Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 968 The Holy Spirit of the Earth

Chapter 968 The Holy Spirit of the Earth
Biannan Xinchen Calendar is from January to July 14.

A "rooting" operation from the Temple of the Holy Spirit swept across nearly half of the Qitian Continent, especially the Canglan Ancient Land as the primary focus, and the major kingdoms and five empires in the Central Plains as auxiliary areas, becoming a radial expansion.

The so-called "rooting" movement is a thousand-year-old plan of the Holy Spirit Temple. It has been carried out in secret, making full use of the power in hand, setting up branch temples in various regions, secretly contacting special forces and organizations in the stationed areas, intimidating * and luring, using means do.

After thousands of years of development, the Rooting Movement has been very successful, and some areas have even formed puppet-like allies, fully surrendering to the Holy Spirit Hall.

And now... at the request of the main hall, the rooting operation has entered the final finishing stage.That is to conduct a comprehensive screening of the forces that have already interacted, directly abandon those who have doubts, fight for a little bit for those who have never made a statement, deepen it if they can fight, and discard directly if they do not fight.

For those forces that have firmly cooperated with the Temple of the Holy Spirit, make a final confirmation.

The original purpose of the Temple of the Holy Spirit was to establish a network of relationships across the continent, allowing the close allies of the Temple of the Holy Spirit to extend to wider and farther regions, forming an unprecedented super organization, rooted in certain empires, kingdoms, vassal states and other areas of influence.

Let these stubborn forces become their vassals, obey the orders of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and assist these organizations to control greater power in their regions so that they can play a greater role in the future.

But the so-called rooting is simply a development ally?Is there another attempt?

Its ultimate purpose... needs to be officially revealed in the future!
During this period, the Xingluo Ancient Country, with the assistance of the Grand Judge, began to comprehensively monitor the forces of the Holy Spirit Temple in the ancient country.

But if you don't check it out, even the royal family is shocked.

They never expected that there would be thirty places in the ten thousand li territory under the might of the royal family!
There are as many as three key temples, and there are as many as thirty families and forces that have close contacts with the Holy Spirit Temple.

Unknowingly, the Temple of the Holy Spirit has eroded one-tenth of the power of the ancient country!
Even... Even the Xia family was involved!

The Xia family is a super family in the ancient country of Xingluo, with an extremely complicated relationship network, and its ancestor is also a long-established saint!

This discovery shocked the royal family and made them even more angry.

The emperor's imperial family is directly under the shadow organization, and personally issued secret instructions to fully monitor the Holy Spirit Hall in the ancient country, wait for the opportunity, and kill them all!
The meaning is very clear, whether it is the branch forces of the Holy Spirit Temple in the ancient country, or the families involved with them, they will be dealt with directly with thunder!

The Emperor's anger permeated the palace shadow leader who accepted the order and felt it clearly.

The four words 'kill all' are equal to 'gold medal for killing', allowing the shadow system to open the killing ring, abandon all concerns, and take the most extreme measures, as long as there is any involvement, Tu! !

The majesty of the Emperor is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

The bloody killing atmosphere covered the entire ancient country!

Now that the Xingluo Ancient Country has launched an operation, the chief judge did not continue, but he did not return to Jiulongling. Instead, he went to other surrounding countries to conduct secret investigations. He decided to search for a few particularly important branch halls. .

Bian Nan's new calendar is in June of the 14th year.

The five judges learned about the pursuit of Matthews in the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and sent three high-ranking warriors to secretly go to Shiwanda Mountain to search for and guide Matthews to Wagangzhai.

Bian Nan's new calendar is in June of the 14th year.

As the most active area of ​​the Holy Spirit Temple and also the most important area of ​​operation, the "Take Root" operation in Canglan Ancient Land is the first to come to an end, and about [-]% of the area announced that it has officially completed the task.

Immediately, the Holy Spirit Hall issued an order to withdraw the strong people in these areas and make a reallocation, some of them assisted in the operations of other areas, and some of them were evacuated back to the headquarters to stand by.The powerhouses belonging to the countries in the south of Canglan crossed the Nine Heavens one after another, and headed south through the Dayan Mountains.

In the Dayan Mountains, the powerful men of the highest level flitted across the sky, causing riots among the herd of beasts. Even though they deliberately hid themselves and their whereabouts were extremely secretive, they were after all the lairs of the Jiantai Mountain and other forces. Gradually vigilant and restless.

Shuluan Palace and Four Seasons Samsara were the first to send a secret letter to Wagang Village, noting this incident, and they also intend to join forces in case special incidents happen unprepared.

With the gradual completion of the various branch halls in Canglan Ancient Land, since August, the number of powerhouses going south has become more and more frequent.After incomplete summarization by various factions, within a short period of one month, there were actually [-] noble-level auras that crossed from high altitude and marched towards the south side.

Fortunately, they did not stay in the Dayan Mountains area.

Wagang Village noticed the abnormality as early as the beginning of August, but they couldn't find out the specific reason. They could only secretly recall the scattered troops and strengthen the vigilance of all ministries. , if you are uneasy, you can approach Langya Mountain directly.

Wagangzhai and Yuhua Palace will demarcate special areas for temporary residence of various sects.

Invisible clouds shrouded the Dayan Mountains!

The ugly claws stretched out to the turbulent land of Biannan!

In August of the Biannan Xinchen calendar, when the work of the Holy Spirit Temple in Canglan Ancient Land came to an end, Jiulongling, far away in the Central Plains, finally ushered in a feast of vision and soul! !

A spectacle of prosperity that shocked the four ministers and Li Xiangjun!
In the depths of the vast Jiulongling!

The vast high-altitude dark clouds are churning, the sea of ​​clouds is billowing, thunder and lightning are flickering, and the wind is howling. The vast high-altitude cloud sea rotates slowly and vigorously, forming a huge vortex of dark clouds, and the scene is extremely shocking.

Inside the vortex, thunder and lightning are mixed with strong wind, and heavy rain is mixed with thunder and lightning, like a demon god with his eyes open, trying to annihilate this area.

And just below this vast vortex of the sea of ​​clouds, an equally huge vortex shines in the distance, covering nearly one-third of the area of ​​Jiulongling, reaching halfway into the sky!
But the vortex in the mountain area is not some violent wind and dark clouds, but a pure wave of energy!
Tang Yan retreated for eight full months! !

It far exceeded Nian Wuxin's initial expectation! !

But what happened within eight months continued to impact their endurance! !

The first two months!

Under the repeated tempering of the ghost green fire, one after another, the spiritual source liquids were formed one by one, floating in the blue lake-like green fire, from the walnut-sized supreme-level spiritual source liquid to the semi-holy liquid the size of a child's fist. The super spiritual source liquid is distributed in various areas, and it also triggers different small vortexes of spiritual power.

Especially the more than ten semi-holy-level spiritual source liquids, all floating in a solid posture, like a dormant beast, and the pervasive spiritual power ripples are slightly violent.

Within two months, one after another took shape!Refining one by one repeatedly!
They are like the brightest stars, dotted in the blue universe.

The ghost green fire has already started to grow, and it has long been able to absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth on its own, but now... the ghost green fire is in full swing, and the spirit of the sky fire sits at the core, and the 'strength' of absorbing the energy of the sky and the earth is more obvious.

Misty spiritual mist was attracted from all directions and gathered into the ocean of green fire. While helping the green fire to continue to 'burn', it also gathered towards the spiritual source liquids, intensifying their purity.

Such a magnificent scene can only be created by a different fire like the ghost green fire, and it also creates a scene where Tang Yan is completely different from others when he transforms and advances.

In the third month, the rolling dragon chant resounded through the bottom of the valley, causing the green flames to continue to churn, filling the air with the power of the dragon as if ten thousand beasts surrendered, echoing around the valley, and also invisiblely spreading towards the deep mountains and dense forests.

It's like a dragon fighting fiercely on the bottom of the sea, and it's like some kind of monster is about to be born!

The dragon's prestige exuded was so real, and the reverberating dragon's chant was so clear, even Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing, who were guarding it, felt the slightest sense of oppression.

As time went on, Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing, who were entrenched in the sky, clearly saw a giant shadow emerging from the depths of the green fire.

It first appeared at the bottom of the lake, but it was a blood color different from the blue tone.

The blood color became clearer and clearer, as if it was growing gradually!
Ten days later, the huge blood-colored shadow trail extended to the surface of the lake.

And then... the blood-colored lines are like dense blood snakes, continuously extending to the sky in the entanglement, the scene is like a lush old tree growing!
Fourth month!

After a full 30 days, a giant 'blood tree' piercing through the sky suddenly took shape in the continuous entanglement, and its roots were rooted in the depths of the green fire ocean, covering Tang Yan, or maybe it expanded from him at all!

He is like a germinated seed, growing into a towering giant tree!
The blood tree is a hundred meters wide and a thousand meters wide. It is not a solid body, but countless bloody lines are entangled.

At first glance, it looks like the outline of a woven blood tree, but the surging blood energy that emanates makes the entire Baili area of ​​Jiulongling tremble, and thousands of monsters look up in amazement.

Li Xiangjun was shocked!The four phases take off!King Ma Yan stared from the depths of the forbidden soil!
The towering blood tree seemed to grow out of the majestic green fire lake, exuding an unparalleled breath of life, and the fluctuations were extremely terrifying!
It is obviously a tree, but it is like a powerful heart, fluctuating violently.

"What it is?"

"Because of the ghost green fire? Impossible?"

"A similar tree shadow once appeared in Heiyun City that day, but it was white at first, and it contained soul power, but now it is... a terrifying vitality!"

King Ma Yan stared at the depths of the forbidden soil for a long time, with a solemn expression: "It is the ancient tree that reaches the sky! The 'spirit of the earth' known as the all-encompassing creature! The basis for the fusion of the two beast spirits in the young master! The ancient tree that reached the sky finally appeared, and the real fusion began. We must fully absorb the two beast spirits and give birth to... a brand new species!"

(End of this chapter)

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