Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 961

Chapter 961
The Holy Spirit Temple is secret, and the high-level officials called urgently arrived one after another, but the roar from the hall master shocked everyone present.

"The three real people were robbed right under your noses?"

"Pei Jian was confirmed dead just now, and the three sons were arrested one after another. If another accident happens to them, how will I explain to the Lost War Realm? How to explain to the patriarch? Who will teach me!"

"Tang Yan is cruel by nature. He caught Pei Jian and killed him as soon as he said it. He was unequivocal. If the other three young masters fall into his hands, can they be treated well?"

"A bunch of idiots!! The court heard the order, and all relevant personnel will be severely punished!"

The furious roar shook the magnificent palace, and even cracks appeared on the tough walls and stone pillars.

The more than ten strong men in His Highness all trembled, and one of the palace envoys raised a gloomy face: "Tang Yan doesn't know what to do, we should fight an eye for an eye, torture and kill a prisoner, and send someone to him to see if Tang Yan dares... "

boom! !A berserk chain blasted at the emissary head-on, like a thick stone pillar. Before he could finish his words, he directly led him through the entire hall and blasted hundreds of meters away.

The palace master on the high platform said angrily: "Idiot! Kill one and send it over?! Will Tang Yan compromise, or send it back after killing one? Use your heads to think about it! Tang Yan dared to kill Pei Jian as a demonstration. If we dare to hurt one more person, he will dare to kill two of them!
We have four captives in our hands, but can those four old wretched lives be worth as much as my young master of the Spirit Race? ! "

A palace envoy hesitated and said: "The three young masters will definitely not be treated well if they fall into Tang Yan's hands. We don't want to rescue them. If they are left behind in the war world and find out, it will be difficult to explain. But Tang Yan is like a mad dog, he bites wherever he goes, first Heiyun City, then Arbitration Kingdom, he just completely destroyed Falan Tower some time ago, with Jiulongling as his support, he is not afraid of anyone, we In fact, there is no need to fight fiercely with him, just deal with it calmly."

The hall master sat back in his seat, calmed down his anger a little, and said in a deep voice: "Let me think of a way, if you can't think of it today, no one should even think about leaving this hall. Don't think about leaving the battle world for now, I will follow you." I have contacted over there, and my family will not pay attention to Qitian Continent for a long time recently."

"Oh?" Everyone was secretly surprised and looked up at the palace master.Inside the Holy Spirit Hall, only the Hall Master is qualified to have a direct dialogue with the Lost War Realm. If they want to get some information, they can only get it from the Hall Master.

The hall master was silent for a while, looked at the crowd below with a gloomy face, and finally said: "The demon emperor Jiuying restrained the demon spirit clan and did not dare to act rashly. There was a lot of rumors, various monster races were active, Holy Emperor Xuanwu even entered the evil ghost realm three times, and the Bone Race became crazy recently, vowing to take down the Emperor Bone.

Xingchen, Asura and other clans conspired to attack the demon emperor Mo Qilin, causing a chain reaction, and then the demon clan was ready to move, and it was a mess, which also drew the energy of our clan.

They don't have the energy to take care of Qi Tian Dalu in a short period of time, but we can't delay it for too long, lest the three young masters need to be recalled due to special circumstances, and it will be difficult to explain at that time.Think of a way now, if any young master has an accident, ten of you will be buried with him! "

More than a dozen of His Royal Highness's envoys shuddered secretly, looked at each other, communicated quietly, and expressed their opinions one after another.

"Since we need to take care of the lost war world for the time being, we... um... please speak frankly, we can actually rescue the three young masters a little bit slowly. We are afraid that Tang Yan will hurt the three young masters, and Tang Yan is even more afraid of us hurt his loved ones.

We value the three sons and think that Tang Yan's relatives are cheap and worthless. Tang Yan values ​​his relatives even more and thinks that our three sons can be slaughtered at will.

From an onlooker's point of view, we are temporarily on an equal footing, and everyone is afraid and everyone is nervous. In this way, no one needs to be afraid and no one needs to be nervous. "

"My subordinates agree with Tian Luoshi's opinion. The world of the Lost War is in chaos now, and the work of our Holy Spirit Temple is also entering the final stage. All aspects need to be devoted to all aspects, especially the southern barren area. If possible If so, the subordinates also suggest that the rescue of the three young masters be postponed."

"I'm not in the position of the palace master, so I don't feel the pressure brought about by the murder of the three young masters, but everything is treated specially, not to mention that we are not not saving, but temporarily unable to save, we need to wait for a more reasonable time."

"The three young masters should be in custody at Jiulongling. Given our current situation, we really can't gather enough strength to storm Jiulongling. What's more, Tang Yan holds the key to the Eternal Beast Mountain. Once the Eternal Beast Mountain arrives, they The lineup is unprecedentedly strong.”

"If we want to rescue the three young masters, it is absolutely possible. Even if it is a strong attack, we can rely on the power of forbidden places such as Zhenyao Temple Panshenzhai, but... the cost is too high and the impact is too great. Our Holy Spirit Hall shoulders an important mission. A large-scale collision cannot be triggered in advance because of the three young masters. Even if those powerful people within the spirit clan will blame us, at least the patriarch and high-level officials will not punish us. But if the overall situation is affected because of saving people, the patriarch will definitely Will not spare us lightly.

In short... what we mean is that there is no need to be overly nervous about the three young masters.

As long as Tang Yan's relatives are still in our hands, Tang Yan will not dare to act rashly, and the three young masters will naturally be safe.In fact, we were worried that Tang Yan would be cruel, and he was even more afraid of provoking us. "

"Our thousands of years of operation and deployment are coming to an end, and the activities of branch temples in various countries are entering the final stage, and we must not disrupt everything because of a single incident.

When the deployment of the branch halls is basically completed and consolidated, we still need to draw enough strong people to go to the Southern Wilderness to assist King Zhou Ling to secretly control the Great Zhou Empire, and then to operate the southern sea area. The time is very tight. It is difficult to successfully complete it within two years.

The subordinate's suggestion is to hold Tang Yan first, choose one of the four captives as a gift to him, but do not explain anything or take any action, so as to confuse him, let him guess, delay a little bit, When all our deployments are completed and a comprehensive network of relationships is formed, we will concentrate all our energy on dealing with Tang Yan, and even a strong attack will be fine. "

"Actually, we can just ignore it and not send a single prisoner back! We keep quiet, ignore it or contact us, and act as if nothing happened. The more this happens, the more uneasy Tang Yan becomes, the more worried he is, and the less he will Hurt the three sons."

"Hallmaster, please think twice! The overall situation is the most important thing! As long as we can ensure the safety of the three young masters, we will have an excuse to explain to the Lost Battle Realm. If we rush to save the three young masters, we will only fall into a passive position and may affect the We have thousands of years of deployment."

"The subordinates do not agree with their opinion! Since the overall situation is the most important thing, why don't we simply exchange four captives for three young masters, ignore Tang Yan for the time being, and concentrate on running our business. Wouldn't it kill multiple birds with one stone?"

"Inappropriate!! Tang Yan has a special identity, he has the blood of the demon spirit clan, and the four masters of Jiulongling are also demon spirit veins. These issues must be investigated clearly!! And Tang Yan is pregnant with the ghost green fire, and must also be investigated. Capture control.

The purpose of our arresting his relatives is to deal with him, but we have to wait temporarily because of the sudden appearance of Jiulongling, but waiting does not mean stopping.With his relatives in hand, we have a little bit of the initiative, and we can use it when we have spare energy in the future. "

"That's right! Not only do we need to rescue the three sons, but we also need to control Tang Yan and destroy Jiulongling. These three aspects must be completed, but not now."

Under a series of proposals and rebuttals, the atmosphere in the palace gradually became the mainstream—deliberately ignoring the three princes in order to confuse Tang Yan and make him guess wildly without daring to act rashly. Properly in full attack.

The hall master gradually fell silent, and nodded slowly, as if he had approved the opinions of the hall envoys.

But as the supreme ruler of the Holy Spirit Temple and the person in charge of directly communicating with the Lost Battle Realm, he has more concerns.

The three young masters are all descendants of powerful figures within the Spiritual Clan. They were sent to the Qitian Continent for training. They are all for use as secret weapons in the future, and they have high hopes. If something unexpected happens, those old guys will never If you let it go, you will definitely target the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and then he, the Hall Master, will bear the brunt of the blame.

The incident will not implicate the entire Holy Spirit Hall, but he himself must have been hurt by a backstab.

One Pei Jian is enough to put him under great pressure. What if Tang Yan is impatient and suddenly executes one to threaten the Holy Spirit Palace to release him as soon as possible? ?The possibility of this happening is not great, but it is definitely not small!With the temperament shown by Tang Yan, it is really possible to do it!

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

If there is another one killed, or two, the power faction in the Eldar clan may really slander and frame them, or they may call themselves back to the world of the lost war to suffer.After all, the Temple of the Holy Spirit has come to an end, and replacing the Hall Master will not affect the overall situation!

The envoys below have their own level of consideration and their own angle of consideration.

After pondering over and over again, the Palace Master finally ordered: "Take five and a half saint-level palace envoys, and lurking in the forbidden land to monitor Jiulongling. For the rest, follow your opinion, do not negotiate with Jiulongling, do not let any captives go, and concentrate on dealing with all matters. Branch affairs! All deployments must be completed within two years to form a network of relationships across the entire continent, and this time there must be no accidents!"

"This..." The envoys of His Royal Highness looked at each other, and they all fell silent.

Five and a half saint-level envoys? !Is it too exaggerated? !Now that the operations in the Temple of the Holy Spirit are in full swing and officially entering the final stage, all major areas urgently need the guidance and hands-on operation of semi-holy-level powerhouses.Drawing five all of a sudden can be a heavy burden for some areas.

What's more, monitoring Jiulongling is not a good job. It is their territory, and there are four princes who sit in charge all the year round.If you get too close, there will be a great chance of being discovered, and the end will definitely not be very good, if you get too far to monitor? !
But taking into account the majesty of the palace master and his own concerns, after a moment of silence, everyone bit the bullet and nodded one after another, and secretly prayed that they would not be transferred to play some kind of surveillance!
(End of this chapter)

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