Chapter 1007 You are like an abacus.

Seeing that the straw inside was wet, she couldn't help squinting her eyes, "Tsk tsk tsk, why is the straw inside here wet? If things go on like this, I'm afraid this person will die of illness. Didn't the crown prince tell you to keep Zhao Yu first?" Dog's life."

"I'm going to change them into some clean ones right now." Lin Fenglie hastily recruited a servant.

"Mr. Lin really looks like an abacus." Baili Qinxue parted her red lips, a sneer appeared in her eyes.

"Abacus?" Lin Fenglie turned his head to look at her, a little puzzled in his eyes.

At this time, the boy had already started to clean the wet straw in the cell, and soon replaced it with dry straw, and prepared a few new bedding.

Baili Qinxue looked at the busy servant, and said with a smile, "It's only moving once, what is it if it's not an abacus?"

Lin Fenglie's face darkened, did he dare to say that he couldn't figure it out?

"General Wang, you really know how to tell jokes."

Baili Qinxue shrugged, "If Mr. Lin doesn't want to make calculations, please open the cell door as soon as possible. This general is getting impatient."

Lin Fenglie's face was livid, but he didn't want to get mad at her.

When he loses power one day, he will definitely make her unable to eat. Thinking of this, Lin Fenglie was in a very good mood, so he stepped forward and opened the cell door.

"General Wang, don't stay in there for too long. It would be bad if you delay your lunch time." Lin Fenglie leaned against the door of the cell and said coldly.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, her eyes were tinged with frost, but she quickly restrained herself, she smiled and said: "I won't delay the time for lunch, the general looks at the sad dog's expression just a few times." Walk."

"It's up to you." Lin Fenglie fiddled with his fingers, and ignored her.

Baili Qinxue swaggered in, Zhao Yu saw her walking slowly, his eyes were full of light.

She and Zhao Yu looked at each other, and then quickly cast their eyes on the four thieves.

"You four, your performance today is very heroic." She bent her lips and smiled, wearing armor, she still looked majestic and heroic in this dark and humid place.

The four thieves raised their eyes and were extremely happy to see her, but quickly restrained themselves.

"Ahaha, General Ugly is embarrassing again." Feng Ren grinned, his twisted and crazy smile made people very uncomfortable to watch.

Baili Qinxue pretended to be angry, and greeted her with a kick, "Fuck off, you actually insulted this general."

Feng Ren suddenly fell to the ground, pretending to be in pain, "Oh, the ugly general kicked me so much, it hurts so much, brothers, the ugly general is so cruel."

The other three thieves glared at Baili Qinxue in an instant.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Baili Qinxue threw a few bottles of pills into Zhao Yu's hands, and swept over with another big foreleg. The three thieves all collapsed to the ground, howling again and again.

Hearing the commotion, Lin Fenglie hurriedly turned around and said, "General Wang is really in a good mood. Why, these four thieves provoked you, didn't you just say you wanted to reward them?"

"These four thieves spoke rudely and tried to misbehave with this general." Baili Qinxue's face was full of anger, and her eyes were stained with deep anger, "This general was deceived by lard just now, so he wanted to give them some rewards." , at this moment, it is good to save their lives, if you want to reward them, go dreaming."

The lone wolf raised his head, spat and said, "We brothers don't want your reward."

"Ahaha..." Feng Ren laughed loudly, "If I take your reward, I will become ugly."


(End of this chapter)

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