Chapter 311 Ending
Year after year, slowly, it passed.

Qingrong's picture scroll, from just blue light, slowly turned into a blue with gold in the middle, and then gradually turned into a picture scroll with golden light.

Later, Qing Rong drew a picture scroll for Aunt Yan's family again. This picture scroll was still a festive picture of mother and child holding gold ingots, but this time the picture scroll looked no different from usual. But until one day many years later, when Aunt Yan’s family was hit by a disaster and needed money, it was so gratifying to see the gold ingots in the picture scroll, and she couldn’t help but sigh, if the family really had two such gold ingots, the family would not have to worry about their livelihood. .

Of course, not to mention two, even one gold ingot like this is not a worry.

As a result, after sighing, the next moment, something that left them stunned happened. The gold ingot "slid" and rolled out of the scroll.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

As time passed day by day, Qingrong's appearance slowly began to age.

The wrinkles at the corners of her eyes appeared first, and her hair gradually began to turn gray.

When she was able to paint everything in the world, at this time, she had already completely forgotten Cao Zong and Rong Hao who had met by chance.

Especially the matter of planning to draw a picture scroll for them, Qingrong completely forgot about it over time.

When Qingrong was already middle-aged, she grew a large shelf of grapes in her yard, and there was a rocking chair under the grape shelf. In summer, she would sit under the rocking chair to enjoy the cool and eat grapes, watching the time go by. Little by little, it flows away from your hand.

Qingrong doesn't paint people much anymore, she likes to paint the statues of nearby temples now.

These statues are very strange. When I first drew them, I couldn't draw them all at once, but gradually, Qingrong was able to draw more.

At the same time, Qingrong once again remembered the fact that she promised to make portraits of Cao Zong and Rong Hao back then.

The reason why she remembered this was also because she remembered very clearly that when she wanted to draw a portrait, when she picked up the pen, the appearance of the two of them seemed to be forgotten all at once, and she couldn't draw it at all.

Thinking of this, at this moment, Qingrong remembered that it had been a long, long time, and she hadn't stepped out of the courtyard.

She vaguely understood in her heart that maybe, only when she could draw Cao Zong and Rong Hao, she would know who she was.

Qing Rong walked towards the river step by step.

Decades have passed, and her steps have already faltered at this time. Although she walks slowly, she is very steady.

Step by step, she came to the riverside.

Decades have been like a day, the riverside is still the same riverside at this time.

Still, there are vendors on the left and right sides, and these vendors are busy, still busy making a living.

And when Qingrong was looking around from the original position, at this moment, an excited voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Rong' are Rong'er!"

Qingrong looked up, at this moment, an old and haggard face appeared in her eyes, and on this face, the most familiar ones were those pair of eyes.

There was a kind of nostalgia in those eyes, as if he could only see her alone in the vicissitudes of life.

Cao Zong was also excited at this time, originally Rong Hao and him had been setting up a stall by the river, but Rong Hao couldn't wait any longer, and was just going to see Qing Rong today, unexpectedly, he and Qing Rong missed it.

At this time, Cao Zong would be a fool if he didn't know how to seize the opportunity.

He seemed to sigh faintly, but he didn't seem to sigh, he just looked at Qingrong and said, "Rong'er, you promised to draw me a picture, does it still count?"

Qing Rong was a little dazed, and said casually, "Forget it!"

"Okay then, can you take a walk with me now, my house is next to me, I want to dress better, and let you draw a portrait of me."

"it is good!"

Cao Zong and Qing Rong walked towards a yard not far from the river, one after the other.

This yard is relatively low and old, but it is kept very clean. There are many bonsai orchids planted in the yard, and in the middle of the yard, besides a few bamboo bushes, there is also a stone bench and a stone table.

Qing Rong sat down at the side, feeling that the courtyard was very peaceful.

After a while, Cao Zong changed his clothes and walked out slowly.

Sitting aside, Cao Zong said to Qing Rong, "Ronger, start drawing now."

Qing Rong looked at Cao Zong, and then again, the more she looked, the more she felt that this person looked familiar, but she just couldn't remember where she had seen him.

Where have you seen it?

And the more she thought about it, her sea of ​​consciousness deepened Cao Zong's memory.

Finally, Qingrong started to draw, with each stroke, a golden light sprinkled down, and in the evening, Qingrong finally put down the pen.

Qing Rong's face was a little pale, she looked at Cao Zong in a daze, and said, "Why, you look so familiar?"

Cao Zong lowered his eyes, he wanted to say, is she just familiar with him?However, he couldn't say anything, he just lowered his head and sighed softly, with suppressed longing and pain in his eyes, he looked at Qingrong obsessively, and said, "We are just neighbors."

The desolation and sadness in those eyes made Qing Rong's heart ache.

Qingrong stood up, paused her steps, and walked towards the gate of the yard, and with every step she took, Cao Zong's heart ached a little.

Did he also lose this last chance?Did he really make a mistake in his judgment?
When Qingrong was about to step towards the gate of Cao Zong's yard, at this moment, Qingrong couldn't help feeling pain in her heart, and her face became paler and paler. She turned her head and looked at Cao Zong with a deep nostalgia on her face. She suddenly She found that deep in her heart, she wanted to stay, stay, and see this man more, even just for a moment!
She lowered her eyes to look at her palms, the pair of skins that were beginning to age.

She raised her hand to touch her hair. The original hair was full of blue hair, but now it had lost its luster, and there were even a lot of white hair in the hair.

Life, it turned out to be like this, everyone will grow old, then die, and turn into dust.

And in her green life, apart from painting all the time, what happiness is there?

At this moment, she turned her head to look at the man who was staring at her obsessively, full of despair and longing, she suddenly said in a strange way, "Can I cook you a meal?"

Cao Zong was already in despair, but when he heard Qingrong's words, it was like being rescued from a desperate situation, as if he came back to life instantly.

At this moment, he didn't seem to know where to put his hands and feet. He even stammered a little, and said, "No, no, no, I mean yes, you can use the kitchen as you like."

The more anxious he was, the more he couldn't speak a complete sentence, so he managed to gather his composure, and seeing Qingrong looking at her gently, he calmed down a bit.

He said, "I mean, I'm afraid you're tired, just stand aside and I'll cook."

Qingrong smiled slightly, and walked towards him step by step, his eyes were full of joy, following her footsteps, the two of them walked towards the kitchen next to them, one behind the other.

At this time, at sunset, she was washing vegetables in the setting sun, while he picked up wood to light a fire.

While she was chopping vegetables, he helped pass the leaves.

Occasionally, their hands would touch each other, but soon they would separate, and the hot feeling when they touched each other made him feel dazed and dazed.

That's her body temperature.

He has always longed for it, as if it were life.

In the billowing smoke, she started to stir-fry little by little.

She finally cooked two dishes and one soup, and the two of them sat opposite each other and began to eat.

In fact, she was basically eating this meal, and he just looked at her from time to time, his sticky eyes, the longing in those eyes, made her heart rippling.

After eating, she slowly washed the dishes.

Everything was packed, and she had no reason to stay.

She said, "I... I'm leaving."

Cao Zong watched her turn around and leave slowly.

When she was about to step out of the door of his room, suddenly, he rushed over, and then tightly, he hugged her tightly.

His embrace was very, very hard.

She heard his satisfied and desperate pleading, "Rong'er, stay here, okay?"

She froze for a moment, turned her head, and saw his eyes.

Those eyes were full of despair, full of longing, the eyes were turbulent, looking at her for a moment, in his eyes, the whole world was only her.

She reached out to hold his lips, and suddenly kissed him forcefully.

When it was dawn, she seemed to hear a knock on the door, but she was so tired that she squinted her eyes in a daze.

On the other hand, Cao Zong's eyes flashed sharply at this moment, and he quickly pulled the quilt to cover her up.

The next moment, a person walked into Cao Zong's room.

This person had a cold expression all over his body, and he looked at Cao Zong fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow Cao Zong whole in his stomach.

Cao Zong turned a blind eye to this and said, "Rong Hao, you lost."

Rong Hao said bitterly, "You... Cao Zong, you are so despicable, why did you set up formations around your house?"

Cao Zong said flatly, "I did not violate the rules by setting up formations around my house. Otherwise, the Dao of Heaven would have already punished me."

"", Rong Hao felt aggrieved and desperate, but unfortunately, he didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, Qingrong, with a jolt at this moment, opened her eyes wide.

Qingrong looked at Rong Hao, then at Cao Zong who was hugging her naked self tightly, and she remembered all the memories in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the original old face, bit by bit, returned to youth.

Qingrong felt very embarrassed when meeting the two of them under such circumstances. She was about to say something when footsteps came from the yard again.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the three of them froze for a moment, turned their heads to look over, and found that it was Qingrong's neighbor, the grown-up child.

The child was in his thirties at this time, walking towards Qing Rong, and said anxiously, "Miss Qing, please, save my mother."

Qingrong was about to say something, but it was too late to say it, when at this moment, a shining sword stabbed towards Qingrong's head.

Xuanyuan Divine Sword!

But why is it here?

The distance was too close, and she was too haggard to guard against, and Qingrong was completely naked, and she was still in the chaos of memory. For a moment, she could only watch Xuanyuan Shenjian stabbing towards her.


The next moment, Rong Hao moved and stood in front of Qing Rong. Qing Rong saw the Xuanyuan sword slashing at Rong Hao's head. At that moment, Rong Hao said to Qing Rong, "Sister, It's my... sister!"

"Goodbye, sister!"

Qingrong's brain "boomed", and it turned pale.

There used to be a rumor in Tianji Realm that Rong Hao was the child left by Emperor Qing before he met her mother. Qingrong never believed this rumor. Now that I think about it, when Emperor Qing chose his son-in-law, why would he give up the honor of his childhood sweetheart? Hao chose Bai Mu instead. It turns out that she and him are actually siblings!

When Qing Rong was in a daze, Cao Zong beat the child next to him to death with a single movement of his palm.

At this time, the child's figure slowly changed, and after a while, only a piece of human skin was left, and the consciousness floating out was pinched by Cao Zong's palm.

That consciousness laughed and said, "One day, the Holy Master will come here from the opposite universe, my death... is not a pity!"

It turned out that this consciousness was a high-level monster that came from the opposing universe. With Cao Zong's slight force, this consciousness died immediately.

Looking at Rong Hao again, Rong Hao fell to the ground slowly. Although his head fell to the side, Rong Hao was not completely dead. At this time, his lips parted slightly. After Qing Rong understood his words, Eyes wide open.

"Without you, I would rather die!"

 Dear friends, this article is over here, thank you for your support all the time, dear friends, I love you!
  Starting tomorrow, the author has gone to have fun, see you in the next article!
(End of this chapter)

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