Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 96 Peerless Enchanting

Chapter 96 Peerless Enchanting
It took nearly half a day to walk along the steel ladder to the bottom of the Jinghuo Mine. The guards of the mine deliberately slowed down their steps so that the miners could experience the depth of the mine and feel the despair and fear.

Finally, the team of miners passed through layers of dust and fog and came to the bottom of the mine. The world in front of them was foggy and shrouded in thick clouds and smoke. The clouds and smoke were shrouded in flames, and the outline of the undulating mountains could be vaguely seen day and night.

The entire mine could not be seen at a glance, and there were slaves wielding hammers everywhere, some gathered on the flat ground, some hung on the mountain, and some carried ore in small groups, densely packed, hundreds of thousands of slaves !
The world was filled with deafening clanging and chiseling sounds, angry roars, mixed with shrill screams.

The magnificent and magnificent scene is a blood-stained and poignant picture.

This refined fire mine is rich in iron ore, which contains natural fire elements and is of excellent quality for forging weapons.Because the flame energy here is very strong, spars with strong fire energy are occasionally excavated underground!

Priceless, it is the most precious treasure here!
If any slave can dig out the fire spar, he can get five days of rest. If the fire spar dug out is big enough, he may even have the opportunity to go to the 'barracks' to indulge once!
This kind of temptation has an unimaginable allure for slaves who work every day without hope.

"You five, in this room from now on, I will give you half a day to rest before starting to work. From now on, the five of you will work together to complete the workload on time and according to the amount every day. Rest, if you can't finish it, keep working!" A strong man pushed them into the slave room rudely, snorted in disgust, turned and left.

Tang Yan, Du Yang, Xu Yan, and two strange men were arranged in a dilapidated tile-roofed house in the slave housing area.There were five simple plank beds lined up inside, covered with thin mattresses, exuding a strong musty smell.

Xu Yan went to the bed in the corner, and put on the black clothes that looked like prison uniforms.

"Aren't you going to change it?" Tang Yan was a little surprised. The clothes of these people were dirty and smelly, and Lin Yan's clothes were stained with blood. They should be replaced directly.

Xu Yan was indifferent, sitting in the corner with closed eyes and resting his mind.

Tang Yan shrugged, said nothing more, took off his dirty and smelly clothes, and changed into prison uniforms.

The other two men noticed the black girl hanging from Tang Yan's body, and they both showed some strange looks, but they didn't say anything nonsense.The black girl is surprisingly well-behaved, hanging on her body like a koala, not making noise or moving around, just looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

The five people made their own beds. They were all tired, tired physically and mentally. No one said a word, just sat there quietly, thinking about their own affairs.

In the town on the ground, a magnificent palace stands proudly in the city, with golden tiles and silver eaves, crystal stones, and bright red stamens adorn the inside and outside. This is a huge palace forged from fine gold. It is extremely luxurious. The 'fragrant boudoir' of the Yang Empire.

In the depths of the palace, in the luxurious bedroom, there are red tents and floating gauze patterns. The large white jade bed with rhino horns is covered with thick golden cicada quilts. The long hair falls like a waterfall, and the delicate skin is as delicate as jade.

This is a woman who is extremely beautiful, with a smile that captivates the city, and a glance that captivates the country, captivating the world.

Half asleep and half awake, her vermilion lips were pursed lightly, exuding a thrilling charm.

More than a dozen pretty female slaves waited on the left and right, gently shaking the feather fans and mixing the essence.They are all young and beautiful, but in front of this woman, they look so ordinary.

Niya, the younger sister of the patriarch of the Rao family, one of the six super families of the Delos Empire, is in charge of the operation of the Jinghuo mine. She is powerful in the empire and the family, and she is a martial king who intimidates all directions. More importantly, her beautiful name It has spread to every corner of the Delos Empire. There are countless heroes who are fascinated by her, and there are even more powerful people who voluntarily protect her. It is said that even the emperor of the empire was fascinated by her.

"Dong dong!"

There was a gentle knock on the door outside, cautiously, for fear of disturbing the owner inside.

A female slave beside the bed quickly walked over and gently opened the luxurious door.

The red-robed and golden-armored warrior who snatched Tang Yan's ancient saber that day stood outside the door: "Please inform the master, the patriarch is here and is waiting in the lobby. There are important matters to discuss."

The female slave looked out and whispered, "Master is resting."

"I know the master is tired from the long journey, but the patriarch must have something important to discuss when he comes in person."

"Who's here?" Niya gently parted her vermilion lips, her voice was soft and numb, with a strange charm.

"Master, it's the patriarch. He brought two elders and said he has something important to discuss." The red-robed and golden-armored warrior responded respectfully.

"I'll wait for him here." Niyarou was boneless, leaning on the head of the bed under the service of the maid.

"This is it!" The red-robed and golden-armored warrior stepped back quickly.

A quarter of an hour later, a heroic middle-aged man came striding forward, his face was like a crown of jade, his eyes were like stars, and his heavy red cloak fluttered in the wind.

The middle-aged man was followed by a large group of warriors, and they poured into the palace mightily. The golden-armored warriors guarding all around knelt down, saluted respectfully, and shouted loudly: "My lord!"

The middle-aged man came to the door of the palace, frowned slightly, and seemed a little hesitant, but finally walked in. Most of the people behind stopped consciously, only two old men and the red-robed and golden-armored warrior lowered their eyes and followed in. .

"Isaac, why are you here?" Niya flicked the wine glass, tasting the scarlet spirit to refresh herself.

"You should be called brother!" Isaac sat beside him with a big sword and a golden horse, and motioned for the other three to sit down, and the female slaves came over to serve on their own initiative.

"Let's talk about something, I'm tired. For these slaves, I ran half of the empire."

"I know you have worked hard, how many slaves did you bring this time?"

"Five thousand five hundred, the quality is not bad. Recently, there have been frequent accidents in the mine, and slaves died in pieces. The more than 5000 people can just fill in."

"I've heard about the incident at the mine. Have you investigated the specific cause? I heard that accidents have frequently occurred in the other nine mines recently."

"Investigating. You seem to be very nervous? You came all the way here just for this matter? Taiwu Minerals has been dug for 2000 years, with a long age and complex structure. It is reasonable for problems to occur. There is no need to alarm you, right? "

"You can handle these matters. I came here today for another matter, which is more important."

"You want to be a matchmaker for me? Hehe, I don't need a man." Niya smiled softly, her voice seemed to have a special magic power, which made everyone, including Isaac, feel a rush of blood, and bursts of hotness all over their bodies.

Isaac coughed heavily, stared and said, "Restrain yourself!"

"Let's talk, what's the matter, I'm listening." Niya was really tired and didn't have the mood to mess with them.

"The Taiwu mining area will be very unsettled recently. Not only are there frequent underground accidents, but the ownership of the top ten mines may also undergo unexpected changes."

After a little savoring, Niya heard the implied meaning of Isaac's words: "Someone wants to take away the fine fire mine of our Rao family? Are you kidding me? In this Delos Empire, apart from the royal family and the other five major families, who would dare Challenge us?"

"Simenon's family!"

"Simonon? Simonon from Beiyuan? It's just a second-rate family."

"The Simonon family is no longer what it used to be. It has developed rapidly in recent years. It has purchased a prefecture-level martial art to help the patriarch Ximenong make a breakthrough and aspire to the honorable rank. Some time ago, he married Lieyun Villa , The overall strength is directly catching up with our six major families.

Another point is that since the wars broke out in the three southern empires last year, the Ximenong family has frequently presented gifts to the royal family, and even sent king-level powerhouses to fight on the front line, which has won the favor of the royal family. Two months ago, the royal family sent ten The seventh princess was betrothed to the eldest son of the Simonon family.The influence of the Simonon family is getting stronger day by day, no less than our six major families.

After thousands of years of accumulation, the wealth and power of our Rao family have become very large, and we can be called the head of the six major families. It seems to have a great reputation, but in fact, it has been hated by the royal family. It's just that there is no suitable opportunity, so we dare not act rashly.But this time in big trouble!The royal family is likely to want to take us under the knife and replace our Rao family with the Simonon family. "

Niya's drowsiness gradually dissipated: "Is it so serious? There is no reasonable reason. If the royal family wants to take action against the Rao family, it means a civil war. Do they dare?"

"I didn't want to believe it. With the power of our Rao family, even the royal family would have to pay a heavy price if they joined forces with the Simenon family. The empire is in a period of war and cannot withstand such a toss. But now The situation is probably more complicated than we imagined, and the other five families seem to be involved!"

"What? What do they want to do! They don't understand? The six major families are in a semi-independent state, and the royal family has always wanted to eradicate them all. If the royal family intends to take us down, the other five major families will end well. Niya finally changed color, Qingcheng's face was full of coldness, no wonder his brother Isaac came to Taiwu mining area with two elders, and such a change happened in the few months when he was away.

"The royal family must have made a deal with them."

"I'll ask again, are you sure? Where did this information come from!"

"Half intelligence, half inference. This matter is extraordinary, we must plan ahead, otherwise once the royal family decides to do something, we will completely fall into a passive situation. I brought two elders here today, and there are three great martial kings outside. They will all stay here to help you guard the fire essence mine. You must be tough when you should be tough, but when you should be tactful, you must not cause trouble in advance."

"how about you?"

"I will deal with the family first, and try my best to prevent things from developing in a bad direction. Even if it is a foregone conclusion, it will take some time. Don't worry, they don't dare to mess around with the old man at home."

"Then be careful, don't use violence unless absolutely necessary. This fire concentrate mine has been in operation for 2000 years. It is a mine, and it is a purgatory. If they really dare to come, I have the ability to make them pay the price." Ya's voice was soft and soft, but there was a hint of cruelty in her tone!
Isaac asked again: "How is your death squad formed?"

"Basically formed, all of them are Zong-level warriors, a total of 970 nine people. They have been honed in this mine for several years, ranging from three years to ten years, and have been tortured. If I give the promise of freedom, They will definitely fight to the death.”

"How many Wuzongs are in this batch of new slaves?"

"Sixty people, I have arranged for special care. If they meet the right ones, they will be directly selected into the Death Squad, and try to form a thousand people! Helen, is there any special people in this group?"

The red-robed and golden-armored warrior said respectfully: "Xu Yan, the third-rank Martial Sect, is an extremely dangerous person. When he gets mad, even the King of Martial Arts dares to challenge him; the third-rank Martial Sect, Di Kelei, is a curse-sealed warrior. Ai Sha, the third-rank Martial Ancestor, has a sinister nature, is good at using poison, and is a master of assassination; Edgar, the second-rank Martial Ancestor, has crystallized spiritual veins, was abolished for refusing the royal family's invitation, but has a miraculous self-healing that has been passed down all year round In Sin City. These four are the most special, with amazing fighting power, I have divided them into different areas to avoid collisions."

"Well, do as you wish, and I won't interfere. Niya, the mine is in your hands, so be careful during this time." Isaac stood up with a majestic expression full of solemnity: " I hope it's just me being overwhelmed, if the royal family really makes a cruel move, our Rao family will have fun with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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