Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 952 Misery

Chapter 952 Misery
Tang Yan took the pipe with care and attention, but his eyes were hazy.

Holding a solid pipe is like holding a heavy responsibility.

The feeling of oppression in my heart turned sour, and I was even a little flustered and ignorant.

At this moment... the afterglow of the setting sun has faded away, the sky and the earth are facing the darkest darkness before the moon night, and the cliff is gradually calming down. The hands of the Demon Spirit Emperor and six uncles.

I saw their stalwart figures and saw their hazy smiles.

"Master..." Amber's voice became hoarse, his old hands covered Tang Yan's, and he refused to let go, as if he was afraid of losing it just like that, his cloudy eyes wanted to take a last look at Tang Yan in the dark, But...the surroundings were dark and dark, and he had no chance.

"I'm here!! I'm here!!" Tang Yan knelt in front of Amber tremblingly, his eyes were already blurred with tears, and the thick sourness crawled all over his body like ants.

"Don't blame us, the millennium puzzle was deployed by us, but it was all added to you. We elders did not give you the love you deserved, but only brought you heavy hatred. We are sorry for you...but please be sure If you want to go on, you must kill Prince Cang, take back everything that belongs to you, and rectify His Majesty's name!"

"I promise you! I will do it!" Tang Yan hugged Amber's old body tightly, tears streaming from his eyes, his chest seemed to be pressed by a boulder, he couldn't breathe, his throat was choked with pain, and he couldn't make any more sounds.

Amber showed a gratified smile, hugged Tang Yan weakly, and his voice was already inaudible: "I also beg you to go to the evil emperor's way, to the perishing god creek... to see your majesty... to see the old men... for me Let me say it myself... I'm sorry... I failed to protect you to complete Qitian Continent, I failed to fulfill Your Majesty's entrustment."

"No, no, no!!" Tang Yan panicked, hugged Amber tightly in pain, and tremblingly stretched out his hand to summon King Ma Yan.

Amber didn't know where the strength came from, and grabbed him violently, his whole body tensed like a zombie, staring straight into Tang Yan's eyes, with a forced smile on his old face: "Master...don't blame me...I I didn't... didn't protect you back then, and put you in... danger several times... I want you to know the cruelty of the world... I... I only have one... one gift... I hope it can make up for the past... the past... ..."

"Stop talking about Amber!! I understand!! I understand everything!!"

"" Amber opened his mouth wide again, as if the god of death was cruelly tearing at his vitality. This time... Amber couldn't resist, and exhausted his last strength to make a sound: "Inside the cigarette rod There is a soul, and it has been conceived and raised all these years. Although the cigarette pole does not have great power, it still makes her grow very well, she...she is...Alinda..."

"Ilinda?" Before Tang Yan recovered, Amber suddenly grabbed Tang Yan's shoulder with a big mouth, and his eyes were fixed on Tang Yan.

He is not reconciled! !He doesn't want to leave now!

He used to have no fear of death, no consideration of emotions, and it was just a request before he died, but seeing the tears on Tang Yan's resolute cheeks, Amber suddenly felt a deep sense of guilt at the moment of the end of his life.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to leave so simply.He wants to replace His Majesty, replace other old men, continue to guard Tang Yan, and do some duties that elders should fulfill, even if it is just the simplest condolences and care, even if it is just the most ordinary guidance and smile, even if it is just sitting in the sunset and talking Tell anecdotes about his parents, even if there are little fond memories.

Instead of meeting in a hurry, leaving behind the heavy pressure and hatred that may make him shoulder his whole life, leaving endless blood and killing, and then dying irresponsibly in front of him.

This is cowardice!This is guilt!
"Master!!" Amber grabbed Tang Yan tightly, his fingers almost crushed his shoulders, his whole body was tense like a stone, and his eyes were so wide that they were about to protrude: "I...uh...we... I owe you...a lifetime of"

Without even saying the last sorry, the last breath of life that was suppressed so hard spread out from the stiff body, without a trace, clean, leaving only a cold body.

And then... the old body gradually became limp, limp and limp on the twisted old roots.

Amber, the 'corpse' that has persisted for decades, finally lost its life at this moment. It walked suddenly in the dark night, and it also carried such an increasingly strong unwillingness and guilt until the breath of life was exhausted. His eyes were still wide open, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes were soaked with muddy tears.

His stiff hands were still clutching Tang Yan's shoulders as he was dying, refusing to let go.

Tang Yan was stunned on the spot, with tears streaming from his eyes, tremblingly hugged Amber, and hugged him tightly, as if Amber had been holding his big hand tightly from the beginning to the end.

A choking suffocation stuck in his chest, making him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Tang Yan hugged Amber tightly, buried her head hard, and cried out loudly, like a child.

Thick hoarseness, thick pain.

He is no longer the all-powerful lunatic, no longer the high-ranking young master, and no longer the warrior of the blood-killing kingdom. At this moment, desolation and grief are added to his body, and he cries like a simple child.

Intermittent crying echoed on the cliff, Tang Yan sat paralyzed in the darkness, holding Amber's body, trembling slightly.

He and Amber have only been together for a few sticks of incense, but Amber's big hand is like an invisible bond, implicated in the blood of family, the last few points of entrustment, the final not simple guilt and apology, more like an iron bond. The hammer beat on my heart, knocked off the thick shell of vigilance, and released the strong blood and family affection.

Ma Yanwang and others who were waiting anxiously under the cliff immediately raised their heads, were slightly stunned, and then shot up to the sky. They all gathered on the cliff, the dim light illuminated the night, and they could clearly see the sad scene under the old old tree.

Tang Yan held the old man in his arms tremblingly, opened his mouth wide like a baby, and wept hoarsely. The tears were like broken beads, sliding down his cheeks and dripping on the old man's dull face.

The five people's hearts trembled suddenly, as if they were being held tightly by something, a painful pain surged up, their noses were sore, their eyes were hazy, and they all froze in place.

Tang Yan hunched over and hugged Amber tightly in a panic, with a miserable and sad face.But Amber was already dead, swaying weakly with Tang Yan's embrace, with a slightly distorted expression on his face, what kind of unwillingness and loneliness this is.

Amber is more eager than anyone else to accompany Tang Yan into the Lost War Realm, more eager than anyone else to walk into the evil emperor's way together, and more than anyone else to guard Tang Yan and return to the ancient demon spirit clan, but... he His life had already ended in the Shenshenjian... Excessively squeezing his vitality to search for three murders and nine murders also doomed him to an early fall.

But neither Tang Yan nor Amber thought that today's meeting would end in such a tragic scene. Tang Yan actually came to learn about his life experience, and Amber actually came to entrust the funeral. The two people's original purpose was very pure. , but when we really get along, when our eyes are facing each other, when our hands are tightly clasped, the silent blood and family relationship is awakened silently, and it takes root and sprouts in just a few sticks of incense, until the farewell at this moment bursts out. suppressed emotions.

Ma Yanwang sighed quietly: "Let the young master accompany Amber again."

The four ministers looked gloomy, and they didn't bother the painful Tang Yan, nor did they say anything to comfort the heart-wrenching pain at the moment.

Tang Yan was immersed in the painful loss, his emotion was like a torrent breaking a bank, submerging his self-confessed strong heart.

Amber is different from the Tang family, and Tang Yan feels differently.

If anyone in the Tang family died like this in front of him, Tang Yan's pain would be heart-piercing and sharp.

Amber's departure was an unspeakable pain, panicked, and it seemed like a bloody flesh had been gouged out of his heart.

Ma Yanwang and others left the cliff, scattered in the dark forest, stared at the top of the mountain in a daze, under the dark night, there were low choking sobs floating faintly, and intermittent hoarse whispers. Can feel clearly.

Nian Wuyi sighed softly: "I can't bear it anymore, our young master's life is too hard. We have been together for less than four months, and we have already experienced four hardships. We finally met us, and our relatives were arrested. It was easy to save one, but his wife almost became someone else's. After finally getting it out, and knowing the family's hatred, he died in his arms before he got acquainted with Amber.

If the young master has always lived such a rough and rough life, I doubt how he has persisted until now.Counting his age...he is still a child..."

King Ma Yan said to himself: "The eighth-rank demon spirit, the Martial Emperor, is doomed to infinite encounters, and also doomed to many disasters. If there is no hard work, how can there be steel and iron bones?"

Nian Wuyi shook his head bitterly: "There is no such a practice method after thousands of years of practice, and iron-clad perseverance can't handle these."

Nian Wuxin withdrew his gaze, and said, "Is there any news from the third one? The young master just lost Amber, and his heart is already uncomfortable enough. If he loses the adoptive father and grandfather of the Tang family, it will no longer be a test, it is a bi He has become a demon!"

"I haven't had time to contact you yet." Nian Wude wanted to greet the fifth judge, but this guy was not around at all.

King Ma Yan said: "Master, I can't stand such a blow. I think you will leave Jiulongling tonight. First try to contact the three judges, determine the location of each target, and assist them in arresting them. No matter what, they must be captured!" The family has raised the young master for 15 years, and has also taken care of him for 15 years. We must not be ungrateful, and we must not let Amber die in peace."

Si Xianggong looked at each other and nodded one after another: "Then I will leave this place to you, the boss. Let's go now and try to bring back the cubs of the Spirit Race."

"No matter what measures are taken, how much time is delayed, if the target cannot be caught, you don't have to come back. We are usually brothers, but this time... it is an order!" Ma Yan Wang looked at the cliff in a daze, his voice was calm, but his voice With Sen Leng, the four gentlemen who are familiar with him all know that Boss Ma is playing for real.

(End of this chapter)

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