Chapter 93
boom!In the depths of the distant mountains, an earth-shattering violent explosion erupted. Even if they were so far apart, they could still feel the manic power and the trembling of the ground.

"What's going on?" The centurion's face changed slightly, and he immediately rushed to the canopy of the ancient trees in front of him, staring at the winding mountains and dense forests. A hundred miles away, there was a thick flame rushing towards the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Vast, like a falcon flapping its wings!Vigorous power ripples!
The rest of the soldiers climbed up the ancient trees next to them one after another, looking into the sky.The flames soared into the air, rumbled and trembled, and the huge eagle shadow wreaked havoc, setting off a raging flame. The [-]-meter knife light tore through the sky, as if splitting the sky and the earth. The ground rumbled and trembled, and a raging fire ignited. Some kind of ancient monster is rampant.

"Shadow Wing Zhan! Lie Yan Jue! Is that Tang Family Martial King?" The centurion's face was brightened.

Finally found!This kind of fierce battlefield must have been discovered by the martial king-level priests of the Lingwang Mansion!
"All Centuries, follow me!" Accompanied by a majestic roar, a golden-armored figure in the depths of the dense forest charged into the sky and flew towards the distance.

"It's the leader of ten thousand people, and he actually sits here!" All the centurion teams with hot eyes, quickly assembled, and rushed to the distant battlefield on the Thunder Cloud Leopard.

The centurion here was a little hesitant, but the military order was like a mountain, he didn't dare to delay in the slightest, he gave the order, and led the team to leave, not thinking about the old and the young.

"Tang Ba and the others were discovered!" Tang Yan's face was very ugly, and he was about to chase after him, but Du Yang grabbed him.

"What are we doing in the past? Let's die! Wake up! Don't worry, the three of them should be in no danger unless a powerful person comes over. Let's go, let's go!" Du Yang picked up the basket and grabbed Tang Yan with all his might.

"Their target has been exposed, and sooner or later the venerables of the Lingwang Palace will be alarmed, and they will not be able to escape." Tang Yan was anxious, and he tried his best to break away from Du Yang's hand.

"Don't be a hero, where is your calmness? Look at those mercenaries, their eyes are not right." Du Yang reminded urgently.

"Huh?" Tang Yan looked over, and the mercenaries in the iron cages were staring at them, most of their attention was on Du Yang's basket.What happened just now was seen by them. As long as it is a normal-headed person, they can guess that there is a treasure hidden inside.

"Damn it, let's go!" Tang Yan hesitated for a while, then turned and ran towards the outside of the dense forest.

The mercenaries in the iron dragon rioted in unison, yelling frantically, hacking at the chains of the cage.

"Old man, where did you get the treasure? Let me see if I lost it!" A thin monkey-like man rushed out of the iron cage first, and chased after him with a grinning grin.

He is as thin as a stick, but he is fast!
Tang Yan's body has almost recovered, but this body is very old. Du Yang is full of energy, but his meridians are damaged, so he can't fight, and he is carrying an ancient sword weighing hundreds of catties, so he can't run fast at all.

"Bring it!" The thin monkey let out a sneer, and flew up.

"Roar!" A deep roar came from the basket, and a jet of black lightning shot out of the air, tearing open the thin monkey's chest cavity in an instant, exposing the beating heart inside.

The thin monkey screamed and fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding chest in horror, not daring to act rashly again.But the mercenaries in the other iron cages broke free one after another, and there were more than 30 people clamoring to catch up.

The black girl struggled out of the basket and landed on top of Tang Yan's head, glaring at the chasing mercenaries with bared teeth.

Tang Yan started panting before he ran far, and anxiously reminded: "Black girl, whoever approaches, kill him!"

"Roar!" The black girl held her head high, her hair stood on end, streaks of black lightning rolled all over her body, although she was immature and petite, she was a bit of a hero.

"It turned out to be a monster cub, hehe, it's mine!" A strong man with an epee rushed towards him, stomped the ground step by step, stood up, swung the epee with a fierce blow, and brought a wave of wind and thunder. sound.

"Black girl, hit!" Tang Yan and Du Yang roared in unison.

Sensing the danger, the black girl flashed fiercely, sticking out her young teeth, and let out a roar like a dragon's roar. She was young and sharp, but it stirred up a sound wave that pierced gold and cracked stones. The black lightning around her body turned into a sharp arrow, which slammed into the heavy sword .

boom!The epee shattered, and the huge impact sent the strong man flying.

The mercenaries in the back gasped. This strong man was a strong man at the pinnacle of martial arts, and he was defeated in one blow. What kind of alien is this monster cub?With such power at such a young age, wouldn't it be comparable to a fourth-level or even fifth-level monster when it grows up?
If a monster of this level is sold, it will definitely be exchanged for a lifetime of glory!
The mercenaries were all licking blood with their knives, and they lived a life of hard work. Instead of frightening them away, the blow from the black girl aroused their burning eyes.He followed behind unhurriedly, spontaneously forming a fan shape, and slowly but orderly enveloping them.

No matter how extraordinary this brat is, he can't stand up to their numbers!
"Continuing like this is not an option, we must get rid of them." Tang Yan's face slowly sank, his physical energy was exhausted, and his legs had already started to tremble. If this continues, something unexpected will happen.

"Look ahead, they are about to form an encirclement circle." Du Yang cried out in a low voice.

"Acting, you take out the ancient sword, I'll teach them a lesson!" Tang Yan suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, showing a fierce look, his fists were creaking and clenched, thin spiritual power surged towards his fists , a series of golden lines filled the arms and wrists.

Du Yang untied the basket, and took out the heavy ancient sword with all his strength!Standing with a horizontal knife, staring angrily.

The following mercenaries stopped one after another and looked at the two of them in surprise. At first they thought they were just two ordinary people, but they didn't expect that the old man turned out to be a warrior, and he seemed to have a strong aura.

"Look at the sword in that young man's hand. It has a fierce look!" The mercenary who knew the goods paid more attention to the ancient sword. the brilliance of man.

"We don't want to commit murder, so it's best to get out of here." Tang Yan glanced coldly at the audience, and walked slowly towards the encirclement that hadn't been completely closed yet.Du Yang walked backwards, keeping an eye on the rear, and the ancient saber threatened them from approaching.

The mercenaries in front looked at each other quietly, but did not move away. Several of the third-rank martial spirits secretly exerted their strength, preparing to strike with all their might.

"Things that don't know how to live or die." Tang Yan took a few steps, then ran wildly, and threw out a fist, golden light flashed, and the tiger seal formed suddenly, turning into a huge golden tiger and devouring the five mercenaries in front of him.

Vigorous and mighty, implying the seal of Buddha!
The shrill screams resounded through the forest, and the five mercenaries vomited blood and flew backwards, falling more than ten meters away. Except for one who was still struggling, the other four were all torn and lifeless.

"Oh my god! This old man is so fierce!" The encirclement in front of him suddenly dispersed, and the people were still in shock, not daring to despise him in the slightest.

"If anyone dares to chase after him again, don't blame the old man for being rude!" Tang Yan pouted, the black girl above his head roared sharply, and the black electric lights all over his body exuded fierce power.

"He is Wu Zong?" Finally a mercenary judged Tang Yan's strength, hesitated for a while, turned around and left unwillingly.The Wuzong-level powerhouses are not something they can easily provoke. Once they get angry, the 30 people here can only wait to die.

Tang Yan restrained his breath, returned to the appearance of an ordinary old man, and strode away with Du Yang.The mercenaries stayed where they were, some of them turned and left, but most of them followed leisurely.

The two speeded up as much as possible and moved west along the edge of the psychedelic forest.

The psychedelic forest has a huge area, almost spanning the three major empires in the south of the border, most of which are in the Great Zhou Empire, and the two sides extend to the Sala Empire and the Delos Empire.

"Hold on, those mercenaries are still following, don't let them see the flaws." Du Yang approached Tang Yan, holding his arm without a trace.

"The frontier is the frontier, quicken your pace." Tang Yan's face was covered with cold sweat, and his footsteps began to become vain. If he hadn't had a strong will, he would have fallen down a long time ago.

"Hey, look, there seems to be a team ahead!" Du Yang looked intently, and there was a long team slowly marching on the other side of the border.Even from a long distance, you can see the luxury of the front chariots.

"That is the convoy of the Delos Empire. Could it be a royal tour?"

"It's unlikely. It's close to the psychedelic forest. The army won't be stationed here, and there's no need for the royal family to come here for parade." Du Yang had fantasized about joining the imperial army, so he had studied many deployments on the frontier.

"Let's go there" Before Tang Yan finished speaking, he staggered and fell heavily to the ground.

"How are you?" Du Yang was startled, and quickly pulled Tang Yan up, but Tang Yan's persistence reached the limit, his body was very heavy, and he couldn't stand up again.At this time, the mercenaries following behind suddenly started to speed up and rushed towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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