Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 883

Chapter 883
The slight sound of footsteps outside the door interrupted Tang Yan's contemplation and brought him back to reality from the troubled grief.

But the feeling of blockage in his heart was stuck there, turning into a bitterness that couldn't be wiped away from the corners of his mouth.

Zhaoyi lingered outside the door for a long time, with some hesitation and confusion.Came here by accident, and hesitated inexplicably, even she herself was a little strange, why did she come here, and what was she hesitating about.

Just as he turned to leave.

Tang Yan's voice came from inside: "Is it the Grand Palace Master? Come in."

Zhaoyi remained silent for a while, smiled and shook her head, why was she still nervous?After sorting out my mood a little, I pushed open the door and walked in: "Aren't you asleep yet?"

Tang Yan put away the jade hairpin, and wiped away the crystals from the corners of his eyes without a trace: "I'm thinking about something, what's the matter with the Grand Palace Master?"

"It's nothing, come and take a look." Zhaoyi walked into the hall, and the dancing candlelight illuminated the stunning beauty, adding a touch of delicate tenderness to the noble and dignified temperament.

"Sit down." Tang Yan signaled Zhaoyi to sit at the tea table and poured her a cup: "This is what Odin gave to me when I was still in the Rao family. The tea tastes soft and slightly bitter. Before I don't like it very much, I took it out and tasted it today, and it tastes pretty good."

"Treasured for more than ten years?" Zhaoyi looked at Tang Yan's slightly lowered face, unable to hide a haggard and tired look.She could hear the sadness in Tang Yan's words, it was not the bitterness of the tea, but the bitterness of the heart.

"Yes, it's been more than ten years. Unknowingly, time has passed quickly. I used to feel like a child in the Eternal Beast Mountain, but now I suddenly feel like I have grown up." Tang Yan raised his eyes and said strangely: "What are you looking at me for? My face looks old too?"

"You have indeed grown up and matured. If you were like this in the Dayan Mountains in the early years, maybe I..." Zhaoyi wanted to bring up a brisk topic to reconcile the dull atmosphere, but suddenly thought of the absurdity back then. In such a scene, her cheeks burned slightly, and she changed the subject in time: "Maybe my fourth sister will have feelings for you."

"Fourth Palace Master, how is she doing recently?"

"It's still the same." Zhaoyi picked up the teacup, sipped it gently, to cover up her slight embarrassment, and said, "I haven't seen you smile since Black Cloud City, and I'm really not used to it. If Du Yang and the others Here, seeing you like this makes me worry."

"Laugh? Can I laugh? I don't know if Niya is alive or dead. Grandpa and the others are suffering." Tang Yan's heart was congested, he exhaled, and looked at the night outside the window: "I used to think that I could have no scruples, and if I committed a crime, I would die. Tianya. Unknowingly, I had so many concerns. This accident was purely my negligence that put them in danger."

"People always have to grow up, and there will always be concerns. You can feel that the responsibility on your shoulders is heavy, which means that you have really grown up. You are a person, not a god. It is impossible to predict everywhere, and it is impossible to think about it. It is comprehensive, and cannot be taken into account everywhere. If you are someone else, facing the environment you are in, facing the same enemy and danger, I am afraid it will be even more embarrassing."

Tang Yan withdrew his gaze and shook his teacup: "It's rare to hear the Grand Palace Master praise people, I'm very honored."

"I didn't praise you, just discuss the facts. No matter what people thought of you in the past, including me, now you make everyone look at you with admiration, including me."

Maybe it was Tang Yan's improvement in strength, or maybe it was his mature transformation that made Zhaoyi unconsciously dissipate the barrier when facing Tang Yan, and it was more like a peaceful conversation between the same age and the same level.

Very leisurely, very peaceful, even forgetting my own identity.

Since entering the Dayan Mountains to close off emotions, it has been nearly a thousand years since there is no such feeling.

It is very subtle and strange, and Zhaoyi does not reject it subconsciously.

Tang Yan looked at the teacup in a daze, his expression was a little off, and he didn't say anything.

Zhaoyi also savored the bitter tea carefully: "I heard you mention Nan Wunian of Falan Tower in Heiyun City? Has anything happened before? You can say what is convenient, and the more you hold it in your heart, the more uncomfortable it will be."

Tang Yan still shook his head, did not explain, went silent for a while, and said in a hoarse voice: "I used to be impatient to enter the Central Plains, thinking that I could easily break into a world, but now I realize how naive my thoughts were.

Niya was lost, relatives were arrested, and I paid the price for my childishness. If something happened to them, I really don't know how to forgive myself? "

"Actually, I'm curious, what are you worried about?" Zhaoyi looked at Tang Yan gently, and said in a soft voice, "Sister Niya is inherited from the great ancestor. She is intelligent and calm, and knows how to protect herself. I'm really not worried. You shouldn't be as worried about her safety as you are now. Did something happen?
As for Tang Ying and the others, they are safe before the Temple of the Holy Spirit catches you. You and I both understand this truth.

What we have to do now is to avoid accidents as much as possible, and turn passive into active instead of sentimental. "

"Don't worry about me, I'm just idle and thinking wildly."

"I admire you now, but I also hope to see the shadow of you in the past. The maturity of a man is not only to be able to bear his own mistakes, shoulder due responsibilities, but also to have an optimistic and positive attitude. Maturity is not It means getting old, not being tired, but being stronger and braver."

Zhaoyi seldom talks so much with others, and she has never talked with a man.But looking at Tang Yan like this, I really feel distressed.It's not that Tang Yan is not strong enough to bear it, but that too many things have happened recently, and it's because he takes family affection too seriously.

Tang Yan nodded and took a sip of bitter tea to calm down his emotions: "How are they doing after the Holy Spirit Temple raided Wagang Village?"

"Nalantu is very hardworking, helping the old people to divert the attention of Wagangzhai disciples to hard work and experience, and now they are practicing in full swing. The tiger and iron cavalry has grown rapidly. Tang Qiong also joined in, and he is in the same age team. Shapu The mercenary group has basically adapted to life in the Dayan Mountains, and they have become one with the Huben side, and have been competing with each other. In short, you don’t have to worry, Wagangzhai is developing very well.”

"I'm going to move the Wagang Village into the Eternal Beast Mountain after I settle the old accounts with King Zhou Ling."

"Will the Eternal Beast Mountain agree? Wagangzhai now has nearly 20 disciples, which is not a small number. The living environment of the Eternal Beast Mountain is very cruel, with all kinds of monsters everywhere. Even we suffered everywhere in the past. They may not be able to bear it when they enter .

What's more, the amount of heaven and earth energy that 20 disciples need to absorb for collective training is not a small amount, and it is easy to break the balance of Eternal Beast Mountain. "

"There are more than 20 people in Wagang Village, and not all of them will follow. I expect to select about [-] loyal and brave disciples, and enter the Eternal Beast Mountain to survive and develop. Although it is cruel there, it is more suitable for the growth of Wagang Village, and it is also a safe place. s home.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, it is impossible to find the Eternal Beast Mountain in the void.Moreover, the Star Battlefield of Xingluo Ancient Country is part of the Eternal Beast Mountain. If the two can meet in the void, it will create a brand new Eternal Beast Mountain. It is nothing if 10 people enter. "

"It's best to say hello to Eternal Beast Mountain before going in, it's not a trivial matter after all."

"Grand Palace Master, why don't you move the Yuhua Palace into the Eternal Beast Mountain? After all, the Dayan Mountain Range is located in the wilderness, which is not conducive to the cultivation and growth of those above the Zun level."

"The Yuhua Palace has lived in the Dayan Mountains for thousands of years, and has already become dependent. The Eternal Beast Mountain is indeed a good place, but I need to discuss it with the other palace owners."

Tang Yan looked into Zhaoyi's eyes and said sincerely: "I still hope that we can be together and take care of each other. Leaving you alone in the Dayan Mountains, if another accident happens, I'm afraid I can't bear it either. "

Zhaoyi smiled slightly: "Since you have sincerely invited us, we will seriously consider it. It's getting late, I should go back. I hope you can cheer up, something has happened, we should face it bravely. I think Ni Sister Ya doesn't want to see you like this either."

Tang Yan got up and sent him off: "Grand Palace Master, thank you for chatting with me, I feel much better."

"It's what I should. It would be best if you could smile again. I don't like it when you look old-fashioned with a stern face." Zhaoyi smiled softly, motioned Tang Yan not to see her off, got up and left.

A casual and leisurely teaser, said from Zhaoyi's mouth, seems to have a special meaning.

Tang Yan looked at Zhaoyi's back, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but seemed hesitant.

Zhaoyi left the hall and walked towards the door, but unconsciously, her pace slowed down.

The red candle jumps, reflecting the quaint room, propping up a piece of soft light, and also igniting a subtle love thread.Tang Yan lowered his eyebrows and remained silent, Zhaoyi's footsteps slowed down, and a strange feeling permeated each other's hearts, and also circulated in the dim room.

Weird and dull, each in its own way.

Both of them seem to have something on their minds, just like the feeling before Zhaoyi came in.

Just as Zhaoyi was approaching the door, Tang Yan suddenly shifted his eyes slightly, raised his head to look at her back, hesitated again and again, and finally said: "Grand Palace Mistress, I..."

"Is there anything else?" Zhaoyi stopped in front of the door, with a calm face and a calm tone, but in the luxurious brocade sleeves, the slender and slender hands that were intertwined and intertwined had already been clasped together.

This calmness, the stay at this moment, made Tang Yan's words get stuck again.

All kinds of complicated emotions rolled in Tang Yan's heart. He didn't know the reality under the dull atmosphere, and he didn't know the call that Zhaoyi was waiting for, but... Various voices came to his throat, but they were blocked one after another, and all kinds of emotions came to his heart. Also suppressed one after another.Finally, Tang Yan lowered his head and forced a smile, but his voice was hoarse: "Can I call you sister?"

Zhaoyi slowly closed her eyes, a bit of sourness mixed with haze accumulated in the corners of her eyes and turned into a little crystal.

elder sister?

Sister, cut off all illusions.

A big sister, build up barriers with family affection.

I used to be indifferent to the relationship between the two, I used to hate the absurdity of avoiding the past, I used to... I used to... too many pasts have new expectations under the scouring of time, too many depressions have changed after 15 years of getting along smell.

"En." Zhaoyi nodded slightly, her response was as thin as a mosquito.

But at the moment when the door was closed, the crystals accumulated in the corners of his eyes slipped down his cheeks silently, soaking the corners of his mouth with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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