Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 910 The Rare Bloodline

Chapter 910 The Rare Bloodline

"When will Master Ma and the others come back?" Tang Yan and Nian Wuxin sat in the bamboo pavilion tasting tea and admiring the flowers, feeling the tranquility they haven't tasted for a long time, everything is settled, and they feel safe, and they can finally relax. The spirit of nearly two years.

Since leaving Eternal Beast Mountain, it has been less than two years, and he has experienced too many things, but the passion he enjoyed and the growth he gained are completely proportional to his dedication. No matter what, Tang Yan survived and enjoyed Fruit of the moment!

"Amber didn't specify where he was going when he was leaving, and we don't know his whereabouts. But Boss Ma and the two husbands are moving separately, and there should be news soon. Just wait patiently, it won't take a few days Yes." Nian Wuxin savored the tea carefully, with an elegant and tranquil demeanor, quite aristocratic.

"How much do you know about Amber?" Tang Yan still had a lot of doubts about his background and family, which even overwhelmed his curiosity.

"In the Demon Spirit Clan, and even in the entire Lost Battle Realm, I'm afraid there are not many people who don't know the Demon Spirit Six Slaves!"

Tang Yan didn't disturb Nian Wuxin's memories, and waited silently.

Nian Wuxin cast his eyes on the chaotic and prosperous sea of ​​flowers: "In that era, the Six Slaves of the Demon Spirit were famous far and wide, and they were also the pride of the entire Demon Spirit Clan. They are not only powerful, but also have unparalleled achievements. The key is that His Majesty the Demon Spirit Emperor is the most loyal protector.

They are synonymous with strength and loyalty. Although they call themselves 'slaves', they are widely respected, especially the idols of the younger generation, including me of course.

Among the six slaves, Amber belongs to the amiable type. When he has nothing to do, he will always tell the children of the clan outside stories and give them advice on their cultivation, but he is absolutely unambiguous and ruthless in dealing with the enemy.

But what I admire the most is Uncle Li, a man who was willing to cut off his tongue and blind his eyes for His Majesty. He mutilated his own body on the first day he became a Liu slave.He doesn't do much, doesn't talk, doesn't look, and only focuses on the two concepts of martial arts and protection. He is His Majesty's closest guard, almost inseparable.

But according to Amber...the fate of the six slaves is very bleak, and Uncle Li is also guarding His Majesty on the way to order to prevent the enemy from self-destructing and falling, his spirit and soul are all wiped out. "

Nian Wuxin withdrew his gaze, looked a little lonely, and shook the teacup slightly, causing faint ripples on the surface of the tea, just like the fluctuations in his heart at the moment.

The former idol abided by his life creed in the most bleak way - guard!
A lifetime of obscurity is also destroyed in silence.

Nian Wuxin couldn't see the scene at that time, but could appreciate the sadness.

"Young Master, you have to be prepared. The cruelty of the Lost War World is far more serious than you imagined. It is a land abandoned by the gods, and it is also a land of crime. There are too many geniuses there, and there are countless There are heroes and villains, but almost all of them are short-lived, and they are destroyed in the chaos.

Too many examples have made people numb to the word 'genius'. There is a land of blood, and it is also a land of heroes. "

Nian Wuxin sighed quietly, but said nothing more.

Accompanied by the silence, Tang Yan stared unfocused at the tea of ​​appropriate strength in the teacup.

Lost in the Battle Realm, this name has been engraved in my mind in the Leiyun Mountains back then. Over the past ten years, I have had too many expectations and countless fantasies, but I can never miss this chief minister. Hearing such a heavy tone in his words shows the cruelty there.

Especially for myself!
Tang Yan didn't know what happened to the demon spirit clan, but at least he knew that it would be extremely unfavorable to him. Once he stepped into the Lost Battle Realm, it was like walking on a road of souls that would never turn back. In fact, you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself!
"I noticed that you have a special guard by your side. Where did you find it?" Nian Wuxin collected her feelings, restored her elegant smile, raised her plain hand lightly, and a lark flew up from the sea of ​​flowers. There was joy dancing around him.

"He is a ninth-level star hunter from the Luoyue Mountain Range in the ancient Xingluo country, named Langya. When the Arbitration Kingdom's troops rounded me up in the Luoyue Mountain Range, they relied on the Wolf Pack Star Card Club where Langya was.

Later, I wiped out the troops of the Arbitration Kingdom with the help of the Sky Sparrow Monster Clan in the Golden Desert, and personally severely wounded the old master Agung in the Semi-Saint Realm.He was also there, but he never made a move, and only left me a word later.

If I can promise my passion for a lifetime, he is willing to be my shadow for the rest of my life, until I stop fighting, and he will return to Luoyue Mountain Range. "

"Interesting man." Nian Wuxin provoked the lark, and smiled slightly: "Do you believe him?"

"Perhaps. At least what he's done up to now has no motive for me to question it." Tang Yan seldom trusts someone straightforwardly. Langya is definitely an exception. He doesn't have too much communication or questioning. An ordinary but extraordinary promise is like a silk thread that binds two strangers together.

Sometimes weirdos do weird things for no reason.

Sometimes, to believe or not to believe is just a split-second decision.

"If you have doubts about him, I can help you get rid of him. There are many people in Jiulongling who can be your shadow, and they will do better than him."

"No need, I trust him." Tang Yan exhaled and drank the tea in the cup.

"Are you sure?" Nian Wuxin didn't expect Tang Yan to have an emotional side, which is quite rare.

"Now that you uncles are protecting me, how dare he do evil?"

Nian Wuxin smiled, and said: "Then let's keep it for now, his martial arts are very special, and he is worthy of being your shadow."

Tang Yan asked strangely, "You know him?"

"I heard the third judge mentioned the wolf fang of Luoyue Mountain Range before. His bloodline and martial skills should be regarded as a special type that has disappeared in the entire Qitian Continent. I understand that even the Lost War Realm may not still exist."

"Oh?" Tang Yan became more energetic. Although he agreed to guard and follow each other, he didn't communicate too deeply, nor did he deliberately explore his secrets.

"There are thousands of martial arts in the world, covering almost all levels, but everything in the world has difficulty and difficulty. There are common types and rare types. For example, there are soul veins that control and enslave souls, there are warlocks who control the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and there are Those of us who can fuse with the demon spirit veins of monsters.

But none of them can be regarded as the rarest bloodline. The most peculiar bloodline recognized by the world is space and time.One controls the mysteries of space, and the other controls the mysteries of time.

Space warriors are also considered rare in the major ancient countries. Most of them live in hiding and have a self-world that is difficult for outsiders to understand.As for Time Warrior, I am afraid that ninety-nine percent of people have never heard of him, nor do they believe in his existence. "

Tang Yan became more and more curious: "You mean... Langya's bloodline is to control time?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. The third judge has a hobby of hunting for novelties. When he finds something interesting, he will stare at it thoroughly. He once conducted a systematic investigation of several ninth-level star hunters in the Luoyue Mountains. The others are research After a long time, he was not interested, only the wolf tooth made him stare at it for two full months, and he even went to the Luoyue Mountains to squat in person."

Tang Yan frowned and remained silent for a long time, then asked strangely: "Are there any time-based martial arts in the world?"

Nian Wuxin smiled: "That's the problem, no!"

"No?! Without a corresponding martial skill, isn't it equivalent to a waste vein?"

If any martial artist wants to get involved in martial arts, spiritual veins and martial skills are equivalent to the matching of bowls and chopsticks. They are indispensable, mutually restricting and promoting each other.

If a person masters top-level martial arts but does not have the blood power to withstand it, it is equivalent to guarding a treasure mountain but cannot hold it; if a person has a powerful blood but no equivalent martial skills to guide it, it is like putting a treasure mountain in a cloth bag, but it is not enough to hold it. Can't get it out.

Bloodline is equivalent to the foundation, and martial arts is a channel for guidance and display.

For any martial artist to be strong, it is empty talk without a blood foundation, and it is a joke without martial arts as a guide.

"That's why the third judge stared at him for two months. As far as we know, there should be no time-based martial arts in the world, but this wolf tooth has grown up, and he still has the realm of a third-order martial master.

Don't you feel strange?There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that he discovered some very precious time martial arts by chance, and the other is that he developed and created a set of guiding martial arts by himself!We're leaning more toward the latter, and the kid figured it out on his own. "

"Create your own martial arts?! How much wisdom and talent is required for this? Doesn't it mean that the future is boundless?" Tang Yan rarely heard of anyone creating their own martial arts, only the mentor Dukong.Du Kong is a holy Buddha in the Pure Land, with extraordinary talent, and his ability to create his own martial arts has caused a widespread sensation, and he was shocked by all parties as a god-man.

Langya actually... Nian Wuxin laughed again: "It's not that the future is boundless, it should be that there is no future! Otherwise, I would propose to get rid of him? The blood of time is too against the sky. In ancient times, he was envied by heroes and chased and slaughtered him. Its inheritance has been extinct, and there should be no legacy of martial arts, so I tend to create and develop some time-like tricks on my own. However, it is simply impossible to rely on my own ability to pry into the deep meaning of time. At least I think it is impossible for him to do it, which means that his achievements will stop here, and there will be no further progress in eternal life.

For you now, he may be useful, but when you advance to the semi-sacred realm, he is useless. When you advance to the saint realm, he can be completely discarded. You might as well choose some other people with more potential to be shadows . "

Tang Yan didn't pay attention, but frowned secretly, he really didn't expect Langya to have this kind of blood, and the most extraordinary thing was to explore martial arts by himself?

This is a talent, no, from Tang Yan's point of view, he is simply a genius.

Is there any reason to give up easily?
What if one day in the future, by chance, one discovers a time-type martial skill?Combined with his talent for self-created martial arts, wouldn't he be able to spy on more mysteries, once he grows up, it must be a lore secret weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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