Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 924 Fierce

Chapter 924 Fierce
"Brother Tang Yan! Our Falan Tower has no malice towards you. First of all, please understand that Falan Tower has never detained you..."

A semi-holy ancestor raised his head slightly, and walked forward proudly, with a clear voice, a strong posture, a personable demeanor, and an imposing manner, immediately became the focus of the audience.

But the opening sentence was not halfway through, Tang Yan's face suddenly changed, and his tone was cold: "Who is farting!"

As the voice filled the air, he shook his right hand, and the ancient saber slashed violently, spinning and hitting Nan Wunian's right foot.

Clang!Click!Wow! !

The ear-piercing impact, the tragic cracking sound, the eye-catching blood and flesh splatter, and the ghost-like screams shook the plain at the same time.

The ancient sword directly blasted Nan Wunian's right foot into dregs, and the severe pain made Nan Wunian, who had already been tortured, twitch like an electric shock and let out a wailing scream.Even the spectators in the distance retreated in shock, and even the [-] warlocks trembled suddenly, their eyes showing horror.

The patriarch blushed on the spot and was furious. "Tang Yan is a traitor, bullying too much..."

But... clang!Click!Wow! !
The same action, the same voice, the same scream, also before he finished speaking, Tang Yan's ancient sword slashed again, this time, it shattered Nan Wunian's knee, and the scream increased a few more times. points, with a thick husky.

"Looking for death!!" the ancestor roared angrily, and was about to charge with his arms outstretched.

But... Tang Yan's face was gloomy, and he stared at her like a beast, without saying a word, but his fierce power was even more terrifying, and his aura completely resisted the semi-holy ancestor.

The atmosphere of the scene became extremely awkward!

The eyes of more than 3 people around tremble slightly, and the breath of more than 3 people is slightly heavy!
The majestic momentum when they just gathered is gone!

Tang Yan is simply a wild beast, unreasonable, let alone give them a chance to speak, he followed Nan Wunian's body with one knife and one knife, and still used the most cruel "slapping with the knife face", just imagine, slapping one leg alive The leg bones were smashed, how horrible and painful was that?

Warlock warriors have been regarded as "noble" warriors since ancient times. The materials they cultivate are precious, and they need to spend a lot of money. To fight, just use spells to attract the power of the sky, and wave your hands to draw spells to evolve everything.

They consider themselves noble, and have never seen such a brutal scene.

More than half of the [-] warlocks felt chills.

Another ancestor stepped forward to stop the angry ancestor, took half a step forward, looked at Tang Yan from a distance, and tidied up a bit: "I hope the two sides can talk calmly, Nan Wunian is the No. 17 generation of the master of Falan Tower." Sun, if you hurt him like this, the tower master will definitely come back..."

Clang! !

Tang Yan's eyes were red, and he struck out again. This time, it was no longer a slap on the blade, but a slash with the blade. Puff, blood sprayed, and the bones shattered, breaking directly from Nan Wunian's hip bone.The tattered lower body fell off completely, leaving only the upper body struggling and howling.

The scene was a bloody mess, and a large number of female warlocks screamed and turned their faces away, their delicate bodies trembling, not daring to look or listen.

Nan Wunian was in so much pain that he was in a coma and then woke up in pain, and after waking up and then in a coma, it was a pain like frying in a hot pan.But as a Tier [-] Martial Venerable, even if his body is destroyed, his life still exists, so... even if Tang Yan left him with only his head, as long as his soul is not destroyed, he will still suffer from pain.

It is cruel and scary.

"You..." The ancestor was also trembling with anger, pointing at Tang Yan for a long time without saying a word.

"Fair negotiation? Okay!! I'll teach you what fairness is first. If anyone wants to talk to me, get your wife here first, and wait for me to imprison her for three months and change her memory, and then we can have a good talk !"

"You bastard! Who the hell snatched your wife! Was your head kicked by a donkey?" An irritable ancestor roared angrily, with no regard for politeness, even his eyes were a little red.

"I've seen shameless people, but I haven't seen shameless people who have lived for thousands of years!" Tang Yansen's cold eyes toured the senior members of Fa Lanta one by one, and suddenly roared: "Nan Wunian! My wife Niya is here! where?"

"In Falan Tower!!" Nan Wunian roared hysterically, with a sobbing voice.He had been completely tortured and lost his morale, and he was afraid that Tang Yan would continue.

The expressions of more than 3 warlocks changed slightly, and the people watching the battle from a distance also frowned.

"Who disrupted my wife's memory?" Tang Yan's voice roared loudly.

"Master Falan Tower! There are also ten great ancestors! Join hands to disturb Niya's memory!"

"Continue!!" Tang Yan roared loudly.

Nan Wunian yelled strangely, completely ignoring it: "Fang Chen asked Elder Xue Qinghe to inform me that the higher-ups replaced Tang Yan's memory of your figure with mine, and asked me to find a chance to have sex with Niya!"

"You..." Fang Chen choked on his throat, pointing at Nan Wunian who was trembling angrily.

The rest of the ancestors frowned and looked at Fang Chen strangely.

"Continue!!" Tang Yan raised his voice again, causing most of the plains to tremble.

"The owner of the tower is not in the ancient city of Taiping. He left two days ago. Elder Xue Qinghe urged me to take the opportunity to go up to the top, get close to Niya, strengthen the relationship, and then...then..." Nan Wunian roared in pain and despair, Trembling under crying.

"Again! Continue! Continue!" Tang Yan roared like thunder, his face was full of ferocity, and his eyes were so red that he could bleed.

The audience was silent. Whether it was the crowd watching the battle from a distance or the [-] warlocks around, they were all stunned and even stunned.

"Shut up!!" Ancestor Fang Chen finally couldn't hold back, roared angrily, waved his hand and started writing, gathering the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and gathering mysterious runes.

But... the moment he started writing, Wolf Fang suddenly raised his head in front of the stone plaque, and under the disheveled long hair, a pair of green eyes flickering like hungry wolves disappeared in an instant, or it was... a critical strike!
It was like black lightning tearing apart the plains, shooting at a distance of [-] meters, straight to the ancestor of Falanta, the power of time was fully released, and an invisible ripple covered his body and the [-]-meter range around him.

At the same time, Sen Leng's dagger pierced through the forming rune.

The runes of the warlock condense surging spiritual power, pure spiritual power!

Suffering a heavy blow and being forcibly destroyed at the moment when it is about to take shape is equivalent to forcibly detonating the shell being suppressed due to the wrong line. The result... one can imagine!

The other ancestors of Falanta noticed the attack of Spike Fang and tried to intercept it, but the moment they approached the range of [-] meters, their bodies seemed to be extremely uncoordinated.

And then... Boom! !
The out-of-control explosion of spiritual power swept across all directions, and the wild explosion hit everyone who rushed forward, and even flew the nearest Spike head-on for hundreds of meters, spilling thick blood.

Fang Chen was the first to bear the brunt, spurted blood, staggered back.

"Stop your grandma!!" Tang Yan appeared from high above, with murderous intent soaring into the sky, roaring like a beast, and the thick green fire exploded directly.

The chaotic scene, the violent killing and cruelty, and the more opportunistic timing, seemed like indulgence, gathered into a rampaging fire eagle, and ruthlessly blasted at the retreating Fang Chen!
Fang Chen was affected by the explosive lock, and he hadn't recovered yet. Unprepared, the nine heavy blows slammed on his body, directly blasting a hundred meters into the air.

"You bastard old thing, you'd better pray that you don't have a wife, or... I'll make her life worse than death!" Tang Yan chased after him with the eight-phase thunder seal, manifested with the demon spirit veins, and struck a dragon like a ghost. The tail swung, and with a crisp snap, it slammed firmly on the head of the retreating patriarch.

Although warlock warriors can already engage in melee combat after being promoted to a high-level Martial Master, not to mention semi-holy-level powerhouses, but... facing Tang Yan, a beast-like melee madman, their so-called 'adaptation' is still too poor Far.

The whole change happened too suddenly, before the patriarch's shot was received, the wolf fang had already attacked, and then there was an electric collision, patriarch Fang Chen rushed nearly a thousand meters like a meteorite hitting the earth, leaving A series of screams slammed into the ground fiercely, rebounding seven or eight times in succession, at least to control the balance.

The originally clear face was now in tatters, and the snow-white gown was stained with blood, tattered, not much better than a beggar, although the semi-sacred power was still majestic, it did not suffer too fatal damage.But the scene at this moment is really shocking.

Tang Yan is so cruel!So violent!Even half saints dare to face it head-on!

(End of this chapter)

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