Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 973 I Call It A Ghost

Chapter 973 I Call It A Ghost

Ma Yanwang stopped their discussion and said: "Young master's physique and experience are different from everyone else's. The blood cow has many doubts. Let's observe slowly and don't jump to conclusions. If it is really it, we are powerless But I guess the greater possibility is other creatures similar to it. And the demon spirit veins have swallowed it and merged with each other, it is the young master, the young master is it!"

Nian Wude said: "Do you want to explain the matter to the young master? At least be prepared."

"Prepare for what? Prepare to die? Or prepare to go crazy?" Ma Yanwang glanced at them coldly, and said in a stern tone: "Just pretend nothing happened, and no one hesitates to mention a single word! Always pay attention to observation, and try to help the young master guide and control! "

"But what if it really is it?" Nian Wuqing was still very worried, and his heart that had not changed for thousands of years was impatient: "We all know its legend, it is a great chance to appear in the young master's body, but the chance If it exceeds the limit, it will be a disaster, and it is the most vicious and domineering thing of the Yaozu."

"If it's really it, when it enters the Lost Battle Realm in the future, please ask Jiuying to guide it, and it will bear the disaster it left by itself."

The four lords were still sullen, restless by this sudden turn of events.

"Don't think too much, let's go and see how the young master is doing. With such a big commotion, it would be unreasonable not to have any surprises." Ma Yanwang took the lead to leave, calmed down his emotions, and walked towards the central mountain area.

"Take it as a blessing for the time being." The four gentlemen exchanged glances, and secretly calmed down their feelings.

Tang Yan sat cross-legged at the bottom of the valley, silently reminiscing about the beauty brought about by the transformation.

The most successful thing is the further stimulation of the demon spirit veins, as well as the overall sublimation of one's own soul power and blood energy. The feeling in it is indescribably wonderful, and only he knows it best.

The Tongtian Ancient Tree appeared for the first time in more than ten years, bringing an unparalleled fusion experience, like countless roots and branches extending indulgently, from flesh and blood to bones, and even to every cell, they are completely fused together.

It's like having a second life, a life that is closely connected with oneself.

It is also like a brand new tree of life, rooted in the sea of ​​qi, extending to all parts of the body.

For the first time in his life, Tang Yan clearly felt the blood of a wild beast flowing in his body, a wild breath emanating from the inside out, a kind of beast blood that was fearless and fearless.

And... Tang Yan was excited because he accepted an inherited combat skill, which came from Zhulong!

This finally confirmed my speculation that the continuous swallowing of dragon blood would completely restart the Candle Dragon secret technique!And in the future, if they can devour monsters like bull pythons, they will also get the inheritance of the so-called supreme holy beast, the sky blue bull python!

The bloodline of the demon spirit will also be more perfect, until it reaches the perfect body!
The second is the ghost blue fire. With the improvement of the realm, it is still an excessive promotion from Wu Zun to Wu Sheng, and the sublimation obtained is obvious.

It not only doubled the space of Qi Sea, but also increased the power of devouring. Three semi-holy souls were added to the Nirvana Newborn Realm to sit in command, and a large number of blue fires poured into and drifted, making the scene inside fully understood. of tempering.

However... After concentrating on the investigation, Tang Yan vaguely felt that some lonely souls were changing, just like... "Chaos emerges, heaven and earth appear, where do the creatures of heaven and earth come from?"

The evil ancestor floated above the new world, overlooking the wonderful and weird endless space.

The space is dark and dull, black breath is lingering and transpiring, faint green fire floats silently, dotted with dots of will-o'-the-wisp light, incomparably gloomy and incomparably cold.

In the dark world, a series of landform prototypes such as mountains, cliffs, ravines, and mountains appeared.

"Collect the essence of heaven and earth, and evolve naturally." Tang Yan's phantom of consciousness appeared in the new world of death, with blue and white mysteries floating around his shoulders, which were the illusion of the spirit of green fire and the spirit of blood soul.

They seemed to have become a part of Tang Yan's body, and they also appeared, looking at them curiously.

"When the chaos first opened, a new world was born, and everything in the world was born. The new world of Nirvana is also a brand new world, and it is the ghost Qinghuo's own small world! Although it is not as complicated and mysterious as everything in the Qitian Continent, it is also natural. Forming a world, will also create its own creatures!"

Xie Zu's eyes were shining, and he was filled with strong soul power fluctuations with only his soul body left, which was an expression of excitement.

Now that I have decided to protect Tang Yan, I will no longer pretend and have no reservations!
"Self-created creatures?" Tang Yan's expression changed slightly, and he focused on examining the shadow of the soul floating in the darkness.

They were all released for no reason after absorbing the spiritual source liquid.

In fact, after being tempered by the green fire, they are not souls at all, they have no consciousness, no life, and they are not pure energy bodies.

Tang Yan used to treat them casually as 'ghosts'.

But now think about it carefully, what is a ghost? !
At this moment, Tang Yan frowned slightly, until he stared into the distance, deep in the undulating black mountain shadow, there seemed to be something special.

With a thought, Tang Yan's consciousness directly appeared in that direction.

The evil ancestor also appeared: "Look at it seriously, you will have new inspiration."

In a low and dark mountain stream, a few wisps of green fire drifted silently, and a entrenched animal shadow was maintaining a posture of screaming upwards, almost frozen as if motionless.

It turned out to be Yazi!
To be precise, it is a pure phantom similar to the shape of Yazi, which is more ferocious and evil, shorter and thicker.It exudes an incomparably gloomy and cold aura all over its body, with faint black air steaming all over its body, and blue flames dance around its eyes, like green fire, but different from blue fire.

Its shape is still slowly changing, some areas are shrinking, and some areas are expanding again, as if it is about to evolve into something strange.

And... it just entangled so stiffly, with its head upturned, motionless and unconscious, but when occasionally some ghost shadows floated over, the black energy on its body would fluctuate obviously, and those ghost shadows seemed to be drawn towards it. He moved closer, and melted into its gaping mouth.

Every time a soul shadow is fused, the black energy around it will increase a little bit, and the speed of the body change will also be a little bit obvious.

"Is it devouring the soul shadow?" Tang Yan was surprised.

Xiezu said: "It was only after I was officially promoted to the Saint Realm that a similar situation appeared. It must be said that it is a miracle that you can appear in the Semi-Saint Realm. It is devouring the soul shadow, and it is growing!"

"What do you mean?"

"This kind of situation is accompanied by the violent expansion of the new world, and it will become more and more obvious. All the ghosts floating in the new world will devour each other by themselves. At first, it is like an unconscious self-help behavior, and then slowly ...they have the opportunity to evolve on their own and become the original aborigines of the Newborn World of Nirvana!"

"Aborigines?!" Tang Yan looked at Xiezu in astonishment: "You had a similar situation in the new world back then? What kind of aborigines, and what form did they end up in?"

"All kinds, some are humanoid, but either headless, or faceless, or crawling on all fours, or in the shape of a bloody baby. Or in the shape of a beast, but with a strange appearance, evil and ferocious.

All of them have no life, no soul, and they don't look like energy bodies, but they really exist, and they will give birth to a very pure self-consciousness-killing. "Xiezu's expression was not dignified, but excited: "I call it a ghost!" "

"The aborigines of the Nirvana new world? Birth ghosts? Hell!!" Tang Yan suddenly thought of such a word.

Xie Zu said before that he didn't know anything, but today he really didn't hold back: "In my heyday, the left-eye world once conceived and raised [-] aborigines, that is, [-] ghosts!
Why do I kill everywhere, what I want is to devour more spiritual source liquid, form more ghosts, and shape more ghosts!
The most powerful one among the hundred thousand ghosts even has a more complicated view of consciousness. It occupies a territory by itself, recruits evil spirits, and once cruelly obliterated the semi-holy strong man I deliberately brought in! "

"Is it really a brand new world?" Tang Yan was inexplicably excited!
"You have just been promoted to a semi-sage now, and there are already signs that the growth of the Nirvana New World will far surpass me in the future." Xie Zu looked at the Yazi beast shadow under him, and his eyes flickered strangely: "Don't do it in the early stage. Any interference, let them fend for themselves, self-evolution, I will only guide a little, try to make these ghosts that first show the devouring behavior become ghosts."

Tang Yan let go of his thoughts, and in the depths of the remote mountainous area, he found another phantom of the patriarch Yazi, who was also at the limit of devouring just like the one below him, while the other one was wandering in the new world like a lonely , nothing abnormal.

"Leave it to me here. Don't let the strong come in in the short term, so as not to cause damage. Swallow as much spiritual source liquid as possible, even if it is some martial king level." Since Xie Zu said that he will sit in the new world, he will go all out to make this place alone. Be your own second battlefield and try your best to create an unprecedented hell world!
"Good! Good! Good!" Tang Yan said three times, feeling excited!

It is not necessary to doubt the evil ancestor, because this is his own world after all, where thoughts are active, and any living beings in it can be determined by their own thoughts. No matter what monsters are born, they are all for their own use and control.

ghost?hell! !
Could it be that the final form of the nirvana new world is hell? !
(End of this chapter)

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