Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 963 Queen's Wisdom

Chapter 963 Queen's Wisdom
Five days later, under the personal escort of the three princes including Wu Qing, the seventh son Pei Quan, the eighth son Pei De, and the twelfth son Pei Carboxy were all taken back to Jiulongling and thrown directly into the dragon palace at the bottom of the lake of King Ma Yan.

With the king of Hades personally sitting in the town, and the dragon-eating loach entrenched, unless the Lord of the Holy Spirit Hall committed suicide in person, he would never want to snatch Pei Quan and the other three.

Facing the sudden danger, the brutal capture, and the oppression of the Saint Realm, the three of them were powerless to resist except for being strong and calm.

After Pei Carboxy, the last target of the day, was escorted back, Kowloon Ridge was put on full alert. Four ministers and five judges were separated at nine passes. The five special operations forces were fully recalled to guard against the pursuit of the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

But... this wait is another five days, five days of calmness and eerieness.

The Temple of the Holy Spirit did not respond at all, not even a natural negotiation, as if nothing had happened.

"What the hell is going on in the Holy Spirit Hall? Don't you want to abandon the three sons of their family? Or did I arrest the wrong person?" The third judge rubbed his chubby face and thought hard, frowning into knots.

"The reaction of the Temple of the Holy Spirit is unreasonable. Could it be that a strong attack is brewing?" The fourth judge was not used to this feeling, squatting on the black iron coffin with a sad face.

"Put the coffin away, bad luck! Even though the young master gave it to you, you won't take it with you every day!" The second judge gave him a dissatisfied look, and said in a deep voice: "The Holy Spirit Hall should not abandon their young master, at least they will send someone Come to negotiate. But there is obviously some conspiracy like the current situation, either they are restrained by some special event, or they are brewing a big plan!"

The four princes all raised their eyebrows and exchanged glances with each other, feeling weird, but none of them could see what the Holy Spirit Temple was preparing.

The chief judge said: "Third brother, don't bother here, go and find out the matter quickly."

The third judge didn't hesitate, picked up his clothes and left: "I'll go there myself and see what kind of tricks this group of people in the Holy Spirit Temple are playing."

Nian Wuxin said: "Second and fourth, you two stay with the third, be careful, don't fall into the trap of the Holy Spirit Palace. Everyone else stays, no matter what the Holy Spirit Palace wants to do, the ultimate goal is to snatch their son back , As long as we all stay here, they will not dare to act rashly."

"Wait for our news!" The second judge and the fourth judge all got up to catch up with the third judge, and blew their whistle at the same time to gather their respective troops.

"Young Master, what do you think?" King Ma Yan looked at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan leaned on the seat, and couldn't think of a breakthrough: "I have a grudge against the Holy Spirit Hall, but in fact, I haven't fought very frequently, and I can't see through their routines. From the day when the vice-master of the Holy Spirit Hall was killing Pei Jian, From the performance point of view, they are sure that they will not give up on Pei Quan and the others easily, and they will not dare to act rashly because of Pei Jian's tragic death that day.

As long as we can keep a close eye on Pei Quan and the others, we won't be too nervous for them to attack. The only worry is that they will mess with my grandfather and the others. "

Everyone was silent, their faces were ugly, and they were distressed about the purpose of the Holy Spirit Temple.

The original consideration was that the Temple of the Holy Spirit would come angrily after getting the news. The two sides fought fiercely, each vented their anger, and then both released the people, and the matter ended satisfactorily.

But the current calm of the Holy Spirit Temple is completely different from the 'mania' they expected.

The more this is the case, the more vigilant I feel.

Niya said, "Listen to my opinion?"

"Huh? Huh!" Tang Yan took away the hand rubbing his forehead.

"Things are not as complicated as you think. We are worried about the situation of the old men, and they are more worried about the situation of their own sons. This is a balance. If they want to play hard, we also have chips in our hands, so we will accompany you. If we rashly If they hurt Pei Quan, they would definitely not let it go.

It can be said that both sides are holding each other's most important person, and they are both the type to say that they are ruthless, so that no one needs to worry.

It has been almost ten days since Pei Quan and the others were arrested, and the fact that the Temple of the Holy Spirit has maintained restraint up to now shows that they have also seen this clearly.

They can exercise restraint, and we don't need to worry. "

"Oh?" Everyone became interested.

Niya continued: "Jiulongling has been operated by all uncles for thousands of years, and the addition of the demon sage-eating dragon loach means that there are six holy-level monsters sitting in the town. Tang Yan can open up the Eternal Beast Mountain to invite five holy-level monsters at any time. With such a The lineup, with everyone's dispositions, and the horror of the holy monsters themselves, is enough to compete against an empire.

Unless the Temple of the Holy Spirit can gather fifteen or even twenty saints, it is impossible to pull out one's teeth.

Can the Temple of the Holy Spirit do it?Obviously can't do it!
There are no more than ten saints in the mighty Central Plains super empire, and no more than five saints in the Holy Spirit Hall. Even if they can summon other forbidden areas for support, or persuade a certain empire to take part in the operation, but... is it worth it?Will they start a war that will shock the mainland for the sake of their three children?
Also, I personally don't think the Holy Spirit Temple is capable of running such a battle involving more than 20 saints. They can't start it at all. The rest of the empire and the forbidden land, especially the pure land, will never allow such a large-scale battle to happen .

Although the mainland continued to be chaotic, there were very few battles involving four or five saints over the tens of thousands of years, and there were almost no battles involving more than ten saints.After all, once more than a dozen saints collide in an all-round way, the rest of the forces will definitely be implicated, and some forces with ulterior motives will also participate. At that time... the beginning is easy, but the end is difficult!

Who will end it? !
For the Temple of the Holy Spirit, it is no longer a question of whether it is worthwhile to start this occupation, but the situation in the mainland does not allow it!It is not allowed by some superpowers! "

Niya's layer-by-layer reasoning gradually attracted the attention of the elders and Ma Yanwang, and the two weirdos, the chief judge and the fifth judge, also showed obvious surprise.

Reasoning layer by layer, gradually eliminating, reasoning calmly, naturally and smoothly, gradually suppressed their worries.

The four princes looked at each other in dismay, all showing surprised and even more smiling expressions. After a lot of analysis, they were worthy of being the young lady, but they were indeed not vases.

The performance at this moment alone, even if it is brought into the Lost Battle Realm, is enough to hold the field!

Niya ignored their eyes and continued: "It is inevitable that they will not attack Jiulongling by force, because they cannot do it. They have endured until now, and they have seen clearly that the two sides are even. So... as long as we can It is very safe to leave people here, and there is no need to worry about the safety of the old man and the others.

Don't forget a crucial aspect, the Holy Spirit Temple is still in a semi-secret state, although it is not clear why they exist on the mainland, but it is definitely not a trivial matter.Since they chose to be secretive, it also shows that they are not ready to fully reveal themselves.They are worried about their three young masters, but they are even more worried about their own great……"

Everyone's attention was gathered, their eyes were bright, waiting for her conclusion.

Niya was silent for a long time, revisiting her speculation, analyzing whether there were any loopholes, and finally said: "Because of Jiulongling and Eternal Beast Mountain, the Holy Spirit Hall dare not attack directly. We are united and not dull, and the Holy Spirit Hall will not Using conspiracies and tricks. Because they have four captives in their hands, the Temple of the Holy Spirit is not afraid that our side will hurt their young master. Because the Temple of the Holy Spirit has been more and more active recently, it shows that some of their deployments are coming to an end, and the closer they are to the end, The more critical it is, unless there is a particularly severe event, it will not stop operations to storm Jiulongling.

Generally speaking, the three young masters have important matters to deal with, but it is an 'individual' incident after all, which is not enough to make them give up the overall situation to deal with it. Because of this, I conclude that the Temple of the Holy Spirit will concentrate on its own affairs first, and wait until all are completed. Let's deal with the three sons again.

At that time...their deployment is complete, there is no need to worry about it, and they will make a full-scale comeback, come back with a high profile, and may even hope to show their power with a violent assault, and take the Jiulongling sacrificial knife unconsciously The best choice. "

The four 'because' smoothed out the whole incident, and even Ma Yan Wang straightened his body slightly and looked at Niya with weird eyes, which was a little admirable.

Tang Yan, the two judges, and the four ministers all nodded in agreement with Niya's point of view after pondering for a while.

"Of course it's just my point of view. The Holy Spirit Temple may also resort to conspiracy to steal the target, or they may not be in a hurry to complete their overall deployment and deal with this matter, or they may find a way to imprison the arrival of the space organization Eternal Beast Mountain and storm Kowloon ridge.

In short... we don't have to be overly nervous, but we should also be cautious.Although we captured the three young masters of the Spirit Race, it was equivalent to avoiding the suffering of the old man and the others, but we also captured three dangerous factors, which may put Jiulongling in danger at any time. "

Niya made a little addition at the end to make her explanation without loopholes.She didn't care about the eyes of outsiders, nor did she intend to show herself, but after all, she followed Tang Yan, at least she wanted to leave a good impression in front of his elders.

She wouldn't be out of touch with the fireworks of the world, so she naturally had to be familiar with the ways of the world.

"Our Jiulongling has always been short of a military advisor, and this time, it's all over." Nian Wude gave Niya a very high evaluation with a smile.

Tang Yan was silent, thinking over and over again. After all, the matter involved his closest relatives, so there must be no mistakes.

Ma Yanwang and the others also thought about it carefully after expressing their emotions, and carefully analyzed it. After all, the "maybe" in Niya's supplementary words is really possible.

No one knows the purpose of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, everything is speculation.

What's more, since Tang Yan had captured the three spirit clan masters, he had no intention of 'supporting' them, let alone waiting for the Holy Spirit Hall to settle down and make his own arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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