Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 951 The Holy Way

Chapter 951 The Holy Way
"Wu Sheng is a very mysterious realm. It is not as clear as Wu Wang Wu Zun, but more complicated and profound. Being promoted to the holy realm is equivalent to having an endless life span and transcending reincarnation, which is what outsiders see. Why is it called a saint.

The holy land also has strengths and weaknesses, but throughout the ages, saints have never been strictly divided into ranks. It is not because you have been practicing for a long time that you can stand out from the crowd, nor is it because you have made breakthroughs one after another that you will not be afraid of newcomers. Wu Sheng.

Some saints can stand up to three saints on their own, and even kill a saint head-on.There have also been such examples-the saint who was born for thousands of years was finally defeated by a newly promoted saint. "

Amber was silent for a while, calming down his exhausted spirit. At the same time, he was thinking about how to explain to Tang Yan: "There are many factors in the growth of a saint, and almost everyone's growth direction is different. After entering the holy realm, first What you have to do is to find your own martial art. If you can find the right one and really suit you, you can gradually transform and become stronger according to your own plan.

If you look in the wrong direction, or simply can't feel the martial arts, and you can't determine your own martial arts, you may stop at the most basic saint level, until it takes a thousand years or even ten thousand years.

Different martial arts have different directions, and different martial arts also have different powers!
The concept of martial arts is similar to the level of martial arts. Xeon martial arts is destined to go further, and it is also destined to be very difficult, but if it can achieve something, it is enough to overlook the simple martial arts.

For example, the Disaster Martial Arts practiced by General Ke Zunshan is an extremely overbearing martial arts in the Profound Truth of Heaven and Earth, and it is also an extremely difficult martial arts.We will continue to overcome the six catastrophes of 'human disaster', 'earth disaster', 'heart disaster', 'natural disaster', 'destruction disaster' and 'doomsday disaster'.

Every time a disaster is overcome, one level of cultivation is improved, which can be understood as advancing from the first level to the second level similar to Wu Zun's realm.If there is another disaster card owner, he will never move forward, but if he can overcome six disasters in a row, he will have a chance to become emperor.

Of course, like those relatively simple martial arts, even if they are overcome by all, they will eventually miss the throne, and they are not even as good as some saints who practice the strongest martial arts but only break through two or three times. "

Tang Yan suddenly realized, no wonder he had never heard of low-level saints and high-level saints. It turns out that the world of saints has other mysteries, and it is so mottled and complicated.

In this way, there are more unknown factors in the collision and fight between saints.

After all, you can't see through the opponent's level of strength, unlike Wu Zun's realm, you can see that the opponent is at the second level at a glance, and you can be completely fearless, and you need to go all out if you see the third-level realm.In a battle between saints, if one does not understand the situation, it is difficult to determine the strength by looking at the appearance and momentum. If there is a slight carelessness, or the opponent deliberately cheats, it may be lost.

"The choice of martial arts is different, and the number and levels of hardships to overcome are different. This requires one's own perception, determination and division by oneself. It is extremely difficult. Even just understanding the number and how to divide it, or the sequence of it, may be different. It took thousands of years.

In short... the road to sanctification is bumpy and bumpy. Thousands of warriors have exhausted their lives and are insurmountable. Saints who are high above are gods in their eyes, but the world is not as beautiful as imagined after being sanctified. , will be even harder! "

"We, the demon spirit clan, also need to come to understand martial arts?"

"Our ancient demon spirit clan took advantage of the loopholes of the Dao of Heaven. When we merged with monsters, we were between human beings and monsters. The direction of exploring martial arts is different. We can completely follow the monsters, blindly kill and devour, and make steady progress. To grow up, you can also determine your own martial arts according to human beings, or you can find your own level between the two. If the members of our ancient Yaoling clan can be promoted to sainthood, we will have two more choices than other clans, which is a big deal. Big or small advantage."

"After completing the transformation of the holy way, you will be at the emperor level? You just mentioned the Emperor Jie!"

"Ordinary people regard the saint as a god, but the saint regards it as a catastrophe. An eternal and endless catastrophe, every breakthrough in self-martial arts is equivalent to surviving a catastrophe and completing a new life. When all catastrophes are completed, the soul is tempered , also washed the blood, and smelted the mark of martial arts, completely entering the whole body.

This new level can be regarded as the real detached numerology-Wuhuang!
But the path of martial arts is mysterious and unpredictable, especially after being promoted to a saint, there are too many unknowns and too many wonders, each has different perceptions, and each has different achievements.

For example, becoming an emperor for the first time after crossing the endless catastrophe of a saint is not considered a real emperor to a certain extent, because it has happened more than once in the past and present that after many years of cultivation in the realm of "Wuhuang" suddenly regressed and returned to the original state. saint realm. "

"After being promoted to Martial Emperor, can you return to the saint?" Tang Yan was completely astonished.

"That's right! After the era of great destruction, there are very few similar situations, because almost no one from each ethnic group has completed a similar transformation, and even the saints are rarely like real gods. But in the ancient times, and the most distant ancient chaotic era, There are a large number of saints, and those who are promoted to the Martial Emperor realm will always appear every thousand years. In those eras, it is not uncommon for the newly promoted Martial Emperor to regress to the Martial Saint realm, and once they regress, they will permanently stop their martial arts. But The strong in this realm cannot be regarded as true emperors, because they are detached from saints, can dominate the world, and can destroy everything in rivers and rivers with a snap of their fingers.

Therefore, in the eyes of the saints, becoming an emperor after completing the catastrophe transformation is actually the most terrifying catastrophe, and it is named the "Jie Huang" realm.It means the emperor after completing the catastrophe, and at the same time means the emperor who is in the depths of the abyss.

If you can live in peace and stability, allow yourself to truly pay homage, and escape from the catastrophe, you will enter an even more terrifying realm, called the Holy Emperor!Entering this realm, you will no longer need to worry about the retreat of the realm, and truly dominate the world, and after the realm of the Holy Emperor, there is a more mysterious realm-the ancient emperor! "

"And then?" Tang Yan became more and more confused the more he listened, but the more he listened, the more he felt strange expectations.

Amber waved his hand weakly: "Those realms are too far away for you. You don't need to think about it within a hundred years or a thousand years. When you really reach that realm, you will naturally have a clear understanding."

Tang Yan got up and supported Amber: "I know everything I need to know, let's go back and rest first."

But Amber just shook his head slowly, looked at Tang Yan with his cloudy eyes, and after a while, smiled weakly: "Master..."

"Huh?" Tang Yan panicked, suddenly feeling bad.

Amber clenched Tang Yan's hand tightly, and it could be seen that he was exerting force, but the real strength was obviously weakening, and even his eyes were gradually dimming, only a smile filled with relief: "I can see your growth... very nice……"

"Amber, is there any way to save you? You used to be a saint, so you shouldn't leave so easily. If there is any way, please tell me, I will definitely find a way to do it." Tang Yan looked more and more wrong.

Amber smiled and shook his head: "It's enough to have your kindness. I had already died in Shenshenjian, and I should be reincarnated with those five old guys. After so many years, I should have left. Young master, don't waste your energy on me, an old man, I'm just a shell without a soul, and I can't be resurrected."

"How about I get you some spiritual source liquid? There is a strong vitality in it, or there is some life liquid in my Qi Sea, which can also allow you to continue your life." Tang Yan suddenly remembered the method that Xie Zu gave him, and said: "Also, I know a set of simple formulas, which can swallow the life essence between heaven and earth."

"My own body knows it well. If there is really a way to live a few more years, I don't want to close my eyes now. I also hope to see the day when you kill and leave the war world, and I hope to see you again. On the day of Your Majesty, I hope to personally hold your hand to pay homage to His Majesty's remnant soul. I hope to take you back to Tiandang Mountain and Meteor God Stream, so that the old men's remaining souls there can feel your breath, and let them feel your breath. Know that I have lived up to His Majesty's expectations."

Amber spoke lower and lower, his cloudy eyes seemed to be covered with a little haze.

"Amber...Amber..." Tang Yan clenched Amber's hand in panic, his heart suddenly seemed to be pressed by a stone, and it was blocked in a panic!
Amber suddenly opened his mouth wide, his pupils dilated, and his breath was about to dissipate, but fortunately, he insisted on coming over, and raised his hand tremblingly: "Old man, I didn't give you any presents, I left this dry tobacco pole for you to make." Let’s commemorate it, it’s not a special baby, but it has been with the old man for nearly ten thousand years.”

(End of this chapter)

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