Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 976 Soul Melting

Chapter 976 Soul Melting
"Are you Tang Yan?" Alinda sized her up carefully, and finally overlapped the immature face in her memory with the resolute man in front of her.

However, it may be that she stayed in the empty space for too long, causing numbness of consciousness, or it may be that today's reunion was completely unexpected, and Elinda was in a trance for a long time before slowly returning to her senses.

"Still confused? Let me explain in one sentence. I escaped and lived to this day." Tang Yan didn't want to make the atmosphere too heavy, so he deliberately showed a smeared smile: "Sister, if you don't like the wild environment , shall we go back to the room to discuss slowly?"

Alinda finally regained the familiar feeling, her icy beauty burst into a gentle smile: "Where are Du Yang and Xiao Hei?"

"We are all alive and well. Du Yang is practicing elsewhere, and Hei Niu has returned home. After my sister recovers, I will bring them to see you."

"where is this place?"

"This is in the Central Plains, a very safe place."

"What happened after I left? Why are you in the Central Plains?" Alinda had too many questions, but she didn't know what to ask first.

Looking at the man in front of her, Elinda was still a little strange.

She is no longer immature and stubborn as before, she can't find the look of a dandy, but there is a kind of accumulated maturity, and there is a gentle atmosphere, a pair of eyes are extremely bright, like the bright stars under the night.

If it wasn't for the somewhat similar appearance, if it wasn't for the call of memory, she couldn't even believe that the man in front of her was the dandy from the Giant Elephant City back then. Little satyr.

Completely two temperaments, completely two types.

"A lot of things happened after the Giant Elephant City. When we had the opportunity, we drank some wine and chatted slowly on the bed with our feet crossed. I'm an adult now, and I'm not a student anymore. You don't need to be stressed." Tang Yan noticed Seeing the strangeness in Alinda's eyes, I tried to raise a playful tone and talk to her provocatively, recalling Alinda's past memories, and slowly adapting to the current world.

But... Tang Yan smiled again, but his eyes were covered with a lingering mist.

Once felt guilty and sentimental for Ailinda's death, and always wanted to have a chance to make up for it. No one could understand Tang Yan's inner misery. With the growth of age, experience and strength, this misery became heavier and heavier.But today... Ailinda stood in front of him, God really gave him a second chance!

It is sentimental for the past, and weeping with joy.

"It's not serious!" Alinda was annoyed, but there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth again.

Tang Yan looked around, came to a thousand-year-old tree in the valley, and sat on the twisted roots: "Come on, sister, sit down and chat slowly, there are plenty of nasty jokes, let's talk about business for now. "

"Why am I here? Who saved me back then?" Alinda's soul shadow floated under the old tree and stopped beside Tang Yan.

Tang Yan leaned against the tree trunk and looked at the starry sky under the night: "The one who saved you was Amber, a relative of mine. The details of what happened will have to wait for the two of us to sit on the kang and chat slowly. You only need to know two things now. The first thing is that we are all safe, no one will bully us again, and the second is that I can resurrect you."

The previous sentence made Elinda angry and speechless, but the latter sentence touched her.

"Your soul power is very strong. As long as you find a suitable body and take good care of it, you can become complete again. Give me some time, and I will definitely find you a suitable body."

"Where can I find a body without a soul? I also have a bloodline suitable for my ice and snow martial arts? My current soul power is very strong, and ordinary martial arts kings may not be able to bear it. What's more... occupying other people's bodies, I still can't accept it." Ai Linda's level of consciousness still stays at that year's Giant Elephant Academy, at the level of a mentor.

"We can find a body that died unexpectedly and meets your requirements. We can find it through the auction. There should be news soon. It's not difficult." When Tang Yan said this, he hesitated a little, but said it out : "I have another suggestion, which may not be fair to you or her, but I want to ask for your opinion."

"Her? Who? If you don't bring it up, how will I know if it's fair or not?"

"I met a senior in Yan Kingdom in Canglan Ancient Land. Her surname is Yan and her name is Yu Han. He is an important figure that Yan Guo intends to train to become the guardian of the empire in the future." Tang Yan made a decision, no longer hesitated, and began the formal introduction.

Canglan Ancient Land? !Grand Tutor of Yan State? !Burning sky and blue flames? !
Alinda was secretly taken aback, what a distinguished and wealthy background!Although she lives in the south of the border, as the instructor of the academy, she is also well-read. Of course, she understands the meaning of these identities, and also understands the meaning of Burning the Sky and Blue Flame.

"She and I are not close friends, but we have experienced many things together, so we can be regarded as comrades-in-arms. Later, she was hijacked in an accident. The other party originally wanted to strip her soul and extract the burning sky and blue flames, but because burning The fire spirit of Tianlanyan was eager to save the Lord and wrapped her soul. After a series of things, I brought her back to the country of Yan, but her soul was trapped in the fire spirit forever.

If nothing else happens, she has now devoured the former Fire Spirit and has become the Fire Spirit of Burning Sky Blue Flame, that is, turning into Burning Sky Blue Flame.But because her body has no soul, it will only become a shell in the end, no longer suitable for Fen Tianlanyan to stay, and will leave one day.

After all, it is his former body. Although Taifu Yan has become a fire spirit, he will not leave unless it is absolutely necessary.But Fen Tianlanyan needs to grow, it is impossible to stay in an unconscious body forever.

The whole thing happened because of me, and I should be responsible for what happened to her.I helped her find Qianjie Huanhunhua, and I wanted to help her find a soul that would satisfy her and reassure Yan Guo. "

Tang Yan tried his best to slow down his tone, explaining to Alinda in a simple and clear manner.

"You want me to enter her body?" Alinda needs a body now, but according to Tang Yan's meaning, there is still a fire spirit in Taifu Yan's body. If she merges with her, she will share her body with the fire spirit , that is, sharing with the former owner, it is always a bit awkward to think about it.

Tang Yan said: "There is another reason. She looks very similar to you, almost carved out of the same mold."


Tang Yan tilted his head to look at her, with a smile on his lips: "The first time I saw her, I almost recognized her as you, and even yelled in public that I wanted to marry her, but in the end I was almost tortured to death by her. "

"Isn't it serious? Talk about business!"

"You may not be used to the existence of the original owner in your body, but unless you are reincarnated, no matter whose body you occupy, you will not be able to erase the shadow of the original owner. This is a fact. Besides, Yan Yuhan's body looks exactly like your original body Similarly, this should be easier for you to accept.

Although Yan Yuhan's body is not of the blood of ice and snow, the burning sky blue flame and even the cold things can be regarded as the same destination. If you can control this body, it is equivalent to controlling the earth fire burning sky blue flame, and the potential in the future is unlimited. "

Alinda fell silent, neither agreeing nor refusing.

"Yan Yuhan also doesn't want her body to be occupied by other souls, but at the current stage, Fen Tian Lanyan can't live alone without her body. If she leaves her body, she also needs to find another suitable body with a soul, and the result is very bad. Possibly becoming the other party's slave, this is not what Yan Yuhansuo expected.

Letting you enter Misty Yuhan's body is unfair to you and her, but it is the most suitable choice for you and her now. "

Tang Yan sighed quietly, staring at the night sky: "I owe you a life, I owe her a life, I am being selfish, but I sincerely hope that you can combine. Regardless of whether you can match in the end, at least try."

Eileenda was silent for a long time and never spoke.

Tang Yan didn't force it, and said: "We are not in a hurry. This kind of thing is related to life. Once the soul is fused, it will be difficult to separate it. Consider it carefully. Either help you choose a suitable body, or follow me back to Yan Kingdom, and ask for help." I'm not sure if she agrees with Yan Yuhan's opinion."

Alinda remained silent, perhaps after a short while, or after a few incense plants, she looked at Tang Yan with a complicated expression: "Do you have feelings for her?"

"Huh?" Tang Yan shook his head and smiled, "My sister is thinking too much, I'm already married."

"What? Are you married?" Alinda was stunned, and immediately looked at the entrance of the valley.

There, an alluring woman in a red robe came slowly, across the messy forest, looked at the misty shadow of Alinda's soul.

"My wife, Niya." Tang Yan got up and introduced to Niya: "On the way to the death arena from Lao City, I mentioned to you... my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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