Chapter 1003 I still have ways to stimulate.

"I see." Xilan Manyue nodded.

At this moment……

A tragic roar came from the Colosseum, Baili Qinxue looked down, and there was a smile in his eyes.

There were only eight of the ten demonic beasts that were staring at each other, but now there are only eight of them left. The four thieves unite and cooperate, and the power they display is not something that others can underestimate.

"Husband, they actually beheaded two monsters." Xilan Manyue exclaimed, "Moreover, none of the four of them had any wounds on their bodies, which is really incredible."

Lin Fenglie clenched his fists.

I thought I could see the tragic scene of monsters eating people, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

"This situation is so one-sided, it's really boring." Sun Mei pouted, her expression a little blank, "I still hope to see the bloody scene where monsters cannibalize people."

Baili Qinxue glanced at her, "Little girl, you are really bloody and violent. If you fall into the hands of others in the future, and let you fight with monsters, I don't know what will happen to you?"

Her expression was tactful, and there was a hint of deep meaning in her eyes.

Sun Mei didn't see any other meaning in her eyes, she just curled her hair and said with a coquettish smile, "I, Sun Mei, are invincible in poison, how could I be caught by others, General Wang please don't talk nonsense."

"What if there is such a day?" Baili Qinxue clasped her hands tightly on the table.

"No." Sun Mei narrowed her eyes, her eyes were sharp.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing, but she had another calculation in her heart.

"Cough cough, Mr. Li." Jiang Yinsheng coughed a few times, turned to look at Lin Fenglie, and said, "Three monsters died again. This one-sided situation is really not exciting. Mr. Lin has no other options?"

Lin Fenglie suddenly laughed, "Of course there are ways."

"What method?" Jiang Yinsheng asked with a smile.

Baili Qinxue turned her head and looked at Lin Fenglie with burning eyes, "I don't know what Mr. Lin can do, tell us quickly so that we can have a good time."

Lin Fenglie mysteriously took out a flute from his sleeve.

The flute is emerald green, round and smooth, very delicate.Xilan Manyue looked at it with joy in her heart, she said: "My husband, this flute is so beautiful, can you give it to me to play?"

"No." Lin Fenglie blurted out.

"Ah?" Xilan Manyue was a little dazed, she didn't expect him to say that.

Lin Fenglie realized that something was wrong, and quickly changed his words: "It's not that I can't give you this flute, but this flute has a huge effect. Don't you want to see exciting pictures, this flute can do it."

"What kind of flute is so novel?" Xilan's full moon eyes sparkled with interest.

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng also looked over, "Mr. Lin, is your flute really special?"

"Of course, take a look if you don't believe me." Lin Fenglie pressed the flute to his lips and played it slowly.

In an instant, the melodious melody lingered in the ears, the sound of the flute was melodious and melodious, but permeated with a little bit of weirdness, Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, and cast her eyes into the Colosseum involuntarily, and saw...

The four thieves who were originally high-spirited were all limp on the ground, and they didn't even have the strength to stand up...

The flute, it must be the flute that is doing something wrong.

Baili Qinxue cast her eyes on Lin Fenglie, "Young Master Lin, your flute is really interesting, why did these four thieves all collapse on the ground after blowing on it, without even a trace of strength?"

Only then did Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng realize that it was the Dizi who did the trick.

"My flute is not an ordinary flute." Lin Fenglie smiled mysteriously.


(End of this chapter)

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