Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 85 Tang 8's Ruthlessness

Chapter 85 Tang Ba's Ruthlessness
Tang Hao took Tang Yan and fled into the deepest part of the psychedelic forest, concealing all auras and hiding them completely.

Du Yang's situation is very pessimistic. Because of that madness, he squeezed his potential recklessly, again and again, causing severe damage to his meridians, making his spiritual power unable to operate on its own, and his life is in danger at any time.

Tang Hao has an extremely delicate ability to control spiritual power, and he also carries some life-saving pills with him, so he personally guards Du Yang and helps him restore his spiritual power little by little.After spending the whole night, at least he helped Du Yang regain his life.But Du Yang's internal and external injuries were still very serious. No one could give an answer to whether he could open his eyes, when to open them, and what kind of sequelae he would have in the future.

Whether it is Tang Hao, Tang Qing, or Tang Ba, they are all cold-blooded people with a cold nature, and they seldom have a good impression of anyone, let alone help others.But when Tang Yan was abandoned by the whole city, Du Yangneng still followed Tang Yan steadfastly and tried his best to save him one after another. This persistence and friendship made them quite valued.

A love, what is important, a meaning, how to show it, only in times of adversity.

This is also the main reason why Tang Hao spared no effort to save his life.

But Du Yang managed to calm them down, but Tang Yan's situation made them helpless, and they couldn't find a way at all.

The current Tang Yan is as thin as a stick, with withered hair and dry skin. He looks like an old man who is dying, not like a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Tang Ba's brows were almost twisted into knots: "What evil martial arts did the little guy practice? How did he become like this?"

Tang Qing checked Tang Yan's situation, and pondered: "Steal life yuan, squeeze blood essence, and forcibly increase strength. I have heard of martial arts to squeeze blood essence, but I have never heard that even life essence can be stolen. I live For more than 40 years, I have never heard of such a weird thing. This kind of martial arts seems to save his life, but the consequences will ruin his life."

Tang Hao came over and sat next to Tang Yan. He couldn't hide his worry and said: "I lost my life essence and essence essence, and even my internal organs began to age. Even if I survived, I'm afraid it would be difficult to live for a long time."

Tang Ba sat next to him: "Looking at him like this, he can last for three or two years at most, or three or two years when he is so old that he can only lie in bed."

Tang Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at the two of them: "You have to find a way, finally help him escape, and die here in a blink of an eye? What the old man means is that we want us to protect him for the rest of his life. This life can't just be three or two years If so, what's the point?"

"Close your thick lips, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak." Tang Hao gave him an angry look.

"Am I wrong? Unless we dig a million feet to find the spiritual veins of the psychedelic forest, who in this world can provide longevity? Even so, it may not be possible!"

The atmosphere was silent for a while, but Tang Ba's eyes gradually became strange: "Xiaoqing's words are also reasonable, the second young master's life and essence are consumed violently, and his lifespan is only a few years, and it is difficult to grow in martial arts." Such a life, is there any meaning in living?"

Tang Hao raised his eyes, looked at Tang Ba with weird eyes, and then at Tang Qing who was pretending: "You mean to solve him in advance?"

Tang Qing shrugged: "I didn't mean that."

Tang Ba leaned on the rhizome, was silent for a while, and said expressionlessly: "No one thought that things would be like this, and no one wanted to hurt him, but fifth sister, think about it carefully. Did he suddenly announce that we would be expelled from the house impulsively? Could it be that he just wanted to show an attitude in front of outsiders, and didn't want people to criticize the Tang family for watching his descendants being slaughtered without moving? The life and death of the second elder brother is unknown, and if the three of us leave again, only Tang Mingjing and Jun Boss are left as Wu Kings inside and outside the family.

The old man may have been impulsive at the time, but we have to seriously consider it.Should we protect the second young master who is completely abandoned and can only survive for three or two years, or go back to the family and continue to do what we should do? "

Tang Haoliu frowned slightly, and instead of answering directly, he looked at Tang Qing: "What do you mean?"

"I'm not interested."


"Uh, well, cough, cough, it's like this. Regardless of whether the second young master can be saved or not, even if he is saved, I'm afraid he can only live in pain in this situation, and it's hard to do anything, and all we can do is just Sighing and sighing with him every day, watching him suffer. Instead of this, why don't we do a good deed in advance, help him, and give him a good time."

The corner of Tang Ba's mouth curled into a smile that was not a smile: "Two to one, we feel that there is no need to insist on this matter. Just deal with it, we hide outside for a while, and then go home quietly. The old man may blame on the surface, but he will still be very angry in the dark. Happy. What do you think, Fifth Sister?"

Tang Hao's willow eyebrows became more and more frowned, and he became slightly gloomy: "Put away this high-sounding reason, don't you just find it troublesome? Don't you just want to go back to the family? Don't you just feel like being the King of Wu, guarding an abandoned child? Shame? Didn’t Second Brother Qiong protect him for ten years when the second young master was a waste? Has he ever complained? Huh? Answer me!”

Tang Qing touched his bald head and said with a sneer: "Look, you asked me to say it, and I said it, and you were impatient. Isn't this a discussion?"

"There is no need to discuss it! Just do as the old man asks! Guard the second young master until he leaves this world."

"Huh? This doesn't look like your style?" Tang Ba raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Hao. When will this bloody lady show kindness?

"You have been with the old man for so many years. Is he a contrived person? A person who can act? Since he arranged it like this, he must have his own ideas. What we need to do is to carry it out faithfully, instead of guessing randomly about the old man's plan. Meaning! I'm warning you, Tang Ba, don't think too much, I'll keep this kid safe!"

Tang Ba didn't speak again, he stared at Tang Yan for a long time, hummed lukewarmly, leaned back on the rhizome and closed his eyes to rest.Tang Qing touched his bald head, looking a little bored. Looking at this and then at him, he lay on the ground with a sharpened iron heavy knife as a pillow, and soon started snoring.

The atmosphere was slightly weird, Tang Hao silently stood by Tang Yan's side, watching the two of them vigilantly.

She can actually understand the feelings of the two, especially Tang Ba. Apart from shedding blood, she will never yield to anyone, let alone pretend to others.Now suddenly being expelled from the house and coming to guard someone he never liked, it was indeed a bit reluctant for Tang Ba.At that time in the Giant Elephant City, the reason why he chose to accept it was purely because of the influence of the atmosphere. It felt very exciting and exciting. Now that he calmed down, killing intent burst out of his heart immediately.

Tang Qing is honest and honest, a little poor-mouthed, but his soul is equally dirty and ugly. He is a smiling tiger with a knife hidden in his heart. Except for the old man, no one can command him. Even if he agrees, he will secretly disturb you upside down.If Tang Yan could still be as heroic and powerful as in the Giant Elephant City, he might follow in silent observation, but Tang Yan's current situation made him quite disappointed.In Tang Qing's eyes, there is only one solution to eradicate disappointed things!
Although Tang Hao couldn't accept the life away from the Tang family, but she had followed the old man for seven or eight years, and she knew best his doting on Tang Yan, which can't be expressed in terms of 'doting'. Today's speech Decided, I'm afraid even Tang Mingjing was a bit apprehensive.She couldn't imagine that if the old man knew that the three of them killed Tang Yan on the way, or watched him die without moving, I'm afraid he would not be able to accept it, let alone forgive the three of them.

If it is not a last resort, Tang Hao does not want to make hasty decisions.

After a long silence, Tang Qing suddenly opened one eye, and said in a low voice: "Fifth sister, why do you say that the old man spoils him so much? It's simply too much. Will it?"

"Could it be anything?"

"Could it not be Tang Mingjing's child?"


Tang Qing turned over and said in a low voice: "Is he the old man's illegitimate son?"

Tang Hao was quite speechless: "Your imagination is very rich! The little girl admires you!"

"I'm serious. Whose grandfather dotes on his grandson to such an extent? Why does he only dote on the second young master? The eldest young master is talented, why doesn't he even bother to talk to him? Let me ask another question, I still remember the back note Humans?"

"After the fight, I didn't see it again. What did you find?"

"I feel that he and the Second Young Master are very close."

Tang Hao glared at him fiercely: "If you dare to say that there is such a relationship between the two of them, I will unscrew your bald head right now and use it as a bench."

Tang Qing smiled sarcastically: "Guess casually, just curious, fifth sister, don't get excited."

Tang Hao said angrily: "If you have that spare time, you should think about how to avoid the pursuit of King Linglu. We killed Zhou Linglu and caused such a big mess, they will not let it go. With King Linglu's It is possible to send the Falcon Group Army to encircle the entire psychedelic forest. Also, if we are lucky enough to avoid the pursuers and escape from the psychedelic forest, where are we going? Brother Qiong is in the Lingwang Mansion, do you want to find a way to save him? come out?"

(End of this chapter)

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