Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 950 Night Forest

Chapter 950 Night Forest
"What happened back then?" Tang Yan was even more surprised.

"In order to better play the role of the prison and suppress those ferocious criminals, a special 'jailer'-wolf tribe appeared in it!
They are the same as Youye Forest. They did not belong to this world originally, nor were they born through normal reproduction. They were created jointly by the ten ancient clans. They are a brand new species. "

"What?! Create new species?!"

"That's right! In the era of great destruction, the Ancient Golden Clan launched a secret operation and jointly created the prisoner 'Wolf Clan' of the Night Forest! They gathered the special bodies of some ancient beasts and forcibly combined them, and then tempered them with secret methods. A wolf-type species was born.

It is this special way of birth that makes them reveal the killing factor from the soul to the bones, as well as ugliness and filth, crime and cruelty.

The reason why the ancients shaped them is to better guard the prison space, what is needed is this kind of vicious and cruel temperament, as well as an evil and cold aura! "

Tang Yan frowned as he listened, and even felt a slight chill.

What kind of freaks are there in the Golden Ancient Clan? It is simply impossible to imagine, without them, they can't do it!
Firstly, the emperor's priest's spying on fate, and then creating a new species. Will there be any research on karma in the future?

"However, in the era of destruction and destruction, various killings and collisions are constantly being carried out, causing new prisoners to be escorted inside for care, so that the number of prisoners inside has reached saturation within a certain period of time.

At first, various ethnic groups jointly operated to continuously improve the prison space and expand the scope, but neither was the best solution.

Therefore, the top ten ancient clans jointly decided to allow the wolves to devour prisoners.

It was also the resolution that year that shaped the Youye Forest and the five dire wolf clans that were completely out of control. "

Tang Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he felt the unusual complexity in Amber's tone.

"The wolves in the past were purely brutal and murderous monsters. Their consciousness was not sound, nor did they have profound wisdom. They acted completely according to the intentions of the ancient clan. They were loyal like house dogs.

But after all, they are species shaped by the powerhouses of the top ten golden ancient clans. The blood of each clan is left in the blood, which indicates that they have endless potential at the beginning of their birth. Once they are allowed to grow, the consequences will be unimaginable. !

But the ancient people at that time didn't care about it, they were all busy dealing with the various disasters in the era of great destruction, even if some people raised objections back then, they didn't really pay attention to it.

As a result, the wolves got an excellent opportunity to grow. First, they experienced the special space of the Youye Forest, and then they continued to devour the flesh and bones of the top powerhouses, and even devoured the remains of the ancient saints.

So much so that they have undergone a very drastic transformation over thousands of years.

They are constantly transforming, becoming stronger, giving birth to a perfect will, and giving birth to profound wisdom, no matter from the body or the soul, to fully grow into a real monster.

And five major branches were born, the wolf royal family, the thunder wolf family, the blood wolf family, the dark wolf family and the violent giant wolf family. "

Tang Yan felt the strength in Amber's hands, saw his old brows frowning coldly, and was also terrified. He could even imagine the scene of those terrible wolves devouring prisoners madly and constantly transforming and growing. Seeing Pairs of oily eyes gleamed with an evil and gloomy cold light in the dark night!
Amber took a deep breath, still unable to suppress the anger full of anger: "The five wolf clans of the Youye Forest finally controlled that special space, and even relied on the contradictions among the ten golden ancient clans to continuously The mediation and alliance consolidated its position step by step until it was out of control after the end of the era of great destruction."

"Then forget it? Let it go out of control?"

"This is something that can't be helped. Back then, the Bone Clan was angry and tried to teach the five wolf clans a lesson, but..."

"But what happened?" Tang Yan only knew that the saint who guarded the Bone Race in You Ye Forest was still very prominent, but he didn't know what happened specifically.

"Don't mention this matter, there's no need to know too much detail." Amber felt ashamed to speak, and before Tang Yan could ask any questions, he continued: "Tens of thousands of years ago, the top ten golden ancient clans gradually separated from Qitian. The mainland entered a new territory to open up a homeland, which is the Forgotten War Realm. But I didn’t expect that it was a road of no return, and there was no return, and in the end, the ten ancient tribes were fixed in the Forgotten War Realm for tens of thousands of years and could not escape.

Therefore, the status of Youye Forest is constantly changing, taking advantage of its specific environment to evolve into a truly independent space.Not only has it become a special cage in the Qitian Continent, but it also occasionally accepts the superpowers hunted by the top ten ancient clans in the Lost Battle Realm. "

"There are still prisoners left behind in the war world? Isn't it the demons and demons!" Tang Yan felt a little confused. The series of events were too complicated. The ten ancient golden clans were like a giant conspiracy. Showing terrifying strength, but also operating countless conspiracies.

For example, they agreed not to enter the Qitian Continent privately, but in secret, the spirit clan, corpse royal clan, and even their own demon spirit clan were all delivered secretly.And to transport the prisoners to the Night Forest, I am afraid that they also opened a special channel to be escorted by special personnel.

Tang Yan didn't have the energy to continue asking for details, otherwise he might not be able to tell the whole story in one day and one night.

"After tens of thousands of years of evolution, it is rumored that there are a total of '87 statues of the Three Emperors and Nine Saints' in the Youye Forest. This is the number they announced to the outside world, and it is also a number that can stabilize the space of the cage.

However, there are countless powerful enemies hunted and hunted by the Lost Battle Realm. Most of them stayed in the ancient clan due to special circumstances, and there are still a very small number of special identities that were secretly thrown into the Youye Forest by high-level decisions.The wolves will select special characters inside and put them into the black coffin, and all the prisoners who are too many will be eaten by them.

The black coffin was originally built jointly by the Pangu Clan and the Star Clan. It is equivalent to a special small space. It can not only imprison the strong, but also absorb the abilities of the strong inside. The energy emitted maintains the stability of the space and supplies the wolf clan to practice.

You don't need to know too much detail, you just need to understand that the Night Forest is not a simple place, the melody of the world inside is dirty and evil!No matter what they do, it should not be surprising. "

Tang Yan could feel Amber's dislike for Youye Forest, but he was even more surprised by... "Is the emperor really imprisoned inside?"

In fact, Amber didn't want to introduce the Night Forest too much, let alone mention the wolves.But considering Tang Yan's relationship with Hei Niu, and the possibility of using this ferocious race in the future, after a moment of silence, he still said, "It's just a name they used."

"Then..." Tang Yan felt that Amber didn't want to mention it, but he couldn't help his curiosity.Being able to suppress the existence of the emperor level shows that the environment inside is extremely special. If you go in blindly, you will be crushed into powder if you are not careful.

"The so-called three emperor's coffins, one of which contains the remains of the emperor of the human race who fell in Qitian Continent for endless years, was originally used to consolidate the prison space, and it has existed from beginning to end.

One contained information that after the end of the Great Destruction Era, when the situation on the mainland was stable, an emperor of an ancient country deliberately spread the news about the ancient tribe, which made the world famous and angered the ten tribes. remove.Considering that it was difficult to deal with, he was held in the Youye Forest, a strong man in the Emperor Tribulation Realm.

One is the avatar of the Demon Emperor in the Lost Battle Realm. He has strong royal power, but the matter is of great importance and cannot be held in the Lost Battle Realm, so he was transferred to Youye Forest.

I understand your concerns. The five wolf clans in the Youye Forest are not only ferocious, but also transformed to near perfection. However, the special environment in the forest domain, and the hidden dangers of the bloodline left over from the initial shaping, doomed them not to be able to give birth to emperor-level powerhouses!This is their fate, no matter how close they are to the barrier, it is difficult to cross it.unless……"

Amber didn't continue talking, just waved his hands casually and took a breath of cold smoke.

Tang Yan was no longer embarrassing for Amber. After a moment of silence, he said, "What is the realm of robbery emperor? Is there any grading for the imperial rank? How is the holy rank divided?"

(End of this chapter)

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