Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 884 1 Drunk party break

Chapter 884

"Grandpa! Have you been very aggressive with animal sex lately, making people cry?" Zhuge Liang walked in leisurely, looking back at Zhaoyi's leaving back with his head poked, and got a bag in his hand from nowhere. A scallion half the height of a person, crunching vigorously.

Tang Yan sat on the tea table rubbing his forehead, ignored it, and didn't make a sound.

"Don't be discouraged, here comes a scallion that is strong and strong, and the effect is very good." Zhuge Liang dangled the scallion in front of Tang Yan, teasing him: "I think that beautiful blonde girl is interested in you, or you can go to her room tonight Try here, I have medicine here."

"Get out of my room before I kill you." Tang Yan's voice was hoarse.

"Eh..." Zhuge Liang smiled sarcastically: "Just kidding, don't get excited. Little Li Yi was a little bit wrong just now, talking in his sleep in a daze, what kind of dragon-eating loach is in the inner city, should we smear it and go find out the situation?"

"Please, get out of my room." Tang Yan raised his head slowly, fixed his red eyes on Zhuge Liang: "immediately, immediately."

"Decree!" Zhuge Liang's heart trembled, and he rushed out, and before the door closed, he poked his head in again, and pushed his crotch twice: "Animal sex is animal nature, sir, don't hold it back, you should vent it!" Just vent, don't be embarrassed, grandson is always at your service."

Boom!The door was shut heavily, Zhuge Liang gnawed green onions, whistled, wandered around the hotel leisurely, looking for young women living alone, and solved his physical problems.

Calm was restored in the room, and the red candles were flickering, unable to dissolve the dull atmosphere.

Tang Yan leaned back on the wooden chair, staring at the exquisitely carved roof in a daze.

Once young and frivolous, he did absurd acts.

I have wanted to be responsible countless times, and I have worked hard until the Eternal Beast Mountain.

It is undeniable that Tang Yan has always maintained such a small amount of admiration for the two palace masters in his heart, and he really hopes to be responsible for his mistakes and make up for his guilt, which also stems from his ridiculous passion.

But Ling Ruoxi's deliberate avoidance and Zhaoyi's friendly attitude once made Tang Yan feel discouraged.15 years of persistence and 15 years of indifferent responses finally made him change his mind. Maybe they really didn't want to accept it, and they didn't want to face it. Maybe his letting go was really protecting the two of them.

In the past 15 years, I have also gradually stepped out of my youth and frivolity, lost my immaturity, put aside my passion, and chose to avoid and let go.

But I don't know when, Zhaoyi gradually showed an extremely subtle intimacy, not a deliberate approach, but a "no longer conflicting" look and behavior. Tang Yan always thought that he was thinking too much, and he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore. Move so as not to offend the beauty.It wasn't until tonight's visit, with the subtle tenderness and special care in the words, that Tang Yan realized that Zhaoyi's mentality had gradually changed.

Maybe it's just the beginning, maybe it's been a long time.This in itself is what Tang Yan once expected, to be able to take this opportunity to make up for his mistakes, take responsibility, and express his admiration.

But... at this moment, with the current situation and the current situation, Tang Yan really doesn't have the heart to face the new relationship now, and dare not hurt Niya's heart again.

The holy land of Yaochi, promised Niya that only Niya and Murou will be in this life.

This is my oath, a determination.

I never thought that Zhaoyi would develop feelings for her unconsciously, but it happened to be in this extraordinary period.

"...I'm sorry..." Tang Yan closed his eyes and exhaled quietly.Zhaoyi has helped herself too much, whether it is the Dayan Mountain Range or the Eternal Beast Mountain, she owes her too much and needs to repay too much, but when she is ready to accept her reward, everything is no longer up to her.

Is it cowardly?

Tang Yan doesn't know, and he doesn't want to have too much love for his children at this moment!

The timing does not allow it, let alone the previous oath.

For Zhaoyi, all he can do is express his apologies, and he can only protect Zhaoyi as a sister in the future, and do his best to protect her!

elder sister?soulmate?
Tang Yan shook his head to calm his aching head, stop thinking about it, stop being annoyed, stop entangled, it's time to calm down and deal with the Arbitration Kingdom.

Maybe when all the dust settles, I can muster up the courage to deal with my feelings correctly.

But... Squeak!

The door was gently pushed open again, and a slender figure stood in front of the dim door.

Tang Yan sat up straight, looking strangely, the one standing outside the door was... Zhaoyi? !

That's right, it was Zhaoyi.

She took off her luxurious court attire and put on a delicate and delicate floral dress, which was a little loose, but her uneven and enchanting figure was more prominent; she took off her thick boots and wore only cool slippers, and she could vaguely see two exquisite The fair feet; the neatly tied hair on the sideburns have also been opened, casually scattered behind her back, reaching her waist, flowing like a waterfall.

Tang Yan couldn't help but be fascinated by it. He was used to Zhaoyi's luxurious and noble palace attire, but he had never seen her with a casual look like that at home.Just like a noble lady of the royal family, she suddenly lost her aura and walked into a quiet rural courtyard.

With a gentle and intoxicating gentleness, there is an indescribable tranquility.

"Are you worried again?" Zhaoyi walked into the room with a quiet smile as if nothing had happened, and closed the door behind her, "It's my fault. Troubled."

Tang Yan didn't react, or Zhaoyi's sudden return and smile caught him completely by surprise, and he was stunned for a while.

"You have experienced too many things recently, your head is messed up, your heart is troubled, and you tend to think wildly. I think in a few days, you may be about to collapse." Zhaoyi smiled.

Tang Yan came back to his senses, but he didn't know what to say or what to do.I just feel that Zhaoyi's smile and naturalness at this moment make me feel ashamed for a while.

"We are about to face a big battle. Your emotions are very abnormal now. If you don't adjust in time, you will not only hurt yourself, but also implicate other people. Niya and I are sisters. She should have helped you with these things. Yes, since she's not here, I'll take her place."

"I'm fine now." Tang Yan shook his head and smiled, but he couldn't tell whether it was because of emotion or something else.

At first, I was still depressed about how to face tomorrow, how to face in the future, whether the two of them will become strangers, and there will be a gap everywhere.But Zhaoyi left and came back again, and the smile at this moment was reassuring, Tang Yan felt guilty and at the same time suddenly found that he seemed to be overly worried, and he was restrained everywhere, and he really didn't look like himself.

It is entirely conceivable how much courage Zhaoyi mustered up to come back, and how delicate and caring she was, making her persist in smiling at this moment to avoid embarrassment in the future.

Tang Yan felt uncomfortable, these should have been done by himself.

"Don't worry, I have a way to make you relax." Zhaoyi walked in front of Tang Yan, and put her hands behind her back in front of her, which turned out to be two jars of wine!
"You are..."

"I just brought it from the wine cellar in the store. The two jars are aged. The store said it has been 30 years. Tonight we each have a jar. No one is allowed to use martial arts to transform the wine, nor is it allowed to suppress it. Once drunk, the anhydride is dripping. Go to sleep, tomorrow morning, you are still the original Tang Yan, the Tang Yan who faces the world jokingly, and the Tang Yan who is not afraid of any difficulties and keeps surprising people."

"But you don't know how to drink."

Before Tang Yan finished speaking, Zhaoyi had already unsealed the wine jar: "You can only get drunk if you don't know how to drink, and I'm here to get drunk tonight."

Looking at the two altars of fine wine, Zhaoyi's gentle smile, and the slightly flickering eyes that looked directly at him, Tang Yan took a deep breath: "Okay!! Get drunk tonight!"

"Don't worry, there are three conditions."

Tang Yan moved an altar and put it in front of him: "All ten conditions are agreed."

"Smile first, I want to see your previous smile."

Tang Yan winked at Zhaoyi and grinned: "Is that so?"

Zhaoyi pursed her lips and smiled coquettishly: "Second condition, don't play tricks, you must be drunk, completely drunk."

"A gentleman is quick to speak, I promise."

"The third condition is to smile often in the future, and don't pretend to be deep like others. If you encounter troubles again, come to me again, and I will accompany you to drink. Also, you must come secretly, and don't let Niya know. Misunderstood, I am a sinner." Zhaoyi smiled and filled the two with wine, each with a glass.

(End of this chapter)

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