Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 966

Chapter 966
"The Tang family gradually prospered with the rise of the Great Zhou Empire. At first, Tang Yanshan joined the army with his father. I wandered alone until I was promoted to Wu Zunjing and settled in Giant Elephant City, and then the Tang family was born. As for the origins of Tang Yanshan and his son, I am afraid that no one knows, and there is no way to verify it."

"Has there ever been a special bloodline in the Tang family's inheritance history?"

"The flame bloodline has always been like this."

"Many years ago, the Tang family suddenly disappeared in Giant Elephant City. Did they leave behind other relatives, or people who were very important to them?"

Zhou Lingwang looked at the Skyfire Angel with strange eyes, secretly guessing his purpose. "The departure was very sudden and very clean. Both the direct and collateral lines of the Tang family were taken away."

The fire angel frowned and went silent for a while, then said: "What about the Rao family in Deros? Are there any important people left behind?"


"Is it not, or is it unclear?" Skyfire Angel's tone was slightly sharp.

"Your Excellency, if you don't tell me the reason, I won't be able to grasp your key points." Zhou Lingwang ruled millions of territories and hundreds of millions of people, and he had already formed the majestic aura of a superior invisibly. However, he was not suppressed by the half-holy aura of the Skyfire Envoy.

"We have to deal with Tang Yan! We can find some breakthroughs from his and his wife's hometown, and maybe you and I will be able to take a big credit."

"Tang Yan? Tang Yan!" Zhou Lingwang's face was slightly cold, and he snorted coldly: "This bastard is still alive? He is just a small bandit, and he still needs your energy to deal with it? Can't you go directly to the Dayan Mountains and take it? Don't Tell me that brat is still alive!"

"Little man?" The Skyfire Emissary glanced at King Zhou Ling, but did not give him an explanation. He secretly thought about it and said, "If you want to make meritorious service, you can do as I ask. Carefully investigate the Giant Elephant City and Odin City. Are there any important figures left in the family and the Rao family?"

"The Tang family has all evacuated from the Giant Elephant City, and there are only some ruins left in the palace of the Rao family. If you want to find important tasks for the Tang family and the Rao family, please try entering the Dayan Mountains. There may be some survivors who have not died. Under the sharp claws of monsters." Zhou Lingwang's tone was clearly pungent.

"You don't know the situation in the Dayan Mountains, nor the changes in the Central Plains, but I can give you a clear hint. If you can get some clues, you will definitely be rewarded!"

The Skyfire Emissary disdains to use the opponent's family as a bargaining chip, but special people are treated specially, like Tang Yan, the type who angers the Palace Master, the more cruel the treatment, the more the Palace Master will be pleased.

When the Temple of the Holy Spirit suppressed Jiulongling and Tang Yan was about to be executed, if he could show up with Tang Yan's other relatives and present them to the hall master, or execute him in front of Tang Yan, it would be like adding gold to silk. A delicate little flower, perfect just right.

"There are not many relatives in the Tang family and the Rao family, but there are many people related to them. If you feel free, I will immediately arrange for someone to arrest them all."

"People? Who are they?"

"Tang Yan's playmates in the Giant Elephant City, the women he played with, the mentor who guided him, the partners of the Tang family, the friends he had been with, the guards and servants left by the Rao family, etc., there are many .”

"Tang Yan has been away for more than 20 years, I'm afraid he won't care about these, maybe he has forgotten."

"Catch it first, and stay in prison. Use it if you can use it, and forget it if you don't use it." Zhou Lingwang was sensitive to the repeated mention of Tang Yan in the words of the Skyfire Angel, and he couldn't help feeling disgusted and very upset!

If you don't mention it, I'll forget it!

Tang Yan's bastard escaped, and his family members were also taken away, so the crimes he committed back then will be borne by these 'relevant personnel' - caught in prison, waiting to die slowly!

... Great Zhou Empire, the ancient city of Wuling, the imperial capital!

Today's royal family welcomed special guests. First, the emperor and the ancestors were alarmed. Then the inner palace was completely sealed off, and the ancestors who had been in seclusion for many years also appeared to receive them.

In the resplendent palace, dozens of direct members of the royal family gathered together, from the ancestors of the empire to the princes and princesses, all with awe.

The five judges sat in the seat of honored guests and enjoyed the treatment of the royal family. They tasted this fine wine, tasted that fresh fruit, and ate a few mouthfuls of delicious dishes, enjoying themselves very much.

The ten principal and deputy captains who followed closely were scattered indifferently in different places, some leaned against the pillars, some sat aside, and some casually looked at the luxurious palace.

Overall, there was an awkward feeling of 'an old farmer entering the city', but the semi-sacred aura of the five judges and the military aura of the ten captains and deputy captains made the royal family put away all their emotions and only show awe.

Biannan is different from the ancient land of Canglan, and even more different from the situation in the Central Plains. Because of the lack of spiritual power, the strong warriors of the Wuzun level are the pillars of the country, and the high-level Wuzun is the existence of the dominant level. After the death of the ancestor of the Dros Empire, there is only one semi-holy figure left in the entire Biannan, and that is the ancestor of the Great Zhou Empire—Zhou Chonghua!

After the war, excluding the powerhouses controlled by King Ling of Zhou, the Great Zhou Empire now has one semi-sage and twenty Wuzun-level powerhouses.

So suddenly a semi-holy-level powerhouse appeared, and he was carrying ten venerables. This lineup was gorgeous and eye-catching. As soon as he came to the palace, it caused a sensational reaction.

"Dare to ask the name of the saint?" Zhou Chonghua sat in front of the five judges, polite and tactful, and also paid attention to using the word 'saint' to express respect.

Because all the captains and deputy captains of Longlin were standing, and all the high-ranking members of the royal family were also standing. The details showed the royal family's courtesy and attitude towards them.

"Holy one? Pfft!" Longlin's captain snorted directly.

The rest of the captains and vice captains also shook their heads with a smile: "Don't ruin the name of the saint."

The fifth judge didn't care about these teasing, gnawed the green fruit, and leaned on the seat without imagination: "You are welcome, I am the fifth child at home, and the young master arranged for me to come and understand the situation."

hiss! !The high officials of the royal family were in awe, and the princes gasped.

Ranked fifth? !
Is this half-holy?
The boss, the second child... Isn't it... arranged by the young master?understand situation?

What kind of family is this?Could it really come from the distant Central Plains? !

"What do you need to know? We can fully cooperate." Zhou Wenwu, the emperor of the Great Zhou, maintained a polite attitude. With the current situation of the Great Zhou, it would undoubtedly be a wonderful thing if he could get on this line. If he could get some more Help, it would be perfect.

"First of all, find out the situation. We are here to help you. It has been more than a month from home to here, but I am very tired, but the matter is very special. I hope you will keep it quiet for the time being."

"Oh?" Zhou Chonghua and Zhou Wenwu exchanged glances and said in unison: "Please!"

The fifth judge threw down the fruit shell, took the wine in front of him, and sipped it slowly: "You should know that there are some mysterious strongmen around King Zhou Ling. He was able to take down the Dros Empire, and those white-robed guys contributed a lot."

Zhou Chonghua did not hide anything, and said truthfully: "We have been investigating for many years, and there are often some figures in white robes around King Zhou Ling. It is said that each of them has extraordinary strength, and there are even semi-holy figures!"

"If it wasn't for worrying about them, Great Zhou would not have evolved into the current situation." Zhou Wenwu looked majestic, and he no longer cared about King Zhou Ling's brotherhood.Such treason charges are enough for the royal family to completely remove him from the genealogy.

"They come from the Holy Spirit Hall, a very large organization with branch halls in Canglan Ancient Land and the Central Plains. The purpose of assisting Zhou Lingwang is to control Biannan. We have some conflicts with the Holy Spirit Hall. After learning about the situation here, the young master Arrange for me to come over and take a look first to understand the specific situation of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in the south here."

The fifth judge originally planned to investigate by himself, but after thinking about it halfway, in order to save time, he simply cooperated directly with the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so that they could be prepared and it would be more convenient for him to investigate.

Otherwise, when the young master and the others came to Biannan, if he couldn't come up with a suitable summary of information, Boss Ma's anger would definitely make him overwhelmed.

"The Temple of the Holy Spirit? Are they from the Central Plains? Are they trying to use King Ling of Zhou to control Biannan?" Zhou Chonghua's expression tightened obviously, regardless of the truth of the matter, but these words were enough to surprise him.

Biannan is located in the barren land of the mainland, and it is too far away from the Central Plains, but everyone knows the horror there, and knows the number of strong people there.

Central Plains meddling in Biannan means disaster!

"The purpose of the Temple of the Holy Spirit is not only to control Bian Nan, but also has other deep-seated purposes. I will stay here for a while until my young master comes here in person. During this period, I hope you can help me investigate Zhou Lingwang and the Holy Spirit My sons and daughters, the clearer we investigate, the better it will be for the future, and it is also related to the survival of your Great Zhou Empire."

"We have no intention of coveting Da Zhou. We only target the Holy Spirit Hall. After the matter is completed, we will leave immediately." The captain of Longlin added an additional sentence to dispel the concerns of the royal family.

The third prince, Zhou Liangren, asked tentatively: "May I take the liberty to ask, is your young master..."

"I have some relationship with you, but it seems that there is no enmity." The fifth judge frowned and thought about it. It is said that the young master was kicked out of the Giant Elephant City back then, but after all, it has nothing to do with the responsibility of the royal family.

"We know each other?" Everyone was slightly surprised. When did you have contact with that kind of extraordinary person?

"Maybe I don't know each other. It seems that I only know the third prince, but after so many years, I'm afraid I've forgotten it long ago. Let's not mention these boring things. We are here to deal with the Holy Spirit Palace. I hope you can cooperate with us."

"Third Prince?" Everyone's eyes slowly focused on Zhou Liangren.

Zhou Liangren was even more at a loss, spreading his hands and expressing that he really didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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