Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 962 The Heavy Hammer Project

Chapter 962 The Heavy Hammer Project
Tang Yan pondered: "Don't rush to make a decision, wait for the third uncle's news, if the intelligence signs are more close to Niya's speculation, we will also exercise restraint, and we can't rush to grab Grandpa and the others, so as not to be self-defeating, but We can't just let the Holy Spirit Temple develop like this.

I have a suggestion. Uncle San should work hard to find out some branches of the Holy Spirit Hall, especially the important ones, and contact the ancient Xingluo Kingdom. Don’t they want to express their goodwill?Let's start with dealing with the Temple of the Holy Spirit!Use the power of the royal family to lock the branch halls in the ancient country!
The two of us will join forces, look at the right time, and give them a "severe hammer attack" to wipe them out! "

Nian Wuxin snapped the paper fan shut: "Great idea! We can't be idle, and we can't let the Holy Spirit Temple toss, so it's settled. Xingluo Ancient Kingdom will hand it over to the Grand Judge, and we will focus on finding their special The important division hall, when the time comes, our four ministers will take action!"

"Temporarily lock down a few and follow them, but don't startle them. As for the timing... it can't be delayed for too long, it can be done as soon as possible!" Niya looked at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan said: "Half a year! Since we can set aside time to search for the main branch temples and grasp their information, half a year is enough time. It should not be too hasty or too late. It should be the most critical part of the operation of the Holy Spirit Hall. Period, strike during this period, the effect is the best!
I have already decided that I will officially retreat from today, and I will attack the semi-sacred realm!In the past, I planned to return to Biannan for revenge after a year, but now I don’t want to wait any longer, and try to finish it within half a year, when will I leave the customs, and when will I go south.

Now that I think about it, it must be an important place for the Holy Spirit, so let’s be ruthless and seal your throat with a sword to cooperate with your actions in other branch halls. "

"...half a year... the time is neither too long nor too short, just right!"

"If the Temple of the Holy Spirit really intends to suspend the rescue of their young master to deal with overall affairs, we will follow what the young master said! If they have other goals, we can resist the rejection of Jiulongling."

"I also suspect that there is a big conspiracy hidden in the Southern Wilderness, and it needs to be observed carefully."

"The Temple of the Holy Spirit wants to be smart, but it is actually giving us time."

The four husbands expressed their opinions one after another, and they recognized the opinions of the young couple Tang Yan and Niya, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised with a little relief.

In front of Tang Yan and Niya, they did not regard themselves as guardians, but as elders.There is nothing more gratifying than seeing 'Master and Mrs.' have something to do.

"I like this kind of work the most. Leave Nanhuang to me." The fifth judge stood up holding his small bench, and said with a smile: "I will take Longlin to Nanhuang to investigate the situation in advance and let the third Concentrate on investigating the Temple of the Holy Spirit."

The chief judge showed a sinister sneer: "I very much hope that the Temple of the Holy Spirit is really busy with the overall situation. The 'big situation' that allows them to abandon the three young masters and deal with it with all their strength must be an important matter of life and death. In this way, Only our surprise attack can be considered wonderful, and only then can the Temple of the Holy Spirit...hehe...cry out loud!"

"Master wants to retreat? Are you sure?" Ma Yanwang was more concerned about this matter.

Tang Yan took a deep breath and nodded, "Give me half a year!"

Niya suddenly said: "There are still some things to pay attention to. If the Temple of the Holy Spirit really decides not to provoke us in a short time, it means that their layout is really coming to an end, and their plan will be fully launched soon, leaving us I'm afraid time is running out.

Another point is that if they don't come to provoke, it doesn't mean they won't pay attention to it. After all, my young master has been captured. Be careful that the Temple of the Holy Spirit is watching us! "

Two days later, in the middle of Kowloon Ridge!

It used to be a place where dragon-eating loach recuperated, but now it has become Tang Yan's retreat.

The spiritual power of the forbidden soil here is the strongest, enough to balance the Nanhuang Immortal Palace of the Eternal Beast Mountain or the Dongkui Holy Mountain, which is just right for Tang Yan to launch an impact on the semi-sacred realm.

It has only been one year since Tang Yan was promoted to Tier [-] Martial Venerable. For ordinary warriors, even the realm may not be able to consolidate, but what Tang Yan has experienced in this year, the battles he has experienced, and the insights he has gained are enough to surpass Ordinary warriors have ten years, or even decades or hundreds of years.

Tang Yan thinks that the insights he has obtained can be sublimated after concentrating on the experience, and the three half-sacred monsters are very important. They will not only prompt him to further stimulate the demon spirit veins, but also use their surging spiritual power to promote Metamorphosis.

In addition, Tang Yan will also use the ghost green fire to temper all the captives including the ten ancestors of Falan Tower. The tempering ability of the ghost blue fire has been greatly improved, and it is also a new temper for the ghost blue fire.

The ghost green fire and the blood of the demon spirit are Tang Yan's strongest natal treasures.

A comprehensive understanding and tempering of them is the basis for Tang Yan to launch an impact on the semi-sacred realm.

In addition, the re-experience of the Tang family's martial arts, and the use of the blood soul tree and fire spirit to stimulate the life mist baby, so as to improve the radical immortality formula, will also provide greater protection for this transformation.

It is precisely because of these that Tang Yan has the confidence to attack the Bansheng.

Dragon-eating Loach temporarily withdrew from King Ma Yan's territory, and handed over to Nian Wuqing and Nian Wuxin to personally protect Tang Yan.Nian Wuyi and Nian Wude acted as the guardians of Niya's retreat, providing her with a quiet enough practice place to consolidate her ancestor's inheritance.

The Grand Judge went to the forbidden land with his sword, led the dragon thorn troops to sweep away the possible surveillance of the Holy Spirit Temple, and then shouldered the task of secretly contacting the royal family of the ancient Xingluo country.

Matters such as the defense of Jiulongling can only be left to Ma Yanwang to take care of himself.

The dragon-eating loach got the information it wanted from Amber, and no longer contradicted Tang Yan and Jiulongling, and led Li Yi to the forbidden land. It wanted to help Li Yi grow up as soon as possible, and assist Li Yi in his body to integrate the resentful spirit, so that This combination exerts its due strength as soon as possible.

"Since you have decided to retreat, don't bother with other matters. Boss Ma will be responsible for everything. Even if there is a new situation in the Holy Spirit Temple, he will deal with it."

"The Tang family will protect the young master for us. We will never forget our kindness, and we will not disregard their lives. Don't worry, young master."

Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing reassured Tang Yan that they would get rid of his worries in order to recuperate better.

Now that you have decided to retreat, you must do your best.

In their memory, they have never heard of anyone who has been promoted to the third-rank Martial Venerable for a year and then began to retreat to the semi-holy rank. Even if Tang Yan is confident, he still has the blood of the emperor and the spirit of the Fire Emperor. Risks must be dealt with wholeheartedly without any carelessness.

"I won't be in a hurry to make a breakthrough. Give me at least three or four months to realize the recuperation. During this period, I have worked hard for the two uncles." Tang Yan knew that things should not be rushed. Tang Yan sat cross-legged and started the transformation in a sitting posture trip.

Slightly adjust your breath, spread your arms out, the ghostly blue fire proliferates silently, first spreading high in the sky like a blue mist, filling the space on the lake, and then getting thicker and thicker, until it forms a lake-like green fire field. Tang Yan included it all.

Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing looked at each other, sitting at high altitudes on the east and west sides of the valley respectively. One radiated golden light, and the other formed an invisible vortex tide, covering the entire valley area together, escorting Tang Yan's retreat!
At the beginning of 507 in the Central Plains calendar, Tang Yan officially retreated!
Under the protection of Nian Wuqing and Nian Wuxin, the two saints of the demon spirit clan, awaken the dragon veins of the demon spirit, and launch an impact on the most important transformation in life. Whether it will happen naturally or if you are overwhelmed, you will see it within half a year know.

Whether it can be successfully promoted to the semi-holy rank, whether it can give the demon spirit a transformation, whether it can awaken one or two candle dragon secret skills, is full of expectations and is also full of thick variables.

And Tang Yan's various performances, perceptions, and changes in the world during this retreat period will also have the greatest impact on his chances and time of being promoted to Martial Saint in the future.

Different from Wu Zun's transformation between different ranks, the semi-sacred realm's role of "inheriting the past and the future" is too important, and it also traps too many descendants of geniuses. Even some wizards of the ancient empire may be promoted because of promotion. Some negligence or accidents during the half-holy period resulted in no chance of being a saint for life.

So... Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing fully guarded and escorted Tang Yan's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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