Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 833 Love's death, Tang Ying's death

Chapter 833 Love's death, Tang Ying's death
"Stop!!" Tang Yan stopped in front of them, and almost slashed at Nan Wunian: "Where did you come out? Do you know who I am? I dare to snatch my woman. Did you lack women in your previous life?"

Nan Wunian lowered his head and smiled, "I'm being polite to you for Niya's sake. If you make trouble for no reason, don't blame me for being rough."

Tang Yan stared at him firmly, without any warning, he slapped him, and let out a low growl like a wild animal: "Get out!"

Snapped! !

The crisp sound of whipping echoed faintly in the valley, and a line of scarlet blood spilled into the air.

Tang Yan's following ancient saber stopped abruptly, and stared blankly in front of him...that slap...did not hit Nan Wunian on the face, but was stopped by Niya, and hit her firmly in the chest face.

Niya tilted her head, her fluffy red hair was tossed aside, a line of blood slid down the corner of her mouth and dripped from her chin.

The scarlet blood line and the snow-white skin formed a shocking contrast.

Tang Yan was stunned, Niya was quiet, and Nan Wunian panicked.

"Niya! How are you?" Nan Wunian hurriedly supported Niya, and glared at Tang Yan no longer in the beautiful sunshine. An evil rune appeared in the pupils of his eyes: "Death!!"

Tang Yan's body trembled violently, and he was caught off guard and vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Stop!" Niya stopped Nan Wunian, did not wipe off the blood from the corner of her mouth, and looked at Tang Yan calmly: "You don't know how to cherish, and you don't know what responsibility is. I hope that from now on, you can truly Grow up and be a man, not a boy."

Tang Yan looked at his hands, and then at the blood-red handprints on Niya's face. For a moment, he was completely panicked and at a loss, as if the most cherished thing in his heart was ruthlessly smashed: "Niya, I... I, I..."

"What are you, get out! Spare your life, if I see you again, your life will be worse than death." Nan Wunian glared at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan didn't have the time to pay attention to Nan Wunian at all, and looked at Niya beggingly: "I didn't go to you immediately, it was my negligence. But you know best, Qinghuo accidentally leaked, I can't look for you with great fanfare! I am the one who is chasing after you all over the world. If I am in a hurry to find you, I will definitely guide them and only bring you danger.

I can only search quietly, I can only... I... I just arrived in the Central Plains, I don't have any network, I don't know anyone, I can't find it even if I want to.But I caused a big incident, you can come and look for me. "

Tang Yan tried his best to explain, but he usually had a sharp mouth, but now he didn't know what he was talking about. The more he looked at the handprints and blood on Niya's face, the more flustered he became, with a piercing pain, a rush of pain. Suffocating pain.

"What if I die in the Human Palace? What if I fail to escape the void space? Deep in your heart, it doesn't matter whether I live or die, and you don't care about me." Niya was very calm, whether it was in the eyes, Both the demeanor and the tone of voice were very calm, which made Tang Yan feel a burst of bitterness and pain. "I don't care about these insignificant things. I know your character, and you know my character. I didn't care before, and I don't care now."

"Don't care? What do you mean don't care? You come with me first, let's find a place to talk carefully."

"Let's talk about it later. I didn't expect you to come to Star Battlefield. This also shows that you are not really looking for me, that you don't cherish it, and don't understand responsibility.

I hope you can leave alive. As a friend, I hope to help you, but I am new to the Falan Tower, and I don't want to cause trouble for the clan elders. "

Niya left a few simple words and turned to leave, but they were like steel knives, mercilessly cutting Tang Yan's heart, dripping with blood, suffocating in pain.

Tang Yan froze in place, with a dazed expression.

Panic and loss welled up from his heart and permeated his whole body.

It felt like a dream, inexplicable and at a loss.

"Let me introduce again. I am Nan Wunian, the seventh-generation grandson of the master of Falan Tower." Nan Wunian approached Tang Yan a few steps, her voice was kept to a minimum, and her tone was ruthless: "I met her by accident. And saved Niya, she must be very weak, and you... are not by her side.

This life was given to her by me, and because of my strong recommendation, Fa Lanta accepted her as an inner disciple and was taught by the tower master himself. For any warlock, this is a great honor.

I gave her life, and I gave her a new life. my fiancée...and you, this man who doesn't understand responsibility, you'd better leave forever, don't let me see you again, or I will let you taste the torture of Falanta! "

Tang Yan stood there in a daze, and after a second, or a minute, or half a day, he woke up from the absent-mindedness.But there was no one in front of him, and his eyes were trembling, still a little unbelievable, even absurd.

It all happened so suddenly, it felt unreal.

But... After a long period of sluggishness, Tang Yan felt a strong sense of panic flooding his whole body, as if his heart had been split open with a knife, and the blood was out of control, rushing randomly across his chest.

gone? !Just leave without knowing why? !
"You don't care about my life or death, nor do you care about it."

"You don't know responsibility, you don't know how to cherish."

"I didn't care before, and I don't care now."

"I saved him, gave her life? gave her a new life."

"She's my fiancee."

The back and forth words of Niya and Nan Wunian echoed in his mind over and over again, very common words, but like a blunt knife cutting through his heart one by one.

With a thin muffled snort, blood overflowed from the corner of Tang Yan's mouth, his breathing became short of breath, the world spun, and he knelt on the ground with a bang.

The sudden blow made Tang Yan, who had always been resolute, mercilessly knocked down.

The self-proclaimed heart is as strong as iron, so vulnerable at the moment.

Perhaps Tang Yan has always had an inferiority complex deep in his heart that he didn't even feel, so that he is so special in love, so willing to be a foil, so that he takes care of him wholeheartedly.

Perhaps Tang Yan has always loved Niya deeply in his heart, and even he himself does not know when this love started and when it became so deep.

So that the sudden 'separation' was like a sharp awl, piercing through the flesh, and directly inserted into the deepest treasure in his heart, the pain was so painful that he was about to suffocate.

Tang Yan sat blankly, his eyes dimmed, tears... finally fell down his cheeks... the back? !Is it my betrayal, or her betrayal?

ah! !Tang Yan suddenly hugged his head, looked up to the sky and let out a weeping roar, tears rolling down: "Niya!!"

At this time, a fierce fight suddenly came from a distance.

"It's Niya?" Tang Yan woke up suddenly, struggled to his feet, raised his ancient saber and rushed over, forcibly resisting the high-altitude oppression, and ran madly towards the distance.

After climbing three hills in a row, they rushed to a low canyon.

But the scene in front of him was like a warhammer hitting his forehead head-on, and he almost fainted directly.

The river in the canyon is surging, and a fast-moving river rushes past, stirring up fluffy waves. The high cliffs block the sun, and the inside is very cold.

Two teams are fighting fiercely, one team is a weirdo in a black robe and a very familiar enemy - the Holy Spirit Temple!

The first team consisted of relatives from the Tang family and the Rao family, including Tang Yanshan, Tang Jun, Tang Ying, Tang Mingjing, Tang Hao, Odin, etc... a dozen or so people.

There are nearly a hundred people in the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The roaring soul sound waves trembled the canyon, and continued to reverberate and bless, forming a soul net with no dead ends, covering the crowd of the Tang family and the Rao family.

The two families were covered in blood and wounds, and they were very miserable. It was more of a struggle than a struggle.

"Ah!!" The weakest Tang Ying screamed in pain, her pretty face was pale and distorted, her delicate body lay on the ground struggling in pain, and a transparent soul was torn out alive by the chains.

Tang Ying struggled, cried, her face was full of despair, her eyes were staring fixedly, her body was convulsed and stiff because of the pain, her little hands clasped the ground stiffly, digging the ground.The Tang family around wanted to save them, but they were trapped by a large number of soul networks, and they all screamed like ghosts.

"No..." Tang Yan was grabbed by the corner of his weakest heart, his eyes were completely blood red, and he roared and rushed into the valley. was too late... Tang Ying's soul was pulled out, and was strangled and shattered by the soul network in all directions in an instant, while Tang Ying's struggling body visibly trembled and slowly became limp, her pair of eyes full of pain and despair Her eyes stared straight at Tang Yan, and then... lost her color... At the last moment of her life, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she looked straight at the rushing figure, as if she was about to cry out "I have been waiting for too long..." no sound came out after all.

(End of this chapter)

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