Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 911 There is a situation

Chapter 911 There is a situation

Nian Wuxin saw through Tang Yan's thoughts, smiled and shook his head without saying anything.Anyway, he didn't think Langya could develop better. Now Tang Yan is like a child who just got a new toy, feeling mysterious everywhere, and fantasizing that the toy can become a real weapon.But after a long time, he will naturally give up after gradually realizing the reality, and it will not be too late to choose a shadow for him again.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Nian Wuqing walked from the sea of ​​flowers, and found a white fox in his arms somewhere. It could be seen that he liked this little guy, but the white fox was trembling and frightened. Enough.

Nian Wuxin poured a cup of tea for Nian Wuqing and said with a smile, "Talk about the shadow of the young master."

"Let's change it. The second judge is very suitable. He is capable and steady, loyal and resourceful, and has strong adaptability. The fourth judge is also good. He has a bit of a ruffian personality, but he is ruthless enough to fight for his life. He can block the knife for the young master at critical moments."

"No need." Tang Yan was still used to Langya's ghostly companionship.

"Not satisfied? The third judge is in charge of intelligence and is not suitable to be your shadow. The fifth judge is suitable in all aspects, but the image is too bad to be taken out. The chief judge is fine, you still can't control him, or I will start from the fifth class. Can you choose someone from the army?"

Tang Yan didn't want to talk about this, and asked, "Is there any effect on the interrogation of the Heavenly Rescue Envoy?"

Nian Wuqing glanced at Nian Wuxin, who shrugged and shook his head, expressing helplessness.

"I've practiced torture for thousands of years, and I still can't deal with him? The Pei Jian you killed doesn't belong to the Holy Spirit Palace, but the direct descendant of the ancient Golden Clan Spirit Clan behind them. He was sent to Qitian Continent to practice , ranked fourth in the new generation of the spirit clan, known as the fourth son.

Besides Pei Jian, Pei Quan, Pei De, and Pei Carboxin were also sent to Qitian Continent for training, ranking seventh, eighth, and twelfth respectively.Pei De and Pei Quan used to be in the south of the border, and later entered the Central Plains, Pei Carboxy has been in the bitter cold north.The specific location has been sent to the third judge, and he will track it as soon as possible.The chief judge, the second judge, and the fourth judge have all been sent out, leading their respective teams to assist the third judge, and they should be successfully arrested without any accidents.

Young Master, your guess is correct. These people have extraordinary identities in the Spirit Race and they all have strong supporters. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Holy Spirit Hall will not decide to abandon them privately.As long as we can catch them, the Temple of the Holy Spirit will not dare to do anything wrong again. If we think of a way later, we should be able to rescue your relatives. "

"Thank you for your hard work." Tang Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Is everything else arranged?"

"Dragon-eating loach is arranged in Boss Ma's residence. There is a heavy dragon aura inside, which can help it recover as soon as possible. Li Yi is temporarily taken by it to prevent outsiders from disturbing it. Luo Hu just entered the forbidden land and said yes To get used to those three spiritual weapons better.

Boss Ma and the others have been looking for it for almost half a month, and they should bring Amber back soon.Don't worry about the third judge doing things, young master, the fifth child will do his best to help you find a fiancée.You don't have to worry about anything, just live here safely.Practice your spiritual source liquid, and realize that the most important thing you have received since the star battlefield is the improvement of your own strength. "

Tang Yan talked with the two gentlemen, and after tasting tea, he left the bamboo pavilion and returned to the residence arranged by Nian Wuxin in the village.

"Brother, you're back." Tang Ying waited in the yard after waking up, rushed over as soon as she saw Tang Yan, and asked anxiously, "Any news about Grandpa and the others?"

Two consecutive months of tossing made her look haggard. Although she was already safe, she was more concerned about the safety of her grandfather and the others.

Besides Tang Ying, there was Fatty Zhuge in the courtyard. This guy had been trying his best to behave in front of Tang Ying since the day he left the arbitration, like a beast in heat, but Tang Ying's mood was not high all the time.

Tang Yan said in relief: "Don't worry, there are already clues. If there is no accident, Grandpa and the others will be rescued soon."

"Really?" Tang Ying was excited.

"Have you ever missed the promise I made to you?" Tang Yan smiled and brushed her messy hair. It had been many years since I saw her.

In the memory of the second dude, the cousin's cold and arrogant personality and slender legs have always been lingering thoughts when she was young. After more than ten years, Tang Ying has also grown into a beauty that makes men's hearts beat. Admit that she has an innocent charm.

"Yeah." Tang Ying pursed her red lips, nodded vigorously, and her eyes were slightly covered.

"Okay, don't cry. I promise that this kind of thing won't happen again in the future." Tang Yan hugged Tang Ying gently, and said with a smile: "It's safer here, you stay here temporarily, and wait for me to return to the Dayan Mountains." Time to go back together."

"I...I want to go back with Palace Master Zhaoyi, and tell my family that I am safe, so that they won't worry any more." Tang Ying is willing to stay by his side, and also wants to hear about Tang Yan's experiences over the years .What made him go from youthful to mature, and even his temperament changed drastically, and what made the "abandoned son" who was struggling in the south of the border have such amazing achievements now.

More than 20 years ago, she dismissed him; more than ten years ago, she sighed with emotion at his transformation; but now, she can only look up at the former playboy walking towards the altar with firm steps.

She is proud of him, proud of her family!
But...she is very strong and doesn't want to be Tang Yan's burden, for fear that staying here will affect Tang Yan's 'doing great things'.

"Grand Palace Mistress? When did she say she wanted to go back?"

"She came here just now and said she wanted to bid farewell to you, but you were not here. She said she would come again."

"Why do you say goodbye? What else did you say?" Tang Yan wondered, many things have not been completed yet, why did he go back in a hurry?What's more, Jiulongling's spiritual strength and purity are more than ten times that of the Dayan Mountains, and there are five saints sitting in it. Being able to practice here, or get a few words of advice from the saints, will definitely benefit endlessly!
With Zhaoyi's character, she should stay here.

"There's nothing else, is there something wrong?"

Tang Yan felt baffled: "Don't go back, it's safe here, I'll go to persuade Zhaoyi later, the Dayan Mountains are not safe, I managed to rescue you, what if the Holy Spirit Hall is waiting there?"

"Brother! Shall we discuss something?" Zhuge Liang suddenly approached with a calm face, his chubby face was about to burst into blossoms of laughter.

"What's the matter? Who's your brother! You're a generation behind."

"Hey, I'm a master now, maybe I'll be a brother in the future." Zhuge Liang rubbed his hands with a smile, glanced at Tang Ying, and his smile deepened: "People, you have to be self-motivated. My ideal now is to grow up from my grandson." For my brother-in-law."

"Get lost!" Tang Yan slapped him and stared at Zhuge Liang: "Be more honest, if you dare to get Yinger's attention, I will ruin your happiness for the rest of your life."

"Uh... As for... I am so unbearable in your heart?" Zhuge Liang was a little frustrated, his eyes rolled, and his expression suddenly became evil: "You are acting wrong, why are you so impulsive? Why do you want to keep it for yourself? "

One sentence made Tang Ying's pretty face flush, and she glared at Zhuge Liang in shame and indignation.

Tang Yan was about to toss the fat man when he suddenly frowned and looked at him strangely.

"Why?" Zhuge Liang was stared at by him, and he asked timidly: "Master, did I say the wrong thing? I... I... I really didn't mean it. You know, my biggest problem It's honesty, if it comes to your heart, more concerned..."

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Come here."

"Master!! We are all civilized people, we can't touch our hands!" Zhuge Liang took a few steps back, his face full of vigilance.

"Come with me, I have something to ask you." Tang Yan seemed to have thought of something, frowned and walked towards the small lake in the courtyard.

"Grandpa, you have something to say, don't be so mysterious, it makes my little heart jump out of rhythm." Zhuge Liang followed up anxiously, and said with a wry smile: "All the treasures snatched from the king's city are placed in your place." I’m in my bedroom, so I hid two interspatial rings as a souvenir, and I promise there’s nothing inside.”

"Come here!" Tang Yan put his arms around his neck, walked to the stream, and asked in a low voice: "I want to ask you something, please think carefully about it for me, and then be serious about it." answer."

"You are saying that our posture is very indecent."

"Do you still remember the hotel in the outer city of the King of Arbitration? We stayed there for a few days, and you came to me one night and said that you saw Zhaoyi crying, and you also found that Li Yi's behavior was abnormal."

"Hmm, there is such a thing, what's the matter?"

"Or that night, I drank with Zhaoyi, and then I got drunk, and you took off my clothes?"

"Brother!! You're wronged!!" Zhuge Liang's face turned pale, and he held onto his collar tightly. "I have been taking the light route, I really have no feelings for you!!"

"Be serious!" Tang Yan almost pushed him into the river, and said seriously, "Tell me about the situation that day."

"I really have nothing to do with you. No matter how hungry and thirsty I am, I won't take off your clothes, right? I wandered outside and went back to sleep without any interest. I slept until dawn."

Tang Yan's expression was strange: "Really?"

"The conscience of heaven and earth!" Zhuge Liang promised in a hurry, for fear that Tang Yan would plant something bad on him.

(End of this chapter)

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