Chapter 95
The slave team walked slowly, day and night. Every two hours, guard warriors would check the condition of the cage and threaten the slaves inside with iron whips to make sure they were still alive.

Every ten hours, someone would throw some dry food and pickles into the iron cage, and pour some muddy water into Tielong's iron box, barely enough to keep the slaves alive.

The slaves in the cage were all quiet, no one dared to resist or run away.Because there is an iron pole on the top of each cage, with a dry head hanging on it, that is the end of the rebels.

Bloody Threat!
What's more, there are as many as five or six hundred guards on both sides of the slave team, most of whom are martial spirits.There are nearly a hundred golden armor warriors beside the chariot in front, and they are all powerful warriors at the Wuzong level.

And no one dared to deny that there must be King Wu sitting in the luxurious chariot!

escape?how to escape!Unless there is a collective riot, which is not realistic!
After observing for a long time, Tang Yan and Du Yang finally gave up all thoughts of escaping, stayed in the cage obediently, breathed out the aura of heaven and earth calmly, and silently repaired their injuries.Now that one more power, one more chance of saving one's life in the mining area, the matter has come to this point, and there is no point in regretting any more.

All they have to do is survive!Keep it alive!

In the early morning of the fifth day, the team stopped suddenly. This was the first time the team had stopped since Tang Yan joined the 'Slave Family'.

"Are you going to arrive? Isn't it?" Tang Yan looked around, and it was still the vast and endless Gobi Desert, with rolling sand and rocks on the left and green grass on the right, and the team has been walking on the intersection line between the two.

"It should be early. This is still the border of the Delos Empire. The triangle area is nearly a thousand miles away from the border. Even the nearest mine will take another half a month." Du Yang recovered a bit, Looking at the surrounding scene, he analyzed.

"How is your meridian recovering? If you are given another month, how much can you recover?"

"The energy of the heaven and earth is a little thin here. Give me another month, and I can barely complete the unblocking of the meridians. The strength can probably be used for three or four points. It can only save life, and it cannot be used for fighting. What about you?"

"My meridians have almost recovered, and my spiritual power is flowing smoothly, but this body is too weak."

About two quarters of an hour later, there was a sudden commotion in front of the team, as well as the sound of scolding and whips.

"Starting today, every meal, two catties of barbecue, five steamed buns, everyone must eat it! Anyone who dares to waste a little bit will be punished with ten iron whips!" A large group of guards carried a huge dinner plate, which was full of The strong aroma of barbecued meat and steamed buns cheered up the slaves who had been starving for a long time. They stared at the plates, thinking they were dreaming.

"It's for you, divide it yourself! Whoever dares to leave a little, I'll cut ten catties of your meat!" A strong man walked up to Tang Yan's cage, and threw a large piece of barbecue into the cage, along with fifteen steamed buns and A bag of water.

Then he untied Tang Yan and Du Yang's hands, and the two hooked hands of the strong man beside him also untied.

"Will it be poisonous?" Du Yang was a little surprised.

Tang Yan was not in a hurry to eat, and the people in the nearby iron cages did not act rashly. They quietly waited for the people who snatched the food to eat, and observed whether there was any special behavior.

"Eat it, it's not poisonous, they want to make us look better, so as not to dissatisfy the slave owners." The burly man who had been silent all this time suddenly raised his head and stretched out his feet to pull the barbecue.

"Wait, I'm coming!" Tang Yan hurriedly stopped it. It doesn't matter what you like to eat with ordinary dried steamed buns and rotten pickles, but today's barbecue is divided equally between three people. If you spoil it with your feet, how will others eat it?
"You feed me?" The strong man's voice was hoarse, and he looked at Tang Yan indifferently.His hands were dripping with blood, and he couldn't exert any strength for a while.

"You think my old man is dirty?" Tang Yan tore off a piece of meat and handed it to the strong man.

The burly man looked at it indifferently, as if hesitating a little, but in the end he opened his mouth and bit it, swallowing it down.

Tang Yan signaled Du Yang to eat first, and fed the strong man with steamed buns and barbecue: "Don't choke, eat slowly."

The brawny man devoured the food, looked at Tang Yan, then at Du Yang with his red eyes, and finally landed on the black girl in his arms: "Is this a monster cub?"

"my friend."

"You'd better hide it. If you get to the mining area, if you are found, you will probably be stewed."

"Do you know that this is going to the mine?"

"The Jinghuo mine of the Rao family. The Taiwu mining area is huge, comparable to the Northern Wilderness of the Great Zhou Empire. There are ten mines in total. The four largest mines are occupied by the imperial family, and the remaining six are occupied by the six kingdoms of the Delos Empire. Occupied by the big super families, these six big families are in a semi-independent state in the Delos Empire, and their strength is so strong that even some princes of the Great Zhou Empire are hard to match."

Comparable to a prince?Tang Yan was secretly startled, but after thinking about it carefully, he quickly realized that the mine provided abundant ore and endowed them with huge wealth, so they could naturally buy enough strong men to arm them.

But this is not good news. On the contrary, the guards in the mine should be tighter, and the hope of his escape is getting slimmer.

"The Jinghuo mine of the Rao family is very large. It extends for seven hundred miles from east to west, three hundred miles to the south, and 8000 meters downward. There are 20 slaves in it, and more than [-] guardian warriors. There are many, and there are seven or eight King Wu sitting in the town." The strong man said indifferently, his expression was a little gloomy, and he entered there, unless he died, he would never be able to leave.

There is purgatory, and every slave will be sucked dry!
"You know it well?" Tang Yan was curious.

"Everyone in the Delos Empire knows the Taiwu mining area. I'm not familiar with it, and I haven't been to it. I've heard about it. Well, I've had enough, it's up to you." The strong man leaned on the iron On the dragon, he kept silent and silently circulated his spiritual power to heal his liberated right hand.

Tang Yan observed carefully, his wound emitted a few sharp rays of light, like thousands of fine light needles, which were suturing the wound, and the sharpness and mania of those rays could be felt very close.

what martial art is this
"My name is Tang Yan, and this is my grandson Du Yang, both from the Great Zhou Empire." Tang Yan asked the strong man, Du Yang's eyes twitched slightly, and he gave him an annoyed look, who is your grandson!
"Xu Yan!" The strong man returned casually.

Well?Hate?weird name.

From this day on, the team will stop for three meals a day and distribute enough food to each slave.But in the same way, as the slaves recovered, the guards of the team were strengthened, especially Tang Yan and the others, because the guards were all Wu Zong, the guards were extra cautious, and there would be golden armor warriors coming to patrol every day .

Half a month later, the team finally entered the Triangular Domain, and the energy between the heaven and the earth suddenly became stronger.But also from today, every iron cage is covered with a thick black cloth, this is to prevent the slaves from remembering their location and escaping in the future.

Tang Yan didn't make any irrational impulses, and stayed quietly in the cage, eating and drinking and resting peacefully.After these days of thinking, the mood has completely calmed down. Looking at it from another angle, being captured this time is not entirely a bad thing. It is good to have a place to hide at the sensitive moment when King Zhou Ling is going all out to hunt him down. , at least you can save your life.

As for what will happen in the future, Tang Yan will not think about it for the time being, and will talk about it after passing this hurdle.

The convoy was traveling in such a bumpy way, the outside was noisy and chaotic, and it took another ten days to go.

"It's here!" A roar sounded from both sides of the team, and all the slaves felt their hearts constrict violently, and there was deep panic in their eyes, is it here?It means that the disaster has begun!

The black cloth was pulled away, and the glare of the sun shone in. The slaves couldn't open their eyes and got used to it for a while, but the scene outside made them turn pale.

The cage was surrounded by people, the outermost ones were warriors wearing fiery red armor, their gazes were like swords, and they were full of murderous aura. Inside were some naked brawny men, holding chains and ferocious iron whips in their hands, and some were carrying big knives. With fierce faces, they smiled ferociously and looked at the slaves inside with great interest.

The fat man in the lead nodded: "Well, you look good, you can work after a little rest!"

"Untie them, bring them down, and line up!"

"Hurry up to me!"

"Come down, you, come here, come here, go there"

The whips were crackling one after another, and the strong men rudely pushed and shoved the slaves. If there was any inconvenience, they swung the iron whips and whipped them over. These iron whips were all over the thorns.

"Haha, these girls look pretty good, send them to the barracks."

"Pick out all the beautiful ones for me, let's try something new tonight!"

"Okay, Jie Jie!"

"The female slaves in the barracks have eaten enough, and finally they can exchange for fresh ones."

The presumptuous grin made all the female slaves turn pale, and some of them fainted from fright.

"Keep calm and follow the arrangement." Tang Yan reminded quietly, stuffing the black girl into his clothes.

The little guy is not big, so it is easy to hide, and it is also very sensible, lying tightly on his body, which also makes Tang Yan look a little stronger and not so weak.The guards here are vicious. If Tang Yan is as skinny as a stick, he might be chopped to death with a single knife.

The distribution of men and women was completed quickly. Under the deterrence of iron whips, everyone remained silent, allowing these guards to fasten heavy bracelets and anklets on themselves, and then assigned black clothes.

After everything was ready, he walked into the front gate as instructed.

This is a huge town, full of wine shops, barracks and bullfighting workshops on both sides.The so-called barracks, or brothels, were places where guards could enjoy and relax.The so-called Colosseum is a place where they appreciate slaves fighting for life and death.

Walking into a town, filled with noise and screams, is like walking into a sin city.

Under the attention of many eyes, Tang Yan and the others were escorted through the town.The field of vision in front of him suddenly widened, as if standing on the edge of a giant tiankeng, looking around, it was boundless, and there was no end in sight, only the blue sky and the huge pothole.

Bending down, like a terrible abyss, a red light looms in the depths!
The edge of the tiankeng is covered with wide roads paved with steel frames, densely packed, leading directly to the ground. There are noisy clanging and cursing whips, as well as faint screams.

Many slaves had already turned pale, and the scene in front of them made them completely desperate.

"Line up and follow. Here, as long as you are obedient, you can eat well and live well. Whoever dares to resist will be treated worse than you imagined!" The guards yelled loudly, shaking their hands. Whip, grim smile.

"I know there are a few Wu Zong among you, but I would like to say hello to you in advance. If you dare to resist, you will end up worse than others. There are plenty of ways to make your life worse than death! If you perform well, after two years, there will be There is an assessment specifically for you, whoever passes it and gets the affirmation of the manager, will have the opportunity to become a guard here. But the premise is that you can live for two years, hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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