not suitable."

He had to show up now. No one thought that the situation would develop to this extent, let alone that Tang Yanshan would value this child so much.The matter has come to this point, he must mediate, at least no battle at the level of Wuzun can break out, otherwise this Giant Elephant City will be destroyed!
Chang Tianzhu was not angry, and he couldn't ignore the safety of the princess, but just when he was about to put all his eggs in one basket, he unexpectedly felt a strange wave of energy coming from outside the city, which seemed to lock him in!

Is it killing intent?The icy killing intent that tore the soul apart!Is it bloodthirsty?It's thick and disgusting blood!

Where did this breath come from!
Outside the city gate, an old man smoking a pipe shook his head and sighed, holding this exquisite purple dagger in his hand, and murmured hoarsely: "I really can't stand the old man."

Not only did he feel it, but Tang Yanshan and Dean Dong felt it at the same time, and they all focused their attention on the outside of the city gate, where there was a very strange energy fluctuation, which even made them tremble.

"Listen to me, get out of the way, open the city gate, who dares to stop me for a while, don't blame me, Tang Yan, for being cruel." Tang Yan refocused his eyes here with a gloomy growl, and suddenly pulled his right hand that was holding Zhou Linglu's back neck. Grabbing her collar, she jerked backwards.

"Shameless rascal, bastard, let me go!"

"What do you want to do? I'm going to kill you!"

A large piece of skin was exposed, and Zhou Linglu roared in shame and anger.

"Everyone in Lingwang's Mansion, listen to me. I won't kill her. I will only give some benefits to the people who watch the excitement here. If you are tired of watching, please appreciate the beautiful body of our imperial princess!" Tang Yan's face was full The fierce light, combined with his reputation as a dandy, no one suspects that this is just a joke.

This intimidation and threat was a hundred times more ruthless than killing Zhou Linglu.

Inside and outside the audience, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one dared to let out any laughter and strip off the princess's clothes to show the public?Fortunately, the second young master can figure it out. If he really did this, King Zhou Ling would vomit blood in anger?

Today's incident is really a big mess.

Tang Yan glanced at Changtianzhu in the distance with resentful eyes, ignored Zhou Linglu's cursing and struggling, ran down from the tall building, and ran towards the city gate. with him.

Changtian was trembling with bamboo anger, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

People on the city's main road automatically moved to the sides, watching Tang Yan lead Zhou Linglu towards the city gate.

"This dude is really fierce!"

"Idol, it's enough to be crazy once in this life."

"Hush! Keep your voice down, if someone from the Lingwang Mansion hears it, I will dispatch you to the frontier."

"What are you afraid of? The Lingwang Mansion is considered ashamed and thrown home today."

"Isn't it, being tossed like this by a child."

"Hey, I didn't expect there to be such a hero in our Giant Elephant City. I really underestimated this Second Young Master Tang before."

Many people gloated and chatted, with a leisurely attitude not afraid of big troubles, but some people looked worried. After such a commotion, King Zhou Ling would not let it go, and the Giant Elephant City would definitely not be peaceful by then. In the second largest chaos, I don't know how many people will suffer.

The city gate guards had already opened the city gate, and several officers who had been friends with Tang Yan before even put down the suspension bridge, sending him off in their own way.

"You're so cruel, but I like it!" Du Yang waited for Tang Yan outside the city gate, smiling, but now he couldn't even stand still, taking too much Lingyuan liquid and swaying too much, His body was so shattered that it looked as if he might faint at any time.

"Let's go, I'm dying." Tang Yan was breathing heavily, and because of excessive forbearance, the seven orifices began to ooze blood.The body destruction technique has reached its limit, if it falls directly in the next second, it is not impossible.

Tang Basan and the others landed, and just about to make some jokes, they all noticed Tang Yan's condition. The golden light had dissipated, and his whole body was flesh and blood, his skin was wrinkled and old, almost out of shape.

"How could this be?" The faces of the three of them were extremely ugly, Tang Qing quickly hugged Tang Yan.

"Kill her! Don't leave a curse behind, kill her!" Tang Yan murmured at last, his consciousness completely plunged into darkness.

"Kill her?" Tang Hao caught Zhou Linglu who had lost a lot of blood and was unconscious.

"Kill it, it's considered to have accepted the nomination certificate, this kid has so many tricks!" Tang Ba meaningfully glanced at the comatose Tang Yan, and nodded in acquiescence.

Tang Hao's eyes flashed fiercely, and he threw Zhou Linglu into the air casually, and the priests of the palace in the distance rushed up to catch it, but the next second

"Lingwang Mansion! I'm giving you a gift from my old lady! Take it to me!" Tang Hao shook his wrist, and a red glow burst into the sky, and Zhou Linglu, who was about to fall into the hands of the priest of the palace, exploded in an instant, turning into a sky full of flowers. Rain of blood and stumps fell under the astonished eyes of the audience.

The inside and outside of the city gate froze for a moment, everyone was dumbfounded, and in the next second, the pot was completely blown up.Killed the princess?Really kill!This is the girl Zhou Linglu loves the most, and she is also the eldest daughter of the Ling Palace!The emperor's niece!

Killed just like that?Just being bombarded and killed in full view?
"Let's go!" Tang Hao yelled, and the wings of fire stretched out, rolling up Du Yang and Tang Yan into the sky, followed by Tang Ba and Tang Qing, fleeing at the fastest speed in his life.

Today's madness is the worst in my life. Is Tang Yan crazy?Or is the old man crazy?Or are they all crazy!
"Ah! Kill them for me!" Uncle Hua wailed sadly, the other three Martial Kings woke up one after another, chasing like crazy, even Chang Tianzhu was furious and wanted to rush over.

"Where do you put these two little things?" Tang Yanshan fiddled with the fireball and firebird in front of her twice, as if she was in a dilemma, and sighed helplessly: "There is no place to put them in this city, throw them outside."

In an instant, the fireball and firebird crossed the Giant Elephant City and appeared in front of the city gate. Two destructive violent explosions rolled, and the whole world was scorching hot all day long.

Under the impact of this power, a large number of strong men at the city gate were thrown out, and even Uncle Hua and other Martial Kings staggered and rolled.During the tumbling air waves, it seemed that a force penetrated the space, enveloped Tang Hao and others, pushed out nearly a thousand meters in an instant, and completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Tang Yanshan, are you looking for death?" Chang Tianzhu glared.

"Where else can I put it? Is it possible for you to swallow it? Anyway, it's over, and I made a mistake in disposing of the garbage?" Tang Yanshan snorted expressionlessly, and waved his hand: "The Tang family, go back, what to do It's supper."

Chang Tianzhu's face was cloudy and cloudy, and he wanted to get mad, but he couldn't find any excuse. After a while, he roared hysterically: "Chasing after me!"

(End of this chapter)

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