Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 923 Ups and downs for 2 years

Chapter 923

Ten miles east of Taiping City, at the confluence of three streams, the sky is blue and the water is clear, the green grass is lush, the scenery is beautiful and pure as a picture scroll.

But this morning, accompanied by a loud noise, the ground cracked, the green grass was overturned, and a towering stone monument rose from the ground, more than ten feet high.

The majestic word 'Taiping' is engraved on the stele!
It was the stone plaque that was destroyed at the east gate of Taiping Ancient City, which was moved ten miles and fell here.

The word "Taiping" that shines on the ancient city's long-term well-being has now been soaked in blood. It is irony, provocation, and the cruelest gauntlet!
The remnants of the young masters from the four families were scattered outside, dilapidated and bloody.Green land mixed with blood and water, dotted with wild flowers and remains, the scene is shocking.

Above the blood-stained stone plaque, Tang Yan stood upright like a javelin, with cruel blood in his eyes, black hair and black clothes dancing against the strong wind, with a sword thrust horizontally in front of him.Perhaps feeling the tyrannical killing arrogance from the master, the ancient sword trembled slightly, emitting a boundless ancient battle might.

Spike Fang is no longer hidden, and there are plains for dozens of miles around, so there is no need to hide.Also dressed in black, with black hair, knelt on one knee, holding a short knife in his hand and piercing the blood-stained ground under his feet, his head was drooping, and his face was covered by messy hair, so he couldn't see his true appearance clearly, but it gave people an indescribable feeling. Sen Leng breath.

It's like stinging a ghost, crouching down a beast.

There was a strange and invisible atmosphere around him, as if forming a film-like barrier around him, impenetrable and unreal.

On the stone plaque, behind Tang Yan, there was a tattered iron rod, and a bloody man was tied to it—Nan Wunian!

In this situation, there is no need to say anything else!

Tang Yan was ready, regardless of life or death, regardless of the judgment of future generations, just to save his wife.

Grown up and matured.

Today, you should do what a man should do, what a husband should do!
It's not like... the past... 20 years ago, helpless, young and weak, fighting for the Lingwang Mansion with only blood, it was an immature cry, and it was also the beginning of blood.

That year, the 15-year-old child was speechless and mature.

Fifteen years ago, I went to the Dayan Mountains alone and resisted the heroes with all my courage. That was the frivolity of youth and the passion of youth.

In that year, it was wild, without fear of the world, and there was no need to talk about maturity.

Ten years ago, Yijuhu broke the thousand-year-old Dayan pattern due to the chaos of the Dayan heroes, and the three precepts caused chaos.

In that year, I didn't really mature, but I went through the transition from youth to youth solidly, and I also showed wisdom and stability.

Eight years ago, in the Imperial City of Dross, the phrase "welcome the bride" was used to receive the wedding dress.

In that year, I considered myself mature, and I was also full of pride.

Six years ago, Black Rock Ridge was full of laughing and cursing chaos.

In that year, I was overly conceited, I thought I was a hero in the world, and I thought I was not afraid of the chaos in the world.

Five years ago, in the Wangu Beast Mountain, he fought against Nanhuang indulgently. He was defeated, injured, tired, and cried. He paid the cruelest price for his conceit and arrogance.

In that year, looking up at the sky peacefully, she formally transformed and matured.

Ups and downs, these years, stumbling, twenty years.

Tang Yan is not a saint, not a god, not born to be perfect, not to be perfect.He has done too many wrong things, and he has lost too many relatives—Alinda, Hei Niu, Misty Yuhan, and so on.

But he has been looking for his own direction, and has been trying hard, 20 years of human suffering, 20 years of character transformation, indulgence, arrogance, and rebellion, witnessing the course of life together, Chrysalis Breaking the cocoon, the most gorgeous transformation.

Today, 20 years later, he has completed his transformation, but transformation does not mean losing his blood, but looking for his true self in the change, and he must have a flesh and blood self!
"Is it worth it?" Victoria stood in front of the stone plaque, looking at the man with a terrifying murderous aura with a complicated expression.The time she has been with Tang Yan is not too long, but it is not too short. She thinks that she has basically seen through his character and behavior.

But the tyranny at this moment, and the blood book floating in the ancient city, even she felt the chills.

This chill emanated from his heart and permeated his whole body.

The female corpse hanging upside down, the scattered heads, and the flying blood books, the moment Tang Yan made a decision, the whole situation was completely out of control, like a wild horse that had run loose, and no one could bring it back.

If Fa Lanta really refuses to return Niya, it will inevitably trigger a bloody massacre that lasts for ten years, and it will also push Tang Yan to the focus of the storm on the entire continent.

For a woman, is it worth it?

"Do me a favor." Tang Yan stared at the majestic ancient city at the end of his sight with reddened eyes, his voice was panting heavily, and it was even more deep and hoarse.

I lost too much when I was young, it is understandable, if I lose it now, how can I have the face to fight the world again, how can I have the courage to enter the world of war!'s true self spread out a blood-stained red carpet with my own hands, to welcome my go home..."Definitely!!"

"Use the intelligence network of Tianyan to spread the blood book all over the Central Plains. I want all forces to witness this blood oath, and I want Fa Lanta... to be permanently delisted!"

"You really..." Victoria had thousands of words to persuade, but she swallowed them all on the verge of her mouth, sighed inwardly, said "precious", and turned to leave.

Taiping Ancient City, Tianyan branch.

Victoria issued a commission to the person in charge of the ancient city: "Spread the blood book incident as quickly as possible, from near to far, as far as possible, and spread it as far as possible, and spread it to as many forces as possible. In particular, we must try our best to inform The Master of Falan Tower and other groups of sorcerers, let them understand the seriousness of the matter, and try to prevent Tang Yan from confirming the blood oath. There are two more important points - Pure Land and Jiulongling!"

The person in charge of Tianyan in Tianping City said in a deep voice: "I am very surprised why Falan Tower imprisoned Niya. Since Tang Yan made a blood oath, I am afraid that he is sure that Falan Tower will not be returned easily. This is completely unreasonable! Also, Tang Yan Yan appeared in Tianping City to investigate personally, what about the other people from Jiulongling? Why didn’t they follow? Don’t get excited, there are too many doubts about this matter.”

"No matter what doubts or secrets there are, we must spread the news first. We only have one day, and both sides only have one day. If Falan Tower really doesn't return people before dark, the matter is really irreversible gone."

"But what if you disperse? Can they come within a day?"

Victoria was silent for a while, and said, "I'll contact the higher-ups to see how they make a decision. If they really pay attention to this matter, they will definitely find a way to at least attract all the people who should come."

Outside Taiping City, more and more warlocks and warriors gathered along the trajectory, but feeling the terrifying murderous aura from the stone plaque, all the troublemakers stayed a thousand meters away, watching nervously from a long distance away. Waiting, waiting.

The blood-stained stone plaque, the shattered 'Taiping', and the desolate Nan Wunian.

All of them stimulated their eyes like sharp knives, and the atmosphere of the whole scene was suppressed again and again.They didn't know the situation, they couldn't judge right from wrong, and even good people were rarely silent. No one judged this incident, nor did they criticize Tang Yan or criticize Fa Lanta.

Whether it is from a personal point of view or from the overall situation of the incident, this incident is full of abnormal doubts, and it also has a strong smell of blood.

There is no point in calming the chaos, it depends on how the situation develops.

In the late morning, many strong men from Falan Tower left the inner city and rushed to the east of the ancient city ten miles away, surrounding Tang Yan around the stone plaque in all directions.

All the ten ancestors came, more than [-] elders from the inner court, more than [-] elders from the outer court, and many guardians of the Falan Tower. Almost all the high-level disciples, elite guards, and There are many warlock groups in the outer city.

Nearly 3 people gathered here, densely packed with human figures, besieging Tang Yan's surroundings.

The furious arrogance of 3 people and the fierceness of 3 people made the feature film area look like a churning ocean, and the waves under the hurricane rushed against Tang Yan on the stone plaque.

Tang Yan was indifferent, only the killing intent and coldness accumulated in the bottom of his eyes.

His eyes swept across the audience, but after all, he did not see that familiar figure again!
There's none?
Falanta, that is my wife, why do you detain her, tamper with her memory, and refuse to return it? !

Do you really think I can't confirm the blood oath? !

Let's wait and see!
(End of this chapter)

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