Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 882 Traitor

Chapter 882 Traitor
Eunuch Zuo returned to the palace to report to the king as soon as the meeting was over!

He is the best at taking credit for how he proactively ordered the intelligence system to track down Tang Yan, how hard and dangerous the operation was to track, how lucky he was to discover Tang Yan's whereabouts, and how he risked his life to determine the movement of Jiulongling. The twists and turns are bizarre, but also wonderful.

The news immediately attracted the attention of the royal family, and overnight a secret order was issued to the princes and ministers to gather in the conference hall.

"Tang Yan is really here? Damn guy, the dragon-eating loach and the Contracted Clan are the internal affairs of our kingdom, how can we allow an outsider like him to interfere?!"

"Don't complain, Tang Yan has the assistance of Jiulongling and the background of Eternal Beast Mountain. Now he can be regarded as the hottest big shot in the Central Plains. He doesn't need any reason to intervene in anyone's affairs!"

"Nian Wuqing... Nian Wuqing is here..."

"The Nian in Jiulongling is ruthless, vicious and evil. No saint in the world is willing to contact him. I don't think the ancestor would want to fight him to the death."

"Tang Yan's madness and bloodiness have been spread across the world with the help of the two tragic battles in the Arbitration Kingdom and the Star Battlefield. Now that there is Jiulongling and the Eternal Beast Mountain as the background, I am afraid that he will follow the example of the sky fire in the past and give birth to another evil ancestor!"

"This battle is inevitable, everyone think of a way."

There were five elderly people sitting in the meeting hall, discussing a lot.

The slightly fat man above him is the king of the kingdom. His body is bloated and his appearance is not flattering, but he has the unique majesty of a superior. His slender eyes are extremely bright and flashing sharply.

Tang Yan's arrival was within their expectations. The royal family started preparations on the first day after the Black Cloud City incident, but they really didn't expect Tang Yan to come so quickly, so they didn't take a rest and didn't return to Jiulongling , Leaving Xingluo Ancient Kingdom, entered the Arbitration Kingdom.

This resolute character makes them feel tricky.

And after learning that Jiulongling only sent one Nian Wuqing, instead of letting out a sigh of relief, it collapsed even more, which made the faces of all the old people ugly, and even the king frowned.

Although the four gentlemen are all feminine and weird, they have different personalities and abilities. Nian Wuxin is the strongest, Nian Wuqing is the cruelest, Nian Wuyi is the most bloodthirsty, and Nian Wude is the most greedy.

Nian Wuqing's cruelty comes from the vicious execution methods, and the motto of "never kill, but make life worse than death" is trembling.

There is a twisted soul hidden under her enviably charming skin, and her strength is second only to Nian Wuxin.

Such a character came to the Kingdom of Arbitration, with enough ability to suppress the old and weak priests.

"Tang Yan is coming aggressively, and he will never stop until he achieves his goal."

"If Tang Yan is allowed to snatch the dragon-eating loach, what is the majesty of my kingdom?"

"It is difficult for us to resist alone, we can only rely on external forces. The old minister implores the king for permission, immediately contact the Holy Spirit Hall and the Tianji Pavilion, and send as many strong people as possible."

The king closed his eyes and his face was heavy: "The Temple of the Holy Spirit has promised to send a saint, and the two half-sages of the Tianji Pavilion are already on the way. This is the limit of their sending. Their purpose is to use us to defeat Tang Yan. The prestige of killing him is not here to send him to death. If the situation is not right, they will withdraw immediately. Now Tang Yan is coming soon, and the kingdom is already in danger. If they are asked to send more people at this time, they will definitely ask for extra money .”

"What should we do? Can't just watch Tang Yan act violently? Tang Yan has already made a name for himself in Heiyun City. If we win again in our Arbitration Kingdom, who can suppress him?" Elders don't really care about Tang Yan. How loud the reputation is, what really cares is the prestige of the kingdom, and it is to guard the dragon-eating loach!
If the dragon-eating loach gets out of trouble, it will definitely unite with Tang Yan's successor of Li Bing, and by then... the Kingdom of Arbitration will not be far from turmoil.

Eunuch Zuo bowed and saluted, and said softly: "Your Majesty, this old servant has a suggestion, I don't know if I should mention it or not."

The king's expression softened slightly: "Say."

"Tang Yan pretended to be smart and brought people to threaten him, but he didn't know that we had locked his whereabouts. This is one of our advantages. The old slave will continue to follow up the information as much as possible. The old slave's suggestion is to disclose this matter. Give the Holy Spirit Temple and the Tianji Pavilion, give them a confidence. And... um..."

"Don't hesitate, speak!"

"Both the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets are coveting our 'Wind and Thunder Explosion', so we might as well hand over the manufacturing method to both parties, give them half first, and then give the other half after it's done!"


"Wind and thunder explosion is the core secret of our country and the greatest reliance of our military. How can it be easily given to others!"

The five old men scolded in unison, their expressions extremely firm.

Eunuch Zuo glanced at them coldly, and continued to advise the king: "In fact, according to the old slave, Tang Yan only brought Nian Wuqing and three or four semi-sages, which are not enough to threaten the kingdom. We have a geographical advantage. There are a total of 39 wind and thunder explosions, and the collective power can threaten even half-sages. There are also [-] warriors and five half-sages. The palace is ruled by the ancestors. The two sides are completely balanced.

Now with the assistance of Tianji Pavilion and Holy Spirit Hall, our power will surpass Tang Yan, enough to give him a head-on blow and let him defeat the priest Shancong disastrously.

But according to the old slave, things will not be so simple. The king thinks that Tang Yan will give up easily after this defeat?Or if Tang Yan died in Wangcheng, Jiulongling would give up? "

"Continue." His Majesty opened his eyes with a strange light.

"Tang Yan will not die, and the dragon-eating loach will not leave. The matter will never end. We must be prepared for a protracted war. The reason why the old slave suggested handing over Fengleibao to Tianji Pavilion and Holy Spirit Hall is to be able to fight again in Tang Yan's life." When the attack comes, continue to invite them to come to help, so as not to be caught off guard. And..."

Grandpa Zuo paused for a while, showing a smirk, and lowered his voice: "Fengleibo is the treasure of the kingdom. It is of great significance and power. If we use the method of making Fengleibo to seduce them, they will definitely spare no effort to assist. Take this time as an example. When Tang Yan and the others came to attack, we could guide the Temple of the Holy Spirit to kill Nian Wuqing and the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets to kill Tang Yan with a little manipulation. In this way, the anger in Jiulongling would be divided into the Temple of the Holy Spirit and Tianji immediately. Pavilion, and we... are safe and sound from now on..."

"Oh?" Shang Wang's spirit shook slightly, and his fat face suddenly shone brightly.

"Huh?" The five old men raised their brows, their anger slowly dissipated, and they fell silent one after another, their eyes changing, thinking about Zuo Gonggong's proposal.

Eunuch Zuo showed a proud expression: "This is a crisis, but also an opportunity. If Tang Yan can be frustrated in our royal city, the prestige of the Arbitration Kingdom will definitely increase to several levels, attracting more powerful people to come and serve. As long as By killing Tang Yan and Nian Wuqing, we not only keep the dragon-eating loach, but also enhance the national prestige, and attract the strong, so we can achieve multiple things, wouldn't it be great?"

"Good!! Hahaha, good! Eunuch Zuo deserves to be my king's counselor!" The king was slightly silent, and laughed heartily, his face flushed with excitement, and he even burst out the secret: "The ancestor town has sealed the dragon loach for 3000 years. , I have been trying to train it, and it has begun to show results. This time, if I can completely cut off the blood of the contracted clan and cut off the desire to eat dragon loach, this demon saint will be used by my kingdom. By then, My country, Guowei, will surely rise to a higher level!"

"What?!" The five old men were in high spirits, looking at the king in disbelief, training to eat dragon loach?The ancestors have been working hard for this for 3000 years?
The king knew that he had slipped his tongue, but he couldn't hide his excitement, and said: "Let this matter be handled by Eunuch Zuo. From today, Eunuch Zuo will officially take charge of the kingdom's intelligence, and the decree will be announced tomorrow morning. Eunuch Zuo, this time we must Let Tang Yan and Nian Wuqing die in Wangcheng, kill Tang Yan with the help of Tianji Pavilion, and destroy Nian Wuqing with the help of the Holy Spirit Palace."

Eunuch Zuo was so excited that he knelt down and said, "This old slave will definitely live up to your majesty's expectations!"

In the evening, Nian Wuqing and Nian Wuxin entered the capital, Zhaoyi and the three judges also successfully entered before the city gate was closed, and everyone gathered in the restaurant.

After some introductions, all of Tang Yan's plans were approved. Nian Wuqing and Nian Wuxin wanted to continue to test Tang Yan and not directly participate in order to demonstrate his leadership position. Although Zhaoyi felt risky, it was worth trying.

Judge No. [-] personally ordered eight elite team members to go to the west for activities, all pretending to be Tang Yan to create suspicious signs in different areas, and No. [-] was eager to personally supervise Hof to make sure they would not make other small moves.

This is an adventure, a game, no one will trust the other, but they must use each other, it depends on whose plan is more thorough and whose consideration is more careful.

In the dead of night, Tang Yan sat alone on the window sill, staring at the bright stars under the night in a daze, unconsciously playing with a delicate and delicate jade hairpin in his hand.

This was the gift Tang Yan bought for Niya when the two of them were traveling in the ancient land of Canglan, and it was also the first official gift. It was not considered precious, and Niya didn't express it too much, and even seldom wore it on her head.

But it can be seen that she cherishes it very much, and Tang Yan will only let Tang Yan wear it for her when she goes to the city to rest.

Holding the warm hosta, Tang Yan stared at the sky and starry sky, in a daze, thinking silently.

The scenes of the past, the feelings and scenes experienced are all vivid in my mind, and all kinds of feelings come to my heart.

Funny encounters in the ancient underground city, the absurd marriage of the Rao family, all kinds of troubles in the Niya bedroom, six years of war and isolation, the reunion of the imperial city rescue, the intentional accusation of the palace dinner, the delicate massage of affection, and... The meeting at Prince Jing's mansion, the heart-to-heart exchange in the holy land of Yaochi, and the company of the ancient land of Canglan.

Tang Yan realized that he fell in love with Niya so deeply.

After 15 years of precipitation, the emotions have matured.

But... when I really had the courage to face my emotions and protect my lover, a shocking change occurred in the Human Palace, but this connection was cruelly severed.

Tang Yan hoped that Niya was in Falan Tower, at least she could be sure that she was safe and sound, but the dream of Sanshengshi was like a huge stone pressing on his chest.He doesn't believe that Niya will abandon him, but he can't rule out that there will be unpredictable special accidents.

A layer of haze blindfolded his eyes, moist and bitter.

Tang Yan was irritable and bitter in his heart, and he never thought that he would be trapped by love.

(End of this chapter)

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