Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 971 The Empress Breed

Chapter 971 The Empress Breed

Tianlei Shi took a deep breath, suppressed all kinds of emotions, and forced his face to remain cold and arrogant: "Don't waste your tongue, I won't say anything."

"Don't get excited, let's just chat casually, for example... what is the Temple of the Holy Spirit busy with recently, and how busy you are, just pick what you can say, if I am in a good mood, maybe I will give you a good time, if If it breaks my mood, I have to bear the consequences myself."

Ma Yanwang narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned forward towards the Tianlei Envoy, and smiled silently: "Have you heard of my ruthless husband? He is a good trick. He can make people taste all kinds of criminal laws, but he just can't die. Talking is called... suffering.

The most precious treasure in his secret room, a half-holy who has been tortured for thousands of years, do you want to be his second treasure?Whether you want it or not, he must be looking forward to it! "

The Heavenly Thunder Messenger shuddered, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice: "I am a dignified and semi-saint, and I will compromise if I am threatened by you? Don't even think about it!!"

"Relax, relax, I told you before, don't get excited. I'm afraid the main hall sent you more than one? If you don't answer, I'll go find someone else, and someone will answer, right?" Ma Yanwang embraced him enthusiastically. Holding the shoulder of the Thunder Angel, he smiled kindly: "Let me help you imagine that the final situation is like this. How about you, you have been tortured for thousands of years to keep the secret, but in reality? The secret has been taken away by other partners. Tell me, isn't it sad?"

Tianlei made his face look ugly, blue in the white, and his depression and sorrow made him almost vomit blood.

Don't play like this, I am a dignified semi-holy-level powerhouse, and I can rule the empire even in the frontier. What kind of eyes are you looking at?What's your tone?Are you kidding me?

Ma Yanwang patted Tianleishi's face, the seemingly gentle action brought a crisp slap sound, not a touch, but a real twitch, one slap, another slap: "Think carefully, we have time Quite enough."

Tianlei made the anguish of being pumped by him even more angry.But guarding such a freak, a pervert who can compete with the palace master, all his anger and depression finally turned into bitter melon crying.

"Do you want to say it?" Ma Yanwang laughed, but he waved his hand and slapped him again.

The Tianlei envoy gritted his teeth in hatred, and one hundred and ten thousand nodded reluctantly: "I...I said..."

"That's right, we have plenty of time, and we talk while drinking." Ma Yanwang held the wine jar, looking at the gorgeous scene in the direction of Jiulongling, with a satisfied smile on his face, and a long-lost feeling in his heart. Pride and ambition.

It's like the world of war that was lost thousands of years ago, in the sacred place of the ethnic group, in the Weiyang Palace, the main hall of the emperor, and I, who was only ten years old, knelt in front of the emperor's throne.

At that moment, he engraved the blood oath of loyalty to the emperor in his heart, and at that moment, he shed tears in ecstasy and excitement.

At that moment, I was destined to join the army, and my fate changed. At that moment, I was destined to fight on the battlefield, full of pride!
Thousands of years later, the fate reappears, different situations, different people, but the same pride, the same fierce self-confidence emerges!
"Comrades in the Lost Battle Realm, it's been 1000 years, the dead Ma Long is going back, are you looking forward to it?" Ma Yanwang thought about it, and laughed dumbly: "Anyway, I'm looking forward to it."

The vortex in the sky above Jiulongling continued to swell, turbulent, and swirled like a wave, almost gathering all the spiritual power of the nine mountains.

The vast forests that were once lush and dense were quickly withered due to the 'blank' of spiritual power, and some areas showed signs of withering.The rare and exotic beasts in the forest began to panic, and wanted to follow the surge of spiritual power to approach the central mountain area, but they always felt that there was something terrifying gestating inside.

As monsters, they are most sensitive to this kind of breath!
The high-altitude vortex also continued to expand until it covered the entire area of ​​Jiulongling for hundreds of miles.

one day!two days!

five days!six days!
The quicksand of time flows slowly, and the gathered energy wave reaches saturation in the turbulence, but the solidified scene is extremely shocking. The surging spiritual power is mixed with dust and mist, and continues to rotate. The area is actually 2000 meters wide. It's almost like a giant monster is entrenched.

The four ministers worked together to protect them, and had to use [-]% of their strength to forcibly imprison them, so as not to destroy Jiulongling when their spiritual power was out of control.

King Ma Yan came from afar, threw away the half-dead Celestial Thunder Messenger, and walked towards the sky, full of evil spirit, more determined and proud: "The last moment, go all out!"

Accompanied by a low growl, the energy spread out, and the dragon shadow around him transpired, turning into a giant of a thousand feet, surrounding the entire energy vortex with the power of arrogance.

He will never allow any mistakes, so he uses his full strength to control the situation with Longwei.

The four princes immediately followed suit, and although they did not reveal their bodies, the transpiring vast energy turned into an astonishingly huge beast figure.

Nian Wuxin - Golden Winged Roc!
Nian Wuqing - swallowing the demon python!
Nian Wuyi - Nine Heavens Thunder Beast!
Nian Wude - Taixu Ancient Disc!
The four types of giant beasts and the four types of holy monsters were all gifted by the Demon Spirit Emperor himself!
"Are they humans or demons?" Li Xiangjun stood high in the air, his cold face could not hide his astonishment.Although I have already experienced it in Taiping City, but at the time it was only a glimpse, it was just a martial art, but now I observe it closely, feel it at a close distance, and I suddenly realize that this is not an illusion of martial art at all, it is absolutely real Monster power!

Monster power!It's demon power!
They called Tang Yan the young master. Is Tang Yan a human or a demon?

But monsters can only transform into human form when they reach the holy level, and Tang Yan is obviously just a martial artist!

What kind of monsters are these?

Shocked by the aura, Niya woke up from the retreat, stepped slowly into the air, and stared at the giant energy vortex through the distorted space: "It's time to leave, and he once again turned the impossible into a miracle."

After more than half a year of retreat and recuperation, she has consolidated the third-order realm.

And I made a new understanding of Fa Lanta's growth in half a year, and received a lot of goods.

In half a year, Tang Yan was undergoing transformation, so she was growing.If it is said that the half-year experience in the Blue Pagoda inspired the power of the great ancestor and led to a dramatic improvement of the realm, then the half-year experience in Jiulongling was the fusion of the power of the great ancestor with itself and suppressed its influence.

It is precipitation, it is sublimation, and it can also be regarded as new life!
Looking at the distant mountains, Niya couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Looking back on the past, the occasional encounter in the Taiwu mining area is vivid in my memory, and the absurd playfulness of the Rao family also seems like yesterday, but it has been more than ten years in the blink of an eye.

Time flies by, maybe I never thought that one day I would be able to cross the south border and enter the Central Plains, let alone that I would be able to step towards the holy land one day; maybe I never thought that the naughty boy back then would be able to achieve what he is today At that time, the stubborn and unscrupulous ruffian stubbornly made a sensation in the Central Plains; he even thought that he was actually moved by his true feelings and fulfilled the marriage contract.

Boom! !Boom! !
Violent fluctuations suddenly came from inside the energy vortex that had been silent for a long time, and the nearly frozen energy wave suddenly vibrated. The fluctuations were so violent that the five giant beast shadows in the sky trembled.

Click! !
As if responding, the high-altitude dark cloud vortex thunder and lightning exploded violently, and the entire vortex exploded as if out of control. The strong wind, heavy rain, and thunder and lightning swept all directions with a destructive attitude, stirring the vast sky.

Rumble!Dark clouds billowed in the sky, strong winds swept through, thunder and lightning continued to expand into the sky, and within a short period of half a stick of incense, the entire forbidden land was covered with dark clouds, and the continuous roar continued for a long time, and thunder and lightning clustered in some areas.

It's like the end of the world!

"Get ready to receive the energy wave!" Ma Yanwang shouted loudly.

The four ministers put all their strength on guard, and the high-altitude animal shadows roared in unison, and the sound moved the mountains and rivers.

When the solidified energy made the third "pulse", the sky and the earth were as dark as ink, and when the violent thunder and lightning gathered together, the energy vortex seemed to be compressed to the extreme and released, and in an instant...exploded... First, an invisible air wave stirred up all directions, followed by a flood of energy that opened the floodgates and expanded in all directions.

This is pure energy, containing unrestrained berserk factors, the collective rush naturally causes the world to tremble, the ground is cracking, ancient trees are trembling, and the branches, leaves and broken rocks are chaotically stirring.


King Ma Yan and the four ministers took full control and tried their best to spread the huge wave of energy in a relatively gentle manner and distribute it in a balanced manner. Otherwise... this impact alone would be enough to raze Jiulongling to the ground.

While trying their best to control the energy, they stepped forward one after another, wanting to determine whether Tang Yan is healthy, whether he has completed the transformation, and what kind of posture he will use to break through.

Soon, they passed through layers of energy waves, as if they were walking in a storm!

After jumping over the most ferocious area of ​​the wave, it was a little difficult to step inside.

But the scene in front of them made the five people look slightly surprised, which obviously did not match the expected situation.

Then... the four princes continued to meditate, and King Ma Yan frowned slightly.

And then... Ma Yanwang's eyes flickered, his brows became more and more tightly wrinkled, his breathing became obviously heavy, and even the color on his face faded a little.

In the deepest part of the boiling energy vortex, Tang Yan sat cross-legged, and was quietly doing the final breath adjustment. The whole body was full of green fire, steaming endlessly, and two children crossed their knees on one left and one right to guard.

But in the sky above them, the cyan breath was transpiring, and a clear animal figure actually appeared, curled up in a dormant posture, not huge, but emitting a very strange energy fluctuation.

Its whole body is jet black, to be exact, dark blue, and you can see a very clear dragon head, but it is not particularly oriented. It is covered with black scales, and its body is also like a dragon body, but it is unusually thick, and it has strong and powerful limbs and claws.

Even in hibernation and deep sleep, he is still mighty and majestic.

There is a shocking pride and arrogance all over the body!

There is also a kind of extremely clear hostility and fierceness!
The four lords frowned, but they really couldn't see what kind of species it was. The only feeling was extraordinary, a hostility that made them vigilant, a special oppression that made their own blood tremble.

This is a very strange feeling. It stands to reason that even if Tang Yan is promoted to semi-saint and has a super bloodline, they will not feel the pressure from the bloodline in the holy realm.

Even... Chest tightness and shortness of breath!
However, Ma Yanwang's expression became ugly again and again, his brows were wrinkled into knots, as if he was recalling something, or guessing something.

He was trying to remember, recalling a memory that frightened him.

After a brief silence, Ma Yanwang's pupils suddenly constricted, his head hummed, and everything went blank!
"This... this is... this... how could it be..."

(End of this chapter)

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