Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 974 Prepare to go south

Chapter 974 Prepare to go south
In addition to the changes in the new world, the life mist baby in the air sea has also been fully condensed because he swallowed three semi-holy-level Yazi spirit source liquids in a row. At this moment, he is floating in the sky in a curled up posture, and his body is in a full liquid state. Life is extremely turbulent.

No longer baby-like, but curled up hard!

It has shown signs of moving towards the blood pill level!

And the appearance of the ancient tree of Tongtian, and its endless bloodshot extension, is its credit!

In short... the transformation went extremely smoothly!
The overall change is also obvious, beyond Tang Yan's initial expectations.

Tang Yan felt the surge of animal nature in his body, the blazing blood, and even more unprecedented pride and ambition.

Semi-Holy Land!The long-awaited semi-holy land!An extremely bold step towards the martial art of the saint! !

Demon spirit veins!Formal integration, comprehensive integration, the benefits obtained, and the significance for the future are no less than this breakthrough in the semi-sacred realm!

Ghost green fire!It is more mature, showing the unique antiquity atmosphere of Tianhuo, and the idea of ​​hell, the embryonic form of "ghost", all brought Tang Yan greater expectations and greater pride!

In addition to the first time, in the first half month of promotion, the further sublimation of the proficient Tang family martial arts and the collapse of the heavens, all with the leap of Wu Zun to the semi-sage, have obtained wonderful benefits.

All kinds of things, Tang Yan has never been so confident today!He even desperately longed for a fierce battle, and found a few unlucky guys to test how strong his real strength was.

"How do you feel?" Ma Yanwang and the others rushed over. They had collected their emotions and covered themselves well, with a calm demeanor, returning to their usual evil temperament.

"It's going well!" Tang Yan had already put on his clothes, twisted his body vigorously, and the crackling sound of joints rubbed against each other showed his courage.

"What special feeling do you have when the demon spirit veins are sublimated?" Nian Wuqing couldn't help asking, but his expression was well hidden and there was no abnormality.

"It may be due to the fact that it has been devouring the dragon's veins. It feels that the awakened blood is more of the dragon's power. The existence of the Qingtian Bull Python is very vague."

Nian Wude said: "It's not easy to find the offspring of the Qingtian Niuban. It is different from the Dragon Clan who hybridized around in order to expand their offspring, giving birth to a large number of different species and leaving behind a lot of blood. The Qingtian Niuban is one of the ancient ten saints. The painstaking cultivation is only to hit the imperial rank, and there are very few descendants left behind, and those who can continue to the present, I am afraid that we need to go to the Lost Battle Realm to find them."

Tang Yan nodded, moving his energetic body, and said with a smile: "I feel that the demon spirit veins are with should I put it, it's a wonderful feeling that it is no longer independent in the body, but formally fused, becoming my body. Part of it. I don’t feel any signs of candle dragons and cow pythons existing alone, as if there are no them, but new species.”

Nian Wuxin smiled and said: "The ancient tree of Tongtian is known as the holy spirit of the earth, the mother heart of the earth, and can accommodate all things. Now that it has appeared, the blood cow in your body has officially become a new species. It is normal not to feel that the candle dragon and the cow python exist alone. Because they are fused into one body and fused into your body, you are it, it is you, experience the wonderful taste slowly."

Tang Yan took a deep breath, exhaled forcefully, and smiled all over his face: "There should be no precedent for their fusion in the world, so there is no fused species. I have to stimulate the demon spirit veins by devouring the dragon veins and the cow python blood."

"Work hard! Be enlightened! If there is any confusion, don't force yourself to find the answer, you must tell us. Remember, you must tell us! You are no longer alone in the world, you have us!" Nian Wuqing solemnly reminded Tang Yan.

Niya hurried over, "What happened to that semi-holy prisoner in the valley?"

King Ma Yan said: "There are four other people sent by the Holy Spirit Palace to monitor, and there is no alarm for the time being."

"Have you been interrogated?" Nian Wuqing asked, he is best at this kind of thing.

"Where are those four? I'll get them." Nian Wuyi likes to abuse people.

"No need! The four of them are still monitoring in four directions. We don't know that our partner has been arrested. We can avoid their monitoring and leave through the secret path, leaving them to disguise for us." Ma Yanwang did it a long time ago. Good plan.

"How far has the Temple of the Holy Spirit developed?" Tang Yan retreated for eight months, completely realizing the breakthrough, forgetting about the outside world.

"They carried out an operation called 'Taking Root', with the purpose of finding loyal allies in various regions, or taking them directly as puppets, and secretly assisting them in their development and growth, so as to expand their influence and sphere of influence.

But I have a hunch that their ultimate goal will not be so simple. The prisoner I captured didn't understand it, saying that only the highest level knew it.

So far, the development of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in various regions has just entered a critical stage. It is estimated that about [-]% to [-]% of the regions have officially completed their missions and concluded the final loyal allies. Putting aside other uncertain factors, we will focus on developing them in the future. loyal ally.

The main activity area of ​​the Temple of the Holy Spirit is located in the ancient land of Canglan, where it will not be as barren as the frontier barren, nor will it be as complicated as the situation in the Central Plains. Their initial development and rise was in the ancient land of Canglan, and now they are the first to complete the task. Most of the branch halls are in Canglan Ancient Land.

And... all the powerful members of the sub-division in the southern area of ​​Canglan have already moved south on a large scale, crossing the Dayan Mountains and gathering to the south, planning to control the royal family of the Great Zhou in one fell swoop, and make Zhou Lingwang the only ruler on the surface . "

Nian Wuxin said: "The operation of the Temple of the Holy Spirit is coming to an end, and we don't have much time left."

Tang Yan's face changed slightly: "Have you started going south? When did it start? Did you attack the Dayan Mountains?"

"It started going south about a month ago, but don't worry about the Dayan Mountains. Their primary goal is Dazhou, and they won't be presumptuous in Dayan. They don't have that ability either."

Niya asked, "How much power is expected to be invested in the Temple of the Holy Spirit?"

"They value that area very much, and they don't plan to confront it head-on, but to sneak attack one by one. It is expected that all the special envoys of Canglan Ancient Land's branch halls located in the entire south will gather in the south, and control the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty with minimal losses.

As for the specific power invested, it is impossible to estimate, but there should be four semi-holy ranks, just a lot more!There will be more than [-] Wu Zun level, otherwise they will not be able to achieve the level they expected. "

"Will there be a saint?" Nian Wuyi asked.

"There should be no saints to make a move. Although they focus on the ancient land of Canglan, they also look at Biannan, but the Central Plains is equally important. They have always adopted high-end strategies in the Central Plains and will concentrate more energy and strength. Here During the most critical period, their saint will sit in the Central Plains."

Tang Yan murmured, "It's not too late. I'm going to return to Biannan tomorrow. I must give them a head-on blow before the Holy Spirit Hall."

King Ma Yan pondered and said, "I will call all the judges back and bring the troops to follow you to the south."

"No need! I only want the four judges and the evil dragon troops! Biannan is the key point of the Holy Spirit Hall, but the power invested will not be too strong, not to mention that I have Wagang Village and Yuhua Palace, and there are no less than ten warriors inside. The Jiantai Mountain and other forces in the Yan Mountain Range should not refuse my solicitation, and the overall unity is enough to deal with Bian Nan."

"I'll go back to Biannan with the young master. I'm not afraid of [-], just in case." Nian Wuqing glanced at King Ma Yan and asked for his opinion.Ruthless is actually worried about Tang Yan's health. Although there is nothing abnormal now, the situation is special after all. If something happens again after a while, I still don't worry if no one is around.

King Ma Yan said: "Okay, you can go back with you. Now that it's settled, let's make an appointment. Forty days later, we will launch a surprise attack in the Central Plains and bleed the Holy Spirit Temple. After forty days, you will almost arrive in the south of the border." .”

Li Xiangjun said: "Count us alone, the royal family of the Daqian Dynasty actually paid attention to the Holy Spirit Hall a long time ago. Give them some time to prepare, and they can win a few branch halls and allies."

She had already heard about the Temple of the Holy Spirit from Nian Wude during the period of assisting Niya in retreat. Since she decided to unite with Jiulongling, she should show her attitude at this critical period. What risk to worry about.

"That's it?" Tang Yan looked around at the crowd, who nodded in turn.

The matter was settled half a year ago, there is no need for any special discussion, everything is determined by action!Tang Yan only needs to do his own thing well, and he doesn't need to be in command when doing things in Jiulongling.

(End of this chapter)

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