Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 925

Chapter 925
"Yellow-haired boy! Overestimate yourself!"

"Enough is enough! It's not your turn to be presumptuous in Blessing Pingyuan!"

"Lawless things! No matter how great your background is, you can't change your vagrant nature, and you will never be able to stand on the table of nobles."

"Today, I will teach you the principles of life for your father!"

"This is Blessing Plain, not your Jiulongling! Even if we take your father, you have to be polite. Killing will only make you a butcher!"

The nine patriarchs were all out of anger. They started to draw talismans, gathered all the spiritual power, and hit Tang Yan with the stunt of trapping and killing, and... mercilessly!
Although they intend to retreat and talk about it, they are willing to discuss it calmly, but there is a limit to retreat, and there is a prerequisite for politeness.

As cruel as Tang Yan, they need to teach him a lesson.

Since ancient times, warlocks have been widely respected. For thousands of years, Falanta's status has been aloof, and they have long cultivated their arrogance soaked in their bones.Tang Yan's actions today are like a beggar and a refugee who slapped a king in the face, and it is still under the sun.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable must be severely punished!

"Stop!!" Zhao Wenqing tried his best to stop them, but the nine patriarchs all vacated, and the elders of the inner and outer courts retreated one after another, and they also carved runes angrily, condensing different killing moves.

"Nine half-sages bullied a Martial Lord, and nine immortals bullied a young man. Your Falanta is really majestic! Kill me!!" The five judges in the dark changed their complexion, let out a low growl, and flew into the air at high speed. .

"It's time, kill!!" Longlin's team members also rushed out like sharp arrows, leaping through the encirclement, aiming at the scattered inner elders.

But... when the war broke out, the arrogant and attacking ancestors of Falan Tower all stopped at the last moment, each of them was full of radiance, trying their best to control the runes that were about to be shot, and looked at the scattered green runes in surprise. The scene in the fire.

Tang Yan's dragon tail has been retracted, and all the demon spirit veins have been retracted before the green fire fades away, but there is something extra in his hand - a struggling and frightened white jade radish!

"Xiaozu!" Zhao Wenqing's breath stagnated slightly, and he couldn't help but take a few steps forward, and it was indeed in Tang Yan's hands!

Seeing Zhao Wenqing, Baiyu Radish struggled even more fiercely, hitting and biting Tang Yan's hand, shaking his head vigorously, and whipping with dancing leaves, but... Tang Yan was so powerful that he held it tightly, and it became more and more intense. tighter.

"How dare you hijack my little ancestor, Falan Tower!" After being astonished, the ancestors became even more angry. This time, they could hardly bear it anymore, and felt like they were going to explode!

They usually have a good temper, but the more tempered they are, the more violent their rage will be when they hit the bottom line, and the more easily their anger will affect their reason.

Tang Yan ignored them and slowly returned to the stone plaque.

Langya also returned to the stone plaque, his breath was messy and rough, today was his first frontal attack, although it was tragic, the effect was remarkable.

"Bring my wife back! Otherwise...unless you kill me here, I, Tang Yan, will become a nightmare for you all your life. Kill them one by one! Don't talk about etiquette and morality to me, what you are doing is despicable and shameless Nasty things, what I, Tang Yan, will respond to you will only be more vicious!"

Tang Yan has already decided to blame the world, and would rather bear a lifetime of infamy than care about etiquette and morality. His resentful eyes lingered on every pious old man, and he pinched the two green leaves on top of Xiaozu's head with his right back, and roughly rubbed them.

Xiaozu screamed in pain. Although there was no sound, his appearance clearly showed his pain, which deeply stimulated Zhao Wenqing's heart.

Fang Chen pushed away the crowd, and came with a ferocious face. An elder disciple wanted to stop the bleeding, but was rudely pushed away, and pointed at Tang Yan: "Little Huangmao, Fa Lanta will definitely be at odds with you. Jiulongling is here, and your crimes cannot be erased!"

"I've said it before, I'm not here to talk nonsense with you today! You hijacked other people's wives, and brazenly promised to marry them. There is no reason for me to treat you as human beings! I have long been at odds with you, and I don't care what you do! "

Damn stuff! ! !The senior executives of Falan Tower breathed heavily, and their resentful eyes seemed to tear Tang Yan to pieces.

"Listen to me! This is the last sentence I will tell you. Put my wife back before dark, restore her memory, and send it back safely! Otherwise... not only the two things in my hand I will die, and the real reason why you detain my wife will also be made public. I warn you, in order to get my wife back, I, Tang Yan, would rather be a butcher and villain who will notoriety through the ages!!"

Tang Yan's expression was suddenly ferocious, and ghostly green flames appeared all over his body, enveloping Nan Wunian who was suffering in pain.

The intention is clear—to refine Nan Wunian to death!
Cruel actions have far surpassed any verbal accusations.

"Help me!! Patriarch, save me! I beg you, help me!!" Nan Wunian wailed desolately, struggling crazily.The ghost green fire is like countless worms crawling all over the body, all over the inside and outside, frantically devouring the flesh and blood, and also roasting the soul. This kind of pain is unimaginable, and this kind of torture is comparable to purgatory.

"Tang Yan, stop! The matter has not reached the point where it can't be resolved, if you kill Nan Wunian, the hatred between the two parties will never be reconciled!" Zhao Wenqing's cold voice seemed to have a little soothing breath, calming the whole situation. The tense atmosphere of the field.

But... Tang Yan didn't say another word, but held the white jade radish high in his right hand, ravaging him with all his strength, his resentful eyes conveyed crazy blood, and the green fire continued to rise all over his body. Nan Wunian is a man who intends to occupy his wife.

Nan Wunian struggled frantically, begging bitterly.

The desolate figure and the sharp pleading made the atmosphere of the audience sombre, which stimulated everyone's minds, one took any action.

The sorceresses had no courage, and the sorceresses were utterly terrified.

What's more, they haven't figured out what happened until now. Why did the higher-ups imprison Tang Yan's wife? Is it just to find a wife for Nan Wunian?Why did he continue to persist after the incident was revealed? , It's just a woman, does it have to make the two organizations go to war?
Nan Wunian's broken body was suppressed at an astonishing speed, and the screams ranged from sharp to shrill, then to weak, and finally... in just a few breaths, it turned into a drop of spiritual source liquid.

crunch!All the powerful members of Falan Tower's senior management were filled with righteous indignation. They watched Nan Wunian die in front of them, but they were helpless. This humiliation seemed to burn their reason with fire.

The current situation does not mean that the 'beggar' slapped the 'king', but spit on the face!

But...Looking at Xiaozu who was struggling in Tang Yan's hand, and looking at the green flames wrapped around Tang Yan's right arm, it could envelop Xiaozu at any time. Once Tang Yan did it, the result would be disastrous.Reminiscent of the "real reason" in Tang Yan's mouth, it's like a stone stuck in their chest.

He had to use his remaining rationality to suppress the restless killing intent.

There were more troublemakers in the distance than the warlock group, at least 10 people gathered, but none of them spoke, and they all stared at the blood-stained 'Plaque of Peace' with strange eyes mixed with fear.

Today's incident turned out to be so cruel, it was almost unheard of. Whether Tang Yan was crazy or Fa Lanta was stubborn, if he persisted like this, a war with extensive involvement might break out.

"All patriarchs, let Niya go immediately!" Zhao Wenqing turned around suddenly, with a solemn expression, and his words were somewhat commanding.

"Let go? Why are you so confused!"

"Since he acted fiercely until now, we finally compromised easily? What's the face of Faranta!!"

"It's just started now, at least stick to it until dark! I want to see what other tricks this yellow-haired thief has, and how long he can last!"

Several stubborn ancestors were full of anger, and Tang Yan was so angry that his lungs would explode.

The other ancestors were all silent, even a few ordinary and calm ancestors looked at Tang Yan with resentful eyes at this moment, and their anger could not be calmed down.

There is only one sentence echoing in my mind - bullying too much!Too much deception!

Zhao Wenqing's face was cold and serious: "Let Tang Yan go on, things will only get more and more rigid! Not only will Xiaozu die, but Niya will also lose his life in the end! Once today's incident spreads widely, other forces will definitely Question the reason why we insist on not letting Niya go, then Niya's secret will still be lost!"

The ancestors were all silent, but they were not thinking, but responded to Zhao Wenqing's slightly reprimanding reminder with a stubborn attitude.

"Are you confused?! Tang Yan has Jiulongling, Eternal Beast Mountain, and Pure Land to rely on. If it really gets out of hand. What's more... once the secret of Niya is revealed, the rest of the warlock groups may even stop supporting us. We Detaining Niya and tampering with memory is very immoral, and without the support of other warlock organizations, we can only..."

"Wenqing! That's enough! It's up to us to make the decision here!" Zhuan Zhu's patriarch severely stopped Zhao Wenqing. If the pagoda owner hadn't intended to train Zhao Wenqing to take over the Falan Pagoda in the future, how could they patriarchs Allow a junior to be presumptuous.

"Wenqing, step back! We will deal with it properly!"

"You should go back to Falan Tower first and wait for the tower owner to come back."

The rest of the patriarchs spoke relatively softly, but they didn't even look at Zhao Wenqing, but stared coldly at Tang Yan on the Taiping stone plaque, at the man they hated to the core.

Zhao Wenqing's breath was a little messy, apparently disturbed. He closed his eyes and adjusted his breath secretly to calm himself down a little, and said, "I say the last sentence, which can be regarded as a proposal. We can return Niya to Tang Yan first, and It was agreed that Tang Yan would not divulge information about Niya, and after the situation calmed down, he would find a way to meet secretly in Jiulongling to do ideological work for Tang Yan. The new Taizu, we will use the prestige of Jiulongling to control other warlock organizations."

This suggestion can be regarded as pertinent!It's also very reasonable!

But... the ten patriarchs still didn't pay attention, and stared at Tang Yan with resentment and killing intent.

Just imagine... After the beggar insulted the king, how could the king forgive him easily? !

"Old ancestors!!" Zhao Wenqing's brows were finally filled with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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