Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 964 Dark Era

Chapter 964 Dark Era
Also at the beginning of this year 507.

The transformation of the Nine Fates has also entered the most critical period.

The Ren family gathers the power of the whole family to open the way for Ren Tianzan to summon souls, release boundless ghost energy, attract evil spirits, and turn the entire Onitsuka into a terrifying hell world, and fully assist Ren Tianzan in attacking the fourth chapter of Fengdu Ghost Emperor's Classic roll.

Xu Yan endured the severe pain and succeeded in "regenerating the bones". The screams lasted for five days and five nights, disturbing the vast Dongkui Mountains. After that, he was forcibly sealed on the top of the holy mountain by Zhu Qiang to undergo cruel tempering and fusion.

The scene of the Black Rock Gobi continued to have a sensational effect, the gravity field and the black matter converged like an ebbing tide, merging towards the stone forest on the Black Rock Ridge.At the same moment when the stone forest was transforming, the stone figurines were forming, and the ancient beasts were awakening, the Lepus blood in Du Yang's body also glowed rapidly because of this power, prompting Du Yang to fully sublimate.

Accompanied by his master, Chocolate 'falls' down the Starmark Ancient Road, risking his life, squeezing his potential with death, exploring the mysteries of the Starmark, and pursuing the power of space. Lulu is also forced by the old man to carry out a heavy breeding project, of course it is inevitable The old man's training of the only "male cub" left.

Under the guidance of the emperor's consciousness, Xuanyuan Dragon Carp formally apprenticed to a teacher on the top of Haibin Mountain, practiced the "full version" of Dragon Carp's yin and yang skills, and also fully understood the vast grand plan of the millennium layout. It will shoulder the important task of guiding three kills and nine murders in the future.

Zhao Zimo's plan of "[-] thunderbolts conceive thunder spirits" has advanced nearly halfway, and the thunder whale in his palm clearly shows the signs of thunder spirits, just like a thunder fish swimming. From the soul to the bones, from the bones to the flesh, the transformation is progressive.

Matthews explored thousands of mountains, explored all kinds of secret realms, confronted all kinds of brutal beasts with the profound meaning of killing, attacked all kinds of secret realms with the will of the sword emperor, and comprehensively consolidated the realm of the third-order martial arts, and also participated in the way of sword formation.

However, the wrath of the Holy Spirit Palace and the Lingwang Mansion also followed his footsteps and rushed into the Hundred Thousand Mountains. A semi-holy palace envoy was personally in charge, and three third-tier Martial Venerables participated in the action.

Brother and sister Nalantu and Nalan Yanran left Wagangzhai to study the way of formation in a dangerous and strange place.They tend to be cowardly in character, but their intelligence is extraordinary, especially they have monster-like talents in battle formation.

With the combination of wisdom and talent, the two brothers and sisters deduced a mysterious and novel battle formation, which also urged Nalantu to realize the great formation of heaven's punishment.

Niya's ancestor's inheritance has been opened, and a large number of runes and profound meanings have been poured into her mind. She only needs enough time to digest and practice, enough to consolidate her realm.

But Niya is not an ordinary woman, nor is she an ordinary warrior. Although she accepted the inheritance of Taizu, she did not want to become another 'Taizu', so she constantly made new attempts and breakthroughs while accepting the inheritance. Also had self-carved runes.What she wants is to 'leverage her strength' to make herself better than blue, and to be a new ancestor of warlocks who surpasses the great ancestor!
Yesha Pagoda has sent invitations to Jiulongling many times, but it has been delayed. While publicly declaring to protect Niya, the tower owner Li Xiangjun went to Jiulongling to serve as the guardian of Niya's retreat.

Also in this special year, the chaos in the Forgotten War Realm has intensified to such an extent that the world is horrified.

First, it is difficult to tell whether the rumors of the monster emperor bone are true or false, but it has attracted the attention of the entire monster clan. The Holy Emperor Xuanwu even showed up to explore in person, and the rest of the monster clan are eager to try. road.

The declining Bone Race even regarded it as a turning point of revival, and went all out to search for traces.

Second, the news that the former Demon Spirit Emperor led millions of evil spirits into the evil ghost world caused an uproar. All kinds of clues made the ancient Yaoling clan that had just stabilized for less than 20 years turbulent. The situation has come to this point, forcible suppression will only rebound, he can only concentrate on searching for the former Demon Spirit Emperor, and kill him directly before he returns.

As a result, the rest of the clans were more or less implicated, and they assisted in the investigation of the evil spirits. Even if they were confirming whether the former Demon Spirit Emperor was alive, they were coveting the bones of the emperor!

The Asura clan took advantage of the situation and led hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers to storm the demon clan's territory. The brutal killing methods once turned the world into blood.

Naturally, the demons would not let go of the opportunity, they coveted the monsters, and even more so the ancients. Afterwards, layers of conspiracies were spread out. Although there was no formal attack, all parties felt strong pressure.

All of a sudden, the world of the Lost World was turbulent and turbulent, large and small collisions continued one after another, and the unpredictability among the various races continued to escalate, but there was always a depressing feeling that the storm had not really hit.

But the fact that the former Demon Spirit Emperor was still missing has become a suspicious point in everyone's mind. Even the Xuanwu Sacred Emperor did not search for it three times, which made all parties secretly doubt the accuracy of the information.

The beginning of the 14th year of Bian Nan's new calendar!

The beginning of 507 in the Central Plains calendar!

Lost in the world of war, this year is known as the Dark Era in history—the first year!
The demon emperor Jiuying successfully instigated the demon emperor's gluttony, and the two emperors teamed up to point their swords at the "line of the sky" in the holy land of demon spirits!
The demon emperor Jiuying first left the Meteor God Stream, crossed the sky for thousands of miles, led the "Yellow Spring Blood River" to pour into the "Yianxiantian", and then came to the "Weiyang Palace", the heart of the holy land, to fight Prince Cang angrily!
The majestic rain of blood covered the sky, and the blood of death smeared the land of the Wanli clan!
Yaohuang Taotie went west to Lumen Xianshan Mountain, went north to Tianluoyu, personally removed the first giant peak in Tianluoyu'Sumeru Mountain', and went east to 'A Line of Sky'.

Following the backflow of the blood river, Mount Suni fell from the sky, and a million powerful forces shattered the Weiyang Palace.

All the [-] ferocious birds under his command attacked, flew over thousands of miles of mountains, divided into four powerful arrows, and slammed into the four directions of the ancient demon spirit clan to guard the dangerous pass!

The arrival of the two emperors is unprecedented!
The flames of disaster ignited the flames of revenge from the crazy ancient race!
The whole family of demon spirits fought back angrily. Millions of heroes roared out to fight, and thousands of children carried swords and swords.

Of course!
The fierce battle has just unfolded, and the demon emperor Jiuying suddenly counterattacks Taotie, causing Taotie to fall into the "a line of sky" death ice valley!
Jiuying then backed away and traveled far away with a sword!

The anger that the ancient demon spirit clan has ignited is all borne by the demon emperor Taotie and the hundred thousand vicious birds!

It was a battle, because the ancient Yaoling clan was caught off guard, there were more than [-] disciples, but only [-] of the [-] fierce birds escaped, and the remaining [-] were all killed.Although the demon emperor Taotie escaped the catastrophe in the end, he was seriously injured and defeated. He was devastated and retired without a trace. Only the vast western wilderness often uttered cursing cries, echoing the bloody sky for a long time.

Therefore, this battle is full of absurdity and ugliness, and even more pathetic and disgraceful. It is known as the 'Blood Elf Incident' in history!
However... Jiuying's strange behavior did not end there. Before people could recover from this evil incident, Jiuying, who had left Yixiantian, swam across the Grand Canyon of Death alone, crossed the Shili Duanhun Slope, and appeared in the corpse royal family Where the 'Abyss of Cangwu'.

The royal family of corpses waited in full force, and 36 ancient corpses of [-] years walked out of the abyss, carrying blood coffins, drawing death breath, and guarding Jiuying with all their strength.

The corpse emperor left the customs and stared at Jiuying in the abyss.

Jiuying stood on the edge of the abyss with an iron sword on his back, remained indifferent, never attacked, never provoked, only returned half a day later, and disappeared on Shili Duanhunpo.

The news once again sparked endless speculation.

What does Jiuying want to do?Are you looking for someone?

Or prepare to attack the corpse royal family in the future!

Jiuying originally fell in the ancient times, but the legends about him have never stopped. Whether it is the era of great destruction, the era of Qi Tian's prosperity, or the era of the lost war world, people often mention this strange form of good and evil. King.

Then, in March of the first year, rumors suddenly spread in the Tianmang Region where the Succubus were located that the shadow of the former demon spirit emperor who had disappeared in the evil ghost realm appeared in the place of the Succubus.

It is difficult to tell whether the news is true or false.

How could the demon spirit be friendly with the succubus? !

But five days later, the entire Succubus clan was sealed off, causing an uproar!
In April of the first year, five pieces of dry paper fell from the sky. The ordinary paper and the ordinary scene caused a panic-like riot.

At a height of less than a thousand meters, the five pieces of dry paper fell for three days and three nights, appearing and disappearing from time to time, indistinctly, as if floating in a confused void, or wandering in a mysterious and unpredictable space. Finally disappeared without a trace!

A wise man said that they came from the long river of time!

The secret of time that disappeared in ancient times will be reproduced!

In July of the first year, the mysterious forces suddenly launched a call to organize the rankings for the new generations organized by the various overlords of the three parties and the powerful forces of all parties.

The proposal had just been sent out, and it immediately received widespread responses. In just five days, a fresh ranking list was released. Although each version is different and controversial, it still arouses widespread enthusiasm.

The level of attention is even as high as the conspiracy and collision among the high-level officials of the three clans.

Perhaps even the initiator of the ranking did not expect that the matter would evolve to such a dramatic degree.

In just half a month, more and more people have devoted themselves to this ranking vortex, trying every means to discover some hidden descendants, and whether there are powerful secret killer moves in the various overlord forces.

The incident became bigger and bigger, and its impact became wider and wider.

It was as if countless fishhooks had been thrown into the turbid and seething world of Forgotten War, one after another 'caught out' ordinary and unknown names, and made them public.

Until the last list, which claimed to include all the strong men of the new generation, came out strongly, causing a sensation in the world of the lost world!
From the beginning to the end of the list, there are a total of [-] people!
(End of this chapter)

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