Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 957: Onitsuka's Decision of Fate Wheel Chapter

Chapter 957

Canglan Ancient Land, within the territory of Yan State, the old house of the Ren family.

Located in the cold and lonely ancient forest in the deep mountains, the sky within dozens of miles is covered with dark clouds all the year round.The old trees are dense and messy, with thousands of drooping branches and old roots like mounds, like a primitive ancient land that no one has stepped on for thousands of years.

In the deep mountains and old forests, the wind is blowing, and the dead leaves are falling. A large number of ancient and dilapidated courtyards are scattered among the mountains and dense forests, like dilapidated tombs, entangled by old bark branches, and they are lifeless. , looked extremely gloomy.

Occasionally, in the branches of some ancient and twisted trees, there are some pale paper figures hanging, or a wooden coffin stands among some rubble.

It's really scary that something like this pops up out of nowhere.

It was like walking into a barren mountain and a dead city.

This is the clan land of the Ren family - Onitsuka!
The famous place of death in the country of Yan!
Not to mention humans and beasts, even fish and insects dare not survive in this vast and deep deep mountain forest, so that within dozens of miles under the dark clouds, except for ancient trees and dilapidated courtyards, the environment No signs of life.

Silent, cold, creepy!

The name of Onitsuka is more like a dark hell!
The Ren family was a notorious existence in all countries in the ancient land of Canglan, and even the royal families of the major empires had to treat Broadband with courtesy.But in real terms, the number of their entire ethnic group is not large. There are barely 200 people, old and young, which is not as prosperous as some small and medium-sized families.

Today is the once-in-a-century gathering of the clan. All the clan members who were scattered outside to practice all returned on time and gathered at the resting place of the ancestors.

Different from the grand and prosperous times when the rest of the family's high-level gatherings, there is no heroic team, no colorful flags, no singing girls dancing, no exquisite pastries, nothing, just as cold as ever.

The returning clansmen walked into the ghost mound from different directions with coffins or paper figurines on their backs, floating like lonely souls in the dark and damp old forest. expression.

Gather together like summoned zombies.

Then... they all meditated cross-legged and continued their own cultivation.

Not wasting time on meaningless greetings, leaving more energy for cultivation, this is also the consistent style of the Ren family.

When all the Ren family members gathered, the quiet valley was filled with three streams of mist, manifesting three old men in ragged clothes.

Their appearance makes the high-altitude dark clouds thicker, the wind whistle in the forest and mountains is slightly sharper, and a gloomy aura runs through the heavens, earth and mountains, just like a ghost king visiting a ghost tomb!

All the clansmen in the valley knelt on one knee to show their respect.

Even the paper figurines on them returned to silence, they all looked like ordinary paper figurines, lifeless.

The characters who appeared were the three ancestors of the Ren family, one turned out to be a saint, and the other two were all semi-sages!
In the vast Canglang Valley, only the ancestors of a few great empires are in the realm of saints. The fact that the Ren family can have saints is the main reason why they can shock the world.

The ancestor cut straight to the point and went straight to the point: "The ghost green fire caused a great uproar in the Central Plains and attracted the attention of all parties. After years of observation by my Ren family, Tang Yan is very murderous and extremely aggressive, but it is different from the evil ancestor's back then. Arrogance and endless killing are different from Xie Zu's 'non-aligned' style.

Tang Yan left many friendships from the south to the Central Plains, and his temperament changed to calm and decisive again and again. These two points are rare, and now he is protected by Jiulongling and Eternal Beast Mountain, and he also has the help of Chenyuan Pavilion.Whether it is the heart or background strength, they are far superior to the evil ancestors of the past, and have the possibility of truly awakening the ghost Qinghuo.

When the evil ancestor appeared in the world, we all decided not to support it and let it fend for itself.

Now that Tang Yan once again brings the ghost blue fire to the world, we vote again whether to let Tang Yan survive on his own, or to regain the mission of my Ren family that has been stranded for tens of thousands of years, and guard the growth of the ghost green fire! "

"Recover the mission!"

"Guardian Tianhuo reproduces the imperial prestige!"

All the two hundred clansmen expressed their opinions cleanly, and their gloomy voices were strangely firm.

Every heir born in the Ren family will be clearly informed of the family's secrets, the family's past and mission when he is baptized and awakened.

What's more, you must take an oath of blood to defend and protect with your life when the mission comes!
Now...the mission has come!
According to the genealogy records, their ancestors were servants of the Phantom Fire Emperor, and once prosperous to millions of people, they were the guardians of the Nether Hell and the nobles of Fengdu, a ghost country.

But with the fall of Tianhuo, the Nether Hell no longer exists, they left helplessly and silently, living secretly as the Ren family.

Their mission is to find the successor of Skyfire, and do everything they can to protect his growth, until he regains the power of the Fire Emperor back then, and rebuilds Nether Hell!
The appearance of the evil ancestor back then attracted their attention, but...the tyranny of the evil ancestor and the arrogance of "Never Allying" made them conclude that the rebirth of the ghost Qinghuo in this world is just a disaster, and the entire family decided not to rush to expose it Ren family secrets, let the evil ancestors fend for themselves.

It was not until Tang Yan's sudden appearance 20 years ago that he was clearly mentioned by the family and attracted close attention.

In every family opportunity in the past 20 years, Tang Yan's deeds will always be mentioned.

They were silently observing, and silently understanding that most of them recognized Tang Yan's temperament, but it was only limited to recognition, which was far from enough for them to regain their family mission.

After all, the matter of the ghost green fire is of great importance. Once it is leaked, it will definitely cause a great disaster and be rounded up by all parties. If the master does not have some loyal allies and is not strong enough, the Ren family alone will be powerless to protect it, and it will not last long.

The evil ancestor back then was the best realism!

So the family is always waiting, never making it public, and always observing.

Now that Tang Yan is famous in the Central Plains, he is guarded by the forbidden land Jiulongling and Eternal Beast Mountain. With a lineup of ten saints, he has enough qualifications to guard the ghost Qinghuo and reappear the emperor's prestige.

Their family should also come out of the mountain again, shoulder the historical mission, and guide Tang Yan to correctly awaken the ghost green fire!
"All passed!! The Ren family resumed their mission immediately, assisting Tang Yan to regain the power of the sky fire, and guiding Tang Yan to open...the Nether Hell!" His eyes gleamed with strange brilliance!
"We respect the decree of our ancestors!" All the more than two hundred members of Ren's family responded, without any doubts, without any nonsense, with a calm posture, but firm eyes, and an oily green sternness flashed in the bottom of their eyes.

The old ancestor once again ordered: "Ren Tianzhu, officially takes over the position of the patriarch of the family from today, and can publicly help Tang Yan, and guide the ghost Qinghuo's true awakening on behalf of the family."

Ren Tianzan was expressionless, only nodded to accept the instruction.

"Tang Yan once made a three-year agreement in the Holy Land of Yaochi, and he will return to the Dayan Mountains via the Canglan Ancient Land. There are only 14 months left, and the three of us have decided that the whole Ren family will gather the power of all ghosts to open up the road to the ghosts. ! Help you grow and transform, and open the fourth volume of the Fengdu Ghost Emperor's Classic."

"I will live up to the expectations of my ancestors!" Ren Tianzhang slowly lowered his head, his eyes revealing a gloomy light!
"The fourth volume reaches the inner city of Fengdu, and it should attract ten thousand years of fierce ghosts."

"If you don't succeed, you will turn into a ghost, and you will become the food of ten thousand ghosts in Fengdu!"

"Near death! Ren Tianzhu, get ready, please go to the ghost road!"

The two hundred clansmen all got up and bowed slightly towards Ren Tianzhu.

Every clansman's body was full of ghostly aura, as if possessed by an evil spirit, the evil aura was astonishing and ghostly.The paper figurines on their bodies showed signs of activity one after another, and their empty eyes glowed bloody.

All of a sudden, a thick ghostly aura accompanied by a icy cold wind permeated the deep mountains and old forests, covering the desolate ancient houses with layers of gloom, like ghosts descending!
(End of this chapter)

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