Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 956 Starry Sky Road

Chapter 956 Starry Sky Road
There was a loud bang, and the butcher's knife in the old man's hand slammed onto the cutting board, and he looked at Lulu with bright eyes: "Is he really that kid from back then?!"

Lulu was frightened and cried, Zhizhi screamed and hugged Chocolate tightly.

The old guy cast a shadow on Lulu as early as his childhood, and now he notices the familiar eyes, and suddenly trembles with fright.

"Ah... I'm a pig... I'm so old... I've been looking for you for half a year... I thought you were dead..." Chocolate hugged Lulu crying to death, Lulu lying on him Screaming in his arms.

The scene was simply horrible!

"Shut up!! Where are you fucking going to the grave?!"

"Why don't you die? Forget it! Waste half a year of my feelings!"

"Get out! Even if the king of heaven is dead, I will live well." The old man rolled up his sleeves and came to the street, poked his head out to look at Lulu, and reached out to touch it.

Chocolate wiped tears, stood up abruptly, and hugged Lulu tightly: "What are you doing? What do you want to do?!"

"Is it the little male cub I raised back then?"

"Ah bah! How dare you say that?! Do you want to be an old face? Who threw Lulu into the pot back then? Who wanted to stew suckling pig back then?!"

"Ah?! It's really it!" The old man's eyes lit up, he looked at the chocolate, then at the shivering Lulu, and suddenly became excited: "Wow haha, good time, good time!"

"It's so big! I was the one who fished Lulu out of the pot back then! I saved it! It's me! Don't try to hit it!" Chocolate wiped away his tears and stared at him like an enemy. looking at the old man.

"I thought it was disabled, its IQ was too low, and it wouldn't live long. Instead of wasting energy to support it, it's better to stew it directly, so as to nourish my old man's body." The old man circled around the chocolate with his hands behind his back, his eyes closed After leaving, the eyes seemed to see the old lover who had been lost for many years: "Well, yeah, good! This little cub is still supported by you!"

"I hate ye!" Chocolate's face was full of grief!

"I'm still worried about how to breed the mother and cub at home, and it's just right!" The old man suddenly became excited, and shouted at the crowd on the street: "What are you looking at? What are you looking at! Spread out! Our shop will be closed today! "

"Breeding?!" Chocolate was taken aback, his face turned pale, he picked up Lulu and ran away.

But he was obviously running towards the distance, but in a blink of an eye, the space was dislocated, and he rushed towards the old man in the shop.

"Haha! Be good! Grandpa, I've been waiting for you for a long time, come into Grandpa's arms!" The old man stomped on the door of Chocolate's face, hugged him, and disappeared in a flash. The pork shop closed the door with a bang.

That's a snap!
"I'm fighting with you!" Chocolate ran wildly, slamming into the closed shop door, and then passed through the door amidst the astonished eyes around the street.

In the dark and boundless void space!

The old man sat cross-legged without any image, tossing and tidying the trembling Lulu back and forth.

Lulu was like a mouse that fell under the paws of an old cat, both honest and fearful, but as the old guy moved his hands, the hidden fleshy wings slowly grew out uncontrollably.

"Haha! It's really the little boy from back then! He's developed well!"

Chocolate no longer grieved, and stared at the front with wide eyes. In the void space where darkness and coldness coexist, more than a dozen pieces of jade were randomly scattered, and a random area was circled. The sow is looking at Lulu with great interest at the moment.

Each sow is fat, tender and plump, exactly like Lulu, with chubby little wings growing on their backs.Each gilt has a small flower on its head, which looks very 'delicate' and 'charming'.

They all had a thin chain around their necks, and the other end was connected to the old man's waist key ring.

This old thing is doing nothing, put the pigsty in the empty space?

"Eh?! They're all here, didn't you kill them?!" Chocolate scratched his head in a daze, thinking that the old guy had slaughtered all the piggies in the pigsty cruelly. In empty space.

The old man hugged Lulu and looked more and more happily. He rolled his eyes when he heard this: "Your IQ hasn't improved at all? You should have been thrown into the pot with you back then!"

"No! Why are there so many fewer pigs? When I left, there were 25 pigs in the pigsty! Eh? All the females left? Four little males?" Chocolate looked more and more strange, and then looked around There seems to be only a dozen of them in the empty space!

The old man continued to play with Lulu, kneading it for a while, feeling its development and the condition of its muscles and bones, and said casually: "I took them for a walk in this empty space a few years ago, but I didn't expect to encounter a space The turbulent flow almost tore my old bones into pieces. A few little dolls have a sense of justice, and the other mothers and cubs are also very brave, and then...they all died..."

"What? Spatial turbulence? Where's the space turbulence! X! Where is this old guy running??" Although Chocolate didn't have a good head, he wasn't stupid.

The empty space outside Qitian Continent will not have spatial turbulence, even if there is turbulence, it will not make the old man so troubled that he can't care about the piggies!

Unless... unless the old guy has nothing to do and goes to the edge of the continent's space, and he still brings all the piggies with him!

What kind of place is worth the all-out efforts of the old guys, and what kind of dangerous situation requires all the piggies to dispatch?What kind of dangerous situation forced him to sacrifice ten piggies!
These piggies are all space beasts, precious and rare. They once shined brilliantly in ancient times, but they all fell in the era of great destruction. The old man also accidentally found the only cubs left in the empty space.

The abilities of the piggies are terrifying when they mature, but they are obviously very fragile before they are fully mature. There are no special circumstances, and the old guys will not bring all of them as guards, nor will they sacrifice all the piggies.

Only the mother and cubs are left, which means that the species is completely extinct!

"You are so excited! Old man, I went to the abyss of the sea and went around!" The old man didn't say much else, and the more he hugged Lulu, the more he liked it: "Hey, back then I thought this bastard would not survive, but I didn't expect it to survive .In the future, it will belong to me, and you can choose a few from those mothers and cubs."

"Crap!" Chocolate snatched Lulu: "It's a good idea, it's mine!"

"What's yours? Even you belong to me!" The old man beckoned, and more than a dozen mothers and children all surrounded him, looking at Lulu in Chocolate's arms with 'love'.

"What are you doing? What spring! My Lulu is not a random pig!" Chocolate glared at a group of sows, the scene was funny and weird.

"If you don't want to be casual, you have to be casual. For the sake of race reproduction, it has to be casual! Let me keep the little boy, this matter is not negotiable. If you don't let all the thirteen girls in my family be pregnant with cubs, it won't even think about leaving."

"You shameless old fellow, I wouldn't have come looking for you if I had known earlier!"

"Hey, by the way, why did you come here so suddenly?" The old guy looked Chocolate up and down, curled his lips and said, "Look at you, a worthless bear, how many years have you been, and you just became a Martial Lord?! Don't talk about you It's my apprentice, shame on me!"

"X! How dare you say that?! Which master didn't teach his apprentices hand in hand, what else did you teach me besides letting me feed pigs? I have worked hard on my own, these years..."

"That's enough, that's enough! You're fat and chattering! Why did you accept an apprentice like you with a butt convulsion back then! If you have something to say, get out, I still have to study how to breed."

"Old guy! You hurt my heart!" Chocolate was full of grief and indignation, and then changed the subject in a high-spirited way: "I want to go to Konghen Ancient Road to practice! I want to be promoted to Tier [-] Martial Venerable within a year!"

The old guy glanced at him, and said unceremoniously: "Your head was squeezed by the door?"

"I'm serious! You said back then that there is an ancient road with empty marks in the empty space, and the time inside is disordered. One year is equal to ten years outside. It is dangerous but full of opportunities!"

"Have I ever told you that if ten of them go in, only one can come out alive? Have I ever told you that if you live in it for a year, I will swallow your life for a hundred years? Old man, I am a genius, and I almost came out back then." I'm not coming. You?? Save yourself!"

"I'm not afraid! I told you, I'm serious!" Chocolate's eyes were very firm!

The Konghen Ancient Road is a treasure left by the space powers of the ancient times, and it was once a gathering place for space warriors. However, in the era of great destruction, the powerhouses of all races chased and killed space warriors out of fear, and they have been gradually declining out of control. The remaining ruined ancient roads are floating in the empty space.It is full of endless dangers, and if you make a mistake, you will be lost in the messy maze of empty marks forever, sinking forever, until it turns into dry bones, or is directly torn apart by the cracks in space.

But Konghen Ancient Road has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it was once a place where space fighters lived. There are a lot of treasures left behind after the fall of ancient powers, and there are also space mysteries left by them. As long as you can persist, you will definitely benefit endlessly. !
It is not only a space chaos area, but also a time chaos area.

One year inside is equivalent to ten years of hard training outside, but the changes in the body are like being sucked out of a hundred years of life.

It is a real danger and opportunity coexist!
Chocolate was stimulated in the Dayan Mountains, arousing unprecedented pride, and vowed to grow up before the arrival of the "three-year agreement" to let them know the real power of space warriors.

"Are you sure your head hasn't been squeezed?"

"I don't have much time! I have wasted half a year looking for you, so hurry up and take me to Konghen Ancient Road." Chocolate didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.

The old man squinted at him for a long time: "I really take you there? If you dare to go back when you get there, I will throw you in!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and lead the way."

"It's agreed in advance! You go to Konghen Ancient Road, and the little boy stays here to breed, otherwise I won't let me take you there."

"No, absolutely not, I want to practice with Lulu!"

"Experience together?! Look at your virtue. If you go in, you will die. I didn't expect you to come out alive. It's fine if you die. Why should it be buried with you! The little boy is dead, who will give it to my mother and daughter? Breeding? You have the heart to let them become extinct? The little boy must stay!"

"Yo...yeah...yeah, is that my master?" Chocolate almost cried in grief.

"Besides, you go in to find opportunities, so you have to drag it in to keep you company? Do you have any ambitions? If you have the ability to make a living by yourself! Let me educate you, little boy, and I guarantee it will be better than you entering the ancient empty mark road! It's settled, let's go." The old man made a casual move, and a confusing empty path was stretched out of the chaotic void, leading directly to the depths of the vast void.

One hundred times Chocolate was reluctant, one hundred was reluctant, but after thinking about it, it still made some sense, so he could only bid farewell to Lulu and let it stay in the old man's arms: "Ye just said the abyss under the sea? Where is it? What are you doing there with nothing to do?"

"Shut up! It hurts to hear your weird emphasis!"

"Hmph! This is my specialty!!"

Chocolate didn't give up: "The turbulence in the space wouldn't make Ye like this, would it? What's in it?"

"To shut up!!"

"Did Ye discover some secret?"


"It's okay to be idle, can you talk to me?"

"To shut up!!"

(End of this chapter)

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