Fairy cultivator with counterattack

Chapter 310 Enlightenment 1

Chapter 310 Enlightenment 1
The person next to him handed over the portrait, the middle-aged man looked at it, seemed satisfied, waved his hand, and asked someone to take Qingrong down.

The housekeeper before that threw ten taels of silver to Qingrong, and then asked a servant to take Qingrong out of the house.

When Qingrong returned home, Aunt Yan next to her hurriedly came to visit her. Seeing that she was fine, she said a lot of comforting words before leaving.

After Qingrong returned, his gaze shifted, and the next moment, he picked up his pen and began to paint.

Qingrong's painting was not finished until the third watch.

After painting, Qingrong took out the painting, took the paste and pasted it on the door of the house.

After pasting, the whole house was enveloped by blue light almost immediately.

Qingrong then entered the room and began to rest in bed.

On the second day, Aunt Yan next door came to visit Qingrong, and when she found the picture scroll at Qingrong's door, she was shocked at first, and then she couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised.

Waiting to pass the vegetables and fruits brought to Qingrong, said, "They are all worthless things, Miss Qing, please don't refuse."

Seeing that everyone said this, and seeing that the vegetables delivered were still green and dewy, Qingrong looked really happy, so she also accepted it.

On the other hand, after Aunt Yan had said something, she had some hesitation and did not leave.

Qing Rong was stunned for a moment, and said, "Aunt Yan, if you have anything to say, you might as well just say it."

Aunt Yan said embarrassingly, "Miss Qing, what kind of painting is that pasted outside your door? It's a pity to put it outside. Now that it's outside, your paintings are getting more and more expensive."

"That painting...it's a door god, guarding the house."

Aunt Yan thought of the mighty tiger general and the sharp golden armor in the painting, and at the moment, she felt that the painting was called the door god, which was a bit appropriate.

Aunt Yan didn't think much about it, so she left.

In fact, later on, Aunt Yan regretted that she didn't ask Qing Rong for a painting like this.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

Besides, Qing Rong rested at home for a few days, and everything was calm.

And these days, because of the money she earned before, Qing Rong is not in a hurry to open a shop. She only entertains herself and starts painting every day.

Of course, the paintings she draws are also selective. Among the paintings she draws, only those that catch her eyes will be drawn by her.

After painting for another four or five days like this, on this day, Aunt Yan came to talk to Qingrong with an excited face.

Aunt Yan said, "Miss Qing, do you know? Something happened!"

"what's up?"

Aunt Yan's eyes flashed gloating, and she said, "Miss Qing, the domineering sixth prince before has been in bad luck recently. First, he fell off his horse and broke his leg when he was going out, and then, every night, he would I had nightmares, saying that there were evil spirits coming to claim my life, and within a few days, I was already dying of illness."

Qing Rong smiled, and said casually, "It's true that wicked people have their own punishment."

Aunt Yan's heart skipped a beat, looking at the green face who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she had a faint guess in her heart, but she knew that there were some words that could not be said, so she just said, "Isn't it?" Aunt Yan paused and said, " By the way, Miss Qing, the two kids in my family said that they like to watch you draw, look, do you need a little boy who serves as a pen? Of course, there is no monthly fee. Follow along, it would be nice if you can stick to a bit of style."

When Qingrong was painting recently, she also felt something. When she was painting, there were often two children poking their heads outside the window. When she saw it, the two children kept their heads down.

Qingrong just pretended not to know about this.

But now, since Aunt Yan said it, Qing Rong said, "It's fine, but when I'm painting, I can't make noise or disturb you. Can your two children do it?"

"Yes, yes, that's it, thank you, Miss Qing."

As soon as it was decided here, cheers came from the two children outside.

And from this day on, the two children started to circle around Qing Rong.

Every time, when Qingrong was painting, the two children would not take their eyes off them. Of course, these two children kept their mother's orders in mind, and never disturbed Qingrong when she was painting.

Moreover, the children of the poor had already been in charge of the family. After the two children came, Qingrong's meals were settled. Every day when it was time for meals, the older child would start to go to the kitchen to prepare Qingrong's meals.

Apart from being surprised at the beginning, Qing Rong didn't say much after that, the kid's craftsmanship was not bad, and Qing Rong would eat whatever the kid ate.

However, after a few days, Qingrong's shop never opened again, and the outside of Qingrong's house became somewhat restless.

A few times, at night, there would be the sound of weapons colliding and someone screaming at a disadvantage.

Aunt Yan's family didn't notice this at all, but the eldest son of the Yan family realized it in the middle of the night one day, and told his parents about it the next day, Aunt Yan and Uncle Yan didn't take it seriously, Just think it's just a dream.

And a month later, the previous domineering housekeeper and his party suddenly carried a person on a stretcher to the door of Qing Rong's house.

After these people came to the door of Qing Rong's house, they all knelt down on their own initiative, and said to Qing Rong in the room, "Miss Qing, the younger ones don't know Taishan, and offended the nobleman, please punish the nobleman."

For a long time, there was no movement in the house.

The butler's eyes sank, and the next moment, he began to slap himself viciously.

The housekeeper slapped himself continuously for half an hour, his face was swollen like two big buns, at this moment, a little boy came and said, "Miss Qing said, tell you to go back."

The butler was taken aback, then kowtowed to the ground, and said, "Miss Qing, please, please save our prince."

Aunt Yan next to him looked at the person on the stretcher, and saw that the person was so thin that he seemed to be only skin and bones, he was only hanging on his breath, and didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Just when the butler was feeling desperate, another boy brought a picture scroll and handed it to the butler.

Seeing this, the butler breathed a sigh of relief and asked someone to leave a generous gift, and then left with the prince on the stretcher.

And the sixth prince, I heard that after a few days, he was back to normal.

After this incident happened, no one dared to make trouble outside Qingrong's house.

Of course, due to the negative effect, people who are familiar with nearby will not dare to come to Qingrong to draw pictures.

Uncle Yan who was next to him helped move in the generous gift brought by the Sixth Prince. After Qingrong and the others left, they opened it and found that all ten boxes were silver.

After Qingrong saw it, she didn't take it seriously, she just closed the lid and put it aside.

Because no one in the neighborhood dared to come to Qingrong to paint again, after another month, when Qingrong's shop opened again, the business of her shop would also slow down.

Qingrong's location was originally remote, and there were fewer frequent customers. Gradually, for ten days and a half months, no one came to visit again.

As for Qing Rong, she was painting day by day.

Sometimes she would draw a pedestrian in a hurry, sometimes a beggar, sometimes an old man from a wealthy family, or a bird, a chicken, a flower, a raindrop...

Everything in the world, but in her eyes, she draws.

But in spring and autumn, when the sun is good, she will lazily sit on the wicker chair made by Uncle Yan and bask in the sun.

Qingrong's shop didn't have much business, Qingrong was not in a hurry, but Aunt Yan's family was in a hurry for her, and often brought some food over.

As a result, Aunt Yan's family didn't know that Qingrong didn't lack money until Xiaoer unintentionally opened the box that Qingrong had randomly placed in the house and looked at the white silver.

Therefore, he no longer worried about Qing Rong.

And spring comes and autumn goes, and in a blink of an eye, two years have passed.

In the past two years, the older and younger children have grown up gradually, and Yan's family has gradually disapproved of the two children going to Qingrong's place to see Qingrong's paintings.

The child often looks at Qingrong's paintings, and he is indeed a bit literary in painting. He went to Uncle Yan's employer as an apprentice. Because of his talent in painting, he was highly regarded and trained as a senior apprentice. For the Yan family , can be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

After the older son grew up, although he thought it would be very comfortable and interesting to watch Qing girl's paintings, but after all, the future is important. The older son thought about it and said to his parents, "Father and mother, I am the eldest son. I should be responsible for supporting the family, but I have no interest in carpentry or small business. I heard that the Dynasty will recruit a group of Taoists this year. If I can become a Taoist, I may be able to find a chance for longevity. I want to give it a try and ask my parents to help me."

Regarding this, although Yan's parents felt sorry for their son's long journey, they agreed to it for the sake of their son's future.

After the beginning of spring, Da'er bowed to Qingrong and prepared to leave.

It was Qing Rong who stopped Da'er when he was about to leave.

Calling Da'er to stop, Qingrong said softly, "Since you have been cooking for two years, before you leave, watch me draw another picture. Da'er, look carefully!"

While Qingrong was speaking, the palms began to move slowly.

But at this time, an aura of green with gold, with the movement of her palm, became more and more intense little by little.

This kind of breath with gold in the green, first little by little, and then, even the naked eye can see it.

Da'er on the side seemed to be stunned, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the pen in Qingrong's hand and the paper under the pen without moving.

Waiting for the time when the light was the most intense, finally, as if "bare", Qing Rong slowly stopped writing.

At the same time, there seemed to be a stream of air in Da'er's body, which began to rotate rapidly along a special trajectory.

Qingrong handed the finished painting to Da'er, and said calmly, "I'm giving this painting to you. The fate between you and me is over. From now on, you can do it yourself."

Da'er knelt down and kowtowed to Qingrong, took the painting respectfully, put the scroll away carefully, and then stepped back.

After Da'er got home, he opened the picture scroll and found that in the picture scroll, there was just a Taoist making a handprint and looking at him with a smile.

At first, when he looked at the painting, he thought it was ordinary, but slowly, as long as he looked at the Taoist's handprint a few more times, the air in his body became more and more turbulent.

Da'er was startled, and the next moment, he didn't dare to look at it any more, but carefully put away the scroll.

When the eldest son left, he said to his parents and younger brother, "Ms. Qing is a powerful person. It will be beneficial for you to get closer to Ms. Qing."

The Yan family only thought that Da'er had been with Qingrong for a long time and had feelings for him, so they didn't think much about anything else, they answered a few words casually, and sent Da'er away reluctantly.

And a month later, news came that Da'er had been selected as a Taoist boy. From now on, unless he was successful in cultivating Taoism, he would not be able to return home.

(End of this chapter)

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