Chapter 1002 Zhao Yu said that she is here.

At that time, if Lin Fenglie falls into her hands, she will definitely let him have a taste of this exciting little game...

After thinking about it, Baili Qinxue turned her eyes to the Colosseum again.

I saw several monsters appearing in the Colosseum at the same time, roughly estimated to be ten. The ten monsters surrounded the four thieves, roaring and glaring, trying to tear the four thieves apart.

"Mr. Lin, why are there so many monsters at the beginning..." Baili Qinxue secretly clenched her fingertips, but her eyes were unflappable, "Shouldn't it be one person against one monster?"

"One person against one?" Lin Fenglie sneered, "That's not fun, we can play something exciting if we want to play, four people against ten monsters, isn't that exciting enough?"

"It's very exciting." Baili Qinxue chuckled, "Four people faced ten monsters, and they all wore bracelets and anklets. I guess they won't survive."

"That's not necessarily the case." Sun Mei said with a low smile, "What if they really killed a bloody path, or in other words, one of them stepped on the corpse of their companion and survived?"

"Little girl, what do you mean..." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows, "Let them kill each other while being chased by monsters?"

"Sometimes, if killing each other is the only way to save one's life, some people will do it." Sun Mei played with her fingertips, and the pink sheer tulle was slightly opened, revealing her white and round fragrant shoulders.

"Little girl, you really understand." Baili Qinxue smiled, her eyes lingering in the Colosseum.

Little Pink in her arms also clenched her fists secretly.

next second...

All ten monsters in the Colosseum ran up and rushed towards the four thieves.

The four thieves had difficulty running because their hands and feet were bound by chains, while the ten monsters ran quite dexterously. Seeing that the four thieves were about to be caught, at this time...

A gust of wind blew and trapped all ten monsters inside.

"Boy Wind Blade, your wind magic is really easy to use." Lone Wolf patted Wind Blade's shoulder with a smile.

The wind blade cracked his lips, and his tongue was exposed, "Ahaha, my wind magic is of course very good."

Xiejian and Ghostdao had no weapons in their hands, so they could only fight with bare hands.

The lone wolf looked at it, feeling rather mysterious, "There are only four of us, and the opponent has ten monsters, and neither the ghost sword nor the evil sword has weapons, what should we do next?"

Feng Ren paused, his eyes widened, he tilted his head and said, "I can only fight recklessly, ahaha..."

"What if I die?" Lone Wolf asked with a smile, without any sense of tension.

"If you die, you will die." Ghost Knife shrugged nonchalantly, "However, if you die, you will have to support yourself."

"Death, I can't." Xie Jian paused every word, and said, "Zhao Yu, say, she is here."

Xie Jian looked towards Baili Qinxue's direction, and in an instant, the bottom of his eyes was filled with brilliance, "She, definitely, won't let us, it's okay."

"That's right, she's very good, she played those idiots around, haha." Lone Wolf raised his lips, the smile in his eyes was so brilliant.

"..." Baili Qinxue curled her lips, she was nervous on top, and those guys didn't feel nervous at all.

"Husband, why are they smiling so happily?" Xilan Manyue raised her eyebrows, "This is not what I imagined, shouldn't they run away screaming, or leave their partners behind?"

"They are struggling to die." Lin Fenglie explained with squinted eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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