Chapter 91
After another three days of drowsiness, Tang Yan finally woke up.

The black girl guarding the side immediately jumped up happily and licked his cheek affectionately.It was just over-consumed that day, didn't suffer too much damage, and had a strong self-healing ability. After seven or eight days of rest, it basically recovered.

"Are you awake? Come and eat something, I just made it." Not far from the small lake, Du Yang was roasting some pheasants, and the rich meaty aroma wafted through the forest.

This is a valley, lined with green trees and crisscrossed by ancient trees. Although it will not block out the sky, it is still a good place to hide.

Tang Yan's body was still very weak, and he needed the help of a branch to barely stand up.

"Where is Ren Tianzang?"

"Let's go." Du Yang looked haggard and coughed from time to time.

He woke up two days ago, took the only small drop of spiritual source liquid in the jade bottle, and recovered some energy, so that he would not be too weak to get up.However, the meridians in his body were severely damaged, and he could not run his spiritual power smoothly, so he might not be able to perform martial arts for a long time.

"It's so free and easy, just leave as soon as you say, and leave us here." Tang Yan sat down against the ancient tree, looked at Du Yang who was sluggish, and smiled bitterly: "How are you?"

"What do you think? It's not much better than you." Du Yang handed the roasted meat to Tang Yan: "Eat something, thanks to the black girl, if it wasn't for her, we would have been given by this monster a long time ago." have eaten."

The black girl raised her neck proudly, and asked Tang Yan for credit. These days, they were the ones who guarded the two of them.

Tang Yan smiled weakly, held it tightly in his arms, and divided the meat equally.

"Why let Tang Gan and Ade go? It's not like your style." Du Yang heard something from Ren Tianzang.

"The Tang family has been tortured enough by me. I don't want to make grandpa sad anymore. Let's leave it to the family." Tang Yan didn't pay attention to Tang Qian at all. Even if he wanted to kill him, he had to defeat him with his own hands. Slaughtered on the ground instead of relying on Ren Tianzang's power.

"What should we do next? If Tang Ba and the others can find them, there may be a turning point, but if we rely only on us, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long. If we don't get caught by the Lingwang Palace, we will be eaten by monsters."

"Let's resign ourselves to fate, and hide here for a while. How long will it take for your body to recover?"

"It's three to five years long, and three to five months short. My meridians are full of cracks now. If I want to completely repair it, unless there is a panacea, otherwise, I can only rely on it to heal a little bit by itself."

"I'll tell you another bad news, my Green Flame can't be used for the time being."

"What is your 'temporary' for how long?"

"Not sure, I'm afraid it will take a while. During this period, we can only recuperate by absorbing the energy of the world."

Du Yang shook his head bitterly: "The house is leaking and it's raining all night. It's called misfortunes never come singly."

Tang Yan leaned back on the ancient tree, looking up at the blue sky through the mottled branches and leaves.In the battle of Giant Elephant City, I lost a lot, but also realized a lot, family and friendship, as well as ignorant feelings.Family love is like the Tang family, the closed door, the resolute expulsion, and the unexpected assistance of the old man at last; The ice butterfly blooming in the field is destined to become the most poignant picture in Tang Yan's memory.

Tang Yan's heart was full of fighting spirit, and his blood was still surging. He really wanted to kill the giant elephant city, but he knew better that it would be difficult to get revenge within ten years.

This is the first time since we came to this world, the first parting between life and death, the first real experience of love and hatred, a kind of pain, pain like tearing the soul, a kind of hatred, hatred from the blood, and a sincerity, life and death. In between, he understood a lot.

Tang Yan climbed up the crown of the tree, sat cross-legged, held his breath, and adjusted his physical condition.Opening his mouth, he used the most basic method to absorb the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth, and followed the formula given by the blood doll to search for the 'soul of life'.

Swallowing and absorbing, traces of spiritual energy poured into the spiritual veins, nourishing the dry meridians, easing the wounds of the body, not as pure and rich as the spiritual source liquid, but with a kind of unruly wildness, which requires careful refining to absorb .

But during this period, Tang Yan never felt the existence of the soul of life.

Du Yang found a relatively quiet place after packing up his things. He absorbed the energy of the heavens and the earth in the usual way, warming and repairing the meridians bit by bit, inch by inch. The spiritual power was not abundant, and refining was very difficult. The process It is even more complicated. If this continues, it may really take a year or two to fully recover.

But that was the end of the matter, and he had no choice.

Fortunately, he has a resolute personality and never gives up lightly. He only regards this as a test.

Although the black girl is immature, she is very smart, lying in the corner, silently guarding the two of them.

Tang Yan kept swallowing and absorbing, refining and absorbing persistently, and also searched carefully.Finally, after seven hours of persistence, he caught a strange energy fluctuation in a mouthful of heaven and earth spiritual power, which was very weak and fragile.Tang Yan's spirit was lifted, and he hurriedly wrapped it according to the mantra, but it collapsed and turned into spiritual power and sank into the spiritual vein.

Tang Yan was stunned for a long while. After holding on for so long, he managed to catch a strand, but it just disappeared?This soul of life is more fragile than expected.

For his own life, Tang Yan quickly adjusted his state and continued to swallow.It is quiet here, which is good for them to hide, but the corresponding killing will be reduced. This kind of soul of life is naturally very rare. If you want to catch a wisp, you must rely on chance and patience.

Another five hours later, after the sky gradually darkened, Tang Yan caught a wisp of the soul of life again. This time, he did not disassemble it blindly. He leaned over it carefully and peeled it off bit by bit. It took a full 10 minutes. , finally dissociated before it dissipated, the fog baby who sank into the sea of ​​qi.

A strange fluctuation spread slowly, invisible and colorless, but it permeated the whole body's bones and flesh.Tang Yan had a very strange feeling, he couldn't explain it clearly, and before he had time to feel it carefully, everything returned to the original state.

With this success, Tang Yan cheered up and continued to persevere.The killings in the forest at night were more frequent, and maybe three or four souls of life could be caught by luck.

Tang Yan persevered, and Du Yang was also cultivating silently.

Time passed by, the two insisted on each other, and no one bothered.

Two days later, Tang Yan suddenly thought of an idea, why not arrange for Hei Niu to catch a few monsters, the level of which is relatively low, and then kill them here, their souls of life will definitely escape, which is more convenient for Tang Yan to capture.

Hei Niu and Tang Yan got along very well, and Hei Niu fully understood the simple introduction.Not long after, he really brought back a second-level monster crocodile dog, and killed it with one bite under the ancient tree. Tang Yan concentrated and swallowed, and captured the soul of life very smoothly, and it was far clearer and clearer than before. Concise, easy to strip and refine.

But Hei Niu was still in her infancy after all, she had a super sudden killing ability, but she couldn't hunt stronger monsters by herself. Basically, the monsters she hunted were second-level monsters, and occasionally there were some elementary-level third-level monsters.

Tang Yan didn't want Hei Niu to go too far away, and he didn't want it to be in danger, so he was only allowed to move and wait around this valley, and the number of hunts was naturally limited.

Now that the crisis has not been touched, they must be vigilant at all times.

This lasted for about ten days. Tang Yan absorbed enough energy from the heavens and the earth, and the refined spiritual power flowed through the meridians like a trickling stream, healing the injuries all over his body.But the soul of life absorbed was only 23 strands, and the aging condition was not slowed down. He still looked like an old man with gray and dry hair, but his mental state had obviously improved, and he was no longer dying like that.

On this day, thin mist began to appear in the depths of the valley. Tang Yan and Du Yang were very sensitive to this, and they did not dare to stay any longer, so they fled quickly with the black girl.

Tang Yan stood in the crown of the tree, gazing at the vast and endless rolling mountains: "Let's go west, through the cemetery of the deserted city to the Delos Empire."

"Lingwang Mansion should have expected this. If we go there, aren't we throwing ourselves into a trap?"

"Staying in the psychedelic forest is not an option after all. We can't afford it with the Lingwang Mansion. We can only go there to try our luck. You pretend to be a medicine boy collecting medicine. I don't need to modify my appearance. I pretend to be your grandfather." .”

"I think it's more appropriate for me to play your wife." Du Yang countered bluntly.

The two looked at each other and smiled, rushed into the confused forest, and moved westward all the way.

The black girl squatted on Tang Yan's head. It has a very keen sense of smell and can catch the breath of powerful monsters.Relying on it, Tang Yan and Du Yang were lucky enough to avoid the terrifying monsters around them, walking day and night, cautiously along the way.

On the way, I found some branches to weave into baskets, and picked up some common medicinal herbs to prepare for future camouflage.

During the period, he did not forget to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and repaired his weak body.

(End of this chapter)

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