Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 909 Destroy or Follow

Chapter 909 Destroy or Follow

Shili Pingbo Lake is located in an unknown barren place.

There is a fishing village by the lake that has been fishing for generations. There are only a few hundred thatched huts in the village. The villagers are honest and hardworking.

They rarely leave here, and few people approach them.

Until one afternoon more than half a year ago, when the fishermen pulled their nets back, a 'strange' light suddenly bloomed in the sky, and then a figure fell from the high school and landed in their fishing nets.

The never-before-experienced 'miraculous' scene aroused the fear in the villagers' hearts. At first no one dared to move, until a thin figure floated on the calm lake surface, and they had the courage to pull 'it' onto the boat and take it with them. Back to the fishing village.

'It' fell into a coma for ten days and nights, and made the villagers nervous for ten days and nights.But because of the most simple goodwill of the fishing village and the immature and thin figure of "it", the villagers did not abandon it, and placed it in the home of the lonely and respected "Tie Lao" in the village.

No. On the 11th day, 'it' woke up from the coma, and after a long time of being in a daze again, it recovered the expression and smile that normal people have.

'It' is a child, about ten years old; 'It' is a warrior with wonderful fluctuating spiritual power; Xia Houcha in the Green Sea Fortress felt very warm, so he stayed here.

He didn't want to leave, and the more important reason was that he wanted to use the stable and secluded environment here to silently digest the mysterious inheritance obtained by the Imperial Palace.

Those magnificent pictures have been engraved in my mind!

"I want to become stronger! I want to make everyone who laughed at me pay the price!"

"I want the world to witness the rise of my Xiahou tea!"

"I want to endure! I want to hide! I want an amazing!"

"No one can restrain my growth, no one can!!"

"I want to build a country and stand up, and I want hundreds of millions of subjects to kneel down at their feet!"

Xia Houcha secretly swears to the sky that the road to the strong has been paved, and it depends on how he operates.

He made three five-year plans for himself. In the first five years, he digested the inheritance in the mountain village, laid a solid foundation, and planned his future life by the way. In the second five years, he walked out of the fishing village and chose some remote mountains for life and death. Experience, let yourself grow faster, and hone your will.

The third five years...going to the secular world...he planned very well, and the villagers treated him very well. The lonely "Tie Lao" even treated him as his grandson, and everything was in harmony.

Until... half a year later, the sun was setting in the west, the sky was full of clouds, and the calm lake was shimmering, reflecting the beauty of the evening. The villagers returned one after another, bringing back a lot of delicious food.

Winter is about to enter, and they need to store as much food as possible in these two or three months.

The women and children in the village also gathered at the pier, waiting for the fishing boats to come back and help out together. This is almost a daily activity, and there are laughter and laughter in the hard work.

Under the expectation of the women, more than ten fishing boats docked, and the smiles on the faces of the men clearly told them that the harvest was huge!
"When you grow up, you will go fishing like them and be a brave man!" Tie Lao sat on the shore with Xia Houcha, looked at the beautiful scene in front of him, and casually talked about his parents with a smile.

Xia Hou Cha disguised himself as an ordinary child, and only when people were not paying attention, he felt it in the mountains outside the village. Every evening, he would always sit here with the kind "Tie Lao" and enjoy the peaceful scene , Feeling different moods.


Xia Houcha's heart skipped a beat, as if he had a premonition of something.He slowly turned his head and looked towards the trail outside the fishing village, where a slender figure was walking slowly in the afterglow of the setting sun.

His appearance brought a strange aura, like an invisible cold wave slowly advancing, covering the shabby cottages in the village and suppressing the cheerful noise at the pier.

Xiahou Cha frowned, and got up slowly involuntarily.

The slender figure walked into the village, and the strange chill made the village silent, the dogs and chickens did not crow, and they crouched in fear. The men, women and children at the pier were equally terrified and crowded together tightly.

"It's you." Xia Houcha slowly clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and looked at the person coldly.

"I've been looking for you for half a year!" The mysterious man stood still ten steps away, coldly looking at Xiahou Cha with his emotionless purple eyes, and a gust of night wind blew through his long, evil purple hair.

It was the one who once defeated Tang Yan in the Human Palace...the purple-haired boy!
"What do you want?!" Xia Houcha had seen the terror of this person before, and he breathed heavily nervously.

"Destroy, or follow, choose one of the two!"

Outside the southern border of the Dagan Dynasty, there is a huge wasteland next to it. The overall range is comparable to the Dayan Mountains, but the environment here is relatively barren, with various hills, Gobi, deserts, stone forests, and other cruel landforms. Tangled and mixed, looking around, it is barren, and there is hardly much green in sight.

This place is called 'Forbidden Land', the environment is cruel, the spiritual power is lacking, and the monsters that survive are also weak. This is also a natural barrier in the south of the Dagan Dynasty. The more task of the stationed legions is to defend against the harassment of monsters in the wasteland. .

However, its size is exaggerated after all. Under the overall barren environment, there are naturally unusual places.For example, in some special hills, there may be strange spiritual springs hidden, and they will naturally breed terrifying monsters, and even groups of people!
This place is called Forbidden Land, not only because of the harsh environment, but more importantly because of these special environments with a large number of different strengths. Some scary areas even have some high-level monsters, occupying one side of the territory.

In addition to these aspects, the most important thing is the core area of ​​the Forbidden Land!
There is a stretch of rolling mountains, the area is also huge, comparable to a king's city, the appearance is strange, rolling, from a high altitude, it looks more like nine giant dragons entangled with each other, or sleeping, or writhing, or gazing at the sky.

Majestic without losing beauty, majestic without losing gorgeousness.

This mountain range is named Jiulongling, which is taken from the special landform features, and there are nine giant spiritual veins locked underground, which makes this mountain area extremely rich in spiritual power, and a large number of rare and exotic beasts are also born.

In addition, there is also a mysterious organization in the mainland, which is the eighth forbidden area known as 'Jiulongling'!
After the Arbitration Kingdom incident ended, Tang Yan and others left the officiant mountains overnight, approached the Dagan Dynasty in the west along the border of the ancient Xingluo Kingdom, and then went all the way south into the Forbidden Land, and finally returned to Jiulongling.

The journey was very long and took seven days and seven nights.

Compared with the barrenness of the forbidden land, Jiulongling is lush because of the existence of nine spiritual veins, bustling like a tropical rainforest, with spiritual power transpiring and floating like mist, just like a wonderful picture scroll.There are all kinds of rare and exotic beasts in and out, and a large number of spiritual springs and secret valleys can be seen everywhere, not to mention the spiritual treasures, which made Tang Yan and others who had just arrived secretly amazed.

The number of official members in Kowloon Ridge is pitifully small, and there are only a few thousand people living in an area that can accommodate a million people.

The four ministers and the five judges each live in a mountain area, and they are guarding and defending the mountain together, while Ma Yan lives alone in the most core area of ​​Lingquan.

Because they are all eccentric people, their living styles are different, some live calmly in the woods and don’t need any accommodation, some live in thatched stone houses and pursue simple notation, and some live in luxurious palaces and pursue enjoyment. Some open up rock caves, and they pay attention to grandeur.

King Ma Yan and the four princes live alone, and they are served by a team of Dragon Spurs, and only one person can set foot at a time.

The residences of the five judges are either barracks or caves.They don't live by themselves, but live in a mountain area with their own team. They don't usually live here, except for practicing here, they are performing tasks or honing in the cruel environment of the Forbidden Land.

The number of players in each team is kept within 300, and what is required is the essence!Only the Dragon Eye Troop of the Three Kings of Hades is in charge of intelligence, with five hundred regular members and thousands of paranoid intelligence officers.

After Tang Yan came to Jiulongling, he lived in Nianwuxin's Baihua Valley, a huge canyon full of flowers, full of seas of flowers, and his residence is located at the innermost end of the sea of ​​flowers, a bamboo surrounded by flowers. The villages, bamboo buildings, bamboo pavilions, main courtyard and bamboo houses are all made of bamboo.

This place is like a quiet manor, simple yet gorgeous, quiet and prosperous!
(End of this chapter)

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