Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 969 Full Integration

Chapter 969 Full Integration
The blood-colored giant tree is more than a thousand meters high, and it is nearly a hundred meters thick. It exudes monstrous blood, like a giant blood vessel between heaven and earth, spanning a distance of one thousand meters, connecting the earth and the sky, but what it emits is definitely not pungent blood, but It is a kind of thick life fluctuation.

Five days after the giant blood-colored tree stopped growing, the blood-soul tree on Tang Yan's shoulder filled with soul power according to the decree, and turned into a thin white mist that evaporated from the green fire.It is also like an endless fairy air wrapping around the ancient tree reaching the sky, extending from the ground to the top, extending a thousand meters high.

The white mist and the bloody lines complement each other, and they even form the shadow of the tree.

It's the phantom of the Blood Soul Tree!
The sky-reaching ancient tree of life appeared, and the blood-soul tree of soul merged!

"Blood Soul Tree! An ancient tree reaching to the sky! One has form, and the other has soul!" The four princes completely gave up other things and stared at the central mountain area with all their attention.

Everyone understands what the scene in front of them means, and even more understands what this drastic transformation means.

They felt the shock, and even more ecstasy like a volcanic eruption!

"Keep going!" Ma Yan smiled in the depths of the forbidden soil, silently encouraging Tang Yan.

They all remembered what Tang Yan once mentioned. The awakening of the demon spirit veins depends on the "blood cow" presented by the demon emperor Jiuying. new species born.

A new species born from the soul energy and blood energy of thousands of creatures in the underground world.

But when I think about it silently, I always feel that something is missing, or it is not perfect.

A simple metaphor, the blood cow has soul power and blood energy, and it has gradually become complete, but... it has no real life, more like a half-finished product!
Perhaps the potential is infinite, but it is actually difficult to stimulate the true power of the demon spirit veins.

And it can't stimulate the inheritance power of Qingtian Niuban and Zhulong.

Because it's unsound, because it's not alive!

But now... the whole body of the ancient tree finally appeared!

After more than ten years of Tang Yan's gestation, continuous nourishment and irrigation, and continuous integration with Tang Yan's body, the heart of the Tongtian Ancient Tree finally recovered!

And show the surging vitality!
And the blood soul tree's friendship with Tang Yan also prompted it to accept guidance at this moment, and it was filled with strong soul power!

Although it is said that the 'Blood Cow' itself is a complete body, containing the soul and blood from the ancient underground city, as well as the soul of the candle dragon and the blood of the cow python, but in short it is very messy, and there is no real fusion!

That is, it has no real soul, and it is difficult to form a real life.

Now, Tang Yan has finally revived it after more than ten years of pregnancy and half a year of hard work!
The revival of the ancient tree of Tongtian will promote the formal fusion of the blood energy in the blood cow with the blood of the cow python!

Be the pure and only blood, the blood of new life!
The appearance of the blood soul tree will promote the fusion of the soul of the candle dragon and the fusion of thousands of soul powers.

A real and brand-new soul is born, and a new soul is born!

It is not the blue sky cow python, not the candle dragon, not the ancient tree reaching the sky, not any sundries, but a new soul born after repeated refining!

This is an unprecedented new life!
Tongtian ancient wood is an extremely rare sacred object in ancient times, known as the "mother of the earth" and "the holy spirit of the earth"; the blue sky bull python and candle dragon needless to say, they are the peak holy beasts, and they have the potential to become emperors What kind of grand level is the soul power and blood energy that has been bred for endless years in the underground ancient city?
The combination of four types of super abnormal objects with specific opportunities!

A new life tempered by the Fire Emperor!

No ordinary species!

Maybe it is really to create the Emperor Seed? !
It is still an emperor with unlimited potential!
The eyes of the four princes were dimmed with excitement, and they clenched their fists excitedly. A burst of fiery blood was rolling in their chests for a long time. They really wanted to roar to the sky and announce to the world——Look, Qitian Continent, Lost Battle Realm , widen your eyes and watch, my young master, he will definitely become emperor in his years and months!

The end of April!

Combining the ancient tree of Tongtian and the tree of blood soul, the vitality exuded is stronger, and the thick soul power is more vigorous. They can vaguely feel that it is no longer a tree, but an ancient god-like life body!
The continuous sound of dragon chant in the depths of the ghost green fire finally stopped at this moment. A dragon shadow filled with killing power appeared from the bottom of the lake, entangled with the ancient tree reaching the sky and slowly soared into the sky. The claws symbolize the supreme dignity, and the terrible dragon's power makes all beasts submit.

It is also a phantom like the ancient tree, but if you look carefully, you will find that its body is actually merging with the ancient tree, merging with the dense veins like blood vessels in the ancient tree, and also being infected by the soul mist.

The blood vessels and soul are all being reborn, as if the ancient candle dragon is about to reappear in the world!

And then... the phantom of a bull-headed python body is also transpiring. Although it looks very weak and can hardly be seen, the majesty of its holy beast is clearly palpable.

It also extended around the ancient tree at a super high altitude, occupied the space left by the dragon's body, and then... merged deeply into the ancient tree.

Clearly the dragon's cry, and the low low of the cow!
Just like the sound of golden arms, like evening drums and morning bells, reverberating endlessly between heaven and earth, blending and harmonizing in the sky!
So far!The ancient tree of Tongtian was completely submerged by the two giant holy beasts, or the ancient tree of swallowing the sky swallowed the two giant holy beasts!The surging mist of life surged towards them, and the soul power brought by the blood soul tree also infiltrated them.

The trunk of the ancient tree is twisting, and the body of the dragon and the body of the python are merging!
This is a huge fusion project!

But as the comprehensive integration proceeded, the dazzling light illuminated the world, piercing the eyes, and it was difficult to detect the real situation inside.

The four princes were secretly nervous, but also full of excitement. They could all feel the changes inside and the continuous life fluctuations.

Fifth month!

The power of life from the bottom of the green fire is endless, continuing to support new creatures, and the power of the bewildered soul is also enduring.

This month, the whole month, is calm but not calm!

Sixth month!

The light emitted by the Tongtian ancient tree suddenly became more intense, or it could no longer be regarded as a tree. Through the dazzling light, a slightly distorted giant body could be vaguely seen, and the huge tree crown could also faintly see the shadow of a beast's head, but the specific The appearance of the ground is hazy and cannot be seen clearly.

And in this June, the brilliance of the giant beast continued to soar, but its size was slowly and obviously shrinking.

More cohesive, more bloody, more powerful soul power.

This scene lasted for a full month. At the end of June, the giant beast completely retracted into the depths of the green fire.

A strange low growl echoed in the depths, like a mixture of cow lowing and dragon moaning, the low growl was very clear, and seemed a little immature.

The low roar filled the sky and the earth, like invisible ripples in space expanding for a long time, echoing clearly in the ears of all beings in Jiulongling.

At this moment...all beasts surrender!Lower your body while trembling!
At this moment... the four ministers were horrified, and they actually felt the pressure of their souls!

At this moment... Ma Yanwang was moved to tears, hissing in the sky, and it lasted for a long time. It was Huangwei, yes, it was Huangwei!
The emperor's seed has been established, the emperor's prestige has been revealed, who can stop my young master from rising!
At this moment, in two places in the southwest, in the distant Xingluo Ancient Kingdom and the territory of the Dagan Dynasty, the two current emperors felt something in their hearts, but it was vague and mysterious.

They stared at the empty sky across the vast territory of thousands of miles.

Seventh month!

At the beginning of the month!

The green fire suddenly boiled like a turbulent, submerging the entire thousand-meter-long valley, and then rose to a height of tens of meters, spreading towards the surroundings, like a majestic lake of flames rumbling into shape!

Then, the continuous eagle cry continued for a long time, and the violent churning continued.

It seemed to be comprehending, and it seemed to be tempering, accompanied by a weird growl.

In mid-July, everything returned to calm without any fluctuations.

The calm scene made the four ministers feel nervous. The more critical the moment, the more afraid of mistakes, especially Tang Yan showed a series of abnormal behaviors in the early stage. If there is chaos, they really want to blow their heads to pieces .

They think they have seen the transformation of the semi-holy realm many times, like the five judges were all cultivated by them, and they have all experienced such transformations themselves.

But there has never been one as complicated and weird as Tang Yan. There are different changes almost every month, and each change is full of shock. It is really hard to see the ending.

Even their numb hearts tightened again in this seventh month.

(End of this chapter)

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