Chapter 97
"From today onwards, I will be your supervisor, and I will be responsible for all behaviors and activities. My name is Hoffman, and I hope you can cooperate happily. But the ugly words have to be said first, and there are a few rules that must be followed. It is not allowed to absorb the energy of heaven and earth here, it is not allowed to hide crystals, it is not allowed to cause trouble, and it is not allowed to contradict the supervisor. If anyone dares to violate any of these points, I will recommend you to a very fun place, and I guarantee you will experience it. What does it mean that life is better than death?"

Before half a day's rest period, a [-]-meter-tall blond man with a body as strong as a rock came to Tang Yan's house. He roared like thunder, his eyes were bright, he looked fierce, and he was holding a thick arm in his hand. The pitch-black iron whip fell like a hill in front of the door, overlooking the five people in the room.

"Good guy! How did it grow?" Tang Yan was shocked by this huge monster.

"Brother, let's make an agreement, don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble, I haven't kissed a woman yet, I don't want to die young here!" Du Yang reminded Tang Yan in a low voice.

"I'm the naughty kind?"

"you are not?"

"What are you mumbling about? Get out of here!" Hoffman stared at him and roared like thunder.

The five of them did not become leaders, and walked out of the room obediently.

"Follow me!" Hoffman strode forward, the ground trembled, his huge body was enough to overtake Tang Yan by five!
When they left the slave room, the other slaves were also driven out one by one, and walked in different directions under the leadership of their supervisors.They will be assigned to different places and do different jobs, but the disasters they will suffer may be almost the same.

There was deep despair in the dull atmosphere, and even a cheerful person like Tang Yan was slightly affected.Think about my frail body, how will I live in the future?
All the way forward, like trekking on a rugged mountain road, there are no trees around, some are full of absenteeism, messy ore, and iron-backed dogs wandering around!The farther you go, the more grinning iron-backed dogs there will be!

What are these calf-sized ironbacks for?

Walking a thousand meters away, they witnessed five iron-backed dogs tearing at a miner. The screams and the crackling of bones made the scalps of nearby absentees numb and tremble.

The supervisors admired leisurely, and taught their miners a lesson with examples.

After climbing over three low mines in a row and walking five or six kilometers, Hoffman led Tang Yan and the others to the top of a very high mine. Everywhere, shining on this piece of heaven and earth.

In front of you is a pothole that stretches for hundreds of kilometers. Inside, there are densely packed workers, all kinds of terrifying monsters, resounding with various clanging sounds, screams and roars. This is the real fine fire mine!
A complete purgatory on earth!

In the central area of ​​the mine, there is a thousand-foot tower furnace with branches in the sky, like a huge furnace of heaven and earth, and also like a towering mountain piercing into the sky, guarding the world.After thousands of years of roasting, this tower furnace has been burnt red, exuding terrifying high temperature. Thousands of steel passages extend from the ground to the tower furnace, covered with working miners.

The tower furnace is full of boiling 'mineral water', tumbling and shaking inside, hot 'mineral water' splashes out of the tower furnace, and sprinkles on the ground like a rain curtain. The 'mineral water' contains terrifying high temperature, It is comparable to magma. Anyone who is touched by it will have to peel off the skin without dying. Some are directly submerged in the mineral water, and they are vaporized without even screaming.

The closer you are to the tower furnace, the more dangerous it is, because the mineral water there is like a rain curtain, and your life will be in danger at any time.

The cruel scene can be felt even from a long distance.

"The leaders have given special instructions. You are all Wuzong and have a strong ability to bear, so you will work near the cauldron. Although it is dangerous there, the working hours are short and the treatment is good." Hoffman smiled maliciously, his eyes After sweeping past the five people with pale faces, they roared loudly, "Go!"

Tang Yan took a deep breath, clenched his fists and took a step forward. Backing up was useless. If he wanted to escape from here, it would be tantamount to a dream. In this mine, there are tens of thousands of iron-backed dogs densely packed, as well as an astonishing number of ghost-faced spiders and five-color mangs. Most of these monsters are at the second or third level, devouring the living all the year round, becoming extremely cruel and bloodthirsty .

Once anyone wants to escape, they will find out before the supervisor and take action.

Hoffman led them to a place less than [-] meters away from the Qianzhang Tower Furnace. The scorching heat scorched the skin, the billowing heat wave hit their faces, and the dense mineral water fell from the sky, falling on the ground and splashing in all directions.

boom!A stream of nearly [-] catties of mineral water fell beside them, splashing violently. The stocky man among the five was the first to bear the brunt, his whole body turned into a hole, and screamed extremely horribly. , passing through the body like a sharp arrow, the pain was unbearable.

"Hiss!" Grinning his teeth in pain, his face was pale, and he was desperately catalyzing his spiritual power to heal the wound.

"Be careful, don't get burned." Hoffman smiled, stomped on the screaming man, stomped a dozen meters away, and rolled to the side of two ghost-faced spiders, and the two monsters screamed strangely , appearing extremely excited.

"Go away, bastards!" The man gritted his teeth and stood up with a gloomy face.

"50 meters wide, 50 meters long, and half a meter deep. This is your first round of work. After you are done, you can drink water, eat, and have a rest period of [-] quarters of an hour. Now, start!" Hoffman hugged Tiebian stood aside, and three calf-like iron-backed dogs came over, hugged him affectionately, and grinned their teeth to be wary of Tang Yan and the others.

Tang Yan and the others dared not speak out, and silently propped up their spiritual power to protect their bodies, and tried their best to resist the splashing mineral water.

There were messy tools piled up next to it. Tang Yan picked up the iron awl and blasted it to the ground with all his strength, but clang!The sound of gold and stone was clanging and piercing, and the hard ground remained motionless, but he fell on his back from the shock, and his hands were bruised.

"Are you okay?" Du Yang hurried over to help him up, but Hoffman hit him with an iron whip.

Du Yang's shoulder was bloody and bloody, and he almost knelt on the ground in pain.

"Little brat, who asked you to help? Work!" Hoffman roared.

"You fucking fucker!" Du Yang was furious.

"Don't be impulsive, I can do it." Tang Yan reminded Du Yang, suppressed the anger in his heart, swung the iron awl to run the spiritual power silently, clang, sparks splashed, and cracks finally appeared on the ground, but Tang Yan's hands were shocked again bloody.

"Take it as training, body training!" Xu Yan stood not far away, picked out a huge iron pillar from the messy tools, waved it casually a few times in his hand, and slammed it towards the ground, booming , the ground trembled, gravel splashed, and the ground as hard as steel was blasted out of a head-sized pothole.

hiss!Whether it was Tang Yan, Du Yang, or the other two, they all showed a bit of surprise. What kind of strange power is this?

Even Hoffman was taken aback by the terrifying strange power!

Xu Yan himself was taken aback, because he was very dissatisfied with the effect in front of him.

"Fuck work for me! Work! Work quickly!" Hoffman slammed the iron whip vigorously, and the crackling cracks exploded in mid-air, making everyone's scalp tingle.

"Learn to be patient, it's time to practice martial arts." Tang Yan took a deep breath, and circulated his spiritual power according to the method of Lie Yan Jue. He split two cones in an instant, superimposing twice the force, and finally blasted the ground, but only a palm-sized Small area, and the layer of skin is lifted.

Come again!

Clang clang!
Tang Yan straightened his mind, regarded digging as slashing, and kept increasing his speed.Originally, he was able to use the triple strike of the flames, so he should be able to consolidate it and launch an impact on the quadruple strike.

But Tang Yan's body was too weak, so he frantically waved his hair for a while, and fell to the ground exhausted.

"Work! Work! You old bastard! Don't try to be lazy!" Hoffman yelled strangely, and a series of iron whips lashed his skin and flesh, and blood spattered everywhere.

Tang Yan was trembling all over, his face was pale, but he still gritted his teeth and carried it stiffly.

No way, the body is too old.

Fortunately, the Undead Yantian Art can quickly repair the injury, so that it will not lose the ability to work after a severe beating.

Du Yang was in the most difficult situation. The spiritual power in his body could only barely maintain the spiritual power to protect his body and avoid being burned by the mineral water. As for mining, he could only rely on physical strength. What he got in exchange was only sparks splashing, but he couldn't dig through the ground.

This weak performance also angered Hoffman, and the iron whip was added again and again, beating him to pieces.

Xu Yan and the other two men are all worthy of the name Wuzong, their strength is basically at its peak, and the progress of mining is not bad.Comparing each other, Tang Yan and Du Yang seemed to be two problematic characters. One was panting on the ground from time to time, and the other couldn't dig through the ground for half a day. Hoffman was so furious that he focused on them and beat them with the wheel whip over and over again.

Seeing them pitiful, Xu Yan wanted to come over to help, but what he got in return was Hoffman's scolding and iron whip.

He was in a fight with the old and the young, and directly regarded them as problem characters, silently planning how to kill them and replace them with a few new powerful miners.

Tang Yan and Du Yang endured silently, telling themselves to be strong over and over again, and encouraging each other with their eyes over and over again.

Both of them have strong wills, and while enduring hardships, they temper themselves and encourage each other.

On the red land, there are busy miners all over the place. Those who can work here used to be martial artists above the third rank of martial arts, and even some warriors of the martial clan level. If they are outside, they are amazingly powerful and full of glory. Trapped in this endless mine pit, but can only be reduced to a miner's slave. The strong spiritual power in the body can not only condense the spiritual power to protect oneself, but also smash the ground as hard as steel.

There is no way around this. With the continuous excavation of the major mines in the Taiwu mining area, the toughness of the rock has exceeded imagination. It is difficult to disintegrate with ordinary slaves at 5000 meters. , some places cannot be blasted away by ordinary martial arts alone. From [-] meters down, there are more and more such hard places, and it becomes more and more difficult to dig. Up to now, one-fifth of the places need three Only a high-level martial spirit, or even Wu Zong, can break through it.

Fortunately, the further down the mine, the higher the purity of the ore, and the high-quality spar emerges endlessly, and the benefits are still far higher than the investment, which motivates them to continue mining.

(End of this chapter)

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