Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 965

Chapter 965
In Biannan, five years have passed since the war of the Three Kingdoms, and the forgetful people seem to have come out of the shadow of the disaster of the year, devoted themselves to the new atmosphere of the new empire, and adapted to the new policies and new rulers.

Far away from the taint of the smoke of war, there is no need to worry about brandishing the butcher's knife.

It is the happiness that has been waiting for ten years.

Those who survived buried their relatives who died in the war, returned to their hometowns destroyed in the gunpowder, and rebuilt their homes in peace.

Five years, not too short or too long, has revived the land irrigated with blood for a long time, allowed the displaced people to gradually find their way home, and gradually restored the dilapidated cities and towns to their original appearance.

The entire south of the border is full of vitality, and the surviving people cherish the hard-won living environment. However, after ten years of turmoil, the people who have survived the hardships have gradually acquired a new habit. , That is to put a desk in the yard every morning, burn incense and worship, and pray to the heaven to let the suffering stay away from this land, and let the peace stay in the world forever.

However, under the superficial calm, amidst the overall prosperity, there is a trace of fear buried deep in the hearts of almost all the people, as well as a trace of loss and misery.

They originate from the situation known to everyone in the frontier barren today - separatism!
King Ling of Zhou led his troops to take over the original Dros territory, and was hailed as the God of War, King of Soldiers, and Commander. Various honors and titles set off unparalleled respect and glory. Various honors conferred by the royal family.

He was stranded in the original Dros Empire, controlled millions of soldiers, and even rebuilt a new city on the site of the original Dros Imperial City, creating what is known as the strongest city in the south - Tianling City!

A word of heaven has an extraordinary meaning, and a word of spirit is full of hidden meanings.

King Ling of Zhou completely ignored the existence of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and regarded the occupied Dros Empire as his own territory. He publicly appointed city lords, generals, and nobles, drew his own boundaries, displayed powerful soldiers, and built fortifications. attitude.

The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty maintained patience and restraint, concentrated their efforts to digest the territory of the former Sala Empire, developed national power, expanded the army, and strengthened the royal family's control over the local area, and also strengthened the people's sense of belonging to the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty already understood the purpose of King Zhou Ling, but the war in the south of the border had just subsided, and they really couldn't stand more hardships. Otherwise, even if the country was defeated, the devastation left would make the people completely lose confidence in the royal family.

The royal family did not dare to start a "civil war" again before the real control of Mira, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

In this way, from the initial tit-for-tat confrontation, to the secret deployment in the later period, and now to the peaceful development of national power and preparation of strength, the two sides live in peace and do not interfere with each other, but they are doing their best to prepare for a war that may break out at any time.

Tianling City.

The brand new imperial palace towers majestically in the middle of the giant city.

It was rebuilt after the original Dros Palace was completely destroyed, and it took two full years. It is more magnificent, magnificent, and more heavily guarded than the original palace.

At noon, King Zhou Ling sat in the gazebo outside the zoo, enjoying a comfortable lunch break and admiring the special environment inside the zoo.

Although it is the imperial family's animal garden, no matter in terms of size, layout, or original luxuriance, it is very eye-catching, as if a certain mountain area has been abruptly moved over.But there are no rare and exotic beasts in it, and there are no overlords of the level of demon kings and monsters. They are all the most common beasts.

Like jackals, wild dogs, poison mangs, crocodiles, falcons, ligers and so on.

The environment of the animal park is very cruel. No one feeds it, no one takes care of it. Only new ferocious beasts are constantly added. If they want to survive and occupy the living territory, there is only one way - to fight!

Therefore, there is no raging of spiritual power, no wielding of combat skills, only the catharsis of claws and teeth, only the collision of the body and bones, performing the bloodiest and cruelest scenes all the year round, which is a true portrayal of the weak and the strong.

King Ling of Zhou likes to come here during his lunch break, sipping fine wine, enjoying delicious food, and admiring the cruel scenes, so as to motivate his bloodliness, so that he can never forget the cruelty of the world.

Of course, he would bring some ministers and generals here to sit here from time to time. As for who can leave alive instead of becoming food for wild beasts, it depends on the situation.

"Did anything interesting happen in the Central Plains recently?" King Zhou Ling casually asked the guests around him while enjoying the half-cooked venison.

There happened to be a scene that interested him in the animal garden ahead. Three jackals were biting a female elephant to death. The painful elephant's cry made the jackals even more violent, and the pungent bloody smell aroused the cruelty in their bones.

Use the weak to make the strong, teamwork!
He likes this scene very much!
Just like the current situation in the south of the border, I imply a jackal. Although it is not as powerful and huge as a giant elephant, it is more wild and bloody. In the end, it can still kill the giant elephant alive and enjoy its wailing horror.

"There are many things, but none of them have anything to do with Bian Nan." The guest is the new special envoy just sent by the Holy Spirit Hall, a distinguished person urgently dispatched from the ancient land of Canglan——Skyfire Angel!

Originally, the entire Southern Wilderness's actions were originally under the sole responsibility of the demon angel, but the successive disappearance of the fierce sword completely angered the demon angel, and the leak of Matthews' whereabouts was also transmitted to the main hall, which naturally attracted furious reprimands.

His Highness the Holy Spirit issued a death order to take back the fierce sword, and had to send a new special envoy to sit in charge.

"The lord of the hall attaches great importance to the land in the south of the border. After the deployment of the Central Plains is basically completed, he will send more powerful people to assist." Garden fight.

I am used to killing and taking life from above, and I am also used to moving mountains and cutting rivers to harvest hundreds of lives with a snap of my fingers. I seldom pay attention to such bloody scenes and such most primitive collisions. Today's appreciation... has a special flavor.

"I still hope to completely defeat the royal family of Great Zhou on the battlefield!" King Zhou Ling cut off a piece of venison and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly and vigorously, a trace of blood gathered at the corner of his mouth, making his expression ruthless.

"Time is not allowed. We must preserve the original appearance of Biannan to the greatest extent and not waste too much life. At that time, nearly a hundred strong men will come to Biannan to take down the royal family and main supporters of the Great Zhou Dynasty at the same time. You You only need to accurately grasp the whereabouts of the Great Zhou royal family and the main supporting generals within this year, and guide our people when they are ready to act, and in the future, you will be your Emperor of Biannan in peace and stability."

A gloomy look flashed across Zhou Lingwang's brows, and he disliked the way of the Holy Spirit Hall.Although he longed to unify the Southern Wilderness, what he wanted was to defeat the royal family of the Great Zhou in an upright manner on the field, so that the entire Southern Frontier would surrender at his feet, and worship in awe-inspiring manner.

It's not this kind of unsuspecting force suppression, which can't reflect one's own ability, can't show one's majesty, and will even be treated like a puppet after the news is leaked.

The fire angel asked again: "Where is the last fierce sword?"

"The Venerable Mutuwa is watching over him. He has already penetrated some of the mysteries inside. Last year, he was promoted to the third-rank Martial Venerable. Let him watch over him, and there will be no accidents." Zhou Lingwang showed a little vigilance, and now Mutuwa But the number one fierce general under his command, since he is a Tier [-] Martial Venerable and assisted by a Fierce Sword, unless he encounters a semi-holy-level super character, he can completely outshine his peers.

He was worried that the Temple of the Holy Spirit would be guarded by force.

The Skyfire Emissary noticed King Zhou Ling's vigilance and calculations, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he said: "The fierce sword is of great importance, and it is only temporarily stored in Nanhuang. Because of your concealment, the main hall did not know that four of them were lost in succession. , Naturally, I didn’t pursue it much. But this time the situation is different, the news has reached the main hall, and the hall master personally intervened, if you can’t get back the sword in Matthews’ hand, not only the demon angel will suffer, but you will also be implicated.”

"The Heavenly Demon Envoy has already gone to pursue it personally, and I believe it won't take long to get it back." Zhou Lingwang was very uncomfortable with the tone of the Skyfire Envoy. He used to just want to cooperate with the Holy Spirit Hall, but he did not expect their power to be so terrifying, so he directly gave himself It's controlled in disguise, but now it's too late to get rid of it, so we can only use each other falsely and falsely.

"That's the best, it's good for everyone." The Skyfire Messenger stood up, walked to the fence, and looked down at the fighting scene in the animal garden.

"Your Excellency Tianhuoshi is staying in the palace to recuperate, or is he going to visit the territory?" Zhou Lingwang was not in the mood to eat anymore, and got up to see off the guests.

The Skyfire Messenger was silent for a while, and said, "I want to ask you something."

King Ling of Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly, why was he so polite all of a sudden. "Do you still remember the Tang family in Giant Elephant City?"

"Of course! I will never forget it!" Zhou Lingwang said in a sensual tone. The massacre in the Giant Elephant City was the most embarrassing failure in his life. Not only did he lose his soldiers, he also took advantage of his daughter!

"What is the origin of the Tang family?" The fire emissary slowly turned his head, staring at King Zhou Ling with burning eyes.

"What about the aristocratic family from the northern border of the Great Zhou Empire?"

"How many years have they lived in the Giant Elephant City? Did the small family develop, or did they migrate from other places?"

"I don't understand what your Excellency wants to ask."

"Because of some special events, the main hall was very curious about the origin of the Tang family, so I was appointed to do some investigation. This is another purpose of my being sent to Biannan."

(End of this chapter)

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