Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 970

Chapter 970

But in the eighth month... the peaceful mountain area finally had something strange. First, the solidified green fire swirled slowly and vigorously, until it formed a huge vortex a thousand meters in size.

The scene is astonishing, a kind of boundless beauty!

An astonishingly large devouring force surged from the depths of the vortex.

At the same time, the high-altitude dark clouds gathered together, and there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, and there was a sense of oppression like a storm.

With the formation of the green fire vortex, the spiritual power within a hundred miles of Jiulongling converges towards the central area with the momentum of flowing into the sea. surging.

In just three days, a gigantic energy vortex with a width of one kilometer and reaching the high-altitude clouds was formed, completely enveloping the green fire area.

Thick thunderclouds high above are also forming similar swirls, with thunderstorms and strong winds continuing.

From a distance, it looks like two giant vortexes are facing each other up and down.

Unprecedented special scene, supernatural prosperity and beauty!

The two vortex regions exist in confrontation, so that the central region forms a void, like a solidified blank area, but more like a meeting point of heaven and earth energy.

A figure could be vaguely seen sitting cross-legged.

It was Tang Yan who officially started the official transformation!

After seven months of awakening and seven months of comprehension, Tang Yan finally released all the veins in his body with firm confidence at this moment, and launched an impact on the semi-sacred realm!
He was completely naked, meditating cross-legged, absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth!

The two-color light of green and gold transpired from the body, it was blue fire and Buddha's light, intertwined in the whole body, illuminating the perfect fortitude of muscles, bringing the vast majesty like a steel god of war!
Surrounded by dozens of pure energy spirit source fluids, some of which are of the semi-holy level and some of which are of the Martial Venerable level, they are all surrounded by rich green fire, gathered around like guardian elves, and filled with rich and pure spiritual power mist.

On Tang Yan's left and right shoulders, there is a small doll like porcelain jade.

They are the Spirit of Green Fire and the Spirit of Blood Soul!
They all imitated Tang Yan's posture, with their immature feet crossed, and their eyes closed.

Tang Yan is transforming!The two 'spirits' are also transforming!

The growth in the past seven months is of great significance to the blood soul tree, and it is even more exciting growth to the ghost green fire. Their body shapes have obviously changed, at least they are no longer as immature and fragile as babies.

Tang Yan and the two 'spiritual bodies' are steadily absorbing the spiritual power from the vortex.

The surging spiritual power was drawn and surged, but all of them first hit the dozens of spiritual source fluids 'guarded' around Tang Yan, were tempered by the green fire, and then gathered into their bodies.

The spirit of the green fire and the spirit of the blood soul are also enjoying the benefits, and at the same time they arouse surging firepower and soul power on their own, assisting Tang Yan in a more comprehensive tempering.

In short... the waves are calm, but steady and surging!
Let me ask the world's powerful, who can have so many protections and opportunities when they are promoted to semi-sages!

Tang Yan's performance is extraordinary, and he is destined to be extraordinary in the future.

"Promoting to the semi-holy stage, if you can trigger a tide of energy, it means you have unlimited potential to go further, but I have never seen anyone who can create such a huge wave of energy, and even trigger a change in the sky!"

Li Xiangjun even forgot to protect Niya, and stayed in mid-air for a long time in silence, looking at the energy vortex, and then at the high-altitude dark cloud vortex, his heart was full of shock.

Shocked by the spectacle in front of you, and even more shocked by the meaning behind this phenomenon.

She dared to conclude that if there were no accidents, Tang Yan would have an [-]% or even higher chance of being promoted to the Saint Realm, and the time would be far beyond her own cognition.

Perhaps... In less than a thousand years, he will step into the holy realm!
Thinking back to the various visions that Tang Yan caused within half a year, she seriously suspected that there were other terrifying things in Tang Yan's body, which were even enough to balance the inheritance of the Fire Emperor!

What kind of freak is this? !
What kind of pervert is Jiulongling creating!
Nian Wuxin was overwhelmed and motioned to the other three ministers: "Protect the young master!"

The four immediately dispersed to four directions, guarding all directions in a tripod posture.Using their respective strengths to stabilize the stability of the surging energy vortex, they are also trying to control this huge and terrifying energy wave in a steady and orderly manner.

Tang Yan himself could not absorb such a large amount of energy, just like the Lord Zhaoyi back then.The four ministers will fully assist and escort Tang Yan's safe promotion, and will also forcibly evacuate excess energy for Tang Yan in the final period.

A scene of this scale is destined to cause a sensation in the Central Plains, but it is a pity that no one knows.The "half-holy transformation" that can be protected by the four saints is also rare in the Central Plains, but no one knows it.

Perhaps no one would have believed that Tang Yan had made a steady leap towards the semi-sacred realm in less than two years after being promoted to the third rank Martial Venerable!

But everything is happening for real!

A future prince was quietly conceived in the depths of this secluded forbidden land.

In an oasis in the forbidden land.

The sky thunder from the Holy Spirit Hall stared blankly at the Jiulong Ridge ten kilometers away, staring at the magnificent and strange scene.The high-altitude thunderclouds formed a vortex, and the energy of the mountains formed a vortex. The two vortexes rotated slowly and vigorously, filled with the terrifying power of an ancient beast.

Even ten kilometers away, you can still feel the throbbing energy!

He was one of the five special envoys who were ordered to monitor. He had been staying at the outermost edge for half a year and had not formally stepped into the forbidden land.

Not only him, but the other four special envoys have the same strategy.

It wasn't that they deliberately violated the main hall and deliberately fooled the main hall. It was because Jiulongling was too terrifying. Just thinking about the lineup of the five saints made me tremble. This is not surveillance, but death!

But two months ago, the main hall issued a strict order to confirm the situation in Jiulongling.

According to what we have learned, it seems that they are preparing to deal with Bian Nan.

After solving Biannan, the rest of the area should almost complete the task, and the next step may be to gather forces to attack Jiulongling, so it is necessary to obtain accurate information, and start monitoring now.

The five decided to select one person to go deep into the forbidden land, and the other four people entered from four directions, but they all stayed in the peripheral area and did not continue to go deep. They were only responsible for monitoring whether anyone left.

This 'one person' finally fell on his head.

Who made him a new half saint?Seniors are not enough.

The Thunder Angel also bit the bullet and sneaked in, until today he found this oasis ten kilometers away. Although it was still very far away, he really didn't dare to go any further.

But just now he found this good hiding place, and was directly overwhelmed by the magnificent scene at the end of his sight.

I'm a good boy, what are you doing?
"It's shocking, isn't it?" Ma Yanwang appeared next to the Tianleishi without a sound, and looked at the magnificent scenery in the distance in a daze, and made a sound like talking to himself.

The Tianleishi was completely immersed in the shock, and nodded unconsciously.

"It's rare to see once in a thousand years." King Ma Yan stared blankly, filled with emotion.

The Thunder Angel nodded slowly again, subconsciously agreeing with the emotion of the voice.

"Just ask the Central Plains, whose family heir can attack the semi-sage within two years, and who can create such a grand scene."

"Half-holy?" The Thunder Messenger came back to his senses and asked casually.

King Ma Yan said alone: ​​"This is the only family in the vast Central Plains! If Amber can persist in watching this scene, maybe he will die in peace."

"What Amber?" Sky Thunder Messenger finally came back to his senses, but he was slightly taken aback, blinked his eyes, turned around abruptly, and looked straight at the man beside him.

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Ma Yanwang shook his head sadly.

The Heavenly Thunder Messenger gasped, his scalp hummed suddenly, his pupils gradually dilated, and he froze in place in a daze.

It was like a cold winter night, throwing oneself naked into a world of ice and snow, then pouring a basin of cold water, freezing from head to heel.

"Come on, sit down and enjoy." Ma Yanwang patted Tianlei Shi on the shoulder, and walked him to the edge of the oasis like a good friend.

The Thunder Messenger's head was buzzing, and his whole body felt numb like an electric shock, and he sat on the sand with Ma Yanwang in a daze.

King Ma Yan took out two jars of wine, handed one to Tianlei Shi, opened the other himself, and looked at the magnificent scenery in the distance with emotion: "I am proud of my young master. The breakthrough of this retreat is not considered proud. The real one The harvest should be the awakening of the demon soul in the body.

These miraculous sights revealed when he was promoted to a semi-saint indicated that he had a chance of becoming a saint, but the scene when the demon soul merged indicated that he was already on his way to becoming emperor.The road ahead will be bumpy and there will be more hardships, but I... have never been so confident as I am today! "

I am a mother-in-law and fourth uncle and grandpa!Tianleishi's whole body trembled, he could be regarded as recovering from the sudden and sharp stimulation, he looked at the oasis behind him, then at Ma Yan Wang who was next to him, and at the wine jar in his hand. The violent dizziness rushed straight to his forehead, and he almost lost his breath.

"Come on, cheers, let's celebrate in advance!" Ma Yanwang raised the wine jar with a smile, touched it with a bang, raised his head and took three mouthfuls, and roared: "Excellent!!"

Cool? !

Tianlei Shi held the wine jar vigorously, squatting there and almost cried, his heart felt as if he had poured oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and other seasonings into his heart, and paired it with strong despair and desolation, it was completely indescribable Taste it.

"Looking at the current situation, my young master will be transformed for at least ten days and a half months. We are idle, so come to chat?" Ma Yanwang wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Tianleishi with a smile: "What's your name? "

(End of this chapter)

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