Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 908 Closing

Chapter 908 Closing
Li Yi's eyes turned to the ancestor of the contract not far away. His expression was more persistent and repressed, but... he took a deep breath, and he didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he said to the food dragon loach: "This The body is the only remaining blood of the Contracted Race, named Li Yi, and the blood essence of [-] ethnic groups has been injected into his body. He only needs to concentrate on training, and in the near future it will be enough for him to awaken all blood, even surpassing me back then.

Old brother, my time has passed, and today's world and today's situation cannot accept my existence.The grievances and grievances of the past were decided by my successors, and the rise of the Contracted Clan was also shouldered by my successors. I hope you can protect them again. "

"Really let it go?"

"Whether to persevere, whether to regain hatred, let him decide, I will always stay in his body, and will always be with you." Li Yi turned to Tang Yan and said: "He is Tang Yan, the ancient sky fire ghost green The descendant of the fire is also the young master of the Eternal Beast Mountain, the young master of the eighth forbidden place Jiulongling, and also the uncle in Li Yi's eyes."

The dragon-eating loach looked at Tang Yan. It was extremely sensitive to the breath of dragons, and it caught a similar breath from Tang Yan, an urge to swallow him up.

The young master of Eternal Beast Mountain? !

The eighth forbidden area?

The descendant of the ancient sky fire?
What a powerful background!

"Old brother, I'm glad to see you again, this little doll... we will protect it together." Li Bing's remnant soul gradually faded away, Li Yi regained control of his body, his immature cheeks were filled with pain, his body shook slightly, and he fell down On the lotus platform.

Both Li Bing and Li Yi suffered a lot from the successive devastation. In the next time, Li Bing needs to integrate the resentful spirits of [-] ethnic groups, while Li Yi will officially start the road of awakening, waiting for the new and old mixed The path of the body is full of light, and there are countless unknowns.

Tang Yan looked at Shilong Loach: "I think you have already made a decision, come back to Jiulongling with us, and there will provide you with the recovery conditions you need."

Shilong Loach first looked at Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing, stayed there for a long time, and did not hide the vigilance and sternness between his brows: "I don't care who you are or what plans you have, because of Li's illness, I will stay, but you If you want to use my promise to Li Bing to instigate me, give up the idea as soon as possible, I will only protect the contracted family, and it is only limited to guarding!"

Nian Wuqing's face darkened, but Nian Wuxin quietly stopped him.

Tang Yan also didn't make any entanglements with it, and only gave it a simple sentence: "You should know Li Bing's character best. He can choose to trust me, and you have reasons to give up hostility."

Dragon-eating loach is a monster after all, and it is still a top holy existence among monsters. It has the capital and reason to be arrogant, and it must have the same kind of temperament to get along with Li Bing.

After 3000 years of captivity, the subconscious is full of hatred and vigilance.Of course, Tang Yan would not expect the two parties to win a good impression just after they met, or what is called mutual trust between brothers and sisters. It is rare for Shilongxiu not to scold directly with glaring eyes.

Feelings need to be slowly cultivated invisibly after getting along for a long time.

As long as Li Yi is around, the dragon-eating loach will stay, and as long as he stays, Tang Yan believes that he will become a firm follower after going through a lot of things.

As for today, there is no need to say half a word, a word of welcome and a word of joining are enough.

The dragon-eating loach looked down at the contract patriarch coldly, as if he had too much hatred to vent, too many accusations to express, but...after a long silence, he didn't say a word in the end.

After 3000 years of isolation, hatred and contradictions have quietly changed their taste.

hate him?hatred!I can't wait to kill him immediately.

But overlooking the tragedy of the kingdom, looking back at the decline of the Contracted Clan, and looking at the two saints in the mysterious Jiulongling, time has passed and the world has changed. The hatred and grievances have become like a tangled mess, and they are more inexplicably complicated.

Perhaps just as Li Bing said, their era has passed, as to whether to regain hatred, whether to destroy the ancient country, let the only remaining heirs of the Contracted Clan make the decision.

These words almost didn't seem to come from Li Bing's mouth, but... I just got out of trouble, and Li Bing's soul has not recovered, so it is unrealistic to take revenge in a hurry.

The dragon-eating loach chose Shinobu!

"How to deal with him?" Nian Wuqing straightened his brocade robe, brushed his long hair, and cast his malicious eyes on the Contract Patriarch.He had tasted the sweetness of the spiritual source liquid, and the more he tasted it, the more he felt that it had infinite uses. If he swallowed a saint's spiritual source liquid, it would definitely be a super tonic!

Or keep it as a treasure, and in future battles against powerful enemies, if you hold a saint-level spiritual source liquid in your hand, wouldn't it be equivalent to having a second life?Fighting and fighting, both sides were exhausted, and I swallowed one suddenly, and my spiritual power quickly recovered, why don't I just finish torturing my opponent? !
Spirit source liquid is a good thing!

The ancestor of the contract was surprisingly indifferent, except that he was a little lonely and unwilling when he looked at the dragon-eating loach, and he didn't care about his own life or death.Now Tang Yan has the power to decide his own life and death. They want to kill, but it is useless to resist. If they don't kill, naturally there is no need to talk nonsense.

"We need to take into account the feelings of other forces. Making killings around will only attract more resentment, which will not be good for the future. Also, we are here to rescue the dragon-eating loach, not to destroy the country. The former is still somewhat Morally, the latter is pure butcher."

Although Tang Yan never cared about other people's eyes, but now that he has grown up and has an overly large background, and is in the messy dye vat of the Central Plains, it is necessary to be a little careful.Otherwise, if you do things too badly, you will become a "villain" in the eyes of everyone, which is not conducive to making friends with other forces, and is also not conducive to the development of Jiulongling.

Liwei is right, but too much is not beautiful.

In case of death one day, no one is willing to provide assistance.

Nian Wuqing was noncommittal, but he didn't object anymore.

"We abide by the agreement, only take away the dragon-eating loach, and promise not to invade the Arbitration Kingdom in the future, and today's matter comes to an end." Tang Yan did not embarrass the ancestor of the contract, and signaled to the judge and the others: "Shut up."

A vigorous attack incident ended peacefully under a slightly calm posture.

The night gradually receded, and the morning sun rose in the west. The gushing light dispelled the darkness of the mountains, but it couldn't dispel the devastation, the wreckage and ruins, and even less the sorrow and pain left in the hearts of the subjects of the capital.

In just one night, the rise and fall of the kingdom is determined, each flavor has its own taste.

The whole process of the whole incident, along with the dispersal of the flow of people, spread to various regions at an astonishing speed, and fell on the desks of various forces in a very short period of time.

The ruin of the kingdom's capital is not what they care about. The departure of the dragon-eating loach, the recovery of Li Bing, and the fall of the saint of the Holy Spirit Temple are the focus of their shock.

Some forces focused more on special words such as 'Golden Winged Roc' and 'Swallowing Demon Python', and they also focused on the aftermath of Tang Yan's raid.

First he became famous in the first battle in Heiyun City, and in just ten days, he set off a war in the Arbitration King's Capital, and ended with the complete victory of 'killing the saint and saving the demon saint'.Back and forth, the two sensations were enough to establish the prestige of Tang Yan's rise. If Heiyun City only let people know about Tang Yan's existence, the bloody battle in the Arbitration King's Capital attracted the attention of all the powerful.

At least two points of view can be proved from the whole incident. Jiulongling accepts Tang Yan not for show, but to protect Tang Yan sincerely; Tang Yan is not a reckless villain.

And... the escape of the dragon-eating loach, and Li Bing's attachment, made Tang Yan's strength increase again.No one would doubt that the combination that created the name of the hero 3000 years ago will still shine again 3000 years later, and it is different from fighting alone in those years, with Tang Yan's coordination, Jiulongling and Eternal Beast Mountain Lineup, this combination is likely to vent 3000 years of depression with a more aggressive posture.

The prestige of Li's illness reawakened his memory after 3000 years.

The name of Tang Yan once again became the focus of all parties!
It is worth mentioning that with Tang Yan's departure and the subjects of the capital awakened from their panic, bursts of cursing and roaring became the new main theme.Because... the treasury in the palace, the generals' mansions, the minister's mansions, the noble mansions, and all the places where precious items were stored were all looted!
Even shops such as treasure shops and weapon shops have not been spared!
Looking at the empty treasury, not even a wooden shelf was left, the king who had just regained his confidence to rebuild the kingdom, sat on the ground and cried: "How have to save some..."

The shop owners were crying and wailing, cursing the fat man who received a thousand knives!

(End of this chapter)

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