Fairy cultivator with counterattack

Chapter 309 The Portrait of the Four Princes

Chapter 309 The Portrait of the Sixth Prince
I saw the woman on the picture scroll, just like a real person walking directly into the picture, every move is similar, that is, the wrinkles with the traces of time, and the weathered color on the woman's face, it is more expressive There is no difference.

The old woman walked over to take the scroll and said, "The painting is really like it, daughter-in-law, please give me the money."

Holding the scroll, the old woman felt a sense of peace in her heart, and even her bad legs and feet seemed to be getting better.

In fact, she didn't know, it was because of the aura on the scroll.

With the first, there is the second customer.

The second customer is a girl, youthful and gorgeous, with hands like green onions, and looks very beautiful.

Seeing such a beautiful girl, at a glance, makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Qingrong glanced at it lightly, then picked up the pen and started to draw.

After a while, the girl appeared on the paper.

When the girl saw the picture scroll, she was stunned for a moment. She saw the woman on the picture scroll with pink face and vermilion lips, and those slender fingers like green onions hanging down to caress her hair.

And after the painting of Qingrong is completed, there is a burst of greenness, vividly on the paper.

On the first day, Qingrong had only these two guests.

When it was evening, Cao Zong and Rong Hao who were next to her came to help her carry the table for the stall, but Qing Rong couldn't delay, so she had to answer.

Of course, in order to thank the two for their help, Qingrong decided to draw a picture for each of them.

The two froze for a moment, but both refused.

Qingrong pondered for a while, and then thought of drawing it for them both in private, but when she got home, she planned to draw the picture of the two of them in her memory, but she just couldn't draw it.

Qing Rong couldn't help being surprised by this discovery, but she didn't think much about it, she just thought that her memory was not good.

On the other hand, the next day, when Qingrong arrived at the riverside wharf, at this moment, several little girls came.

And the little girl she saw yesterday was also among these girls.

As soon as Qingrong saw it, she knew what was going on. Sure enough, these little girls all came to take portraits because they saw the little girl's picture scroll yesterday. After all, women love beauty, who doesn't want to keep their beautiful appearance?
At the end of the day, Qing Rong painted seven or eight beauties, and in the afternoon, two old ladies came to her for portraits, and she drew them one by one, and in the evening, her face was pale and she looked extremely tired.

Both Cao Zong and Rong Hao helped her pack the tables and chairs, and then sent her home.

On the third day of Qingrong's stall, her business is better than before.

Qingrong's paintings all draw the best side of people, so more and more people come to her to paint.

From then on, Qingrong painted every day, and she painted softly.

Of course, income also followed.

After Qingrong painted for a month, Qingrong thought about it, and she felt too tired, so she started to go out every other day.

In this way, I have money, and I won't be too tired, which really kills two birds with one stone.

However, on this day, I don't know if it was because of being too tired recently. On the second day, her face was pale and her head was a little dizzy.

In fact, Rong Hao and others knew that it was because she used her mental energy too frequently, which caused her mental energy to be exhausted.

Of course, Qingrong definitely didn't know this.

After Qingrong came out, after thinking about it, she decided to go to a nearby pharmacy to get the medicine.

It's just that when she came to Rong Hao's yard next door, she found that Rong Hao had already gone to sell the stall. Rong Hao always went to sell the stall early and arranged her place early.

Qingrong thought for a while, then went to the neighbor's house on her right and knocked on the door.

When the door opened, a woman in her thirties looked at her and said, "It's the young girl who lives next door, what's the matter?"

Qing Rong said, "Auntie, I feel dizzy, and I want to ask which medical clinic is better?"

The woman said, "Miss Qing is sick? Come on, I'll accompany you to have a look. The doctor at the intersection over there has good medical skills and kindness, better than the doctor at the hospital on the left."

Qingrong's question is really asking the right person.

When the woman helped Qingrong to the medical clinic, the doctor looked at her, prescribed a few ginseng root tonics, and said to her, "Girl, you are using your energy too much, you need to rest properly, otherwise, you will lose weight." Overwork is very bad for the girl's health."

Qingrong didn't earn much money, but this time, all the money she earned was spent.

This old lady is considered good, and the wild ginseng root is prescribed, which has excellent curative effect.

After accompanying her to see a doctor, Qingrong and the aunt also became familiar. The aunt's husband's family name was Yan, everyone called Aunt Yan, and Aunt Yan had two boys, the older one was eight years old and the younger one was six years old.

Aunt Yan was very kind, and when Jiaqing had a patient, she made porridge and medicine for her.

At this time, Qingrong also knew the situation of Aunt Yan's family. Her family survived by relying on her husband to do carpentry for others. Her husband worked in a nearby furniture store. Because of his good carpentry skills, his life was passable. .

Because of Qingrong's illness, Qingrong and Yan's family became acquainted.

In the evening, when Aunt Yan came over again, she brought her youngest son, Yan Xiaohu, to help.

Yan Xiaohu was handsome and he was a relatively gentle child.

Qing Rong's illness made Cao Zong and Rong Hao anxious. They secretly came to have a look. Because they couldn't disturb Qing Rong's enlightenment, they just secretly watched from the side. They just watched Qing Rong feel uncomfortable. Nature has its own complex taste.

But after Qingrong recovered from her illness, she thought about it, and in order to thank Aunt Yan, she drew a picture of mother and child for Aunt Yan and her son Yan Xiaohu.

This portrait was finished because Qing Rong worked so hard for a day and a night.

After finishing the painting, when she closed the last stroke, a more intense blue light suddenly condensed on the painting.

There was a trace of golden light in this blue light. Qingrong was stunned when she saw it for the first time, thinking it was her own illusion. There are several gold ingots on the screen.

This day, when Aunt Yan came, Qing Rong gave the scroll to Aunt Yan.

When Aunt Yan saw this picture scroll, she was stunned, but after a long time, she was overjoyed.

On the picture scroll, a woman looked lovingly at the young boy next to him, and the young boy had a chubby face, and he looked blessed at first sight.

Of course, the most gratifying thing is that both mother and son hold a large plate of gold ingots.

Both of them have a look of happiness and joy.

In fact, Aunt Yan's face, because of her long-term poverty, was somewhat mean.

But when the painting is done at this time, when Qingrong's painting is completed, this aunt will have inexhaustible benefits in her life.

Of course, this is another story.

As soon as Aunt Yan looked at the picture scroll, she liked it very much. When she held the picture scroll, she felt a little lighter in her body and a little younger. She was a little unhappy a while ago, but now Well, I feel refreshed.

Aunt Yan thanked Qing Rong again and again, and at night, she even sent a large plate of fruits and some sauerkraut, vegetables and fruits made by her home.

Qingrong postponed it for a while, but accepted it.

After Qingrong fell ill this time, after thinking about it, she decided to open a side of the house facing the street, and planned to draw portraits at home every day. Of course, she decided to only draw ten scrolls for people every day. After you finish, you won't draw again.

Aunt Yan's husband is a carpenter, and after Qingrong expressed her thoughts, Aunt Yan said straightforwardly, "Girl Qing, put it down, my husband can make the doors, windows and containers you need within three days. You are at ease."

"In that case, thank you, Aunt Yan."

Aunt Yan hurriedly said, "Miss Qing, neighbors should take care of them. By the way, a batch of second-grade wood for furniture was shipped from the wharf a while ago, and the price is cheap. My husband-in-law has something to do with it. Miss Qing If you don't mind, I'll run for you as my master."

"Aunt Yan, thank you so much."

In the next few days, Aunt Yan's husband really only took three days to get everything done.

And Qingrong's flower shop opened again.

Qingrong also understood that it is better to be healthy than to earn a lot, otherwise, no matter how much you earn, if you get sick once, you will have nothing?
Qingrong wrote down the rules on the side, and the people around here are relatively simple, and for a while, the process was more pleasant.

After Qingrong's price was raised, because the price was raised to fifty cents per person, not only were there not fewer people, but there were even more people.

In particular, those who got the picture scroll, the old people who had some problems, gradually got better after getting the picture scroll. In this way, Qingrong's picture scroll became more valuable.

And there are more and more people who come to seek paintings because of their fame.

Qingrong painted a lot, and slowly, she became somewhat enlightened.

And her paintings are different day by day.

In these paintings, most of the vicissitudes of the years and the beautiful things in life are brought, and the young face gradually becomes famous.

The benefits of being famous, needless to say, the money naturally increased. Some wealthy households in the city came to ask for her portraits. After she finished painting, they rewarded hundreds of taels of silver notes.

However, with fame comes its benefits and naturally its disadvantages.

One day, she was drawing pictures for people, when suddenly, a snobbish-looking male servant came in with a group of servants, and said, "Miss, let's go to our Sixth Prince's mansion to paint the prince's portrait."

Qing Rong's expression couldn't help changing after hearing this.

The man sneered, "Yo? Why? Still unwilling? Do you want brothers to invite you?"

Qing Rong lowered her eyes and said calmly, "Lead the way!"

The man held his head high and walked ahead.

Qingrong followed the man out of the house, and got into a carriage outside under the man's instructions.

And when the carriage stopped, a majestic mansion also appeared in front of Qing Rong.

The man said, "Miss Qing, please!"

Qing Rong followed the man into the residence of the so-called Sixth Prince.

In the side hall of the mansion, not long after, a middle-aged man came.

The middle-aged man took a look at Qing Rong, who looked ordinary when he met him. Disappointment flashed across his eyes, and then he sat in the middle proudly and said calmly, "I heard that the portrait you drew has the power of divine protection, so hurry up and draw it." Well, as long as the painting is good, I will definitely reward you greatly."

Qing Rong nodded neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "The women of the people are just ordinary people, it's all misinformation, and it can't be true."

"Draw if you're told to, don't talk too much!"

There was a flash of light in Qingrong's eyes, and the next moment, she silently picked up the pen and began to draw.

After a while, the painting is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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