Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 972

Chapter 972
With the full operation of the four ministers, the rushing energy wave will not go out of control, spreading from the central mountainous area to various mountains, and returning again, rushing back and forth many times, barely restoring the previous pattern distribution.

But full recovery requires natural, slow adjustments.

Tang Yan's transformation is a new life for him, but it is not a big or small devastation to the environment of Jiulongling, and it will not be suitable for rest and cultivation for a long time.

When the wave of energy receded one after another, the green fire around Tang Yan also began to slowly subside, but there were still fire clothes steaming around, undergoing the final condensing.

The high-altitude animal shadows are slowly fading until they become blurred.

And then... the sleeping animal shadow slowly raised its head, glanced at Ma Yan Wang who was far away, and instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into Tang Yan's body, disappearing, and the pervasive strange aura also disappeared.

"You don't look good, what's wrong?" Nian Wuxin came to King Ma Yan.

"Boss, do you know this thing?"

"I haven't seen this kind of species, is it really a newborn?"

"Is it because of the emperor's seed? Why do I feel uncomfortable all over?"

The other three gentlemen also came over one after another. They wondered that they were not as excited as before. The strange beast shadow made them feel uncomfortable all over. Inexplicably irritated, it seems that staring at it is like seeing endless killing and cruelty, and the image of blood and brutality is full of blood in his mind.

bloody?brutal?They didn't expect Tang Yan to become a demon who only knew how to kill.

Ma Yanwang's eyes wandered, his face was very ugly, and he took a difficult breath to relax, and whispered: "Leave here first, there seems to be something wrong."

"Huh?" The four princes changed their colors slightly, they had never seen Ma Yan with such a solemn expression.

King Ma Yan left the central mountainous area and landed in the sky of Nian Wuxin's sea of ​​flowers a few kilometers away. He stared at Tang Yan's peaceful direction with an ugly face and a heavy tone: "We have considered the wrong direction."

The four prime ministers tensed slightly, and waited intently.

King Ma Yan was silent again, and said: "Do you still remember the ancient underground city that the young master mentioned? On the way out of Heiyun City, the young master introduced it to me in detail. A series of altars and dead bones.

At that time, I suspected that there might have been a certain cemetery left over from the ancient times or even more remote ancient times, in which the remains of countless powerful people were buried, especially monsters.

The young master once mentioned that there are some ghosts controlled by chains in the ancient city. I have a hunch that they are not the monsters buried below at first, but some ghosts born in the endless years later! "

"We... didn't quite understand it." The more the four ministers listened, the more confused they became, how did they mention the ancient underground city.

"I'd like to ask you a few questions, think about it seriously. How did the Demon Emperor Nine Infants appear in the ancient underground city? It fell in the ancient times early tomorrow, so how could it run into an even older cemetery?

Everything inside is dead, how is he still alive?

The weirdest thing is that Jiuying obviously fell in the ancient times, and has been dead for tens of thousands of years and nearly a million years.He has never experienced the era of great destruction at all, and he doesn't even know the top ten golden ancient clans. He shouldn't know the existence of the Lost Battle Realm! !How could it make the young master leave the world of war within a hundred years?

He shouldn't know about the Night Forest, how could he remind the race in it that it's dirty?

Also, what era is War Demon from?He is a character who was slowly born after the top ten golden ancient clans brought all the powerful clans of Qitian Continent to the Lost Battle Realm!How could Jiuying call him brother and brother?And so sincere and intimate! "

The four gentlemen were taken aback for a moment, and stared at each other in a daze.

yes! !Why didn't these factors be considered!
What about Jiuying... They felt that their heads were in a mess, but they vaguely grasped some important points, and their faces turned ugly again and again.

Ma Yanwang's face was even more ugly: "The matter is very messy, it must involve some unknown secrets, and we can't be sure through random guesses. The only thing I just wanted to understand is that the real horror of the blood cow may not be just candles. Dragon and Qingtian Bull Python!"


"The soul of the candle dragon and the blood of the bull python are likely to be some marks, the foundation! It may be the blood and soul energy that some powerful people forcibly tore from them a long time ago. Then search for the heart of the ancient tree that reaches the sky , the intention is to use the special abilities of the three of them to form the power of the seal, or for other purposes!

But no matter what, I personally think that in addition to the cow python, candle dragon and ancient wood, there is another terrifying ability in the blood cow, which is the majestic and vast blood energy and soul power of the underground ancient city!

Think about it carefully, have you ever heard that the blood soul tree can give birth to spiritual wisdom?Or exist in human form?Not to say absolutely nothing, at least we haven't heard of it!It rarely occurs once in at least 10 years!
what does that mean?Since the Bleeding Soul Tree can be born, and the Blood Ox is one of the core treasures, it is also swallowed and absorbed there, and with the assistance of Candle Dragon and Qingtian Bull Python, is it possible that the power of swallowing and fusion will be weaker than that of the Blood Soul Tree. "

The four gentlemen remained silent, and the more they thought about it, the more ugly their faces became.

"So, to sum up, the main soul in the blood cow is the candle dragon, but it also has the soul power of hundreds of millions of beasts! The main bloodline in the blood cow is the blue sky bull python, but it also has the blood of hundreds of millions of monsters.

It's a total mix!
It contains countless ferocious beast souls, endless ancient animal blood, countless hostility, and countless tyrannical auras. After 10 years, tens of thousands of years, or even nearly a million years, what the hell is it shaping? "

Ma Yanwang's face was ugly, and finally burst out with foul language.

The four lords almost squeezed their teeth out: "The demon clan is fierce!"

"Think again! The young master is the eighth-grade demon spirit vein, the real imperial vein! The ghost green fire is one of the three strange sky fires born between heaven and earth, and it is also the real imperial power! The blood cow is fused in, and it has not been seen in the past 20 years. Movement, what does it mean? It is mixing with the young master again!"

Nian Wuqing's face turned cold: "That bastard Jiuying tricked us! That bastard used the young master as a test product?!"

King Ma Yan took a deep breath, walked forward slowly, stared at the direction of Tang Yan's retreat, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn: "About Jiuying, I am afraid that everyone's understanding is only in the legend, I doubt...he did not fall back then This person has a strange temperament and acts strangely, but he should not use such a precious treasure to frame the young master. After all, the young master was just a small character back then.

Regardless of Jiuying, judging from the current situation, the awakened things in the young master's body give me a very strange feeling. "

The monster clan is fierce, with endless soul power and blood!Nian Wuxin's expression suddenly changed, as if he remembered something.

Nian Wuyi frowned: "What's the matter? Don't play tricks!"

Nian Wuxin looked at Ma Yan Wang with a serious face, and said: "The underground world is a cemetery, and the grievances gathered in it are definitely not good. Since it is a monster, it must be the most vicious thing of the monster clan!
Do you remember the feeling just now?Is there a kind of fluctuation originating from the blood?No matter how ferocious the monster is, at most it can bring us oppression, but it will not cause blood.

Therefore, it may be related to our demon spirit clan.The boss just mentioned it, and it reminded me of the legend circulating within the Yaoling Clan——Long Kui! "

"What? Long Kui!!" The expressions of the three ministers changed suddenly, and they even took two steps back.

"That's right, Long Kui!" Ma Yanwang's face was weird and even more ugly: "It's very similar!! It's really similar!! I saw it in the giant mural deep in Weiyang Palace! The most ominous thing, the most tyrant Things! And the way the blood cow was born, all the circumstances seem to point to that legend!"

"No! Stop the young master immediately!" Nian Wuqing dodged to rush out, but was stopped by Nian Wuxin's snapping sound.

"Has it been stopped? Since it has been formed, it must be fused with the young master's blood! Don't jump to conclusions, we are just suspicious, and no one can be sure. The young master is still alive and has no victims, which shows that the situation is not what we imagined , at least not all of them!"

Ma Yanwang said in a deep voice: "If it is really it, the young master is probably already useless!! But now it is obviously good, what is the reason? It may be that the young master has a unique physique, or it may just be similar to Long Kui instead of a real dragon. Kui, or something else."

"The young master not only has the imperial veins of the demon spirit, but also the inheritance of heaven and fire, and the Buddha's heart of the holy Buddha. It may have undergone a transformation that we didn't expect, can control it." Nian Wuxin calmed down a little, comforting everyone, more like It's comforting myself.

"Ride it?! Just kidding! No one can handle it, no one!"

"Anyway, whether it's Long Kui or not, it has something to do with it. It's not a good thing."

Nian Wuyi and Nian Wude were slightly excited.

(End of this chapter)

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