Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 905

Chapter 905

The disappearance of the phantom of the swallowing demon python and the collapse of the majestic giant mountain, like two blows of a heavy hammer, mercilessly hit the gate of the already crumbling kingdom, and the last extravagant hope collapsed in the weak sway.

The king was full of sorrow, with a haggard face, staggered, walked out of the palace gate, and bowed deeply towards the sky: "God... please protect my kingdom's health..."

The king of a country is so humble that it makes all the officials feel sad, and they kneel down one after another, weeping and praying.

The concubine Wang Si burst into tears and hugged each other tightly, fearful of a dark fate.

The surviving venerables closed their eyes in pain, knowing that now, why bother.Is the royal family ignorant, or are we all being blinded from our sanity?
The Dragon Thorn and Dragon Tooth team members have all gathered around the hall and stared at the forbidden area. There are already three judges ready to assist the dragon-eating loach to attack the forbidden area.

But...the evil and cold aura emanating from inside made them feel deeply uneasy.

Is the young master sure about controlling this evil holy spirit?

After all, the contract agreement of that year has been terminated with the fall of Li Bing. It has been 3000 years, and the dragon-eating loach has been suppressed in this narrow forbidden area for [-] years.

How many memories do you have of the past, and what changes have you made in your current temperament?

To give up the hatred, or to continue to intensify?

The two gentlemen were out of danger one after another, which let them breathe a sigh of relief, but after repeated vicious battles, they were lucky to maintain [-]% of their strength. If the dragon-eating loach counterattacks forcefully, who can do anything to get it?
The abyss in the forbidden area is more like an ordinary lake, calm, deep and quiet. Even when the sealing stone tablet exudes a strong pressure, it is still calm without any fluctuations. Only the evil breath continues to infiltrate, only the huge The figure rises slowly from the bottom.

In the air above the forbidden area, the three judges looked dignified and their breathing was slightly heavy. They were separated in three directions, accumulating their own spiritual power, watching the changes of the abyss nervously, and always ready to attack and dodge.

Although they both belong to Jiulongling, they are different from the four judges who came to the mainland thousands of years ago. The five judges are all strong natives of the Qitian Continent. They have worked hard step by step and grown into a semi-sacred realm. They are all thousands of years old. , they are all aware of the kingdom rebellion 3000 years ago, and they are also deeply impressed by the terrifying power of the dragon-eating loach.

If it hadn't been for the plan of the contract patriarch back then, Li Bing was eager to break into the palace, and various special circumstances caused the dragon-eating loach to be severely injured one after another, and the contract patriarch would definitely be able to seal it in the end.

Such a fierce creature is probably a bit more powerful than the ancestor Yazi!

They all had similar worries of Dragon Thorn and Dragon Tooth team members, and they couldn't figure out where the young master's confidence came from. After's been 3000 years since the incident, and the dragon-eating loach is an evil thing. Certainty.

Whoosh! !A white ray of light fell from the sky, accompanied by the overwhelming coercion of the saints, and with a muffled bang, it fell heavily on the sealing stone tablet, causing a violent fluctuation in the restriction of the forbidden area.

It was actually the retreating contract patriarch!

His whole body was soaked in blood, his head was gray and disheveled, his old face was pale and colorless, his breath was thick and chaotic, and he was on the verge of falling when he fell on the stone tablet, as if he might fall down at any time.

Immediately afterwards, the cry was earth-shattering, and a thick wave of golden light illuminated the sky and the earth. The golden-winged roc swooped down from a height of ten thousand feet, and the terrifying ferocity permeated the ancient city, causing the majestic and magnificent palaces to roar violently. The center collapsed in an all-round way, setting off a surging cloud of dust and impacting in all directions.

Even the three judges felt the completely different tyranny and hostility in the golden light, which shows that Mr. Nian Wuxin really wanted to kill and torture today.

"Even if you take away the dragon-eating loach, don't think about influencing it again!" The ancestor of the contract sank like water, and shouted loudly against the hunting golden light: "The only comrade-in-arms recognized by the dragon-eating loach is Li Bing! But in the world, only A Li Bing has fallen 3000 years ago! Unless you can revive Li Bing, history will not repeat itself!"

Buzz buzz!The golden light all over the sky quickly converged, and the giant Jinpeng shrank sharply, returning to Nian Wuxin's original appearance, descending a hundred meters above the palace.Dressed in a splendid robe, with a snow-white and feminine face, long black hair casually scattered behind her back, and there is a vulture between her brows.

The repeated vicious battles made him exude a dangerous murderous aura from the inside out. At this moment, even the three judges felt palpitations. They lowered their heads and eyebrows slightly to avoid Nian Wuxin's eyes.

The Longthorn and Longya team members in the distance all knelt down on one knee, refraining from all aggressive postures.

The palace officials and the generals of the defending army were also frightened, for fear that this monster would kill again.

"Release the dragon-eating loach immediately!" Nian Wuxin didn't talk nonsense to him, her tone was calm and simple, full of command meaning, anyone could feel the cruelty inside, and the murderous intent implicit in calmness.

Without deliberate instructions, Longya and Longthorn all got up and dragged all the direct and collateral children of the royal family including the king to the front of the palace gate. drip.

Everyone in the palace area did not resist, and they were very restrained. In the face of absolute power, they were like fish on a chopping board. Any resistance could only be exchanged for a ruthless butcher's knife.

Even the surviving Wu Zuns were very depressed, unable to make any determination to resist.

His Majesty looked helpless, dragged by life, but now, instead of fear, he looked at the ground with unfocused eyes, with a dazed expression.

The prince and his heirs trembled slightly, the younger ones were weeping hard, and the older ones closed their eyes in despair, waiting for the verdict of fate.

"Get ready!" Longya and the Longstab team members all put their bayonets on the back of the head of the royal family member, their faces were solemn and almost stiff, like a killing machine executing orders.As long as an order is issued, it must be brutally destroyed.

They didn't open their mouths to threaten anything, but their actions were very clear. If the ancestor of the contract didn't follow his unintentional request, he must be buried with the entire royal family.

In the current situation where the entire royal city is being devastated, if the royal family is destroyed, it is tantamount to declaring a disaster for the kingdom. The princes of the surrounding powerful countries will inevitably beat the frontier war drums on the first day they get the news.At that time, facing the butcher's knives from all sides, what awaits the kingdom is bound to be a bloody battle to destroy the country.

The price... is too heavy!

The royal family... is indestructible!

Nian Wuxin didn't rush to urge him. For the old man in front of him, the kingdom is his foundation. In this situation, he should make the right decision.

The ancestor of the contract slowly closed his old eyelids, covering up the sadness at the bottom of his eyes, and when he opened them again, they returned to deep and bright: "I release the dragon-eating loach and promise to lift all the seals. But you must promise not to hurt anyone in the royal family. One person will not persecute me anymore, and promise that the dragon-eating loach will no longer harm the arbitration kingdom, and the contracted family will not return to the kingdom's territory.

If you don't make a guarantee, I would rather die than release the dragon-eating loach. This forbidden land has been built by me for 3000 years, and it is already unbreakable, and it is related to the dragon-eating loach. remains. "

"I will make the decision on behalf of the young master, and the agreement has been reached." Nian Wuxin slightly raised his hand.

Dragon Thorn and Dragon Tooth team members put away their bayonets one after another. The rescued members of the royal family heaved a sigh of relief, already drenched in sweat, and retreated to the palace in a panic.

"Don't hesitate any longer, let's start." Nian Wuxin had already seen the evil figure under the abyss, and through layers of restrictions, he could see a blood-colored eye, revealing a terrifying resentment.

"This day, you have been looking forward to it for a long time." The ancestor of the contract pressed his hand on the stone tablet, his old face was slightly hesitant, but he felt the sad atmosphere of the entire ancient city, looked at the night sky of the ancient city billowing in smoke, and sighed faintly , no longer hesitated, lifted the seal that had been maintained for 3000 years as promised: "You... are free..."

Clang! !

The suppressed stone tablet shattered, making a roar similar to the collision of heavy hammers, and turned into dots of crystal, which silently fell on the calm lake.Every crystal light spot is like a key, which is hidden under the lake surface and clicked on the embedding points of the layers of prohibition.

The forbidden land seal was built for 3000 years, with a total of 99 floors, which were lifted in turn by 99 points of light.

The lifting of each seal is accompanied by a surge of tragic aura.

Except for Nian Wuxin and the contract patriarch staring in the air, everyone else couldn't resist the evil in their aura, retreating again and again, until a thousand meters above the sky, the high-ranking royal family quickly retreated under the protection of the surviving warriors.

The seal is being lifted, and the danger is intensifying!
There is a worry in everyone's heart, and that is... the dragon-eating loach vents the resentment of suppressing 3000 years in a tyrannical posture!

hum!When the last seal was released, the lake and abyss no longer fluctuated, and there was no sound, but the blood and evil aura that permeated the world had already skyrocketed to the limit.Silent, invisible and unintentional, there is a heavy depression in the sky and every corner of the inner city, knocking on the tension and fear in people's hearts.

If you stand on a distant mountain and look at it, you will find a vague animal shadow transpiring above the buildings in the inner city, moving quietly towards the high altitude, entrenched in the thick sea of ​​night clouds.

The atmosphere has been depressed again and again, and the danger has increased one after another.

Under the eyes of everyone, under the fear of the heroes, there was finally movement in the sealed lake. First, fine air bubbles appeared, and a jet-black phantom rose from the abyss, and then... a black mist gushed out, like It was steaming black water, without any sensational sound, only the expansion of the mist, and 'following' the trajectory of the evil aura that escaped before, spreading towards the entire inner city and surging towards the sky.

There is a different kind of depression and crisis under the silence!

Crash!In the depths of the mist, on the surface of the abyss lake, there was a crisp sound of water flowing. A giant animal head that occupied almost half of the lake surface emerged first. Gradually, the animal head rose towards the sky, and the huge body appeared little by little. It was very slow, and the huge body rose for a few minutes before it was completely out of the restraint.

With its appearance, everyone's chest felt like a boulder was being pressed down, they couldn't breathe, they were depressed and uncomfortable, and they stared into the depths of the mist with ugly faces.

The huge monster soared into the night clouds and slowly entrenched itself.

But the feared tyranny did not arise, nor did the dreadful roar sound.

Perhaps it was suppressed for too long, it moved very slowly, and it didn't even show any cruel killing intent.

But the more this is the case, the more disturbing it is.

what does it... do...

(End of this chapter)

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