Chapter 92
In the process of fleeing, they encountered foggy areas many times, and they avoided them without hesitation. When they encountered moving humans, they avoided them if they could, and hid if they couldn't.They had just experienced half a year in the psychedelic forest some time ago, and learned a lot of survival skills, which undoubtedly helped a lot now.

Perhaps in the subconscious mind of the search troops in the Lingwang Mansion, they still thought that Tang Ba and other three Martial Kings were guarding Tang Yan, inferring that they should be hiding in a very dangerous place, naturally ignoring some weak auras.

Tang Yan and Du Yang escaped danger all the way, and luckily moved to the outskirts of the forest.

On the western edge of the psychedelic forest, a group of sergeants with armor and swords on their backs scattered around, with strong physiques, firm faces, and a strong killing atmosphere.

They are a centurion of the Falcon Army, responsible for guarding and guarding the area.

"Captain, none of the strongholds have been found, and it is as calm as usual." After the daily routine inspection, the deputy centurion approached the centurion to report the situation.

The head of a hundred people is as strong and strong as a tiger, exuding a menacing and fierce aura. At this moment, he is facing the rising sun and swallowing the aura of heaven and earth: "Continue to search, we must not miss any place."

"It's all been arranged, and the brothers have not let up. Centurion, do you think the Tang family will really escape from the Great Zhou Empire?" The deputy centurion looked at the vast Lin Hai with a slightly bored expression.

"They dare not return to the Northern Wilderness. Surrounded by mountains in the south, there are a large number of super monsters entrenched. Even the legendary wild beasts exist. The east, together with the Sala Empire, is stationed by the notorious blood burial troops. Ruthless and blood-drinking, cruel and vicious, unless the Tang family wants to stay in the psychedelic forest forever, they can only choose here. Why did the legion commander arrange fifteen centurions here? That's the reason."

"We have been guarding here for almost a month, and there has been no movement. If they want to leave, they should leave as soon as possible."

"Wait patiently. The regiment commander sent secret orders many times a few days ago. They must be strictly reviewed and no clues should be missed. Anyone who comes out of it, no matter who they are, will be detained until the Tang family is caught."

The deputy centurion stopped talking and turned to look at the iron cage in the distance, where many idle mercenaries were guarded.They all came out of the dense forest during this period, regardless of men, women or children, they were all arrested.

Noticing his gaze, the mercenaries in the iron cage all raised their eyebrows and grinned, their teeth itching with hatred.If they were not afraid of the prestige of the Falcon Army, they would have resisted long ago.

"Who! Come out!" A roar came from a distance, which immediately attracted the attention of the nearby troops. The centurion's spirit was slightly shaken, and he grabbed the broadsword and rushed over immediately.

There was a burst of noise in the iron cage.

"Hmph, another unlucky ghost."

"If you have the ability to catch the three butchers of the Tang family, what kind of heroes are you playing here?"

"They can only play prestige against us. If the three butchers of the Tang family rushed out from here, they would be able to wipe out this centurion with a single hand."

"Hey, the old man of the Tang family is good enough to protect the calf. He directly threw the three Wu kings to the young master. The Lingwang Palace keeps sending strong men to participate in the hunt. He is afraid that if he is not careful, he will lose a few more offerings."

"Stop yelling, bear with it for a few more days, Lingwang Mansion is not a vegetarian, I guess the Tang family will be caught soon."

In the depths of the dense forest, thirty or forty soldiers surrounded two terrified men, one with gray hair and wrinkled face, old and disfigured, the other pale, emaciated, a teenager.

"What are you doing?" The centurion rushed over, his tiger eyes glared, and two rays of light shot out, looking terrifying.

"My lords, we gather the medicine." The old man untied the medicine with a slight trembling, and handed it to the soldier in front of him.

The soldier snatched it away, tossed about indiscriminately, and shook his head at the centurion.

The centurion looked at the boy: "What are you carrying in the basket?"

"Medicine." The boy took two steps back in fright.

"Bring it here and have a look."

"No, no!" The boy quickly hugged the basket, and looked nervously at the officer in front of him.

"Huh?" Everyone's faces slowly turned cold.

The old man hastily smiled and bowed: "My lords, those are the few precious herbs we guessed. Please spare us and don't take them away. We have been walking in this mountain for more than two months. The child's father is unfortunate. I fell to my death, and finally picked up those few plants, so you guys can do it."

The young man hugged tightly and stomped behind the old man, looking panicked and nervous.

"Don't worry, we don't want your medicinal materials. The mountains are not peaceful recently. Have you found any suspicious people?" The centurion wanted to seize them and investigate, but seeing the pitiful appearance of this old man and young man, he didn't insist anymore .

"We only focus on collecting herbs, and don't care about other things." The old man nodded with an apologetic smile, and stretched out his hand pitifully, meaning to ask the sergeant for his own basket.

"Take it, take it." The soldier was a little amused, and threw it over casually.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord." The old man thanked again and again, carefully packing the herbs, as if protecting his own treasure.

"Okay, it's okay, you go and stay there first." The centurion waved his hands and ordered, not wanting to make things difficult for these two poor people.

"Ah? We have to go home, and we have to go back to do the funeral for the child's father."

The soldier yelled: "If you let you go there, just go there, how can there be so much nonsense."

"Yes." The old man looked at the iron cage in the distance, and led the boy to walk there.

"Wait!" The deputy centurion suddenly stopped.

The eyes of the old man and the young man raised slightly, and then returned to normal: "What else do you want to order?"

"Are you collecting herbs? There doesn't seem to be a village nearby, right?" The deputy centurion got off the Leiyun Leopard, came to the old man, examined his body carefully, and touched his shriveled skin to make sure it was right. Camouflaged.

The old man explained: "We live in a place near the south, where there are relatively few beasts and poisonous insects. We basically go out from here first, take a detour and go south."

"Okay, don't make things difficult for them. Let's all disperse and return to their respective posts." The centurion waved his hands and ordered. They arrested the Tang family, the three major martial kings, and the two teenagers. They had nothing to do with the old and the young. , no need to waste time.

The deputy centurion took a deep look at the two of them, always feeling that something was wrong, his Lei Yunbao was still grinning with vigilance, hesitated a little, and said: "Let me see your basket!"

"Father bought it with his life, don't give it to me!" The boy stubbornly hugged the basket.

"I'm not discussing with you, bring it here!" The deputy centurion grabbed the basket.

"You robbers know how to steal our medicinal materials!" The young man roared angrily, clung to him but refused to let go.

"Okay, don't make it difficult for them." The centurion was a little impatient.

"Century chief, this basket is very heavy! It's not so heavy!" The deputy centurion was slightly surprised, and fixed his sharp eyes on Du Yang.

Um?The chief of the centurion cast his attention, and Lei Yunbao, who was sitting down, also became a little anxious.

"There are his father's ashes inside, and they are stored in porcelain jars. My lords, don't make things difficult for us." The old man begged.

"I'll say it again, I'm not discussing with you. Let me go, or I'll be strong." The deputy centurion's face was indifferent.

"Two adults" the old man begged again.

"Give it to me!" The deputy centurion snatched it away, but the basket hit the ground with a bang, making a dull crashing sound.It seemed like a boulder fell instead of a basket full of herbs.

The soldiers who hadn't gone far stopped one after another and turned to look at them.

"It must weigh several hundred catties, you young man is not weak." The deputy centurion looked at the young man vigilantly, sneered, and stretched out his hand to the basket.

The faces of the old man and the young man were tense, and neither of them said a word, and slowly clenched their hands hidden in the tattered cuffs.

"Except for the first two, the rest are martial spirits. If we fight hard, we are somewhat sure." Du Yang reminded in a low voice.

"Don't act rashly, my body is too weak, and there must be big people around here. It's not good for us to get stuck."

"If you don't make a move, you will be discovered."

"Until it's absolutely necessary, you can't make a move." Tang Yan didn't expect the soldiers to be so vigilant, but his body was too old to withstand fierce battles. Du Yang's meridians hadn't recovered yet, so he could only display [-]% of his strength. They weren't The opponent of this group of iron-blooded soldiers.

"What are you nervous about?" The deputy centurion observed the expressions of the two, and slowly lowered his hand, piercing into the pile of herbs, but suddenly screamed in the next second, and withdrew his hand violently. The right hand was bloody.

The faces of the nearby sergeants changed drastically, and Qi Shushu put their hands on the sword handle, and the atmosphere in the forest suddenly became tense.

The deputy centurion's face turned pale, and he sucked in the cold air in pain. "what is inside?"

The boy hurriedly carried the basket back and hid behind the old man: "I reminded you that the things inside cannot be touched."

"Where did you come from, take it down for me!" The centurion shouted, and the three soldiers rushed forward immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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